

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    janetr I’m so sorry, my heart is with you

    Thank you so much <3

    Janetr OKC

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Today, I picked up half a pineapple ... I've had a craving for fruit lately!! I love pineapple and ate it as my afternoon snack ... and, of course, had my usual allergic reaction to it. I was hoping I might skip that step. :neutral: I know better than to eat pineapple, but I love it!!

    However, I think I'll stick to the pears and mangoes for the rest of the week.

    M in Oz

    Machka, I am so glad I do not have reactions to pineapples! It's one of my favorites. I grow them in my garden from the tops of the fruit. They take about 2-3 years (naturally) and are rather small, but love when I get to eat one from the garden.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Janet - It’s not selfish at all ! Never feel that way! We all get to an age or point we just can’t be forever caregivers due to our own health. My Mom passed was actually a relief (we felt bad about feeling that way at first but then realized it was too much on us all). Dad having dementia,work related head injury, y heart attacks could no longer care for her. I was pregnant (didn’t know it) was becoming unable to get out of bed 🛌...got pregnant with JR after loosing that pregnancy months after! Hubby was caring for so many of us starting to effect his blood pressure. Mom was becoming more y more immobile worse health since Ibama care took away the medication that kept her mobile y feeling good. Daughter school was taking all her time she was prying me sick out of bed to drive her to care for my Mom with me barely able to help. Parents with kids with Autism to Head injuries fall into this boat too have to look into assisted living or other arrangements.

    He’ll adjust you can visit for meals to watch movies in assistant living. You got to care for yourself. Caregivers tend to pass first a lot from not caring for ones self. If it doesn’t work out look into an in home nurse.

    Amber Tx

    No clue on meals feeling like fish. Will see weight up 1.2 lbs since yesterday (attacked cookies 🍪)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Roseabc123
    Roseabc123 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi.. I hope to join the group. I want to lose 20 pounds and need motivation to do this. I have been having trouble sleeping and this is interfering with exercise and diet. I wish you all the best with your goal of weight loss.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited December 2019
    Welcome Rosi all newcomers (Women only) are fully welcome! (This is a safe zone)

    Sleep troubles try lowering lights an hour or two early drink or eat a light meal like a warm chicken on a salad or egg whites y a slice of toast with a zero cal or low cal drink. Warm shower unplug relax . If need be they make teas to relax Celestial Brand sleepy time tea. Just do your best pre plan meals cut yourself some slack if it goes over a few times more your weeks total than day.

    Amber Tx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,318 Member
    SuziQ: I so admire your positive, matter-of-fact attitude to life. It keeps you open to opportunities along the road, which will lead to better things because you are looking for them.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited December 2019
    Did all yesterday's to-do's except make rum balls and KJ's adult fudge. Did a bonus load and a half of laundry ;) Wild Rivers Symphony with North Coast Chorale was stupendous. Especially moving was the presentation of “Snowman”. Joyful, gleeful, then finally haunting, piercingly, poignant music stayed with me all night and into this morning. Thought of you, Heather, as they flew over the Pavilion. Sniffling as I copy this link. Chills and tears. If you have a half hour, here's the whole thing: Thought of Penny throughout the performance. How two small towns totaling fewer than 15,000 people can field a chorale of 80+ voices and an excellent symphony orchestra amazes me. Guess my big city preconcieved notions are showing ;} Just call me Martha. ;)
    KJ Miguelito is more than fine, his smiles are contagious! Hugs and reassurance to your DD.
    NYKaren Great attitude about the long journey, even better chosing to stay away from workplace negativity. Brava!
    Karen in VA Whew! :o You're right, who knew? You and others have said it: we must be our advocate this as all health related matters. Well done!
    Debby in VA thanks for checking in. Sending some calming energy your way.
    Lanette :crying: for nastiness in gardener's program. Gardens are supposed to be beautiful places of healing and peace. ((hugs))
    Katla I put my glass ornaments in big clear vases on bookshelves, except for a treasured few (antique Japanese lanterns, potpourris, garland, bell and pine cone) that I risk on the upper branches because that is just exactly where they should go.. ;) Hoping that with the tree on a table, Shadow will “look but not touch!” ;} We had an aluminum tree, blue flood light and all blue and silver ornaments back then. Loved seeing it from outside with the picture window fogged around the edges. A magical, mysterious, fairyland Christmas tree.
    Katla, Lanette and others, thanks for the caution about rolling up windows, but having Ensure on hand for those special cases when I just can't walk away. It's against the law here to hand food/water/money out the window to beggars, but know of nothing preventing me from walking it over to someone in obviously dire need.
    Lanette your “grumpy old lady, packing...” reminded me of one of my favorite Idaho bumper stickers: “I'm out of estrogen, and.... I'm ARMED,.” :laugh: :heart: the wreath, noticed the new handle, thanks for explaining. I too got a friend request from a guy who had lot's of cute twenty something friends. Yick. :noway: Deny!
    Luci in WNC, sorry, but there is absolutely no circumstance in which I can imagine using a vacuum to be fun, even a new one ;)
    Rebecca “when I do vacuum...” LOL! When I do, I see less dog hair and fewer spruce needles, for about 30 seconds. Foo.
    Speaking of vacuum cleaners, does anyone have a recommendation for a vacuum cleaner that can cope with both long guard hairs and fluffy soft undercoat? [shudder]
    Flea (and Machka) experience instead of things. Amen! Is there an event to which you can take your mother for Christmas gift?
    Michele, about one portal for health care, yes it would be more efficent, but I shudder at the opportunity for abuse by hackers or even well-intentioned government. :} Bowling your “way”, WTG galfriend!
    Allie postive vibes, rest well.
    Machka :( for the volcano tragedy. Don't watch much news so missed it here. It stinks to be allergic to something you love. Hope you're feeling better now. “rrolling my eyes so hard they almost lodged in my forehead “ had me on the floor laughing! Beautiful pics, I can almost smell those roses.
    Welcome back Sashaspiegel, sounds like a good plan. Safe travels!
    Rori, what everyone, especially Lisa, said. Greatly relieved you have come to this hard decision at last. Wishing you all the patience, persistence, professional help, self care you'll need and all the luck the heavens can give. (((hugs held extra long)))
    Okie what a great gift your mom and stepdad gave your DGM! Jealous of your weekend in the Bay Area. ;)
    SuziQ I'm so with you about organic sugar or honey in moderation vs artificial sweeteners. Wow, your story about your co-worker, what a blessing you returned to her. You inspire me. Hoping the new year brings you joy and prosperity and fun. ((hugs)) Have been trying to grow pineapples from tops indoors, but the leaves always dry out and the stems rot. Any tips?
    Janetr You're right about logistics being the least of it. Sending strength, hope and hugs.
    Amber ((hugs)) for all the losses and challenges you've faced. Admiring your strength and humor.
    Weclome Roseabc123!

