

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Daughter went to the doctor this morning. If I wasn't there, she wouldn't have told them the whole story, so I went with. The anxiety, it's worse than I realized. Poor girl, she has anxiety over every social situation. I had no idea.

    Anyhow, they are checking her thyroid, gave her a prescription, and she'll go back in 4 weeks to see how it's going.

    My son went to the dentist. I know there are thousands of dollars of work that needs to be done on his teeth. The dentist sent him home with a "procedure plan" to review and plan for the next steps. Ugh. I guess I'll look at that when I get home. But, really, what am I going to do? He only has one set of teeth. They have to be taken care of, or he'll have dentures by age 25. Dang kid.
    Oh, so sorry :/ What was the prescription for? The anxiety?
    I could have written this. My daughter is really struggling too (19 yo - the one with anemia, which is not improving), and we had to spend $2000 on fillings for my son because he didn't brush properly when he had braces. Seriously, kid?

    My parents would have killed me.
    Yeah, he wasn't Mr Popular.

    The boy's teeth are literally rotting / chipping away. He has one that's chipped all the way down to the gumline. He said, "I wish I would have brushed more when I was younger.'

    Really? What were you doing every day when I sent you to the bathroom to brush your teeth?

    Teenage boys are truly disgusting, with their BO and brown teeth and devil-may-care attitudes.
    I nagged and nagged my oldest to take showers, brush his teeth, change his clothes etc etc. Nothing. Then he suddenly started doing all those things and I asked him why. A girl at school had told him he smelled bad. That was all it took. I'm thinking of paying a girl at #2 son's school to do the same for him.

    Hilarious. Accurate.

    I've always thought that incredible grossness they master right around the time they stop being cute little kids is an evolutionary signal. It's when animal moms know it's time to kick them out and let them fend for themselves, lol. Once they start stinking up the den it's time to go :lol:

    @KylerJaye, I'm glad this was a better date! Hopefully the next one goes as well.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I weighed myself today...I was scared to since I've been on vacation. I'm actually .2 pounds lower than when I left for vaca!! I guess lifting in the gym helped out!!

    Hope I can say the same thing when I get back! Well done!!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Thanks a @Tubbs216 @mom216 and @rungirl1973!! Kind of makes up for how crabby I am at work today haha
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!

    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    issues i'm currently trying to reconcile in my brain: (remember NO JUDGEMENT)
    - if i hadn't met him on a dating website, where orientation is posted, i would NEVER believe this guy is straight. i texted my friend (who is gay) that i was on a date with his straight doppelganger. so many times through out the night in my head i was just like, omg this is frank, i'm on a date with straight frank. boisterous, animated, like that always turned on and ready to take the stage personality.

    - very very talkative. which isn't terrible, but he'd ask me something and half way through my story, he'd being going off on a tangent on something else, and completely cut me off. so like, a 3 minute story would take me like 10 minutes as i'd have to reel him back off the tangent, pick up where i left off and keep going. and the random tangents were funny and he had tons of interesting things to talk about, but seriously talked way more than me. way, way more.

    - he's about an inch taller than me, and has a much more slender build. i'm quite "thick," i have tree trunk thighs that aren't going anywhere. so it's kinda like oh, here's dude and his fat girlfriend. and maybe that's dumb of me to think, but i do.

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?
    Interesting! So are you saying that you think he's actually gay but dating women, or that he just reminded you of your gay friend?

    I think you should definitely see him again, if only because you might make a great friend. Unless he talks too much!

    Also, regarding physical differences, just to say that my parents are the same height, but for most of their marriage she's been probably a hundred pounds heavier than him. He's loved her and been attracted to her for 52 years, so try not to stress over that side of things.

    i don't think he's actually gay, but his mannerisms, personality, and the such would give me that impression if i was completely unaware.
    crosbylee wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!

    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    issues i'm currently trying to reconcile in my brain: (remember NO JUDGEMENT)
    - if i hadn't met him on a dating website, where orientation is posted, i would NEVER believe this guy is straight. i texted my friend (who is gay) that i was on a date with his straight doppelganger. so many times through out the night in my head i was just like, omg this is frank, i'm on a date with straight frank. boisterous, animated, like that always turned on and ready to take the stage personality.

