

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Oh my! The Chinese chicken in black beans was soooooo amazing. I steamed some pak choi to go with it and we had Chinese noodles.

    DH speed read most of my book but is not really able to say what he thinks of it. I feel for him. He said a lot of it was intense. :p I'm letting the poor man off the hook. <3 As no one ever saw the great majority of the poems, I am curious as to whether any of them are any good. ;)

    Looking forward to seeing my brother and DSIL tomorrow. I hope the chat they are going to have with us is not about something important but just social. :* The focaccia is calling us. >:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    Got'cha Heather! How exciting for them to have everything redone and be in somewhere so fun in the meantime. What a blessing.
    That bread looks amazing!

    Allie, our Anne STILL has a stuffed Eeyore that she got at Disney World when she was six! I get the attachment. <3

    OH NO, Betsy, I'm so sorry! That's just horrible. I can actually "hear" that happening. EWE! You're such a good mom/grandma. What a great cruise to go on. I sure hope you can do that.

    23 Go an entire day without complaining... I think I can do that, but this falls on a MONDAY!!! Gonna have to try tomorrow... sorry gang. I didn't really complain so much as ask for help. I sit right next to the auditorium and they were having a "thing" in there today. So I try to put my earbuds in my laptop and they won't relay the music to the earbuds and keep playing thru the speakers. Come to find out later, when the tech guy finally arrives (after my "please come help me email") that it was operator error and I actually KNEW how to fix it! DANGIT!!! So I sorta didn't complain, right?
    You've got a GREAT point, Margaret!
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
    24 What about you makes you special?...
    25 Spend time with a loved one...
    26 When was the last time you felt pure joy?...
    27 Hold the door for a stranger... or a friend...
    28 What fear have you overcome?...
    29 Engage in a random act of kindness of your own choice...
    30 When was the last time you laughed so hard you almost peed?...
    31 Now try to "meditate" (sit in silence) for ten minutes...
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,387 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,459 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Heather, the place that your family is renting looks lovely! I could deal with that view for sure!

    And I forgot, I also folded and put away two loads of laundry today!

    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Worked today, had to go to WalMart just for milk for Vince, then went bowling, then my walk. Will have dinner in a few. Wish ceramics was open! The plan for tomorrow is to do a body pump DVD after work.

    Speaking of work: today they told me that they just had to take Jerry home, he was so drunk.

    Betsy – have a safe flight. That’s so wonderful of you to do that for your son and his family

    Heather – your bread looks fantiastic

    Vicki – sending “feel better” vibes

    going to watch some TV then get to bed.

    Michele NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Ginny— I am lucky to be able to spend time with DH. Our daughter found this place that works well for us. I can check on DH frequently. ❤️

    Pip— I hope your trip will be great. Have a good time. 🌸

    Barbie—Sending good thoughts for Jake’s surgery on Monday. Good news that he is healing. 💖
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    edited January 2023

    Yeast Rolls for Sandwiches or Filled Rolls:
    Bread – full recipe (taken from Mama’s recipe)
    3 to 4 tbsp yeast in 1 cup of warm water, with pinch of sugar, proof.
    2 cups milk or buttermilk if you want tangy rolls (warm to room temp in microwave)
    2 large eggs
    2/3 cup of oil
    4 tsp salt
    1/4 cup sugar
    6 to 8 cups of flour (bread flour or all-purpose flour)
    Whisk oil, salt, sugar, milk, to get salt and sugar dissolved while yeast proofs.
    Add yeast, water mixture after it comes to a head. Add six to seven cups of flour until it becomes a big, mass, pulling away from the sides of the bowl.
    Let it knead in the bowl for ten minutes, pull out onto a board/countertop with enough flour to make it not stick, form into a smooth ball. Clean and oil the mixing bowl, add a bit of oil to keep bread from sticking, put the dough back in it, put it in a warm place, covered with plastic wrap, until dough doubles.
    Punch down the dough, form rolls or loaves, let them rise ‘til double.
    Bake in 375 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until brown, for rolls. Loaves need to be in for as much as 30 minutes. Cover with foil if they get too brown.

    Half-recipe (makes about 15 rolls).
    2 tablespoons of yeast (or 1 packet-ish) with pinch of sugar in 1/2 cup water.
    1 cup milk or buttermilk
    1/3 cup of oil
    1/8 cup sugar
    2 tsp salt
    1 cup of wheat bran (optional)
    3 to 4 cups of flour

    For filled rolls, when it comes to time to shape them, flatten roll dough into a small disk, put filling in the middle, gather the dough up over the filling, pinch all edges together, and turn the pinched edges to the underside, let rise, bake the same as with the regular rolls. Fillings can be ham and cheese, pepperoni and mozzarella.

    I tend to use the half recipe, and it is more than Corey and I can use in two weeks... Enjoy!

    question about "Let it knead in the bowl for ten minutes,"
    So, do I knead it in the bowl then on the board or let it rest for ten minutes then put on the board?

    I am very new to this(used to use my bread machine when I did make bread.)

    I have my second batch of banana yeast rolls ready to go in the oven in 10 min.

    I will try setting my pressure cooker on warm for five minutes before putting the dough in and turning it off when I do put the dough in it and let it just stay in it to rise until double in size. Having it on warm, it left a dryer spot on it, like it did yesterday when I made it(but I messed up and it was on warm for 20 min instead of 5)

    The flavor is great, just want to keep practicing- DH says they remind him a little Hawaiian bread.

    Think I might try a mango next time I have extras that are over ripe