

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Is it me or is it mostly women posting here? Did we scare off most of the men?

    We have xMrBunglex and Uncle Fester sometimes. We ran off the rest with our talk of TOM, bras, breastfeeding and whatever else. :D

    and we have mixmode..I can't remember the correct way to spell it with numbers and such! :#

    Isn't @m1xm0d3 a girl?

    I thought he was the single dad cyclist...? Am I confusing/combining people?

    Yes, he is the single dad cyclist.

    And very tall
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    yesterday afternoon i had plans to take my mom to see jurassic world. yesterday we also had a massive storm that dumped tons of rain. it was still slightly raining when i left the house to meet her at the theater. of course i'm perpetually late for everything and was probably driving a smidge too fast for the road conditions.

    then i started to fishtail on the four lane highway, and i completely can't pull out of it, totally lose control, the car does a full 360 spin across the two lanes of oncoming traffic and i bounce off of the opposing guardrail.

    by some tiny miracle, no one was coming when i crossed lanes. if anyone had been, i probably would have killed them and myself. so i'm on the wrong side of the road facing the wrong direction. see no one coming at me head on, and drive back over to the right side of the road to a stoplight. this dude pulls up in the lane next to me and is like ARE YOU OK?!?!! i'm all shaky and say yeah, i think so. light turns green and i drive on to the theater like everything is fine.

    i meet up with my mom and i'm like, i think i might have just almost died, and explain the whole thing to her and she's like... well maybe you should slow the hell down. and i say no, this was REALLY scary, and she's just like yeah, i've done it before too. slow down.

    thanks mom!

    confession: my mother's total lack of empathy and concern really ticks me off sometimes....

    I confess my first thought was why are you driving so fast to make a movie of all things......esp in bad weather, slow down!

    it was JURASSIC WORLD!
    i've been giddy for this for SO LONG.
    but i fully admit that dying before getting there would have greatly ruined it.... ;)

    You're so funny! We went to see it last weekend too. My husband was the same as you, asking me every week for months, "When does Jurassic World come out? That's too long to wait"

    and it was pure TORTURE that i actually had to wait a week so i could take my mom.
    but of course, now i must go see it again...and prolly again after that...
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    edited June 2015
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    yesterday afternoon i had plans to take my mom to see jurassic world. yesterday we also had a massive storm that dumped tons of rain. it was still slightly raining when i left the house to meet her at the theater. of course i'm perpetually late for everything and was probably driving a smidge too fast for the road conditions.

    then i started to fishtail on the four lane highway, and i completely can't pull out of it, totally lose control, the car does a full 360 spin across the two lanes of oncoming traffic and i bounce off of the opposing guardrail.

    by some tiny miracle, no one was coming when i crossed lanes. if anyone had been, i probably would have killed them and myself. so i'm on the wrong side of the road facing the wrong direction. see no one coming at me head on, and drive back over to the right side of the road to a stoplight. this dude pulls up in the lane next to me and is like ARE YOU OK?!?!! i'm all shaky and say yeah, i think so. light turns green and i drive on to the theater like everything is fine.

    i meet up with my mom and i'm like, i think i might have just almost died, and explain the whole thing to her and she's like... well maybe you should slow the hell down. and i say no, this was REALLY scary, and she's just like yeah, i've done it before too. slow down.

    thanks mom!

    confession: my mother's total lack of empathy and concern really ticks me off sometimes....

    I confess my first thought was why are you driving so fast to make a movie of all things......esp in bad weather, slow down!

    it was JURASSIC WORLD!
    i've been giddy for this for SO LONG.
    but i fully admit that dying before getting there would have greatly ruined it.... ;)

    You're so funny! We went to see it last weekend too. My husband was the same as you, asking me every week for months, "When does Jurassic World come out? That's too long to wait"

    and it was pure TORTURE that i actually had to wait a week so i could take my mom.
    but of course, now i must go see it again...and prolly again after that...

    We took my son to see it for his birthday on Sunday and I may have enjoyed it more than he did. Yay for dinos in IMAX!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @kelly_c_77 aw your cat I think it was Tator? He reminds me of grumpy cat in that photo!! They're all too cute! And RIP Pacey, I'm so sorry! Was Pacey a girl or a boy? What kind of dog? TOO freaking adorable :( I love doggies!

    Thanks! Haha yes Tater...he can be a grump. He is very large, very shy, and diabetic. He loves to just lay around all day. He's a sweetheart...but always looks grumpy in pictures. Pacey (boy) was a sweet boy that passed last summer. Bowie and Steve (2 of the orange cats) both passed away to Cancer. The other orange (Bugsy) is the only cat that we didn't rescue from outside..
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Uugh work is such a hot mess today. Too many issues to address, not enough me's to get it done. >_<
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    My son and I were playing outside a little earlier and I noticed just how bad our rose bushes and flower garden have gotten overrun with weeds. I started pulling the weeds and of course, he wanted "to help" I let him toss the pulled weeds into a pile. Anyway, some neighbors walked by and started chatting with him and asked what he was up to. His reply? "Just doing weed with Mama"!! I almost died....and quickly cleared it up that we were WEEDING not doing weed.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    1963 Chevy pick up. Matte black with ghost flames and slammed. According to the insurance he's carrying, it's not supposed to be used as a daily driver, so don't tell anyone. :*

    Then it's as old as me, since I'm a 1963 edition as well. By the way, I've been seeing matte paint used more and more these days and I really like the look. SO is a car restoration hobbyist guy so I might be "suggesting" matte finish for some future project.

