Write just 1 tip which triggered your weight loss.



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I repurposed the NHS fit for 40 campaign for me to be fit for 30. I started dieting and exercising with 6 friends at work at the start of 2020, we all put £5 in a pot and who ever lost the most in that week won the pot. I never won the pot once which was frustating and everyone gave up by March except me, im now down 54lbs. Only 25lbs left to go, if it wasnt for covid and the gyms shutting i'd be there by now.


    It may have cost you a few "deep sea divers" Chris but you won your health.
    Well done.
  • WPBullock
    WPBullock Posts: 8 Member
    The scale going over 220. My belt running out of holes.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    When I was about 94lbs a couple years ago, I stepped on the scale, and my doctor immediately asked me, "Have you been eating a lot of junk food?" At that time, I was working out for 3 hours a day and eating only a little bit of rice and vegetables. I know I shouldn't take it too personally, but that still really bothers me and I tend to obsess over little things. Since I haven't had any health issues, I've been avoiding the doctor until I'm under that weight. Now I'm trying to eat more than the 500 calories I was having at the time and not exercise so drastically. This year will be my first doctor's visit in almost 4 years, and I'm going to be strong and satisfied with myself even if she isn't.

    I’m sorry this happened to you. Is there any way you can transfer to a new doctor?
  • fitstrongfitlove
    fitstrongfitlove Posts: 58 Member
    One tip that triggered my weight loss is taking care of my mental health and reducing my stress. This was a long process as my stress levels escalated and escalated over the years. Stress helped be gain an additional 20 that was impossible to loose, no matter what I tried to do.

    Getting the stress under control helped me get myself under control. I am still working on things but am happy to say that just with tracking, mfp, exercise, and daily weighing I have lost 5.8 pounds in 2 weeks.

    I am well aware that if i loose my self to stress again, I am the one who will be hurt. At the very least, I will gain more weight back.

    Self care is what is making the difference. Getting real help and holding myself accountable for how I manage stress.
  • fitstrongfitlove
    fitstrongfitlove Posts: 58 Member
    One tip that triggered my weight loss is taking care of my mental health and reducing my stress. This was a long process as my stress levels escalated and escalated over the years. Stress helped be gain an additional 20 that was impossible to loose, no matter what I tried to do.

    Getting the stress under control helped me get myself under control. I am still working on things but am happy to say that just with tracking, mfp, exercise, and daily weighing I have lost 5.8 pounds in 2 weeks.

    I am well aware that if i loose my self to stress again, I am the one who will be hurt. At the very least, I will gain more weight back.

    Self care is what is making the difference. Getting real help and holding myself accountable for how I manage stress.
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    Intermittent fasting
  • Latrellis
    Latrellis Posts: 76 Member
    When I found out my A1C was actually 6.0, scared me into finally starting to lose weight.