

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Welcome back @bkhamill! I think lots of us have had to skim but so happy everyone keeps coming back woo hoo!! ❤️

    Me too! I hate when folks disappear, I get worried they aren't coming back. I love the diversity of people on this thread and all the different perspectives, issues, problems, joys and successes. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Hi guys, checking in. I went camping over the weekend and it was pretty nice. It was my kid's first time camping in the actual outdoor woods. I know people do it, but I was very worried about camping with any babies, so this year was the first year I felt comfortable. They loved it, and I'm so glad because I plan on taking them out a lot this summer.

    The thread is messed up for me and I lost my spot. If I missed anything someone said to me, I'm sorry. I haven't heard back from the police about my sister yet. I guess they don't care as much if someone pretends to be you as a witness instead of a criminal.

    Thirdly - I saw someone mention Goodreads. If anyone wants to add me, you can! I love sharing books with friends.

    I added you. :)

    My name is Tammy, and my Siamese kitty Max is my profile pic there.

    Trying to fix so I can link...

    Ok, I created a profile and added you both!

    Hope this works to link to me

    Nice! I think Goodreads gives much better book recommendations than Amazon. Amazon is always recommending books that I bought from them. I already read that!

    Ugh this happens to me too! Why?! So annoying!

    Because they get idiots like me who keep buying the same book and CDs I already bought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Hi guys, checking in. I went camping over the weekend and it was pretty nice. It was my kid's first time camping in the actual outdoor woods. I know people do it, but I was very worried about camping with any babies, so this year was the first year I felt comfortable. They loved it, and I'm so glad because I plan on taking them out a lot this summer.

    The thread is messed up for me and I lost my spot. If I missed anything someone said to me, I'm sorry. I haven't heard back from the police about my sister yet. I guess they don't care as much if someone pretends to be you as a witness instead of a criminal.

    Thirdly - I saw someone mention Goodreads. If anyone wants to add me, you can! I love sharing books with friends.

    I added you. :)

    My name is Tammy, and my Siamese kitty Max is my profile pic there.

    Trying to fix so I can link...

    Ok, I created a profile and added you both!

    Hope this works to link to me

    Nice! I think Goodreads gives much better book recommendations than Amazon. Amazon is always recommending books that I bought from them. I already read that!

    I never heard of goodreads, I am going to check it out after I finish catching up. But if we share book recommendations it won't do much to link to me... I mostly read historical romances these days as my poor brain can't handle anything else. :)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Well, this is totally not a real problem, but pity party commenced. (Warning this is rather lame and I really just need to be told suck it up buttercup).

    I hate how bothered I am by numbers on the scale. I'm recomping currently - which should not include weight gain as I am not attempting to bulk - but I've been over the top number I would like to be at for a couple of weeks now. I know it's probably just DOMS as Stronglifts is kicking my butt and my clothes fit the same if not better, but it really gets to me and I'm considering reducing calories even though I know its a bad idea for recomp progress but I'm letting the scale rule me.

    I don't like how I let the scale rule me in general. On one hand it's good - even though I was using hair ties to extend the buttons on my pants instead of buying a bigger size - it wasn't until I saw 150 on the scale, which meant 25 BMI and officially over weight that I decided to do something about it. It's also great because I don't have to track food, make sure I stay in my 5 pound range and all's well. But then I have days like today and want to throw a giant pity party because the scale says a number I don't like which is actually not a real problem and I need to suck it up.

    Pity party over. Sorry it's a lame pity party.

    It's not lame at all. I admit the scale rules my life too...not that I want to..but it does. It can ruin my day...even when I know it's just water weight from the day before.

    LOL I used to be like that and I still weigh a few times a week but now if it's < then I am YAAAY! If it's > then I am like WHATEVER *flips bird* Haha.

    I try to have that attitude towards it and I'll have days where I say I don't care...but really, it weighs on me all day. Pun intended! ;)
    Any later seasons of Survivor you would recommend? :tongue: Blood vs Water sounds interesting

    Yeah, blood vs water was good. I liked the first season that they did of blood vs water better...because it had returning players from previous seasons and their family members. The latest season on white collar, blue collar, and red collar was also good. I liked every season pretty much... I've watched from the very 1st season..
    Ditto here.....although I started watching season two and went back to watch one later on, but have been hooked ever since!

    I hate when sometimes near the end there is nobody left you like....that seems to happen once in a while and it makes me sad!