    - very very talkative. which isn't terrible, but he'd ask me something and half way through my story, he'd being going off on a tangent on something else, and completely cut me off. so like, a 3 minute story would take me like 10 minutes as i'd have to reel him back off the tangent, pick up where i left off and keep going. and the random tangents were funny and he had tons of interesting things to talk about, but seriously talked way more than me. way, way more.

    - he's about an inch taller than me, and has a much more slender build. i'm quite "thick," i have tree trunk thighs that aren't going anywhere. so it's kinda like oh, here's dude and his fat girlfriend. and maybe that's dumb of me to think, but i do.

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?

    That sounds like a possibility. Glad it was better than meh and not creepy!!!

    lol, thanks! i think a second date will probably either solidify my first impressions which is he's a bit too overwhelming for me, or, he'll mellow out a bit and we can see where it goes from there.
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?

    I've been waiting for that all morning! So, here's my 2 cents:
    - The fact that he reminds you of a friend sounds like a good thing! Unless said friend really annoys you.
    - Very talkative can go either way. Sometimes it's fun because they are so outgoing, and sometimes it's annoying because they might not listen.
    - Some guys like thick girls, and you're super great, so please no negative self-talk!
    - The fact that he didn't ask you to snuggle and then freak out when you wouldn't and there seemed to be sparks are all promising signs. Go out with him again and see where it goes!

    ETA: I haven't been on a first date in over 10 years, so maybe I'm living a little vicariously through you!

    you are adorable! :)

    i love said friend, but can only take him in doses as he's ALWAYS "on," and it can be very exhausting.
    we actually shared a few okc dating disasters and i told him about snuggle dude, so then randomly through out the night he'd toss in, "but we're totally going to snuggle later, right? how could you not trust me!!" which i thought was cute. :)

    Aww, have to go on a second date for sure! I bet he was just nervous and he'll calm down a bit on the second date.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok since we are going to be more accountable and post what we do each day to motivate each other I figure if I post what I do and not what I was supposed to do then it won't work. Since none of you will know what I intended. So my goals for today:

    Walk 25000 steps (not hard at barn)
    Run 1 hour
    Address my chairs comments on my prospectus
    Not envy @MoHousdon her husband or her vacation.

    Edited to add I may not be able to achieve the last one. :)

    Edited again for no alcohol

    The last bit made me smile.

    I'm currently on 1102 but I'm reading EVERY SINGLE POST so I'm properly caught up when I jump back in.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MlleKelly wrote: »
    I'm a teacher, so I have some extra time in June/July. However, I find myself at my least healthy during this time because I can't make myself get out of bed early enough to go for a run before it gets too hot (I live in the SOUTH - ew), or even to eat breakfast at a decent time! Plus, I drink a lot since "I don't have to work tomorrow!"

    I'm supposed to be training for a half-marathon and running 20-25 miles a week, but I've only gone out once in the last two weeks because it's disgustingly humid (100% humidity from 6am til about 8:30am...GROSS) and 80* or hotter by 9am.


    This does not compute. What is a "decent time" to eat breakfast?

    I eat breakfast when I get hungry, usually 9:30 or 10:00, and I usually get up around 5:00 a.m.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    @orangesmartie Sorry to hear things are still broken. Hoping for the best outcome!

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    A NSV victory today. I wore a pair of jeans to work today that I haven't fit into for 7 years!!! They are still a little snug in the tummy region but 5 months ago I couldn't get them past my thighs!!

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Daughter went to the doctor this morning. If I wasn't there, she wouldn't have told them the whole story, so I went with. The anxiety, it's worse than I realized. Poor girl, she has anxiety over every social situation. I had no idea.

    Anyhow, they are checking her thyroid, gave her a prescription, and she'll go back in 4 weeks to see how it's going.

    My son went to the dentist. I know there are thousands of dollars of work that needs to be done on his teeth. The dentist sent him home with a "procedure plan" to review and plan for the next steps. Ugh. I guess I'll look at that when I get home. But, really, what am I going to do? He only has one set of teeth. They have to be taken care of, or he'll have dentures by age 25. Dang kid.
    Oh, so sorry :/ What was the prescription for? The anxiety?
    I could have written this. My daughter is really struggling too (19 yo - the one with anemia, which is not improving), and we had to spend $2000 on fillings for my son because he didn't brush properly when he had braces. Seriously, kid?

    My parents would have killed me.
    Yeah, he wasn't Mr Popular.

    The boy's teeth are literally rotting / chipping away. He has one that's chipped all the way down to the gumline. He said, "I wish I would have brushed more when I was younger.'

    Really? What were you doing every day when I sent you to the bathroom to brush your teeth?


    *cough* i can think of a few things *cough*

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Well, this is totally not a real problem, but pity party commenced. (Warning this is rather lame and I really just need to be told suck it up buttercup).

    I hate how bothered I am by numbers on the scale. I'm recomping currently - which should not include weight gain as I am not attempting to bulk - but I've been over the top number I would like to be at for a couple of weeks now. I know it's probably just DOMS as Stronglifts is kicking my butt and my clothes fit the same if not better, but it really gets to me and I'm considering reducing calories even though I know its a bad idea for recomp progress but I'm letting the scale rule me.

    I don't like how I let the scale rule me in general. On one hand it's good - even though I was using hair ties to extend the buttons on my pants instead of buying a bigger size - it wasn't until I saw 150 on the scale, which meant 25 BMI and officially over weight that I decided to do something about it. It's also great because I don't have to track food, make sure I stay in my 5 pound range and all's well. But then I have days like today and want to throw a giant pity party because the scale says a number I don't like which is actually not a real problem and I need to suck it up.

    Pity party over. Sorry it's a lame pity party.

    It's not lame at all. I admit the scale rules my life too...not that I want to..but it does. It can ruin my day...even when I know it's just water weight from the day before.

    LOL I used to be like that and I still weigh a few times a week but now if it's < then I am YAAAY! If it's > then I am like WHATEVER *flips bird* Haha.

    I try to have that attitude towards it and I'll have days where I say I don't care...but really, it weighs on me all day. Pun intended! ;)
    Any later seasons of Survivor you would recommend? :tongue: Blood vs Water sounds interesting

    All of them! I love Survivor.
    On Season 30 and I'm not really sure who I like and dislike. I'm kind of going for Tyler and Carolyn... and I don't like Rodney much at all. Though of course it can change... my opinions of people in these shows usually change as it progresses.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Daughter went to the doctor this morning. If I wasn't there, she wouldn't have told them the whole story, so I went with. The anxiety, it's worse than I realized. Poor girl, she has anxiety over every social situation. I had no idea.

    Anyhow, they are checking her thyroid, gave her a prescription, and she'll go back in 4 weeks to see how it's going.

    My son went to the dentist. I know there are thousands of dollars of work that needs to be done on his teeth. The dentist sent him home with a "procedure plan" to review and plan for the next steps. Ugh. I guess I'll look at that when I get home. But, really, what am I going to do? He only has one set of teeth. They have to be taken care of, or he'll have dentures by age 25. Dang kid.
    Oh, so sorry :/ What was the prescription for? The anxiety?
    I could have written this. My daughter is really struggling too (19 yo - the one with anemia, which is not improving), and we had to spend $2000 on fillings for my son because he didn't brush properly when he had braces. Seriously, kid?

    My parents would have killed me.
    Yeah, he wasn't Mr Popular.

    The boy's teeth are literally rotting / chipping away. He has one that's chipped all the way down to the gumline. He said, "I wish I would have brushed more when I was younger.'

    Really? What were you doing every day when I sent you to the bathroom to brush your teeth?


    *cough* i can think of a few things *cough*

    LOL! I learned when he was 12 to never walk in on him without knocking first.

    Oh my gosh!!! TWELVE?!? Mine is 11, I am NOT ready for that! :/
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Daughter went to the doctor this morning. If I wasn't there, she wouldn't have told them the whole story, so I went with. The anxiety, it's worse than I realized. Poor girl, she has anxiety over every social situation. I had no idea.

    Anyhow, they are checking her thyroid, gave her a prescription, and she'll go back in 4 weeks to see how it's going.

    My son went to the dentist. I know there are thousands of dollars of work that needs to be done on his teeth. The dentist sent him home with a "procedure plan" to review and plan for the next steps. Ugh. I guess I'll look at that when I get home. But, really, what am I going to do? He only has one set of teeth. They have to be taken care of, or he'll have dentures by age 25. Dang kid.

    glad you noticed the signs and got your daughter help. best wishes for her!

