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Thoughts on the “glamourizing/normalizing” obesity vs body positivity conversations



  • siberiantarragon
    siberiantarragon Posts: 265 Member
    edited January 2021
    Then it's hard to understand why we've got so many people here who think you need to exercise for hours a week to lose weight or that they must limit carbohydrates or that you have to eat breakfast or that you have to IF to get your blood sugar down or etc etc etc.

    Our culture is full of garbage information about detoxing and fad diets, which is part of the reason why people struggle with weight management.

    Our culture is also full of misinformation about COVID, but that doesn't stop people from vilifying others for "not following the science" when it comes to that. Pretty much any public health agency on Earth will give you identical information on how to lose weight.
    Nobody has comorbidities for fun or because they're out to get me. That's my point. They're putting themselves at risk, I refuse to take it as a personal attack.

    People who want to socialize, go back to work, get an education, etc. aren't "out to get" other people either, but they've been treated that way because they're blamed for worsening the pandemic. Obesity is also worsening the pandemic. It increases the risk of the healthcare system collapsing and care being denied to people who don't have fixable co-morbidities. The entire reason why we have to have lockdowns is to prevent the healthcare system from collapsing.
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    Yeah, I see a serious "I'm the victim, they are evil and doing this to me" thing in this thread that is not based in any reasonable understanding of truth.

    All year we've been hearing nothing but "the evil people who want to go out and socialize and reopen things are doing this to me" even though socialization is vitally necessary for human health. I don't see how this is any different.

  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    What I find ridiculous and abhorrent is the stance that one set of preventative measures such as mask wearing and social distancing, is morally virtuous and socially imperative, while other sets of preventive measures are barely mentioned. It’s not good science, and has became extremely political. If we are truly concerned about saving lives, we need to be honest and upfront about what we can each do to mitigate our personal risk of Covid and avoid straining medical resources.

    I should add that I just think this is inaccurate. I have a friend with whom I talk about weight loss things who is obese, and he has been saying from the beginning that he needs to lose weight to control his risk. The discussions I've heard otherwise, both locally and on MFP have indicated that people are aware that obesity is a risk factor. I'm not overweight, but I've gained some during this and have joked about how it should be the opposite.

    I really don't think anyone doesn't know obesity is a risk -- why people don't then lose is a harder question related probably to why people get overweight despite it being a known health risk and also not positively viewed by society, or at least that has been my personal experience/understanding.

    The idea that if we just blamed fat people more they'd be thinner seems unlikely to me, and unrelated to what helped me lose weight, but perhaps your personal experience is different?
  • I’m not accusing anyone in particular; I just saw some misunderstanding of what I was trying to say.

    I do think it would be helpful to say “Lose weight, wear masks to lower the spread and severity of Covid.”

    I do see people becoming extremely focused on wearing masks, gloves and social distancing and putting all their efforts to avoiding the virus completely. It increases anxiety, OCD and depression greatly because they are cowering from something they are terrified they are going to get anyway.

    It would be much better for people to stop only focusing on not getting it and instead also focus on actions that have clearly and scientifically shown to decrease the severity.

    Obviously, there are other factors like age, and decreased immune function that can’t be mitigated.

    But we can really improve our chances for survival if we lose weight. We don’t have to be out of our minds with fear and worry that there’s nothing we can really do to prevent ourselves from dying from Covid.

    MyFitnessPal could be nationally promoted by officials, or other free apps like this one. We could open more gyms in empty stores so people can exercise and still socially distance. We could really promote people using hiking trails in parks. A lot of them are only wide enough for one person so it’s easy to social distance. We could have schools have more gym time in middle schools and high schools. Business could incentivize employees using MyFitnessPal and activity trackers. I know some already do, my husband’s new job is what restarted me here. We could have businesses give people exercise balls to bounce on while working from home. We could have cooking lessons required in every middle school and high school. We could have officials saying “Don’t despair, lose weight.”
    I’m not very creative even. I’m sure there’s many people out there with much better ideas.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,487 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    Are those real Cosmo covers?

    Apparently they are, might be the UK editions though:

  • No, you are mistaken. I’m not in a circle where mask wearing is discouraged.

    I do have family members with OCD and anxiety which have shot through the roof during this while gaining weight. I see them panicking over Covid to the point of neurosis, and not even thinking of actions which could mitigate Covid, if they do get it.

    I know of many people whose anxiety and depression have skyrocketed, including me, while listening to the news and officials. I am tired of people focusing on things out of their control such as the actions of others and not on actions we can take ourselves. Yes, mask wearing and social distancing, but also losing weight. Mask wearing will help to slow the spread and weight loss to lessen the severity.

    I have lost a significant amount of weight, with more to go. I am even so, still obese. I can’t understand why people keep thinking that I am blaming obese people. What benefit of the doubt are you speaking of? Why is it blaming anyone to point out that there are things we can do ourselves to lessen the severity of Covid?

    Did I say that fat people are to blame for everything that is evil? Why would I be blaming others for what I do myself? Can I still say that those actions are not helpful and help but not cause the overwhelming of the healthcare system? Absolutely. It is important to state the truth, however inconvenient or unpleasant.

    Absolutely lockdowns are caused by official actions. Everyone who has lost their job or business because of them knows this.

    There is wide spread fear, anxiety and depression, even if not in your circle. Look up the rates of suicide. I think we should be promoting ways to control the feeling of helplessness that overwhelm so many, instead of neglecting ways to help us manage Covid.