    Gratitude day #26 form of expression: surprised to find it's writing, especially here with you dear ones. This, from someone who gave herself a writer's block that prevented her from penning more than a post card for over ten years. SMH. :laugh:

    Today's “todo”s are carried over from yesterday (make KJ's adult fudge, rum balls) and earlier this week (light the tree). New: chiro appt, make cheese ball for tonight's girl's movie night (Christmas Chronicles), finish laundry. Need to make fudge first as it has to set, BUT Joe just announced he's taking Shadow to the beach so I can light and trim the tree while she can't watch. Ack! Jump up and do what you can, Barbara!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for December: get up and go outside EVERY day!
    daily: steps=6418 vits=6.5 log=9 CI<CO=7 CI<250<CO=2 Tumble 5/10=6 mfp=9 AF=7 outside=4
    wkly: BBBorTC=3/3 rx=2 dance=1 pack walk=1
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= dog group email lilst= sew= play=
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,933 Member
    ;) Pg 19 done
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,575 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    You've probably all heard about the New Zealand volcano ... it's all over the news here. :(


    Machka in Oz

    I have been thinking about you. Such a tragedy. Is it affecting your air quality?

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,575 Member
    The little boy on the right is my cousin Keith, who has recently had the serious head injury. He is now a 71/72 year old man with a long beard.( In my memory he is still around 12/13) . I am the baby. The other three cousins are from my dad's elder sister. Keith ended up with four younger siblings. This photo is over 69 years old.
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX

    OMG! I recognized you right away, even before I read which one you are. You haven't changed a bit! Seriously. Your face is the same cute thing. Such an adorable picture.

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    edited December 2019
    Katla - Yes! The internet is magic. :) Helps no end with all those warm and fuzzies .

    We are both coming down with some lurgy or other. DH is more throat etc and I am more achey and general 'not right'. Both sneezing. We have decided to give our last Swing dancing class a miss. Feel bad, but we are simply not up to it. I have posted a message on the Facebook page. The class starts again in January in a new venue nearer us, but it conflicts with our French club, so we will only be able to go once a fortnight. :'(

    We managed to excavate the tree from the garage loft and find lights and extension. DH assembled the tree. Not decorated yet.I went out in the WIND to buy food. :o Horrible weather, but I did deliver a couple of good things to the charity shop.
    Tomorrow is a HUGE Amazon day. Masses of stuff arriving!!! In the evening, if we are up to it, we will go to the French Circle. I'm guessing we won't be. :/

    My youngest nephew and DSIL have been in Cambridge where he is being interviewed for a place. The school says he is a Maths genius.
    He will be first person of my brother's family to go to uni. My huge extended family is very home orientated. All that generation have chickened out of taking up places they were qualified for. My clever niece had too much anxiety and self harming. They are so close knit and parochial as a family. I hope he makes it and breaks the trend.
    Trying to get my DB to commit to a visit. :|:* We have presents to exchange. I suggested no presents, but they had already bought us something. I bought them some Sussex sparkling wine this afternoon.

    I'm enjoying just chillin'. B) Very easy TV watching tonight. We have an election on Thursday. :# Oh boy!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx