

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,710 Member
    Ol Allie has broken a sweat .. I have laundry in the wash ,started a giveaway box and moved some furniture lol ,not alot done but some... hey its a start.. i did by a roomba that I will set up and start today.. going to put laundry in the dryer.. yipee..
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,317 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,463 Member
    Heehee Michele! My middle son was telling me he wants to have trains go about his house on shelves that encircle the bedrooms.😜😁

    So my ramen was without spinach, the bag had decided to go slimy in one full swoop. But hey its perfect anyways!
    Ramen Queen on
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,288 Member
    Michelle - Since you aren’t putting up all your outside decorations this year because of the roof, will you be going to see PJ for Christmas?

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,710 Member
    I forgot to say something about sounds..
    I have issues with loud noises... even when i am out to dinner with friends i wear earplugs.. I can converse fine,but dont hear alot of the background noise of music, clanking dishes,people talking etc.. the rice rocket motorcycles do me in...
    So i carry earplugs with me everywhere just in case..
    Vacuums don't bother me and household things don't bother me..
    Laundry in the dryer.. and have the roomba is charging ,i have alot of the living dining room moved around..
    Will work on some more tomorrow.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,317 Member
    Sewing: It has taken me 3 or 4 days looking at Youtube videos to get my Singer sewing machine threaded and the bobbin in. Finally got it done today and it actually sews. Now, my question is this, I am 5'1" tall and cannot find any pants that are not 4 or 5 inches longer than I need (probably because I need a plus size in petites). Does anyone have a suggestion on how to shorten them?

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,557 Member
    OMGosh Heather, I am so jealous! Thank you for letting me live vicariously through you. Have fun with dancing and relaxing and just HAVE FUN!

    Happy Birthday Vicki!

    WOOHOO PIP! Well done Kirby! I am truly impressed at how neat and clean that garage is. We can't get two cars in our three-car garage for all the crap our kids have left and WE have accumulated. A lot of it is Freddy's mom's stuff that he hasn't had the heart to get rid of yet. We're working on that. New pups seem to approve! How is Yogi doing?

    Happy Birthday Ginny!

    Very pretty picture KJ.

    Grateful for...
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN

    Yogi doesn’t care
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,557 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/all 3 kids- 1hr 8min 7sec, 39elev, 2.66ap, 84ahr, 116mhr, 3.05mi= 373c
    Strava app = 374c
    Walk w/yogi- 33.53min, 37elev, 3.64ap, 98ahr, 127mhr, 2.07mi= 215c
    Strava app = 254c

    Total cal 588
    Tomorrow is the run. We re going to ride our bikes there so we don’t have to deal with the road closures.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,710 Member
    Thank goodness for that Barbie.. and Jakes resourcefulness... my parents had a gas stove so we could always cook something on the stovetop..i remember the ice storm of i think it was 1978,dont quote me.. but we were without power for a couple weeks and we had some french Canadian linemen that were working on our lines.. i offered them some hot coffee. They wanted booze lol..
    Couldn't help them there.. but they were fast workers by golly..
    Well i have my clocks turned back...
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Beth, Nope, haven't made the chickpeas, just looked at recipes.

    Kelly, You are quite beautiful! Inside and out!

    I went to our new apartment this afternoon. Willie came to put together my spouse's new bed frame. My brother went with me. We got a lot of little tasks done while we were waiting for him to finish. I'm super tired. Looking forward to getting a good night's sleep!

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,557 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,956 Member
    I have very long, very curly hair-My hair, when wet is down to my butt and in ringlets.
    I wash it once , occasionally twice a week. Wash it Saturday night and add a little curl activator. I use shampoo and conditioner for curly hair. Use a big comb while in the shower to get the tangles out.Sunday morning before church, get it damp and scrunch it pull just a small amount back or wear a head band. Same thing the next day but pull more back. Third day simple braid or only brush the top and put it in a pony tail- wetting and scrunching the rest. Carefully brush it and braid it the other days. Some days I don't brush it at all. If the tangles are too bad after three days(usually not too bad) I wash it and comb in the shower- that is easier than trying to brush it.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,899 Member
    edited November 2022
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Alone time-I cherish mine and I have quite a lot of it, thankfully. However, when the mister is home, he makes noise. Sometimes talking to me, sometimes to himself. If he isn't talking, he's just making noise. Humming, mumbling, cursing, stomping around, listening to music loudly, or something. I noticed that when I am not in his vicinity (or he doesn't know I am paying attention to him), he is quiet as long as he's distracted by something (the news, his phone, etc.). As soon as I am near, he makes noise. I don't like noise, especially when it's not for good reason. I am very sensitive to it and I've had to work hard to "deal" with it. I think maybe he's afraid to be alone with his thoughts.

    That said, I'm sure that like Ginny, I may miss it someday. I am working on trying to be more grateful.

    As for vacuuming, I use a dry mop whenever possible and when I'm the one vacuuming (and I always am if it's happening at all), I don't mind so much. Probably because I know it's coming.

    Cleaners-I loved having one, but it's been problematic for us. I had to let them go. I clean the kitchen, but I'm in there all the time. I sweep the floors now and then, but they never get mopped or polished. The windows are gross, his office is a cluttered mess, his bathroom is disgusting. I have my own bathroom and if I didn't, we would have a cleaner, no matter what.

    Like Machka's husband, I also struggle with loud cars, motorcycles, dogs barking, loud TV and music volume (the worst), screaming children, etc. Fortunately, those are very temporary noises (with the exception of our neighbor's constantly barking dog-which a long temporary).

    Sending hugs to those in need and good vibes to everyone!

    Tina in CA

    Alone Time - I get none. Unless you count when my husband is asleep or the occasions when I can fit in a lunch walk to areas where there are less people.

    I miss alone time, and it's one of the reasons I stay up late ... so I can have 30-60 minutes of "alone time".

    Noises - I also don't like noise (loud cars, motorcycles, dogs barking, loud TV and music volume, screaming children, etc.) and I struggle with misophonia.

    But I don't mind noises like vacuums, wash machines, etc. They help to block out my tinnitus.

    What is misophonia?
    Repeated noises like chewing, pen tapping, sniffling, or scratching can cause annoyance and frustration for anyone.

    But for people living with a condition called misophonia, originally known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome, these noises are more than just bothersome. With misophonia, those small sounds, and plenty of others, can be downright unbearable.

    To put it simply, misophonia involves an extreme sensitivity to certain sounds. As a matter of fact, the name “misophonia” comes from the Greek word for “hatred of sound.”

    This hypersensitivity prompts a fight-or-flight response to triggering sounds. You might, for example, have an extreme urge to:

    leave the room immediately
    press your hands over your ears
    scream, “Stop making that sound!”

    Cleaning - In my ideal house, I would have hard surface flooring throughout. I am not fond of carpeting.

    My husband takes care of the kitchen - making dinner and loading/unloading the dishwasher. He also does his own laundry. He does the rubbish and cleans the toilet. And he takes care of a lot of things outside.

    He has done most of these things since well before we got together and has just continued. I guess that's one benefit of marrying someone who has lived on his own for a bit.

    In the beginning, we also both worked fulltime. We've both been quite independent.

    Hair - I also use a very wide tooth comb. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,956 Member
    1948CWB wrote: »
    Sewing: It has taken me 3 or 4 days looking at Youtube videos to get my Singer sewing machine threaded and the bobbin in. Finally got it done today and it actually sews. Now, my question is this, I am 5'1" tall and cannot find any pants that are not 4 or 5 inches longer than I need (probably because I need a plus size in petites). Does anyone have a suggestion on how to shorten them?

    Carol in GA

    get a pair of your pants that are the right length. Add one inch to the length and cut the rest off. Fold it under 1/2 inch twice and sew. You can cut three inches and then hem by hand but I tend to do it the quicker way now days.