

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    So a few months ago, I posted that I couldn't even finish level 1 of Jillian Michaels' Beginner Shred. I was so embarrassed and ashamed, I put the DVD away for all that time. Every week I swore I would try again, but then that little voice in my head said: "what if you can't finish it again?".

    My NSV for today is that I told the little voice in my head to get lost, and I put the DVD on, and I did the whole darn level 1 workout! *feels like a boss*

    My muscles feel a little wobbly, but I feel so good. I finished it! And if I did it once, I can do it again. And again!

    @misskarne CONGRATS!

    Having had some experience with Jillian Michaels DVDs I would take a rest day and invest in some serious protein to ease the DOMS.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @orangesmartie I'm glad ya'll are still going to try and continue to build your relationships. I am hoping everything works out for the best.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Where is everyone?? ;)

    I'm here. 17 hours and 140 posts behind. Lol.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @orangesmartie Hugs for you. Wishing you strength to deal with all that's going on, and may it all turn out the best way possible.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @nonoelmo Hoping all goes well for your son.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Where is everyone?? ;)

    I'm here. 17 hours and 140 posts behind. Lol.

    I am back for a few to check in before my run this am...
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Confession: I keep forgetting to tell @nonoelmo that I am hoping for the best in regards to her son.

    @nonoelmo I'm sincerely hoping your son is doing well and stays that way.

    All I have to say about this 12 hour shift is BRA CHAFING! UGH! I know it's because I lost another 12 pounds since I last got fitted and the band size is too small again but GAH!

    Confession: I do NOT have time to get fitted for new bras and I am NOT in a financial situation to buy new bras right now. THIS IS RIDICULOUS! WHY ARE BOOB HOLDERS SO EXPENSIVE!!!!!! :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:

    /end rant
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Morning all. Just checking in. Not be around much, as trying to deal with life changes and what-not. I'm currently living in a hotel during the week and have hired a new trainer to take me through some strength/lifting routines. Food has been somewhat erratic, with a couple of terrible binge days. Basically negating all the training.

    Partners (ex-partners?) and I are talking, trying to sort the mess to see if/how we can go forward together. Mr Smartie has seen his GP for medication and had an initial assessment with a therapist. We are waiting for a referral to a specialist military therapist. I feel that I am not quite done with them yet, so have committed to try and see if we can move on together.

    In other news: we're still waiting on social services to make decisions about my sister's baby, so I feel i can't make any plans past the end of September.

    I am planning a holiday with my parents and Charlie at the end of September, and i would dearly love to be down about 20lbs by then.

    Mum saw her consultant yesterday. He is pleased with the way the operation went, but now she begins treatment 3 times a week for 6 weeks.

    So all in all, its been a little bit of a stressful month.

    thank you to everyone who messaged me and left notes on my wall. I'm sorry I wasn't that able to engage, it was just taking a lot of energy to remain upright some days.

    Don't worry about us! Take care of yourself. We miss you but you need to take care of yourself and taking care of yourself will certainly help that. Congrats on the trainer and *hugs*.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Morning all. Just checking in. Not be around much, as trying to deal with life changes and what-not. I'm currently living in a hotel during the week and have hired a new trainer to take me through some strength/lifting routines. Food has been somewhat erratic, with a couple of terrible binge days. Basically negating all the training.

    Partners (ex-partners?) and I are talking, trying to sort the mess to see if/how we can go forward together. Mr Smartie has seen his GP for medication and had an initial assessment with a therapist. We are waiting for a referral to a specialist military therapist. I feel that I am not quite done with them yet, so have committed to try and see if we can move on together.

    In other news: we're still waiting on social services to make decisions about my sister's baby, so I feel i can't make any plans past the end of September.

    I am planning a holiday with my parents and Charlie at the end of September, and i would dearly love to be down about 20lbs by then.

    Mum saw her consultant yesterday. He is pleased with the way the operation went, but now she begins treatment 3 times a week for 6 weeks.

    So all in all, its been a little bit of a stressful month.

    thank you to everyone who messaged me and left notes on my wall. I'm sorry I wasn't that able to engage, it was just taking a lot of energy to remain upright some days.

    Don't worry about us! Take care of yourself. We miss you but you need to take care of yourself and taking care of yourself will certainly help that. Congrats on the trainer and *hugs*.

