

  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »

    I am so sorry to hear that!!

    When I came home from work, I picked him up and he is so skinny that it looks like he has a waist co-worker came home with me cuz I was scared to come in alone....she is coming home with me tomorrow too.....

    I called the vet to see if I should do something, other than trying to make him comfortable...but she was gone for the day already...if he is the same in the morning, I am gonna call again.....

    I tried to give him a nut, which is the only thing he was still kind of eating, and he just dropped it....I tried other treats, he would not even lift his head.....I put him down on my bed while I changed out of my work clothes, and he just sat there.....anyone that knows degus knows that is not normal....

    I am really sad tonight

    I am going to take a big risk here, and I worry you or others might get mad or think I am a horrible person, but I feel I need to say this. For context, I come from a family with multiple veterinarians, and I worked my way through undergraduate and part of graduate school as a veterinary technician. I guess I needed to provide that context, as I don't want you to think I am saying this next thing with no basis.

    With that said: It seems clear to me that your little guy is in a place where he needs for you to have the courage to show him one more act of love. Ease his way. Please. It's possible that by the time you read this, his suffering will have been lifted. But if not, please do this last thing for him. Our pets depend upon us for everything - including making the kindest final decision even when it breaks our hearts to do so.

    I apologize for being so blunt. I wasn't going to say anything but I haven't been able to let this go - I kept thinking about it all day. So I had to say something. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

    I agree..and I think you said it in a kind way. I never thought I would be able to euthanize any of my pets because it would be too hard to let them go. But after seeing one of our cats struggle with Cancer and trying to put him through Chemo knowing that his chances still wouldn't be that great...we HAD to do it. He was not eating, always hunched over, so thin, and started dripping mucus from his nose. It was absolutely horrifying to see and I'm angry with the emergency vet(happened over a long weekend and our regular vet was closed) for letting us think it could get better. He was clearly suffering. His quality of life was horrible. It was time. Such a hard decision to make..but ultimately keeping him around for ourselves rather than for him was not the right choice.
    ETA that I also hope that I didn't come off in a rude way. I hope that your little guy finds peace soon...however it may be.

    I am just waiting for my vet to open to see what she says.
    I basically have been up holding him abd crying all night. I am so sad.
    I know some people might think 'oh he is just a rodent, not even a cat or dog' but because he was a lone degu he spent tons of time out with me. Sleeping on me, getting rub downs, I even wheel his cage into my bedroom every single night to sleep.
    My heart is broken......

    Oh I'm so so so sorry :( When I had to put my sweet dog to sleep it devastated me so much that I haven't had a pet since (and it's been 12+ years). I just can't. I loved him so much and it hurt so much to let him go that I'm reluctant to go through it again.

    And he isn't "just a rodent" he's your pet, like a part of the family. That's different.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on

    Neither do I. I had a procedure done years ago to eliminate all of that nonsense, but I do still get the mood swings. I ignore them because I refuse to let them control me, but if I really pay attention I could still tell when during the month it should be happening. Just to say, blame the moods anyway!

    Yanno, i have been wondering recently if i still had the hormonal surges that would result in the moods/food cravings and kinda dismissed it as yet another excuse, but as you've said you experience, maybe there is something in it.

    I'm on the injection (depo) and I definitely still get the hormonal surges. Excessive hunger, carb cravings, depression, and even pimples (ugh).

    Wow, THIS got flagged as spam? I must have spammy pimples. ;)

    Wait, how do we know something has been flagged??

    Look at the bottom of each post to the left of the "quote" link... there is a flag link... the flag will start to display a number for the amount of times it has been flagged as abuse or spam.
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »

    I am so sorry to hear that!!

    When I came home from work, I picked him up and he is so skinny that it looks like he has a waist co-worker came home with me cuz I was scared to come in alone....she is coming home with me tomorrow too.....

    I called the vet to see if I should do something, other than trying to make him comfortable...but she was gone for the day already...if he is the same in the morning, I am gonna call again.....

    I tried to give him a nut, which is the only thing he was still kind of eating, and he just dropped it....I tried other treats, he would not even lift his head.....I put him down on my bed while I changed out of my work clothes, and he just sat there.....anyone that knows degus knows that is not normal....

