

  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Well, this is totally not a real problem, but pity party commenced. (Warning this is rather lame and I really just need to be told suck it up buttercup).

    I hate how bothered I am by numbers on the scale. I'm recomping currently - which should not include weight gain as I am not attempting to bulk - but I've been over the top number I would like to be at for a couple of weeks now. I know it's probably just DOMS as Stronglifts is kicking my butt and my clothes fit the same if not better, but it really gets to me and I'm considering reducing calories even though I know its a bad idea for recomp progress but I'm letting the scale rule me.

    I don't like how I let the scale rule me in general. On one hand it's good - even though I was using hair ties to extend the buttons on my pants instead of buying a bigger size - it wasn't until I saw 150 on the scale, which meant 25 BMI and officially over weight that I decided to do something about it. It's also great because I don't have to track food, make sure I stay in my 5 pound range and all's well. But then I have days like today and want to throw a giant pity party because the scale says a number I don't like which is actually not a real problem and I need to suck it up.

    Pity party over. Sorry it's a lame pity party.

    Awesome job on recomping & doing strong lifts. I bought the NROLFW & first I am reading the book & then will attempt to start weight lifting. I bought a barbell a few years ago; however, I am thinking I may need to join a gym to do some of the other exercises & perhaps have a trainer spot me on some of them.

    Thanks! Spotters are helpful, but really safety bars will take care of you if you don't want to spend the money on a gym/trainer. A lot of lifts you just won't be able to pull if you'll fail, squats and bench press are the two lifts that I could get stuck on, but the safety bars can catch those for me. I totally get not wanting to rely on the safety bars though. My husband and I used to go to the gym on different days but I asked him to change to my days so I don't get stuck when doing bench press - that's the only one I worry about getting stuck on ;)
    @Susieq_1994 I'm so sorry :( I hope the flare is a short one and you get to feeling better soon :(

    @orangesmartie That's such an awesome attitude! Today is a new day and it's going to be great! I am jealous- I want to go to Nashville! lol not sure about the running (I run like an arthritic tortoise) but the rest sounds awesome.

    AFM, it was a whirlwind weekend. I have Insulin Resistance and I'm hypoglycemic. If I eat like I'm supposed to (very strict, controlled diet) I can maintain my weight. Eat less, and I'll lose. Eat a bit of sugar, I get sick for half a day. I'm not kidding, either- an entire chocolate chip cookie is enough to have me on the couch for a few hours :( I eat ice cream or gelato by 1 tbsp and that's it and I'll still feel weird after unless I down water. Can't really eat fruit, unless it's a couple berries. I've learned to adjust and it's hard to own a home bakery when I want to taste everything but I've learned not to. I also scaled back my business.

    My mom was watching oldest DS for us on July 4th, so when we went to pick him up yesterday, we grilled chicken and vegs for her as a "thank you". She had made two desserts and basically guilt tripped me into eating a bite of each. A regular forkful sized bite of each. I still don't feel right. I'm so bloated my pants don't fit well, my stomach is heaving, and I have a pounding headache. I'm mad at myself for not sticking to my guns. great news, we were approved to adopt the dog! She's coming up here on Saturday!! SO excited! We got some supplies and DH is actually getting excited, too. Her foster mom keeps sending me pics and it's making me so anxious to see her!

    Ugh, I hope you feel better! You would think your mom understands how bloated & sick you get from eating sugar.

    Happy to hear that you were approved to adopt the dog.

    What's funny is she's diabetic, so she should understand. Her dose of Metformin is too high though but she doesn't go get it changed, because it allows her to eat a LOT of fruits and sweets (to counteract the Metformin). I tell her she's the worst diabetic ever.

    I feel a tiny bit better today, but still have a headache and the scale is +3 lb. To be fair, I'm PMSing as well, so it's probably from TOM. It's not helping my funk, that's for sure.

    Oh and I got into the MS program! Found out yesterday! Classes start Aug 31, so I have 8-ish weeks to lose some more weight and hopefully get to goal before I gotta turn my focus into maintaining and school. Should be doable. I'd like to lose about 8 lb, so 1 lb/wk would work.

    Wahoo! Congrats on the program acceptance and feeling better.

    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So Skye is back to her normal tail chasing, toy playing, furniture scratching, queen diva self. She was running laps up and down the hallway this morning and tackling the (much) bigger male cats. She even ate her dry food without any hesitation. YAY! Thanks for all the well wishes!