    Ditto to this too! you guys have good responses...I'll just echo them!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok since we are going to be more accountable and post what we do each day to motivate each other I figure if I post what I do and not what I was supposed to do then it won't work. Since none of you will know what I intended. So my goals for today:

    Walk 25000 steps (not hard at barn)
    Run 1 hour
    Address my chairs comments on my prospectus
    Not envy @MoHousdon her husband or her vacation.

    Edited to add I may not be able to achieve the last one. :)

    Edited again for no alcohol

    The last bit made me smile.

    I'm currently on 1102 but I'm reading EVERY SINGLE POST so I'm properly caught up when I jump back in.

    Dang, you are dedicated! By the time you catch up, I'm going to be on vacation and MIA. B)
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    A NSV victory today. I wore a pair of jeans to work today that I haven't fit into for 7 years!!! They are still a little snug in the tummy region but 5 months ago I couldn't get them past my thighs!!

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love the shoes, @pofoster21! I wear heels pretty much every day (in the office anyway...I switch to flats for my walk to and from work) and am definitely a shoe girl but I don't think I have a single pair of heeled sandals because I'm kind of weird about feet and like them to be covered. I'm jealous of the cute options for people who aren't weird like me though!

    I'm currently trying to figure out what to wear with the (third...) dress I bought for the wedding this weekend because something open-toed makes way more sense in this weather, but I think my toes are too gross for the one pair of peep-toes I have....TMI WARNING: I lose my big toenails every year in March from skiing (hard boots, fast skiing, tons of pressure) so for most of sandal season they're only half grown back, which looks pretty awful.

    I cannot deal with open-toed shoes. I'm only okay with extremes. I want my feet enclosed, or to (preferably) be without shoes. I'm starting to come around on flip flops for the convenience factor. No way I could wear a pair of heels that were open though.

    And you thought you were weird.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    A NSV victory today. I wore a pair of jeans to work today that I haven't fit into for 7 years!!! They are still a little snug in the tummy region but 5 months ago I couldn't get them past my thighs!!

    That's awesome! Nice job!!
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love the shoes, @pofoster21! I wear heels pretty much every day (in the office anyway...I switch to flats for my walk to and from work) and am definitely a shoe girl but I don't think I have a single pair of heeled sandals because I'm kind of weird about feet and like them to be covered. I'm jealous of the cute options for people who aren't weird like me though!

    I'm currently trying to figure out what to wear with the (third...) dress I bought for the wedding this weekend because something open-toed makes way more sense in this weather, but I think my toes are too gross for the one pair of peep-toes I have....TMI WARNING: I lose my big toenails every year in March from skiing (hard boots, fast skiing, tons of pressure) so for most of sandal season they're only half grown back, which looks pretty awful.

    Hmm. I've never lost my big toenail, but I have lost others. I usually just paint the nail bed and call it a day. Nobody notices unless they're REALLY looking at my feet. Maybe you could pull that off?

    Same! I have so many toe nails that I've lost or that have turned black from running. Paint them and you hardly notice. I would die without my flip way I'm covering my feet all summer!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    A NSV victory today. I wore a pair of jeans to work today that I haven't fit into for 7 years!!! They are still a little snug in the tummy region but 5 months ago I couldn't get them past my thighs!!

    That's awesome! Nice job!!
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love the shoes, @pofoster21! I wear heels pretty much every day (in the office anyway...I switch to flats for my walk to and from work) and am definitely a shoe girl but I don't think I have a single pair of heeled sandals because I'm kind of weird about feet and like them to be covered. I'm jealous of the cute options for people who aren't weird like me though!

    I'm currently trying to figure out what to wear with the (third...) dress I bought for the wedding this weekend because something open-toed makes way more sense in this weather, but I think my toes are too gross for the one pair of peep-toes I have....TMI WARNING: I lose my big toenails every year in March from skiing (hard boots, fast skiing, tons of pressure) so for most of sandal season they're only half grown back, which looks pretty awful.

    Hmm. I've never lost my big toenail, but I have lost others. I usually just paint the nail bed and call it a day. Nobody notices unless they're REALLY looking at my feet. Maybe you could pull that off?

    Same! I have so many toe nails that I've lost or that have turned black from running. Paint them and you hardly notice. I would die without my flip way I'm covering my feet all summer!