    I am really sad tonight

    I am going to take a big risk here, and I worry you or others might get mad or think I am a horrible person, but I feel I need to say this. For context, I come from a family with multiple veterinarians, and I worked my way through undergraduate and part of graduate school as a veterinary technician. I guess I needed to provide that context, as I don't want you to think I am saying this next thing with no basis.

    With that said: It seems clear to me that your little guy is in a place where he needs for you to have the courage to show him one more act of love. Ease his way. Please. It's possible that by the time you read this, his suffering will have been lifted. But if not, please do this last thing for him. Our pets depend upon us for everything - including making the kindest final decision even when it breaks our hearts to do so.

    I apologize for being so blunt. I wasn't going to say anything but I haven't been able to let this go - I kept thinking about it all day. So I had to say something. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

    I agree..and I think you said it in a kind way. I never thought I would be able to euthanize any of my pets because it would be too hard to let them go. But after seeing one of our cats struggle with Cancer and trying to put him through Chemo knowing that his chances still wouldn't be that great...we HAD to do it. He was not eating, always hunched over, so thin, and started dripping mucus from his nose. It was absolutely horrifying to see and I'm angry with the emergency vet(happened over a long weekend and our regular vet was closed) for letting us think it could get better. He was clearly suffering. His quality of life was horrible. It was time. Such a hard decision to make..but ultimately keeping him around for ourselves rather than for him was not the right choice.
    ETA that I also hope that I didn't come off in a rude way. I hope that your little guy finds peace soon...however it may be.

    I am just waiting for my vet to open to see what she says.
    I basically have been up holding him abd crying all night. I am so sad.
    I know some people might think 'oh he is just a rodent, not even a cat or dog' but because he was a lone degu he spent tons of time out with me. Sleeping on me, getting rub downs, I even wheel his cage into my bedroom every single night to sleep.
    My heart is broken......

    Sending you virtual hugs :'(
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Cghost21 wrote: »
    I ate a half of a gallon worth of ice cream two rows of Oreo cookies half a gallon of milk and a cheeseburger and just decided not to log in those calories on purpose lol. I just want to get back to staying consistent with my nutrition. Good thing I love to work out

    I don't think I've ever expressed my ice cream consumption as portions of a gallon... I tip my hat to you, sir. Well done.

    Lamest reason for eating ice cream ever: there's one (give or take) serving left in the tub and tonight is garbage night, so I want to get the empty container out in the garbage. Therefore, I eat ice cream!

    Kind of annoyed because the nutrition content label only gives volume, not weight and I refuse to try and get ice cream in and out of a half-cup measure because it will get all melty in the process.

    Haha yeah it hurts to leave one serving of ice cream in a tub. Maybe you can find the weight of a serving online if it's a brand you can find in the US too?

    Unfortunately it's the President's Choice brand (Butter Tart Pecan flavour!) that is only available in the Real Canadian Superstore and its derivatives.

    I think precise accuracy is out the window anyway. I would think calorie value would depend on the relative proportions of pecans to ice cream to caramel sauce to little clumps of pretend pastry, which aren't the same in every serving, whether measured by weight or volume.

    I was actually supposed to be logging it. But I popped in here instead.

    edit: grammar!

    Little known secret - Walmart's Sam's Choice and Great Value brands are actually PC, rebranded for walmart. The info may still be out there, but I don't know if the numbers would be the same. They have PC at some other grocery chains too, directly branded as PC.

    Sam's Choice Blackberry Crumble is one of my current favorite ice creams.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    So I'm late to the game but whatever.

    - I'm from Connecticut so I don't really have a very recognizable accent. If anything, our accent sort of borrows a little from Boston and steals a bit from New York ;)

    - I love the color red but don't quite feel confident enough to rock it in large amounts. To my last job interview though, I wore red heels, charcoal gray pants, a black shirt, a necklace with a red stone, and carried a red purse. I may not get the job, but I looked freakin' fabulous! I'd highly recommend adding a splash of red to an outfit :)

    - I totally remember the old "Degrassi"! That and "Fifteen" starring a pre-dental work Ryan Reynolds, LOL!

    - I don't much like apples (unless they are in pie/crisp form) but I like Honeycrisps.