    Glad she's recovered :)
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Geeez! Take a 4 day weekend and come back to more than 32 pages! I have to skip them. I did skim some pages as I was tagged a few times. Thanks @lilaclovebird for the info on sexual assault and to all who commented on my before and after pics - sorry I can't remember who all it was.
    Sorry I have missed so much and like I said I just skimmed some pages.
    @Italian_Buju I truly believe that when it is time for you lose weight you will know but YOU have to be ready to do it for YOU and not for some doctor or anyone else. Trust me, I tried many times for everyone else and it never worked and when I finally wanted it for ME, I was able to do it. I'd also like to add that I am so sorry you have so much to deal with. Maybe you should just focus on you and changing one small thing each week/day to move in the direction you want to be. It won't be so stressful and overwhelming that way.

    my confession: I was really, really bad over the weekend, too much to eat, wrong things to eat, too much to drink. I did have a lot of activity, even hit the gym at our hotel two times, we went to Six Flags one day - lots of walking, and even so the scale is up 6lbs today! I know alot of it is water, (lots of salty foods and did I mention alcohol) but it was painful to see that damage this morning on the scale.

    If I wait for me, it will never happen, I am rather content, lol, but I do not want to die, so that is a motivation, because I seriously fear my family trying to survive without me.....I know my DR is right, so I thought that should be enough? And thanks for the other.....I guess once I opened up here it really came pouring all out.... :blush:

    We don't want you to die either. If there is anything I can do to help you let me know!

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Daughter went to the doctor this morning. If I wasn't there, she wouldn't have told them the whole story, so I went with. The anxiety, it's worse than I realized. Poor girl, she has anxiety over every social situation. I had no idea.

    Anyhow, they are checking her thyroid, gave her a prescription, and she'll go back in 4 weeks to see how it's going.

    My son went to the dentist. I know there are thousands of dollars of work that needs to be done on his teeth. The dentist sent him home with a "procedure plan" to review and plan for the next steps. Ugh. I guess I'll look at that when I get home. But, really, what am I going to do? He only has one set of teeth. They have to be taken care of, or he'll have dentures by age 25. Dang kid.
    Oh, so sorry :/ What was the prescription for? The anxiety?
    I could have written this. My daughter is really struggling too (19 yo - the one with anemia, which is not improving), and we had to spend $2000 on fillings for my son because he didn't brush properly when he had braces. Seriously, kid?

    Yes, for anxiety. A previous doctor had tried a couple of things that didn't seem to help at all, so she's trying Pristiq and Klonopin temporarily for immediate relief.

    ((HUGS)) she's on my mind. I hope things improve soon for her sake and yours.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Daughter went to the doctor this morning. If I wasn't there, she wouldn't have told them the whole story, so I went with. The anxiety, it's worse than I realized. Poor girl, she has anxiety over every social situation. I had no idea.

    Anyhow, they are checking her thyroid, gave her a prescription, and she'll go back in 4 weeks to see how it's going.

    My son went to the dentist. I know there are thousands of dollars of work that needs to be done on his teeth. The dentist sent him home with a "procedure plan" to review and plan for the next steps. Ugh. I guess I'll look at that when I get home. But, really, what am I going to do? He only has one set of teeth. They have to be taken care of, or he'll have dentures by age 25. Dang kid.
    Oh, so sorry :/ What was the prescription for? The anxiety?
    I could have written this. My daughter is really struggling too (19 yo - the one with anemia, which is not improving), and we had to spend $2000 on fillings for my son because he didn't brush properly when he had braces. Seriously, kid?

    Yes, for anxiety. A previous doctor had tried a couple of things that didn't seem to help at all, so she's trying Pristiq and Klonopin temporarily for immediate relief.
    I really hope those things help her. It's so hard, seeing them struggle, isn't it? Should that work straight away? I thought anti-depressants generally take a few weeks to kick in. Are anti-anxiety meds quicker?

    My daughter has to have another blood test this week, which will test her iron but also her thyroid function. She was put on the seasonal pill to reduce her heavy periods, but she's had constant bleeding ever since she started taking in (6 weeks), so it seems counter-productive. I know these things take time to settle down, so I'm encouraging her to stick with it, but she's so exhausted and weepy all the time. It's having a huge impact on her life and I feel desperately sorry for her.

    ((HUGS)) I relate too much to that. I hope she gets relief soon!!!

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    A NSV victory today. I wore a pair of jeans to work today that I haven't fit into for 7 years!!! They are still a little snug in the tummy region but 5 months ago I couldn't get them past my thighs!!

    Happy dance.. Woooo hooooo
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    edited July 2015
    A NSV victory today. I wore a pair of jeans to work today that I haven't fit into for 7 years!!! They are still a little snug in the tummy region but 5 months ago I couldn't get them past my thighs!!

