Coronavirus prep



  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    Snowflake - Happy Birthday 🎂
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Italy here. We just had an announcement (last minute) by the government. We're in Lockdown for Christmas-Dec 24th to 27th, then again Dec 29th to Jan 3rd, then again Jan 5th to 7th. All stores, coffee bars, and restaurants are to be closed (we already have had gyms, museums, theaters, sports, etc all closed for 2 months). If you leave your residence you need a permission form downloaded on internet stating your destination and reason. The police will stop and fine anyone noncompliant. No driving anywhere. So, we're trapped in our homes. I've been behind most of the COVID measures in the past, but this time I'm just mad.

    Those date ranges seem a little counterproductive, I'd think that would mean everyone would mob the shops on Dec 28th and Jan 4th whether they needed to or not, just to get out of captivity. At the very least, people will be saving their errands for "legal" days.

    That's true, but our "legal days" are still strict, and have been for 2 months. What makes me mad is that we're paying for the people who aren't careful enough. There are crowds shopping, in outside bars, etc and are too close together. The great exodus North to South has started. People have to get tested before moving, because there will be check points on the freeways, train stations, and airports. Sigh.

    I'm venting, because it means I'll be locked up cooking for everyone--Christmas Eve (fish), Christmas Day, St Stephen's (26th), New Years Eve, New Years Day, and Ephifany. All big holidays here (Italy) with lots of traditional food. I can't even go for a walk in the afternoons, or take a break in a coffee shop with a cappuccino. My son and wife and little kiddies (live across the landing) will be here since she can't be with her parents part of the time (they live outside Rome and the rules say everyone stays home). That means cooking for 6 adults for all these meals. Tomorrow is also my birthday. I'll be 66, great birthday present.

    I feel for you. I totally understand because even when I was crippled I still had to make Christmas lunch for everyone. I couldn't walk! It's our choice to say a big NO though if we want to. Get the sons wife to cook maybe or help out or the men? I don't mostly because I know I cook better than them so deal with it all. You are maybe the same. We know you are a good cook. One day I'll say no. lol. Happy birthday. Do spoil yourself somehow, even just a nice long bath and a glass of nice wine.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Italy here. We just had an announcement (last minute) by the government. We're in Lockdown for Christmas-Dec 24th to 27th, then again Dec 29th to Jan 3rd, then again Jan 5th to 7th. All stores, coffee bars, and restaurants are to be closed (we already have had gyms, museums, theaters, sports, etc all closed for 2 months). If you leave your residence you need a permission form downloaded on internet stating your destination and reason. The police will stop and fine anyone noncompliant. No driving anywhere. So, we're trapped in our homes. I've been behind most of the COVID measures in the past, but this time I'm just mad.

    I'd be mad too...sounds like the Gestapo to me.

    Lol with the disagrees...having to have "papers" doesn't sound familiar?

    While I'm not one of the disagrees, I can understand why someone might not agree with equating needing permission to be out in public during a spiking pandemic with Nazis.

    Finding a balance in all this can be difficult. Some govts are standing back and relying on citizens to make smart choices and finding this leads to uncontrolled spread, as the irresponsible folks spread it to those being careful. I don't think it's surprising or foreboding that other govts might over-correct to avoid that, whether I think it's the right way to go or not.

    Hopefully as vaccine access starts to spread, these decisions will start to become easier for everyone.

    I need an ID card to get into all sorts of places, including sometimes having to identify myself to a police officer or govt official as allowed to be present or doing what I'm doing. Again, not saying I agree with a hard lockdown that requires a permission slip, but no it did not make me think of the Gestapo.

    Having to have ID to drive or having ID to go into a restricted area, etc is way...way...way different than having to have papers to move around as a person. You have your drivers license right? you need that and papers to move about...your ID license to drive isn't good need your papers...and eventually a "mark"
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    To all of you that wished me a Happy Birthday--thank you from my heart. I am stressing, but will power through--I always do. Everything will get done. My sons asked the other day "Aren't you making cookies this year?", so hey, yep, made some cookies, not nearly as many as I usually do. The cut-out cookies that need frosting are staring me in the face. Monday.
    There is a discussion that the in-laws may come and stay in Rome with my DIL and so we may be doing Christmas together. She's an only child. Tomorrow I'll find out. The rules say you can have 2 guests, but have to open a window and have them eat in an adjoining room. Our rules are so complex and most are unenforceable. We are all very careful and it just bugs me to be punished with the real offenders. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, and yes, I know I'm lucky to have all my children here. For those who don't--Hugs.

    We all need a little room to vent :smile: I'm so sorry you are stuck with these bizarre consequences of other people's actions. I say don't just accept being Super Hostess - ask your family for help. And find some time to sneak into an unused room with a glass of wine or a couple of cookies for 15 minutes lol.

    Like @mockchoc said I think everyone not in one of the few countries that have done a great job with this, all of our nerves are worn thin. The light at the end of the tunnel cannot get here fast enough!

    It is crazy really that even here we are having "discussions" about who's state government did a better job. She has no leg to stand on honestly. They had the Ruby Princess ship and more spread Covid and we had just about zero. Wake me up when next year is here lol!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    To all of you that wished me a Happy Birthday--thank you from my heart. I am stressing, but will power through--I always do. Everything will get done. My sons asked the other day "Aren't you making cookies this year?", so hey, yep, made some cookies, not nearly as many as I usually do. The cut-out cookies that need frosting are staring me in the face. Monday.
    There is a discussion that the in-laws may come and stay in Rome with my DIL and so we may be doing Christmas together. She's an only child. Tomorrow I'll find out. The rules say you can have 2 guests, but have to open a window and have them eat in an adjoining room. Our rules are so complex and most are unenforceable. We are all very careful and it just bugs me to be punished with the real offenders. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, and yes, I know I'm lucky to have all my children here. For those who don't--Hugs.

    Happy birthday!

    . . . here's just a possible pointed thought: For *your* birthday, maybe *give your son* the gift of teaching him to make cookies (and maybe other holiday food), and if he objects, tell him that making them is *his* birthday give to *you*, and make sad faces about how you won't always be around to make them, and he will miss them and regret this, blah blah blah etc. (I'm joking, kinda.)

    I admit, I was kind of all WTF about the number of people who said "get the DIL to cook". Men can cook too, y'know?

    Hell yes to that! My brother is an amazing cook especially all the seafood he catches himself and smokes some of it too. I wish I lived closer.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    I don’t know what it is about laundromats. My daughter says there are a lot of unmasked people there when she goes too. As far as cough drops go, my mother and husband have them all the time. I guess it helps with dry mouth issues. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Laundromats, just like any other building, should have a security officer at the door insisting on a mask before entering and possibly doing temperature checks. Also, hand sanitization on the way in. This is all "normal" everywhere I go now.