June 12th
Good morning everyone! Another new workout to try out today, Max Cardio Conditioning. I guess it will be just like Pure Cardio, just longer. But tomorrow is Max Recovery, so I am going to push. Feeling less discouraged today. I will do my best! Have a beautiful day!
June 11th
Time for another long workout! Let's check this one out! Rosie, I looked at your Fit Test results, so impressive!
June 10th
I'm slightly nervous about today. Wondering if Pink Cheek already completed her workout at 4am... let's do it!
June 8th
Last recovery workout before Month 2! Wohoo!
June 7th
Hello insane people! 2 more days of recovery! Let's do it!
June 6th
Good morning everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day!
June 5th
Alright, Wednesday workout is complete. My 13 year old daughter couldn't sleep so she joined me for my workout at 0'dark thirty this morning. Was nice to have some company. As the week goes on I am able to hold longer in the shoulder burner squats which is a good thing I suppose. Hope you all have a great hump day!!!
June 4th
Another day of Core Cardio & Balance. It felt better than yesterday, maybe because I knew what to expect. Will anyone replace this workout with Max Interval Sports Training? I'm not sure I will as the other one lasts 53 minutes ;) But who knows? I might try it out on the day when I feel really energetic. Wffolkes,…
June 3rd
Recovery Week! I am curious about the new workout. How was your weekend? I spent it with my parents, thus unable to track calories. The weird thing is, I actually lost some weight.
June 1st
Good morning, everyone! Rise and shine! It is the last day of Phase 1 - congratulations to everyone and thank you for your support!
May 31
It's the last day of May and the last day of Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs! I'm not going to miss Pure Cardio, that's for sure! Let's do it!
Anyone in their late 40s.
I'm fairly unfit and 47 years old. Will Insanity be too much for me?
May 30th
Recovery time! I'm more than ready!
May 29th
Time for Plyo. And tomorrow it's recovery day again, so let's rock it today! :)
May 28th
Hello everyone, time for Power and Resistance today - it might be my favourite workout actually. But it's the last time we will be doing this one - can you believe it? So let's do our best!
May 27th
Good morning! How are you today? Ready for the last week of month 1?
May 25th
Hello everyone! It's time for the last workout of the week. Who is ready to report? :)
May 24th
Didn't have a lot of time due to a faculty event tonight so I did the Fast and Furious work out! He uses more of the Max Interval moves from the second month and reminded me of the Pure Cardio work out because after the first stretch there aren't any breaks until the final stretch. Nice burn for a small amount of time. I…
May 23
Cardio Recovery=a very blissful sweat. The much lighter workout was much appreciated today!
May 22nd
Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs time! ktrn0312 managed to beat us all as she did her workout at 4:30 am (!!!) Who is next?
May 21st
Ready for Plyo today? :) I'm not but everything is better than Pure Cardio! My abs are still slightly sore after Cardio Abs, but that's a good thing! I meant to ask - did you all check your measurements yesterday? I did very quickly. I seem to have lost 2cm only, in my waist. But I'll take waist over everything else!
May 20th
Fit Test Day!!! I'm ready to start! You? :)
May 19th
For most of you this is going to be a well-deserved Rest Day! For me, it's Pure Cardio/Abs combo today and I already dread it. I am abroad and I had to switch days - I felt too powerless yesterday - travel, 2h sleep and drinks on friday night. I am getting too old for this kind of stuff I guess :) I'll report back later.…
May 18th
Hello everyone! How are you? I am considering doing a rest day today and Pure Cardio/Cardio abs tomorrow, as I'm not sure if my condition will be excellent today. Too many drinks yesterday, too little sleep. I'll see how I feel in the afternoon. My biceps seem to grow and I am starting to see some abdominal muscles…
May 17th
What! No new topic yet? I hope I'll be able to squeeze a workout in today. My daughter still doesn't feel like napping and I might go out in the evening and won't be back till late... Let's hope and see.
May 16th
Cardio Recovery Day! Woohoo! I'm so energized that I almost think I could do a "real" workout but I think that it's just my mind cheating me, feeling safe because it knows it's recovery time :)
May 15th
Good Morning Insanity Friends! Already feeling much better this morning. Although my calves started cramping again....anyone else have this problem? It made high knees and butt kicks BRUTAL! I feel like I totally kicked A$% on the drills today. Knowing tomorrow is RECOVERY DAY helped me kick it into high gear today!…
May 14th
Didn't see one for today so thought I would start one. Pure Cardio was done this morning at 430am!!! Noticed a difference in my endurance from last week. Warmup was done without a break and only took two breaks during the actual routine. Both during exercises I just can't do at this point. Not too shabby.
May 13th
Good morning! Ready for week 2? :)
May 11th
How is everyone doing today? I'll be doing my Plyo Cardio soon. Dreading it already ;)