    That's Super Great!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    T minus 4 days and I will be playing on the beach! This week cannot go fast enough! On a related note, my son is leaving today with my parents. They are going to go visit my grandparents for a few days before meeting up with us at the beach house.

    Four nights child-free. Guess what the child-free-nights plan is? Yep, the gym. LOL

    I'm headed to Oregon too! But inland - I'll be at the Deschutes National Forest starting Thursday :)
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    eta: thanks for the guy comment, i'm trying to not get discouraged! going out to meet a dude tonight, let's hope he's not crazy or meh! :)

    I hope it goes better than the last two!

    Chiming in here....your date is probably over already, hope it went well!

    post date update:

    he did say he had a really good time and would like to see me again. which i might do to see if maybe he was just nervous/excited on the "first" date?

    Definitely see him again!
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Just stopping in to post today's shoes....

  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    So today went pretty well. My kitchen floor is now done, which is good because it had a few bad breaks in it and that was dangerous for my feet!

    I only got about two hours of sleep last night, and have been up since 4:10am, and it is not nearly midnight, so not sure how I am not dead yet, but I plan on sleeping tomorrow until I naturally wake up.

    My Kyrie was super mad at my kids today for keeping her locked in their rooms (they had to so she would not get in the way of the kitchen floor thing), she made sure I knew about it when I came home.

    She is also a giant chicken head kitty and when my daughter tried to bring her out for a bathroom break, and she saw what was happening out here, hid under her bed for the rest of the day until she heard me come in from work (even though the floor was done well before that).

    Now that the floor is done, the stress of the last two weeks of super busy understaffed work, my son's bike saga and my sisters visit is all behind me, I am feeling MUCH better! Well, I will be after some sleep anyway!

    Things with the SO are 'interesting'. We had another discussion about this problem yesterday and while I have eased up on him a bit (I took his call tonight after the third time he called) and I talked to him yesterday, things are still not proper. Thank you @FroggyBug for understanding how frustrating this is. I can appreciate what everyone else chimed in had to say but I cannot just let this go, I am too fed up, and God forbid he does not really get it this year, because if this happens again next year, I might snap and end up widowed. And like I said, he is well aware that I am correct in this situation, so it is not like I am just overreacting or something. And for what it is worth, every one that is aware of this problem in our RL ALL agree with me, even his own male friends, one of them even tried to discuss it with him because he was upset that I was so upset again.

    @pofoster21 - I hope your leg heals quickly, that is a rough spot!

    Ok, I have to be honest and said I am suddenly feeling discouraged from @bkhamill 's I feel a bit like why try if I don't really have a chance to succeed? Losing weight isn't something I have ever been focused on, and it was not until my DR said something that I really thought 'ok, guess I should do this", because I always try and take the best care I can of my health, and follow what my DR says as best I can. But I have heard other people say that they could only do it when they wanted to, so maybe I am wasting my time? I put in a half assed effort a few years ago when a surgeon scared me, but then my current surgeon and my DR told me she was full of it, so that made me not worry. On the other hand I have heard the same thing about smoking, and I had no desire to quit, until my SO said I had to quit if I wanted to have a baby, and I did, before I got pregnant, and never looked back. Maybe this will be the same? It is not like I want to lose 250lbs or anything, she only asked me to lose 50.....although I wonder if I lose that 50 if she will want me to lose another 50 or something......ugh, now I am full of doubt......

    Ok, I now see the fitbit thread has daily goals, will start to post there tomorrow!

    OH no, I never intended to discourage you, I was hoping to make you see that you can do it for YOU, it does not need to be for anyone else. You are what matters here. I'm sorry I had the opposite affect on your feelings. YOU MATTER! Please take care of yourself. If you find your motivation from your doctor, go with that.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    T minus 4 days and I will be playing on the beach! This week cannot go fast enough! On a related note, my son is leaving today with my parents. They are going to go visit my grandparents for a few days before meeting up with us at the beach house.

    Four nights child-free. Guess what the child-free-nights plan is? Yep, the gym. LOL

    That was not my guess...
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Well, this is totally not a real problem, but pity party commenced. (Warning this is rather lame and I really just need to be told suck it up buttercup).

    I hate how bothered I am by numbers on the scale. I'm recomping currently - which should not include weight gain as I am not attempting to bulk - but I've been over the top number I would like to be at for a couple of weeks now. I know it's probably just DOMS as Stronglifts is kicking my butt and my clothes fit the same if not better, but it really gets to me and I'm considering reducing calories even though I know its a bad idea for recomp progress but I'm letting the scale rule me.