    - I've worn glasses since the 3rd grade, including some hideously huge Sally Jessy Raphael ones in the late 80s. For the last who-knows-how-many years, I've been wearing round silver wireframes. With my short dark hair and green eyes, I kind of look like Harry Potter from the books, LOL.

    Confession: I'm so over the whole "unemployment" thing, but I'm even MORE over the whole "interview" thing. Just give me the damn job or stop wasting my time. So sick of being evaluated and judged and feeling like a failure. :/ I had another interview today - not sure how it went but fingers crossed - and I left feeling overwhelmed and analyzing all the things I did wrong. I'm a little proud that when I stopped at the store to pick up a few essentials, I didn't buy a bunch of junk food to make myself feel better. Small victories, right?


    Replace 'disappointment' with 'failure'.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Jaxxie1181 wrote: »
    I had a margarita with dinner tonight, and I'm not sorry!

    Only one? That's the only part that would make me sorry. (Love me a good margarita!)
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    So I'm late to the game but whatever.

    - I'm from Connecticut so I don't really have a very recognizable accent. If anything, our accent sort of borrows a little from Boston and steals a bit from New York ;)

    - I love the color red but don't quite feel confident enough to rock it in large amounts. To my last job interview though, I wore red heels, charcoal gray pants, a black shirt, a necklace with a red stone, and carried a red purse. I may not get the job, but I looked freakin' fabulous! I'd highly recommend adding a splash of red to an outfit :)

    - I totally remember the old "Degrassi"! That and "Fifteen" starring a pre-dental work Ryan Reynolds, LOL!

    - I don't much like apples (unless they are in pie/crisp form) but I like Honeycrisps.

    - I've worn glasses since the 3rd grade, including some hideously huge Sally Jessy Raphael ones in the late 80s. For the last who-knows-how-many years, I've been wearing round silver wireframes. With my short dark hair and green eyes, I kind of look like Harry Potter from the books, LOL.

    Confession: I'm so over the whole "unemployment" thing, but I'm even MORE over the whole "interview" thing. Just give me the damn job or stop wasting my time. So sick of being evaluated and judged and feeling like a failure. :/ I had another interview today - not sure how it went but fingers crossed - and I left feeling overwhelmed and analyzing all the things I did wrong. I'm a little proud that when I stopped at the store to pick up a few essentials, I didn't buy a bunch of junk food to make myself feel better. Small victories, right?


    Replace 'disappointment' with 'failure'.


    This is one of my favorite pictures EVER. I needed the laugh, thanks!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    I'm sure I confessed this before, but I'll confess it again

    I wish my body burned the calories of the sport I am watching

    I would be rail thin if I could do that

    it would be amazing

    That is genius! I want in on this.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession- I've only been at work for an hour and a half and I'm already trying to come up with excuses to leave for the day. I'm tired! o:)

    Still trying to catch up, but that is me today. Since I put in 13 hours on Tuesday, I'm thinking about leaving at noon.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ^^^ I think you should do it!
  • kfahren1
    kfahren1 Posts: 1 Member
    I will binge eat and not log it and still tell myself I did good because the app shows I am not over my calorie budgest budget even though I was most definitely over. I ate pretzels, hummus, and a candy bar last night without logging it.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »

    Fingers-crossed for you. I decided it was time for a new job last years (although I was in the luxurious position of still being employed and not needing to hurry too much) and I went to loads of rubbish interviews. I was getting fairly disheartened. Then after a number of months, I ended up getting two good offers within 24 hours and had to pick. It can happen! And I hope it happens for you sooner rather than later. Took me about 9 months though, so perseverance is key.

    Thanks :) I really am trying to stay positive, but there are moments... I try to see every interview as good practice for the next one, and I've definitely improved, so there's that! The job market is so much tougher than it's ever been. This one job was posted on a Friday, and when I went in for an interview on the following Tuesday, the woman told me she'd gotten over 150 resumes in just four days! I just keep applying and hoping for the best; I've just never been a really patient person. Thanks for the encouragement :)

    I want a nice pair of red shoes. I'm weird- I think I'm the only woman on Earth who had babies and now has SMALLER feet. I wore a 6.5-7 before, now I wear a 6, sometimes even a 5.5. I'm always sliding around in too-big shoes. My "reward" for getting to the -20 lb mark is a new pair of sneakers (trainers) and then for -25 is a new pair of cute shoes.