    I'm wearing flats all summer unless going to the beach, all the blisters and grossness from running. Nope, whole bunch of nope! lol
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Well, this is totally not a real problem, but pity party commenced. (Warning this is rather lame and I really just need to be told suck it up buttercup).

    I hate how bothered I am by numbers on the scale. I'm recomping currently - which should not include weight gain as I am not attempting to bulk - but I've been over the top number I would like to be at for a couple of weeks now. I know it's probably just DOMS as Stronglifts is kicking my butt and my clothes fit the same if not better, but it really gets to me and I'm considering reducing calories even though I know its a bad idea for recomp progress but I'm letting the scale rule me.

    I don't like how I let the scale rule me in general. On one hand it's good - even though I was using hair ties to extend the buttons on my pants instead of buying a bigger size - it wasn't until I saw 150 on the scale, which meant 25 BMI and officially over weight that I decided to do something about it. It's also great because I don't have to track food, make sure I stay in my 5 pound range and all's well. But then I have days like today and want to throw a giant pity party because the scale says a number I don't like which is actually not a real problem and I need to suck it up.

    Pity party over. Sorry it's a lame pity party.

    It's not lame at all. I admit the scale rules my life too...not that I want to..but it does. It can ruin my day...even when I know it's just water weight from the day before.

    LOL I used to be like that and I still weigh a few times a week but now if it's < then I am YAAAY! If it's > then I am like WHATEVER *flips bird* Haha.

    I try to have that attitude towards it and I'll have days where I say I don't care...but really, it weighs on me all day. Pun intended! ;)
    Any later seasons of Survivor you would recommend? :tongue: Blood vs Water sounds interesting

    All of them! I love Survivor.
    On Season 30 and I'm not really sure who I like and dislike. I'm kind of going for Tyler and Carolyn... and I don't like Rodney much at all. Though of course it can change... my opinions of people in these shows usually change as it progresses.

    Couldn't stand Rodney from the start all the way through. Ugh. And Dan is from my state (Maine)...kind of an embarrassment.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited July 2015
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!

    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    issues i'm currently trying to reconcile in my brain: (remember NO JUDGEMENT)
    - if i hadn't met him on a dating website, where orientation is posted, i would NEVER believe this guy is straight. i texted my friend (who is gay) that i was on a date with his straight doppelganger. so many times through out the night in my head i was just like, omg this is frank, i'm on a date with straight frank. boisterous, animated, like that always turned on and ready to take the stage personality.

    - very very talkative. which isn't terrible, but he'd ask me something and half way through my story, he'd being going off on a tangent on something else, and completely cut me off. so like, a 3 minute story would take me like 10 minutes as i'd have to reel him back off the tangent, pick up where i left off and keep going. and the random tangents were funny and he had tons of interesting things to talk about, but seriously talked way more than me. way, way more.

    - he's about an inch taller than me, and has a much more slender build. i'm quite "thick," i have tree trunk thighs that aren't going anywhere. so it's kinda like oh, here's dude and his fat girlfriend. and maybe that's dumb of me to think, but i do.

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?

    Glad he wasn't crazy.

    I'd go out with him again and see how that goes. He may have been a nervous talker?

    My husband is a little ADHD. He'll tell a story, go off on a tangent, and I have to reel him back in regularly. I've gotten used to that. That point hit home for me. LOL
    I also sometimes have to say, "Can I finish my story?" when he cuts me off. He doesn't even realize he's doing it.

    That's different than somebody who's so stuck on himself that he won't listen to you...
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!

    post date update:

    met the dude at a tavern downtown. really super nice guy. had good conversation, were able to laugh and joke a lot, which is awesome. not creepy and not meh (woo!) lol

    issues i'm currently trying to reconcile in my brain: (remember NO JUDGEMENT)
    - if i hadn't met him on a dating website, where orientation is posted, i would NEVER believe this guy is straight. i texted my friend (who is gay) that i was on a date with his straight doppelganger. so many times through out the night in my head i was just like, omg this is frank, i'm on a date with straight frank. boisterous, animated, like that always turned on and ready to take the stage personality.