    I don't like how I let the scale rule me in general. On one hand it's good - even though I was using hair ties to extend the buttons on my pants instead of buying a bigger size - it wasn't until I saw 150 on the scale, which meant 25 BMI and officially over weight that I decided to do something about it. It's also great because I don't have to track food, make sure I stay in my 5 pound range and all's well. But then I have days like today and want to throw a giant pity party because the scale says a number I don't like which is actually not a real problem and I need to suck it up.

    Pity party over. Sorry it's a lame pity party.

    It's not lame at all. I admit the scale rules my life too...not that I want to..but it does. It can ruin my day...even when I know it's just water weight from the day before.

    LOL I used to be like that and I still weigh a few times a week but now if it's < then I am YAAAY! If it's > then I am like WHATEVER *flips bird* Haha.

    I try to have that attitude towards it and I'll have days where I say I don't care...but really, it weighs on me all day. Pun intended! ;)
    Any later seasons of Survivor you would recommend? :tongue: Blood vs Water sounds interesting

    All of them! I love Survivor.
    On Season 30 and I'm not really sure who I like and dislike. I'm kind of going for Tyler and Carolyn... and I don't like Rodney much at all. Though of course it can change... my opinions of people in these shows usually change as it progresses.

    Couldn't stand Rodney from the start all the way through. Ugh. And Dan is from my state (Maine)...kind of an embarrassment.

    He and Dan strike me as arrogant and annoying, especially Rodney. I like Joe, though, so I'm hoping he teams up with Tyler and Carolyn :tongue: Think they'd be pretty cool together.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 - Love the shoes, although not sure how you walk in those! I can't wait until I drop some more weight so I can wear cute shoes again. I wear tennis shoes to work at the moment. It helps me to get in more steps. Also, we have a program that awards leave time every quarter if you get a certain number of minutes of exercise every month. Totally worth it!

    Dang! I wish my work had a program like that! I'd be banking the hell out of some leave time. lol

    It is nice. You can earn four or eight hours of leave per quarter depending on the amount you exercise, but an extra four days a year is awesome!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    MlleKelly wrote: »
    I'm a teacher, so I have some extra time in June/July. However, I find myself at my least healthy during this time because I can't make myself get out of bed early enough to go for a run before it gets too hot (I live in the SOUTH - ew), or even to eat breakfast at a decent time! Plus, I drink a lot since "I don't have to work tomorrow!"

    I'm supposed to be training for a half-marathon and running 20-25 miles a week, but I've only gone out once in the last two weeks because it's disgustingly humid (100% humidity from 6am til about 8:30am...GROSS) and 80* or hotter by 9am.


    LOL well at least you are honest. Humidity does suck. I was soaked when I got to work today and it was in the low 70's.

    To be frank though, it's really about what you acclimate yourself to. I regularly bike ride in 95> degree weather without issue. Stick with it.

  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I weighed myself today...I was scared to since I've been on vacation. I'm actually .2 pounds lower than when I left for vaca!! I guess lifting in the gym helped out!!

    That's SUPER GREAT :)

    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    @orangesmartie Sorry to hear things are still broken. Hoping for the best outcome!
    Yes. Whatever that turns out to be.

    Thirded. Talking sounds like good progress.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Geeez! Take a 4 day weekend and come back to more than 32 pages! I have to skip them. I did skim some pages as I was tagged a few times. Thanks @lilaclovebird for the info on sexual assault and to all who commented on my before and after pics - sorry I can't remember who all it was.
    Sorry I have missed so much and like I said I just skimmed some pages.
    @Italian_Buju I truly believe that when it is time for you lose weight you will know but YOU have to be ready to do it for YOU and not for some doctor or anyone else. Trust me, I tried many times for everyone else and it never worked and when I finally wanted it for ME, I was able to do it. I'd also like to add that I am so sorry you have so much to deal with. Maybe you should just focus on you and changing one small thing each week/day to move in the direction you want to be. It won't be so stressful and overwhelming that way.

    my confession: I was really, really bad over the weekend, too much to eat, wrong things to eat, too much to drink. I did have a lot of activity, even hit the gym at our hotel two times, we went to Six Flags one day - lots of walking, and even so the scale is up 6lbs today! I know alot of it is water, (lots of salty foods and did I mention alcohol) but it was painful to see that damage this morning on the scale.