    Yes, I hate that...but I'll still always watch. I hate when I see people online complaining that they won't watch anymore if a certain person gets voted out. Like, really? Happens all the time with BB fans..
    Also @Italian_Buju, let us know how Kyrie is after eating some of the flooring...seriously hope it can just pass through!
    @spacequiztime , your allergies sound awful! Glad you were able to get an appointment with your specialist!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    @Susieq_1994 I read a good book over the weekend. It is called What She left Behind by Ellen Marie Wiseman. Its about a young woman committed to an insane asylum in the 1930's by her father because she wouldn't marry who he wanted her too. Was so good I was sad when it ended

    Oh, maybe I'll try that one when I am on vacation in a few weeks. I can handle more than romance when I have a few days of hanging out on the beach. Of course, I do have about 100 other books I already have bought that I haven't read sitting around the house...

    I am starting to feel like a book hoarder reading others hoarding stories. I have zero food in my house, but books.... have I got books. :)
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    I got pissed off at a man..... Went to the gym at 1am -pushed myself & now I can't sleep. Grrrrrr!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the well-wishes everyone! I'm going to call again tomorrow and see if I can actually speak to someone. Hubby called me a while ago to check on me, I told him what I've told you all, and he agrees that I need to see the doctor ASAP. I've literally just sat around all day obsessing, worrying, and wanting to lock myself in my room and cry. The only reason I haven't keeps running up to me and giving me hugs. :)
    Sorry you're feeling so down. I hope you can get in to see the Dr soon.

    Thanks, I do too. I'm going to call again tomorrow morning to reschedule the appointment they so nicely cancelled for me the other day. (Apparently the doctor isn't going to be in the office Thursday...)

    Really, don't be afraid to say it's an emergency. Take care of you!

    This!!! I have found if I am calm, even in emergency, I am not taken seriously so I have to "act" freaked out in an emergency situation to actually get help. ((HUGS))

    Yup, this was what I said last sister did this and got in that very same morning that she called. You need to get their attention!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Thank you @Susieq_1994 for explaining speculoos!! Heaven in my mouth!! ❤️
    I think this is one thing I probably don't need to know any more about!

    Agreed! Did you make the cookies in your new profile pic? They are beautiful.
    Yes I did, thank you!

    Oh, I thought they were FLOWERS the last few pages. I didn't realize they were cookies. They are beautiful.
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    We've got friends over for lunch tomorrow is a rule in my house that we always offer 3 puddings ...I've put them in my recipe builder and one of them is 870 calories a portion...I have no plans on eating it but it was yummy licking my fingers (I logged it)

    Do you like your friends? Or are you trying to fatten them up?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Hi all!! Made it back from our camping trip safe and sound and all caught up in the thread. Lots of sunshine and lots of fun with my little man but I was glad to get home. Is it weird to say I missed all you guys. Cause I did!!

    Glad you are back, and we missed you too! Not weird at all.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited July 2015
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @WestCoastJo82 I feel the same a lot of the time I want to vent but compared to so many others it sounds like ridiculous I just need to pinch myself and stop being baby...that's how I feel at least :s

    Never feel ridiculous for how you know that you can always vent here. We don't judge anyone, remember? :)
    If you broke your toe but I broke my leg, your toe would STILL hurt, right? So my broken leg might be a little bit more of a problem/pain in the butt...but your problem matters too!
    Well put.

    I love that analogy!!
    Thanks...wasn't sure if it sounded corny. :(
    ETA: Did I really just say "corny"?
    I've been up since 3:08am...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »

    Thank you @Susieq_1994 for explaining speculoos!! Heaven in my mouth!! ❤️

    I think I could eat half a jar of that a day quite happily, if I didn't care about my body. It is SO GOOD. I've never figured out what to put it on besides a spoon though :lol:

    So true.

    Evil, calorie-blasting tip (I gave this tip way, way, way earlier in the thread and I'm pretty sure it was quiksylver who said she hated me for it... ;)):

    - Graham crackers or digestive biscuits
    - Softened cream cheese, a bit of sugar, vanilla, and a bit of sweetened condensed milk if you have any on hand. Mix well until soft.
    - Spread crackers with some cookie butter and use the cream cheese mixture as a dip. Instant cheesecake! ;)
    - Proceed to pig out and hate me forever.

    Good thing I would never be motivated enough to do this. Even though I love cheesecake above all things. Except peanut butter.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »

    Thank you @Susieq_1994 for explaining speculoos!! Heaven in my mouth!! ❤️

    Okay, I didn't really understand what it was from Susie's explanation. But this... I cannot ever try this. Ever. Ever.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    @pofoster21 ohhh that looks evil! Bad spot too as you're always bending your knee and it takes forever to heal.
    Yes. Ouch!!