    - very very talkative. which isn't terrible, but he'd ask me something and half way through my story, he'd being going off on a tangent on something else, and completely cut me off. so like, a 3 minute story would take me like 10 minutes as i'd have to reel him back off the tangent, pick up where i left off and keep going. and the random tangents were funny and he had tons of interesting things to talk about, but seriously talked way more than me. way, way more.

    - he's about an inch taller than me, and has a much more slender build. i'm quite "thick," i have tree trunk thighs that aren't going anywhere. so it's kinda like oh, here's dude and his fat girlfriend. and maybe that's dumb of me to think, but i do.

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?
    Interesting! So are you saying that you think he's actually gay but dating women, or that he just reminded you of your gay friend?

    I think you should definitely see him again, if only because you might make a great friend. Unless he talks too much!

    Also, regarding physical differences, just to say that my parents are the same height, but for most of their marriage she's been probably a hundred pounds heavier than him. He's loved her and been attracted to her for 52 years, so try not to stress over that side of things.

    I was going to say the same thing about the follow up date. If nothing else, maybe you will make a friend that is fun to talk to.

    My parents are the same way as well. My mom is heavier than my dad but he has always loved her so much. They look fine together to me. :)

    these give me hope <3

    If nothing else, you are learning more about you, about what works for you and what does not work for you. If he is right for you and you are right for him that is wonderful. If that is not the case, no worries, you are that much closer to the right one!

    I think I read the average number of "dates" to find the right one is 70. YIKES! I learned so much about myself in the time I spent dating. I got some funny stories too. There was a sweetheart of a man who really liked me, he was interesting and fun. He, sadly, looked JUST like my younger brother. I couldn't even go on a second date with him. :smiley: There was the one who looked (even more sadly) JUST like my former sister in law. I could barely look at him on our coffee date. As the numbers went I think I had (in about six months) 700+ emails of any kind, 100+ email and/or phone conversations, 30+ first dates, 5 second dates, 2 3rd and 4th dates and 4th date with SO is where he asked me to be his girlfriend (awwww). So - it is plain and simple a numbers game. You screen, you meet, you screen, you talk, etc. Take breaks as needed. I would also strongly recommend no more than 2 or maybe 3 dates a week and no more than one a day if you are in the dating pool awhile. No need to burn out on it, it should be fun. Good luck. You are super great!!!! No settling, get Mr. Super Great.

    ETA: I "learned" to date in my 40's. I never "dated" like that before, I didn't know how to do it. It was so fun and cool (and scary) to discover so much about myself. I was always 100% myself and clear that I was looking for a good relationship. I did work hard on keeping good boundaries and only dating men who didn't raise red flags.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    A NSV victory today. I wore a pair of jeans to work today that I haven't fit into for 7 years!!! They are still a little snug in the tummy region but 5 months ago I couldn't get them past my thighs!!

    That's awesome! Nice job!!
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love the shoes, @pofoster21! I wear heels pretty much every day (in the office anyway...I switch to flats for my walk to and from work) and am definitely a shoe girl but I don't think I have a single pair of heeled sandals because I'm kind of weird about feet and like them to be covered. I'm jealous of the cute options for people who aren't weird like me though!

    I'm currently trying to figure out what to wear with the (third...) dress I bought for the wedding this weekend because something open-toed makes way more sense in this weather, but I think my toes are too gross for the one pair of peep-toes I have....TMI WARNING: I lose my big toenails every year in March from skiing (hard boots, fast skiing, tons of pressure) so for most of sandal season they're only half grown back, which looks pretty awful.

    Hmm. I've never lost my big toenail, but I have lost others. I usually just paint the nail bed and call it a day. Nobody notices unless they're REALLY looking at my feet. Maybe you could pull that off?

    Same! I have so many toe nails that I've lost or that have turned black from running. Paint them and you hardly notice. I would die without my flip way I'm covering my feet all summer!

    I only wear flip-flops at the beach - I live in a big city and five minutes on the sidewalk in sandals mean your feet are filthy. Grosses me out. I just wear breathable ballet flats instead so the sides and bottoms of my feet are protected.

    I've tried the painting-the-nail-bed thing but it's pretty obvious on the big toe - especially now when I have half a nail grown back. Not a cute look, sadly. Worth it for all that bombing down the mountain I did all winter and spring, though.

    I'm probably just going to wear my crying-unicorns-in-space shoes and call it a day, because crying unicorns in space go with everything no matter the weather....