    And I'm sorry that the stepdaughter is being such a twit. (Insert a different vowel there)

    Since I'm still > 20 pages behind.... @BZAH10 I must have missed the post where you shared about issues with your hubby, that really saddens me since you seem to be such a *kitten*-together handle-anything gal (in other words, he must be a complete tool if things are rocky) and I hope you guys get things sorted out soon. @Susieq_1994 sorry to hear you're struggling right now... but you're such an awesome lady, I'm sure God knows that without a lot of hoop-jumping required... that's my overly-simplistic non-religious view of things anyway.

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    My son and I were playing outside a little earlier and I noticed just how bad our rose bushes and flower garden have gotten overrun with weeds. I started pulling the weeds and of course, he wanted "to help" I let him toss the pulled weeds into a pile. Anyway, some neighbors walked by and started chatting with him and asked what he was up to. His reply? "Just doing weed with Mama"!! I almost died....and quickly cleared it up that we were WEEDING not doing weed.

    BAHAHAHA that is hilarious, I would've fallen over laughing :)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    I wonder why this thread is so hard to find suddenly!!

    I am leaving for work now and hoping today is a good day!

    Yesterday sucked!

    OMG Too much stress for you!

    I really hope today is better and that you have a fun night (relaxing watching TV and eating pizza).

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    festerw wrote: »

    That's a great looking truck, if I didn't live 25 miles from work or gas was cheap again I'd totally buy a 50's era Dodge Power Wagon to commute. Love the old iron, pretty sure I was born 3 decades too late.

    We have had people come up to us and ask to take pictures of it. We were at Wal-Mart one night and a guy rolled up asked if it'd be okay if he took a picture of the truck with his wife. I thought it was very odd, Mr. Mo said it happens all the time. I have to admit, I feel like a bad mamajamma when I drive it. :blush:

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I wonder why this thread is so hard to find suddenly!!

    I am leaving for work now and hoping today is a good day!

    Yesterday sucked!

    OMG Too much stress for you!

    I really hope today is better and that you have a fun night (relaxing watching TV and eating pizza).

    Ditto! I'll be watching BB too! Can't wait! @Italian_Buju, What thread are you starting about BB and how can I find it?
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    My son and I were playing outside a little earlier and I noticed just how bad our rose bushes and flower garden have gotten overrun with weeds. I started pulling the weeds and of course, he wanted "to help" I let him toss the pulled weeds into a pile. Anyway, some neighbors walked by and started chatting with him and asked what he was up to. His reply? "Just doing weed with Mama"!! I almost died....and quickly cleared it up that we were WEEDING not doing weed.

    OMG thanks for that!! Totally made me smile :)
  • festerw
    festerw Posts: 233 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Edited because men are men, whatever, but don't make it public, I don't want that visual thanks

    This. This is how I feel. I know most guys are like that but I just don't want to think/hear about it because it makes me feel bad for some reason. Ignorance sometimes really is bliss...

    Edited to add: I'm pretty sure the reason I feel like this is because I imagine my boyfriend being like that and even if I broke up with him, I can imagine the next guy being like that too. That is on me I know but it's just the way I feel.

    No most men aren't like that or at least myself and the guys I know.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I have never had a Pop Tart.

    They sound...not delicious.

    I had them a couple times when I was younger and wasn't impressed. People in this thread have raved about them! Keep telling myself how dry and tasteless they were so I won't buy any!

    Considering the heat of the summers in Oman, when I was a kid we used to buy them and leave the foil packets on the dashboard of the car on the way home. Then they were all warm and soft and melty... Mmm. I can definitely think of better desserts, but I still love poptarts!

    @pofoster21 It's all so pretty! We just live in a rented apartment, so I have to live with the terrible plastic cupboards and nasty uneven counters. I don't mind it, though--as tiny as it is, it's the best kitchen I've had in a long time, and best of all, it's ALL MINE. ;)

    We rent too, and my kitchen is...something. It's a shame, because it's got high-end, stainless, new Samsung appliances and is very, very modern, but it is NOT MY STYLE AT ALL. We have shiny red cupboards, stainless steel backsplash, stark white countertops and tile floor and bright white nuclear holocaust lighting, and it's just the opposite of what I would have chosen (anything but that fingerprint-y awful stainless...whites and pale blues and light woods, maybe with some navy and red accents, nothing lacquered and nothing stark.)