    It actually ended up being pretty much nothing. I just like to take bloody body wounds from exercising. Its like a badge of honor or something. Here's a fun one from a triathlon last year (for some reason my toenails often cut my feet...they don't end up hurting too badly but bleed through the shoes and cause some pretty spectacular messes on my feet -- note I know cutting the nails super short and rounding them off usually avoids this but sometimes it still happens. Not for the squeamish. :)

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    I got left home alone yesterday while husband and roommate went to a friend's house and I got SO MUCH DONE. I reorganized my closet, did a kettlebell workout, deep-conditioned my hair, walked to the grocery store for some vegetables we needed, took the car to the car wash and vacuumed and cleaned out the inside too (I enjoy drive-through car washes - it's where I practice all my best karaoke songs. Including "9 to 5" by Dolly Parton into my regular rotation after yesterday. I'm not a country kind of girl but I love Dolly), wiped down all the baseboards, and finished a book. I cleaned my rings too and I can't stop looking at them, they look totally different and so shiny.


    I also think I'm finally setting into the swing of a real calorie deficit again after having so much trouble with it over the past few weeks. I've been way more consistent and my pants are fitting a lot better already, which is a huge relief. A couple more weeks and I'll be okay with being seen in a swimsuit again, I think.

    I love days like that. I love being productive.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    My weekend was great! My daughter came to visit on Friday, and she's not leaving until tomorrow. I'm making her go to the doctor in the morning. She's so depressed, I think she's cried about 25% of every day she's been here. It hurts my heart.

    We had BBQ pork steaks and fried potatoes on Friday evening, and a pot roast and homemade dumplings yesterday and brownies with ice cream. Yeah, I made some of the favorite comfort foods. We had fireworks at home Friday night and last night, and saw the fireworks in Nashville on the 4th. Also, we all drank too much that day. Ugh.

    Sounds like a great day, and I am sorry your daughter is depressed. Breakups are hard, no matter what age or what extent of the relationship, you always feel such a loss.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    hnsaunde wrote: »
    May not be appropriate for @Susieq_1994!

    Confession: I found out last night that a friend I used to work with has just been charged with second-degree murder of his wife, who has been missing since November. I'm having a hard time and am absolutely shocked, and still don't really believe it, even though the police quotes say he's been concealing the body at his home for the past 8 months. It just doesn't seem to compute at all against the person I remember.

    This is just horrible. How do people do that? How do people not SMELL the decaying body?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    So I was thinking about starting a general picture thread in the bat cave.

    I took some pictures of my yard and would like to share them. But if it's separate it won't clog things up in here and I might share a bit more detail.

    I wouldn't mind seeing pictures of where everyone else lives.

    What do you guys think?

    I think we need a Shoes Addicts thread where we can post pics of our awesome shoes! I had some on yesterday and it made me think of this.

    Oh, now you know I would be down with that.... I stopped at Marshall's on my way home after my failed attempt to make it to Yoga, and went through all the shoes looking for new ones to buy and post here to impress y'all! (Note, they had NOTHING...did walk out with 3 skirts though).
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I posted this as my status, but I thought I'd share it here too...

    Well, I turned a negative into a positive and took advantage of my extra awake time. I hopped on the treadmill with plans to just do my regular speed walk/trot/run. But after the first few minutes, I felt pretty good(even with almost 4 extra pounds of water weight from yesterday's horrible eating) so I decided to set a goal and go for it. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! I ran my first ever half marathon! I had to stop once for a bathroom break...but otherwise, never stopped. The longest I've ever run without stopping previously was 11ish miles. So, YAY!!
    And my other goal that I had posted in the Batcave the other day was to beat my highest step count which was 37,659. I should be able to crush it today because as of 6:48am, I am at 25,843. :)
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Fourth of July BBQ - I am taking steaks, watermelon, corn on the cob, vinegar cucumbers (my son's favorite), and cherry cheesecake. Mostly healthy, right? I'm blaming the cheesecake on you guys!!!

    Can I have some cheesecake!!!???

    Sure, come on over!!! Idaho isn't far, right?!?

    ETA: it's just the Jello kind, which I confess is my favorite. Unsophisticated palate right here! LOL

    There is a big tri in Idaho. Maybe I'll add it to my list of races to do if you'll make cheese cake! As long as its not the ricotta cheese kind I am happy!

    Which tri? Where? I'm outside of Boise by about 40 minutes. And no ricotta in my cheesecake. ;)

    My Coworker went last week to the iron man in Couer d'Alene, Idaho. Apparently people like to go there because it's generally pretty cool, but this year was record high temps.

    Couer d'Alene is gorgeous, but nowhere near me. :'(

    Same state. I can still stop by for cheesecake. I'll let you know when I sign up! Right now I have a 1/2 Ironman in Indiana, an Ironman in WI this year, 4 races to do in FL in Jan, a marathon in TN in April and a mountain to climb in England in July next may need to wait until 2017.