    ^^^See this bolded stuff? All of this right here ^^^
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    So a few months ago, I posted that I couldn't even finish level 1 of Jillian Michaels' Beginner Shred. I was so embarrassed and ashamed, I put the DVD away for all that time. Every week I swore I would try again, but then that little voice in my head said: "what if you can't finish it again?".

    My NSV for today is that I told the little voice in my head to get lost, and I put the DVD on, and I did the whole darn level 1 workout! *feels like a boss*

    My muscles feel a little wobbly, but I feel so good. I finished it! And if I did it once, I can do it again. And again!

    I remember that and...this is a great reminder to all of us that just because today we 'can't' tomorrow we can if we keep plugging away at it. This isn't a sprint, its a marathon (weight loss, fitness, better/healther eating). And we are all in it to win it!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @KylerJaye I didn't backtrack to the original post. I just wanted to second whoever told you to be sure to be yourself. Be very true to you but in order to do that you have to know yourself well. For me that means checking in with myself and checking in with my motives. Speaking just of myself, sometimes I want things to go a certain way so I push them that way. In my present relationship I am trying very hard to (1) know what I want and (2) see if SO wants the same thing or compatible thing without pushing anything. Sometimes I have to sit on my hands and restrain myself but I want to make sure we want the same thing without him being pushed into anything. I am super sleepy so I hope that made sense. To thine own self be true. <3

    ETA This is advice I am going to work very hard to follow in my life in the coming months to year. I just found out about son possibly needing another heart surgery. I will be interested to see SO's reaction. His son also has special needs but has not needed surgeries. It is going to be challenging for me to watch my son go into the congestive heart failure again (unless medicine has changed since the last time and that is possible too) before they take the risk of surgery. I need to figure out what I need/expect from SO and I need to see what he does without being pushed into anything. This will certainly be a place when I can see how compatible we are long term. Would I cut him free if he does not handle it well? Yes. I know that people are who they are and real change is rare. So far it has been good. We'll see where this new development leads. I will not settle for less than a great match. :smile:

    ETA #2 Just spoke to him. His initial reaction was loving and compassionate and just right. <3

    @nonoelmo good luck with your son. I have no doubt your love and care will bring your son through fine. And so glad that the SO is handling this just the way you need him to. Sounds like a keeper!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    -I like my kids. I'm going to keep both of them. My husband, too. I like him. I think I'll keep him.
    -I have never had a Quest bar or a protein drink. I'll just have a Hershey bar and a glass of chocolate milk.
    -My dog's name is Woola. He is as dumb as mud and sheds like crazy but I'm keeping him too. He is an awesome foot warmer.
    -I weigh myself everyday but only log it when the number goes down.
    -I own my own business but still think my boss is a b*tch some days.
    -I'd fire my only employee but it would make dinner uncomfortable and upset our children.
    -I do Zombie Run, late at night, and sometimes have to look over my shoulder to make sure I'm not being chased.
    -The first time I found bats in an attic I was inspecting I screamed like a 3 year old girl, the second time I threw up my hands and yelled "I'M BATMAN!"
    -I can type with 7 fingers.
    -I got my first injury at work to day. A leaded window slammed closed on my hand. It broke 2 fingers. It hurt plenty until the meds kicked in.

    So, how is everyone?

    Sorry about your hand but this made me laugh!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I'm a emotional eater and feel like I cant stop.

    Don't give up. Try again and again until you make new habits. You can do it. I journal my emotions. It helps me.

    I find it difficult to journal my POSITIVE emotions. I go back and read past entries sometimes and just...yuck...sometimes I sound like a whiney baby other times I'm like "That guy was a (EXPLETIVE)! Why didn't I reread this and realize that SOONER?!"
    My journals are often whiny and pouty pages long pity parties. They get all of that crud out of my brain and onto the page where I can examine it. If I feel strongly about something I make myself explain it to myself. I make myself dig into WHY I feel what I feel. I've done it for years and it is so private that I often rip up the pages soon after writing them.

    This is a good idea. I tried to keep a journal but I couldn't stand reading how whiny I sounded and I was afraid I would die and someone would read it and think I was a whiny, nasty, ungrateful human being. :) So I stopped.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    levan11 wrote: »
    Thank you @lbuehrle8! Was just going to edit my post to say "agree to disagree?" at the end. No hard feelings, and definitely not trying to get this thread shut down, I've been reading since page 1!