    Objectively it is a stylish kitchen but I hate it a lot. And we have a tiny highrise apartment so it's a narrow galley kitchen too and I would give my right toes for decent counter space and more storage.

    Your kitchen sounds like mine! Tasteless and ugly. ;) I do have all those shiny Samsung appliances (they didn't come with the apartment though, we bought those ourselves), but there's VERY little kitchen space, no air conditioner (you would only know how torturous this is if you lived in the Gulf. My kitchen settles at 30C/86F in the early afternoon), and there's hardly even space to turn around. The cabinets are shiny and plastic and cheap, and half of the doors were already broken when we moved in because they weren't installed properly.

    I still love it though, because I enjoy cooking and baking and my kitchen is my haven for making all kinds of stuff. When I visit family I miss having my cozy little kitchen with all of my dishes and spices and such, knowing where everything is, having everything you need on hand, etc. It's just so nice to have your own place, even when it isn't perfect! :)

    I wish there was a machine that Rosie had on the Jetsons that popped out whatever food item you wanted. Oh you want a hot fudge sundae well here you go. Pizza with whatever toppings you want? Flies right out & lands on a plate.
    I would stand in front of it and say "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."

    "Fries. Extra crispy. No calories."

  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    New confession. Yup, I did just fall asleep at my desk for 15mins. I think this thread is an obsession because the first thing I thought of when I woke up was to tell you guys about it.

    I don't know if I should be concerned about this or not...

    Hmm that doesn't seem good.

    I have had times in the past where I was so tired that I was doing the head nodding thing but I've never fallen asleep totally.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited June 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I have never had a Pop Tart.

    They sound...not delicious.

    I had them a couple times when I was younger and wasn't impressed. People in this thread have raved about them! Keep telling myself how dry and tasteless they were so I won't buy any!

    Considering the heat of the summers in Oman, when I was a kid we used to buy them and leave the foil packets on the dashboard of the car on the way home. Then they were all warm and soft and melty... Mmm. I can definitely think of better desserts, but I still love poptarts!

    @pofoster21 It's all so pretty! We just live in a rented apartment, so I have to live with the terrible plastic cupboards and nasty uneven counters. I don't mind it, though--as tiny as it is, it's the best kitchen I've had in a long time, and best of all, it's ALL MINE. ;)

    We rent too, and my kitchen is...something. It's a shame, because it's got high-end, stainless, new Samsung appliances and is very, very modern, but it is NOT MY STYLE AT ALL. We have shiny red cupboards, stainless steel backsplash, stark white countertops and tile floor and bright white nuclear holocaust lighting, and it's just the opposite of what I would have chosen (anything but that fingerprint-y awful stainless...whites and pale blues and light woods, maybe with some navy and red accents, nothing lacquered and nothing stark.)

    Objectively it is a stylish kitchen but I hate it a lot. And we have a tiny highrise apartment so it's a narrow galley kitchen too and I would give my right toes for decent counter space and more storage.

    Your kitchen sounds like mine! Tasteless and ugly. ;) I do have all those shiny Samsung appliances (they didn't come with the apartment though, we bought those ourselves), but there's VERY little kitchen space, no air conditioner (you would only know how torturous this is if you lived in the Gulf. My kitchen settles at 30C/86F in the early afternoon), and there's hardly even space to turn around. The cabinets are shiny and plastic and cheap, and half of the doors were already broken when we moved in because they weren't installed properly.

    I still love it though, because I enjoy cooking and baking and my kitchen is my haven for making all kinds of stuff. When I visit family I miss having my cozy little kitchen with all of my dishes and spices and such, knowing where everything is, having everything you need on hand, etc. It's just so nice to have your own place, even when it isn't perfect! :)

    I wish there was a machine that Rosie had on the Jetsons that popped out whatever food item you wanted. Oh you want a hot fudge sundae well here you go. Pizza with whatever toppings you want? Flies right out & lands on a plate.
    I would stand in front of it and say "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."

    "Fries. Extra crispy. No calories."

    This. On every food.

    ETA: On second thought - I would like to change the "no calories" to "exact macros." No matter what I order in the day, cherry cheesecake, bacon cheeseburger, and tater tots, I want it to exactly hit my calories and macros for the day.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I confess - if I have nothing to do at work, they should pay me to do what I want to do (like go home and take a nap.) It only seems fair.
  • MusicalMelanie11
    MusicalMelanie11 Posts: 71 Member
    Yesterday I went to see my boyfriend, and his parents brought us Taco Bell and cherry pie. I only had 200 calories left, but I mean, it would've been rude to refuse... I went about 450 over, but I'm still under for the week lol
  • jendiaz9732
    jendiaz9732 Posts: 285 Member
    I ate a biscuit with honey from KFC :( and mashed potatoes
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited June 2015
    @MoHousdon, hahaha at the "no calories" part!
    @quiksylver296, seems fair to me! :)
    @riderfangal, happy to make you laugh! He cracks me up all day long! :)