    If I wait for me, it will never happen, I am rather content, lol, but I do not want to die, so that is a motivation, because I seriously fear my family trying to survive without me.....I know my DR is right, so I thought that should be enough? And thanks for the other.....I guess once I opened up here it really came pouring all out.... :blush:

    My 2 cents (FWIW) I agree with @bkhamill (but read your later note and came back to find out what she said before I replied). You can't lose weight until you are ready. It won't stay off. And you'll be miserable trying to get it off. I can attest to this from personal experience.

    But I don't think you should be discouraged by this statement. Is your health not enough to make you want to lose weight? To be there for your son? For your SO? To feel better? With all your medical issues I think losing weight would help. I have not gotten to your original post, so not sure 'what came pouring out' but you will in the end do do what you want to matter what the DR or anyone else says. Just like with your SO... most of us had a different opinion about that situation, but you are living it (we are a bunch of people not in your real life, so are only going on what you are telling us, not the clues we see/hear by being in your life) but the reality is you will always do what you want...not what other people tell you to do.

    So you decide what you want. If its to stay at your current weight and you don't feel motivated by what your DR told you are the consequences, then that is what you will do in the end, after a few weeks of frustration and a fruitless attempt to change habits you don't really in your heart want to change. And anything we say here will not change that. So, decide what you want to do and do it. Whatever that 'it' is. With eyes wide open.

    And glad you are getting some sleep, you may have a different opinion after a good night's rest. I often do. Lack of sleep wreaks havoc on your system. G'Night!

    Thank you, you said what I was trying to say in a much clearer way!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    A NSV victory today. I wore a pair of jeans to work today that I haven't fit into for 7 years!!! They are still a little snug in the tummy region but 5 months ago I couldn't get them past my thighs!!

    That is an awesome feeling!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    @pofoster21 Super cute shoes!!!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I weighed myself today...I was scared to since I've been on vacation. I'm actually .2 pounds lower than when I left for vaca!! I guess lifting in the gym helped out!!

    That's SUPER GREAT :)

    Yes! Awesome!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    @tubbs216 & @rungirl1973 - I'm so sorry your daughters are both going through such a tough time right now! I don't have any useful advice; just hugs and the message that you are both super great!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    A NSV victory today. I wore a pair of jeans to work today that I haven't fit into for 7 years!!! They are still a little snug in the tummy region but 5 months ago I couldn't get them past my thighs!!

    That's awesome! Nice job!!
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love the shoes, @pofoster21! I wear heels pretty much every day (in the office anyway...I switch to flats for my walk to and from work) and am definitely a shoe girl but I don't think I have a single pair of heeled sandals because I'm kind of weird about feet and like them to be covered. I'm jealous of the cute options for people who aren't weird like me though!

    I'm currently trying to figure out what to wear with the (third...) dress I bought for the wedding this weekend because something open-toed makes way more sense in this weather, but I think my toes are too gross for the one pair of peep-toes I have....TMI WARNING: I lose my big toenails every year in March from skiing (hard boots, fast skiing, tons of pressure) so for most of sandal season they're only half grown back, which looks pretty awful.

    Hmm. I've never lost my big toenail, but I have lost others. I usually just paint the nail bed and call it a day. Nobody notices unless they're REALLY looking at my feet. Maybe you could pull that off?

    Same! I have so many toe nails that I've lost or that have turned black from running. Paint them and you hardly notice. I would die without my flip way I'm covering my feet all summer!

    I only wear flip-flops at the beach - I live in a big city and five minutes on the sidewalk in sandals mean your feet are filthy. Grosses me out. I just wear breathable ballet flats instead so the sides and bottoms of my feet are protected.

    I've tried the painting-the-nail-bed thing but it's pretty obvious on the big toe - especially now when I have half a nail grown back. Not a cute look, sadly. Worth it for all that bombing down the mountain I did all winter and spring, though.

    I'm probably just going to wear my crying-unicorns-in-space shoes and call it a day, because crying unicorns in space go with everything no matter the weather....

    Agree. Crying unicorns in space would go with anything. :)
    I like those!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 I read a good book over the weekend. It is called What She left Behind by Ellen Marie Wiseman. Its about a young woman committed to an insane asylum in the 1930's by her father because she wouldn't marry who he wanted her too. Was so good I was sad when it ended

    Oh, maybe I'll try that one when I am on vacation in a few weeks. I can handle more than romance when I have a few days of hanging out on the beach. Of course, I do have about 100 other books I already have bought that I haven't read sitting around the house...

    I am starting to feel like a book hoarder reading others hoarding stories. I have zero food in my house, but books.... have I got books. :)

    I missed the original post about this book, but I just read What She Left Behind too, I loved it!