    In my perfect world everyone who worked an honest day's work would make enough to live on and enjoy some simple pleasures. In my perfect world people would have good nutrition and a place to live. In my perfect world those who worked hard for extra education or had great ideas and started companies would be compensated more. In my perfect world. Meanwhile I'm doing the best I can to navigate this imperfect world.

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Cool. I've started to catch up to myself. (big goofy grin.)

    When I got really behind this made me smile too, cuz you know you are finally getting somewhere!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited July 2015
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    @Lois_1989 YOU'RE BACK!!!! You have been missed!!!! <3 And now, I am going to find a calculator to see how much you are lifting in lbs, cuz I have no idea.

    ETA: Nice lifting, Lois! Those are great numbers (now that I know what they equal)


    And I'm a middle-aged Canadian... the metric system was introduced while I was in school... I can think in both lbs and kg, inches and cm, grams and oz, miles and km, Celsius and Fahrenheit...

    I can do the bolded, oz completely escape me and so does Fahrenheit. I know there is a little equation to figure out Fahrenheit to Celsius but I can never remember it. :confounded:

    I cheat o:) I have an app that converts for me so I can convert it quickly and talk to SO about celcius temps like I know what I'm talking about hahaha

    Well in my opinion:

    0-10C - Cold to chilly (warm jacket)
    10-20C - Chilly to cardigan weather
    20-30C - Cardigan to perfect
    30C + = WAY too hot for me.

    26-28C is my perfect weather
    Starts at 0?? Update for Western Canada:
    -0 to -10C - Deathly freezing. Wear five layers of clothing and maybe a ski mask.
    -10 to -15C - Add some more layers. Maybe hibernate inside an incubator.
    -15 to -20C - Your blood feels frozen. Is your blood frozen?!
    -20 to -30C - You're already dead.
    -30 to -40C - Not applicable. Because dead.
    -40 and colder - Also not applicable. See above.

    Fixed for an Arabian's (specifically a gulf one) point of view. ;)

    People do have very individual temperature tolerances. I always was amused on about about a 60 degree day in Tucson to see everything from flip-flops and shorts to Uggs and parkas - sometimes next to each other.

    When I vacationed in Hawaii I noticed a lot of the Asian tourists wore parkas, boots, leggings, & multiple layers in general. I wasn't sure if they were cold, trying to protect themselves from the sun, or just trying to be fashionable.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »

    ETA This is advice I am going to work very hard to follow in my life in the coming months to year. I just found out about son possibly needing another heart surgery. I will be interested to see SO's reaction. His son also has special needs but has not needed surgeries. It is going to be challenging for me to watch my son go into the congestive heart failure again (unless medicine has changed since the last time and that is possible too) before they take the risk of surgery. I need to figure out what I need/expect from SO and I need to see what he does without being pushed into anything. This will certainly be a place when I can see how compatible we are long term. Would I cut him free if he does not handle it well? Yes. I know that people are who they are and real change is rare. So far it has been good. We'll see where this new development leads. I will not settle for less than a great match. :smile:

    ETA #2 Just spoke to him. His initial reaction was loving and compassionate and just right. <3

    I am so sorry your son is having such a hard time. May I ask how old he is?
    Glad your SO is supportive, that you will have someone to lean on during this time.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    levan11 wrote: »
    Thank you @lbuehrle8! Was just going to edit my post to say "agree to disagree?" at the end. No hard feelings, and definitely not trying to get this thread shut down, I've been reading since page 1!

    In my perfect world everyone who worked an honest day's work would make enough to live on and enjoy some simple pleasures. In my perfect world people would have good nutrition and a place to live. In my perfect world those who worked hard for extra education or had great ideas and started companies would be compensated more. In my perfect world. Meanwhile I'm doing the best I can to navigate this imperfect world.