    Before I started losing weight, I wore a 9.5 or sometimes even a 10. Now I'm wearing an 8.5, LOL. My red heels are Kelly & Katie brand (I got them at DSW), and they're pretty comfortable (nice padded insole) for heels. :)

    I love DSW...I spend way too much money there!

    I used to work there a while back, and it probably would've been easier if they just paid me in shoes/bags/accessories instead of going to all the trouble to cut me a paycheck just so I could turn around and give it back to them ;)

    Oh my gosh! How could anyone work at DSW? I'd be broke all the time.
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    So I'm late to the game but whatever.

    - I'm from Connecticut so I don't really have a very recognizable accent. If anything, our accent sort of borrows a little from Boston and steals a bit from New York ;)

    - I love the color red but don't quite feel confident enough to rock it in large amounts. To my last job interview though, I wore red heels, charcoal gray pants, a black shirt, a necklace with a red stone, and carried a red purse. I may not get the job, but I looked freakin' fabulous! I'd highly recommend adding a splash of red to an outfit :)

    - I totally remember the old "Degrassi"! That and "Fifteen" starring a pre-dental work Ryan Reynolds, LOL!

    - I don't much like apples (unless they are in pie/crisp form) but I like Honeycrisps.

    - I've worn glasses since the 3rd grade, including some hideously huge Sally Jessy Raphael ones in the late 80s. For the last who-knows-how-many years, I've been wearing round silver wireframes. With my short dark hair and green eyes, I kind of look like Harry Potter from the books, LOL.

    Confession: I'm so over the whole "unemployment" thing, but I'm even MORE over the whole "interview" thing. Just give me the damn job or stop wasting my time. So sick of being evaluated and judged and feeling like a failure. :/ I had another interview today - not sure how it went but fingers crossed - and I left feeling overwhelmed and analyzing all the things I did wrong. I'm a little proud that when I stopped at the store to pick up a few essentials, I didn't buy a bunch of junk food to make myself feel better. Small victories, right?


    Replace 'disappointment' with 'failure'.


    LOL! And thank you! I love this, especially since sharks are my favorite :)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Today's confession: As you all might know (due to all the food-related confessions I've been dumping in here...), I've gained quite a bit of weight over my low weight since March. I've gained about 10 kilos, to put a number on it, and I'm just getting back on the wagon. :-/

    So, after two days eating under my goal, here's how today's weigh-in went: I went to pee (of course), then hopped on the scale in my underclothes. I got a 70.0 and I thought to myself, "I am SO CLOSE to breaking into the 60s again!" This in mind, I became a little bit desperate. So, I turned to my husband and said... "You know what? I'm going to try to pee some more."

    He, of course, stared at me like I was crazy. "How in the world do you pee some more?!" I ignored him and went to attempt it, not that it was particularly successful... Is this TMI? ;)

    Afterwards, I stripped down and weighed without my underclothes to get rid of every gram of extra weight that I could possibly shed. The scale was kind and measured me at 69.9. So then I go... "YAY! I BROKE INTO THE SIXTIES AGAIN! BOOYAH!" ;) It counts, right?

    Yes, it counts! And I LOVE it!!! :p
  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    My confessions are:
    1) Flapjacks are my downfall - I can easily scoff down a whole tub (22 pieces) of 'bitesize' flapjacks in one sitting while telling myself that all those oats are good for me. Sometimes they are my entire dinner.
    2) I will happily sit down to watch 'Superfat vs Superskinny' on TV after failing to go to the gym and with a box of chocolates and fully aware of the irony.

    i always thought flapjacks were pancakes.
    then i got a lil packet of flapjacks in a graze snack box. hooked. instantly.

    I get a weekly graze snackbox but have had to swap my subscription to the light box because I used to select 'send soon' on all the flapjack and chocolate snacks. Way too easy to eat. The light box only has snacks that are less than 150 calories so are much easier to fit into my daily allowance.

