
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,476 Member
    Did Jari Love Extremely Ripped 1000 DVD today.

    Rose and Anita – welcome!

    M – I’m sure you’ve heard this before. To TEMPORARILY relieve the itching, point your blowdryer to the itch, hold it there as long as you can possibly stand it, then take it away. The reason this relieves the itching is that the heat breaks up the histamines that cause the itching.

    Lanette – yes, even the Salvation Army has higher prices now. Well, I look at it this way – it’s still better than a sale at a store!

    After exercise took my walk around the neighborhood. Then to walMart and bought gas. $2.97 a gallon!

    Lisa - just love, love, love your quotes

    Carol – I must have missed about your car. Tell me about it – color, make, and all that stuff.

    Vince is doing something (I don’t totally understand) to the frames that go in the windows that we play the videos on for Halloween and Christmas. It has something to do with blocking the light from the kitchen when the video is playing. I guess I have to see it, I just can’t envision it.

    Tomorrow is bowling and then ceramics.

    Just cleaned the silver plate silverware set I have and a set of knives that I’ll never use. I’ve never used them, I think I got them for our wedding (back in the ice age….lol) I remember the last time I was at Replacements they were also selling silver plated silverware. I’ll see if they’re interested in this. If not, maybe the Humane Society because I’ll never use it. I have 2 other sets of silverware (one sterling silver). I can only use so much and I don’t think Jess or (especially) Denise would be interested, especially since it has to be cleaned periodically.

    Michele NC


  • Thanks for those words. Very encouraging!
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 409 Member
    Machka, that looks very itchy and painful. Hopefully the Benedryl will help. For me, Claritin seems to be more effective.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    *Drink a glass or two of water when I first get up, before coffee. I've known to do that for years, just never implemented it consistently since the "experts" said mix lemon juice in it. What a hassle if I didn't have lemons or lemon juice on hand. A glass of water from the tap takes 2 seconds. Simple. It didn't have to be complicated.

    Lanette B)

    In the morning, before I head off to work, I drink a tall glass of water.

    When I get to work, I make myself a cup of coffee and pour another tall glass of water. Throughout the day, I try to match my coffee intake with tall glasses of water, or have one extra glass of water. It often means I drink 2 big cups of coffee and 3 tall glasses of water at work.

    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    I have been working on adding some new habits, all around the idea of getting some more me time…which really means figuring out how to make my work time more efficient. Which is not that easy, but I have to generate the same or even more money each week, but also free up all of one day a week to have “off”. Ten years of having some income generating work in most every day is burning me out. So the first change has been making one each day a week client appointment free to be able to work with out interruption. I did it for the first time last week and it felt good – I got more done in that day then in an average day. So looking forward to that again this week.

    Love ya all,
    Kim in N. California


    10 years!!

    I can't even imagine!! It's hard for me to wrap my head around that. Is there any way you can take a break?

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,466 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – I’m sure you’ve heard this before. To TEMPORARILY relieve the itching, point your blowdryer to the itch, hold it there as long as you can possibly stand it, then take it away. The reason this relieves the itching is that the heat breaks up the histamines that cause the itching.

    Heat actually makes this rash worse.

    What I'm reading advises cool cloths. So I've been washing my face, neck and chest with a warm cloth, then with a cold cloth. Sometimes I use alcohol (which is similar to witch hazel). I've used an antibiotic cream. And now I'm into the Hydrocortisone Cream.

    exermom wrote: »
    Lanette – yes, even the Salvation Army has higher prices now. Well, I look at it this way – it’s still better than a sale at a store!

    Michele NC


    In Tassie, it's a toss-up.

    Yes, the op shops may sell things from higher-end stores for less than I could get them on sale in those higher-end stores.

    But often I can get something new cheaper in a department store.

    For example, I rarely buy T-shirts and things like that at an op shop. The op shops will sell them between $4 and $6 ... but I can get new T-shirts at K-Mart (not the American K-Mart) or Big W for about $5.

    M in Oz

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,476 Member
    Vince feels he has the flu. He’s feeling achy, runny nose, sneezing. All the symptoms of the flu. We were waiting until next month to get our flu shots when we had our annual MD visit. However, if he’s still feeling this way, I want to get the flu shot asap. Update: I just booked an appt. at CVS for 11 tomorrow morning to get my flu shot. Unfortunately, it takes a while to work to full, but IF I get the flu, it will most likely be milder.

    Rita – it’s only silver plate. I do have some sterling silver so I’m probably OK with ghouls….lol Plus, I just bought some garlic...hehehe

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,084 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,704 Member
    Rebecca - Kept meaning to tell you I liked the Scrabble family game, and I don't think it needs a frame... and if you have a great need to learn to knit, I think you can find this pattern out there, just for Lee. Or maybe HE should learn to knit! (Not sold everywhere, pipe not included, no guarantees of looking as cool and retro as the dude in the picture.) Hee! :smiley:

    Thanks friend! I had fun creating it.👍🏼 Not really into knitting but more keen to supporting business's that do.😁
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,084 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Good morning,

    Someone asked how SIL who as co-owner doesn't know how to do everything.....lack of interest is my guess. She has been bookkeeper since she was 15. That was all that was ever expected of her. She would go in early, do the books, go home. When Father in law died, she had to take a more active role in things. Even then it was limited, but more. Mother was already retired, but for several years came in to help at counter. I came into the picture after father died. Difference is I have always learned everything I can about every job I have had. That is either a strength or detriment, but just my work ethic. I don't understand her lack of interest. DH will defend her every time, so I just choose my battles carefully. The only thing I don't know how to do at the shop is the books. She doesn't share. So I hope nothing happens to her before we decide to sell. My step toward helping a difficult situation at least from my standpoint, is to just let her. I am trying not to step into her situations. Unless detrimental to customer, she is on her own. This is hard for me, but sink or swim.

    I started this yesterday then started a few things at farm. We weeded flower bed, it wasn't hateful, but better now. DH cleaned up fence rows around house. I opened/ closed gates for him. Then I dusted and vacuumed the farm house. We stopped for Mexican on way home. I got a few small things done yesterday evening. I sorted my charging cords into bags. USB to micro, USB to C, and C to C. I was getting frustrated trying to find the cord I needed at any given time. Charging blocks are in their own bin. Adapters and sticks are in their own bin. Now I can breathe. Cleared out a bunch of old charging cords to items we no longer own. It felt good. I do need to order some C toC charging blocks. Visited with a friend. Watered indoor plants. Set up another google nest for internet at hot tub. All little things, but needed done. :)

    Tracey Prayers for the children. Love the plaque!

    Rebecca Men are so frustrating that way. My DH just has to think about losing weight and does. Now.....if he would cut down beer intake he could quickly lose the beer gut and 20 pounds.

    Ginny, Machka, and Michele Sending healing thoughts your way.

    Eclipse- we were under full cloud cover here.:( So thank you Rita for sharing.

    15. Thank yourself for something you achieved that you take for granted.....a clean farmhouse and watered plants.

    16. Thow away the to do list and do something fun....that will be tomorrow night when I go to a play with oldest daughter.

    Time to get ready for work. Oh, I plan on downloading the video and pdf on small changes. Just need to get out laptop.

    Healing thoughts!
    Good choices!

    Much love,
    Kylia in chilly and wet Ohio ( we need the wet)

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Any help with posting pictures from Samsung? I can post from laptop, just not phone or tablet. Just a wee bit frustrating.