    Welcome @Levan11

    This was beautifully said. :)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    HIYA ALL! This weekend was pretty busy, I worked Saturday and went to accupuncture. Yesterday was stupidly hot so we helped the mancreature's parents with some landscaping (I needed some sun anyway so I wore my bikini top and shorts). We also went to GNC (all the Quest Bars were on sale!!), I got to finally try the chocolate mint one and I love it! I also bought Quest protein powder (Peanut butter), which wasn't available before in Canada. I've got two months until my half marathon and the wedding that I'm a Bridesmaid in, time to tighten things up and get back into the swing of things! Lol

    I am thrilled that you posted this! I traveled all over the city last week looking for Quest bars in the flavors I wanted, and still did not get them all!

    I never thought of GNC til I saw this post. Not only is it literally up the street from me, the bars are cheaper AND they have a bunch of different flavors......

    I love that this thread pointed me in the direction of those bars, I love them! I have tried powders, but do not like milk and juice is so sugary, and have tried other bars, and while I liked them, the carb counts were so high that I only ate them once in a while.

    The net carb count for these is so low not only can I eat them often, but I can actually have fruit at breakfast which is exciting for me, as I normally cannot seem to make it work with my blood sugar normally. Except for berries cuz they are so low in sugar. My plan is to have a Quest bar four times a week for breakfast, with just greek yogurt and fruit (FRUIT!!) LOL. I have tried three flavors so far and have loved them all, I can't wait to go tomorrow and see what other kinds they have.

    Has anyone tried the Quest protein chips?

    What were your favorite flavors so far?

    I officially deem the worst flavor Coconut Cashew! I ate that one Saturday & had to force myself to finish it.

    @Francl27 I'm pretty sure has ate The Quest Protein Chips.

    My favorite so far is the chocolate chip cookie dough......I have also tried the chocolate peanut butter and double chocolate chunk....both great. I plan on buying ten bars tomorrow, with a couple cookie dough and then one of each flavor I want to try so I can figure out which ones are gonna be my go to ones (I did that with Hagaan Dazs at the beginning too, ;) ).

    If they have the chips I am gonna buy a bag and try them out.

    ETA: @spacequiztime - just saw your post now.....why were they awful?? Second this last sentence, lol.

    Another one that disappointed me was the S'Mores bar since it didn't really have that much of a S'Mores taste. The White Chocolate Raspberry bars are my favorite, but with them you have raspberry seeds that can get stuck in your teeth which is a bit of an annoyance. My sister's favorite flavor so far is the Cookies & Cream.
    I am hoping to try the cookies and creme, white chocolate raspberry, peanut butter and jelly, apple pie, cinnamon roll, strawberry cheesecake, brownie and maybe the mint chocolate. Mind you, I have no idea what flavors they have, but that is just what I saw online.

    Is it silly that I am THIS excited to go and buy protein bars??

    Not at all! My sister & I went to GNC a few weeks ago & we were like kids in a candy store. Do you buy them from GNC or another store? If you buy them from GNC you can purchase a Gold card that at least in the US makes the boxes $24.99. On the Quest website on Cyber Monday I believe the price per box was even cheaper than GNC.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Morning all. Just checking in. Not be around much, as trying to deal with life changes and what-not. I'm currently living in a hotel during the week and have hired a new trainer to take me through some strength/lifting routines. Food has been somewhat erratic, with a couple of terrible binge days. Basically negating all the training.

    Partners (ex-partners?) and I are talking, trying to sort the mess to see if/how we can go forward together. Mr Smartie has seen his GP for medication and had an initial assessment with a therapist. We are waiting for a referral to a specialist military therapist. I feel that I am not quite done with them yet, so have committed to try and see if we can move on together.

    In other news: we're still waiting on social services to make decisions about my sister's baby, so I feel i can't make any plans past the end of September.

    I am planning a holiday with my parents and Charlie at the end of September, and i would dearly love to be down about 20lbs by then.

    Mum saw her consultant yesterday. He is pleased with the way the operation went, but now she begins treatment 3 times a week for 6 weeks.

    So all in all, its been a little bit of a stressful month.

    thank you to everyone who messaged me and left notes on my wall. I'm sorry I wasn't that able to engage, it was just taking a lot of energy to remain upright some days.

    I missed you! So glad to see you post an update! When life is stressful you have to do what you can to remain sane and healthy, don't worry about anything are doing great compared to what a lot of people would do in your situation.

    I hope you have a great time on your holiday. Good luck with the ongoing communication with your partners!