    I get a flapjack box one week and a light box the next, so i have alternates. And the plan is that there are 4 snacks, one for each day that i work (i only work 4 days a week). I have now started saving the flapjacks til after my gym session. Because my other half doesn't go to the gym until 7pm, we often don't eat until i would be starving otherwise.

    I take mine to work as well. I work a 4 and half day week so have them as my mid-morning snack on my full days.
    I'm not sure I'd trust myself with an entire box of flapjacks. I'll see how I get on with just the light box for now but I do like your idea of alternating.
  • lesleyseitz
    lesleyseitz Posts: 3 Member
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Next time make some toast, butter while nice and hot, then sprinkle the hot chocolate on top. Mmm...childhood memories. Mom wouldn't buy chocolate spreads, so we made our own. So good.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'm alone today and wish I could enjoy it but I'm not feeling good.

    It's probably English muffin withdrawal.. ;)

    I LOLed :p (Still 13 pages behind, people!)
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    Apologies for the binge posting, but I am now caught up. I tried doing the multi-quote thing once before, so there was only one post from me, but then i lost all the posts i quoted and replied to before i could hit send.

    Gonna ask you all for a little advice. I go to the gym daily and mostly i tend to do cardio (treadmill) stuff, because i really like the high calorie burns my HRM gives me. But i need to do some strength stuff. I don't really know where to start and i'm too shy to ask. I thought I'd buy the NROLFW and see if i could do that. What do you think? What do you guys do?

    I highly recommend the Spartacus DVDs offered through Men's Health & Women's health.

    They are fast-paced circuit training, each move has 4 variants from easy to hard. My wife & I do the workouts together, and they are great - fast moving (40 sec on, 20 sec off, sometimes 30 on, 30 off) so you get your sweat on, yet you use dumbbells for strength & toning.

    I think we paid like 50 bucks for 7 different workouts. We've already gotten our money's worth & then some!

    (no I don't work for Spartacus) 8)

  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Next time make some toast, butter while nice and hot, then sprinkle the hot chocolate on top. Mmm...childhood memories. Mom wouldn't buy chocolate spreads, so we made our own. So good.

    That sounds so good. I'm tempted to buy an entire fresh loaf just so I can cut off a huge doorstop size chunk to try this :smile:
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Cghost21 wrote: »
    I ate a half of a gallon worth of ice cream two rows of Oreo cookies half a gallon of milk and a cheeseburger and just decided not to log in those calories on purpose lol. I just want to get back to staying consistent with my nutrition. Good thing I love to work out

    I don't think I've ever expressed my ice cream consumption as portions of a gallon... I tip my hat to you, sir. Well done.

    Lamest reason for eating ice cream ever: there's one (give or take) serving left in the tub and tonight is garbage night, so I want to get the empty container out in the garbage. Therefore, I eat ice cream!

    Kind of annoyed because the nutrition content label only gives volume, not weight and I refuse to try and get ice cream in and out of a half-cup measure because it will get all melty in the process.

    Haha yeah it hurts to leave one serving of ice cream in a tub. Maybe you can find the weight of a serving online if it's a brand you can find in the US too?

    Unfortunately it's the President's Choice brand (Butter Tart Pecan flavour!) that is only available in the Real Canadian Superstore and its derivatives.

    I think precise accuracy is out the window anyway. I would think calorie value would depend on the relative proportions of pecans to ice cream to caramel sauce to little clumps of pretend pastry, which aren't the same in every serving, whether measured by weight or volume.

    I was actually supposed to be logging it. But I popped in here instead.

    edit: grammar!

    Little known secret - Walmart's Sam's Choice and Great Value brands are actually PC, rebranded for walmart. The info may still be out there, but I don't know if the numbers would be the same. They have PC at some other grocery chains too, directly branded as PC.

    Sam's Choice Blackberry Crumble is one of my current favorite ice creams.

    Omg that sounds good! Blackberries have been super cheap here lately and I've been buying them a lot... I could add extra.

    Now I will have to investigate our WalMart to see if they carry that ice cream.

    LOVE it!!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    I miss one day because of a sick kiddo and I'm 21 pages behind! WTH? She's fine, just an upset belly and one of those; you can't return to daycare for 24 hours...even though she doesn't have any symptoms.