Do you take life seriously?
Personally, I think it's good to take life seriously. Why not, you only get one and you're not promised to live to the end of the day. There seems to be a common opinion though that people who don't take life seriously are more fun to be around and are more easy-going. When looking for a partner you'll often see that…
I deleted Facebook.
Ok, I really just deactivated. Honestly just tired of the political bullcorn and all the hate being spewed on there...sooo this is kind of my new and only form of social media now. Well, I have snapchat but I rarely use it. Hoping to find some cool people who will lift me up and steer me in a better direction.
Analyze my dream
Post a dream that you have had, and let MFP analyze it. (please make these humorous!)
video games?
anyone here like video games????? cause i absolutley LOVE them!!!!
Do you keep a diary or blog?
Why? What do you write about? What benefits has it had?
Favorite position
What's the best job you've ever had? Mine was for an online gaming co. It didn't pay well but it had great perks and a great work environment.
Best Keto App
Hi! Any advice on which is the best KETO APP out there? Don't mind if it's free or not, just looking for a good, reliable one.. Thanks! :)
Help needed
Can anyone help, I seem to have duplicate days, my diary thinks today is yesterday's date and tomorrow is today's date. Does anyone know how to fix this. TIA
What’s unique/unusual about where you live?
Some of the most memorable and engaging conversations are based on differences in how/where we live. Whether it’s differences in population or weather or what’s considered a fun pastime or delicious treat, people get animated when they share the unique qualities about where they live. It’s entertaining to realize that…
Worst date
Come on, we've all had 'em. What is the worst date you have been on? I have too many to list but one that comes to mind is the guy that showed up drunk (he also had his friends drive him and stay at the pub).
Fitbit Dangerous?
I have used mfp for a few years now and have been happy with the outcome. I like to enter food in my diary but to be honest I kind of know now how my calorie intake is. I lost the amount of weight I needed to, to become into a healthy weight and have maintained maintained that weight comfortably for about 3 years or a bit…
Goodbye 2020
Is it too early for this kind of thread. So many things I want to leave in 2020. So many things im over dealing with. May be you are ready to lay some things to rest too. Let's post...then burn...a nice cleansing for the new year.
2020 time capsule
Goodbye to the 25# lost! I don't EVER wish to see them again!!!!
Anybody sad to see 2020 disappear?
Crazy stupid question right? But there has to be *something* good we can take from it, use and learn from, redo, build up, and remember with gratitude and love? Hmmm, might take me awhile to think on my own ponderings but I'm sure I'll come up with something. Maybe your answers will give me inspiration. :) Bring it on....
What bad decisions did you make today?
See above
Show me your favorite t shirt!
I may be 62, but don't mess with me!
Prepping for the weekend
Weather person is forecasting up to 2' of snow. So I'm trying to plan ahead. 1. Figure out how to use this newfangled phone so I can post pictures on MFP of all this delight. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Am I forgetting anything? :)
What are you doing to make Christmas feel Christmassy?
Especially if you're not having the sort of Christmas you usually would, due to Covid. I mean, stuffing my face full of chocolate until I feel so full I feel sick would be rather festive, but not exactly in line with my weight loss goals! What do you have planned to rustle up some Christmas spirit in your household this…
Random Life Events, but are they truly random
Tell us about a time when a seemingly improbable thing happened to you for either good or bad. For instance, one year, I was at a subway stop in NYC where I met another family I knew at the time (we both lived a couple hours away in NJ at the time). The odds of us both being there at the same time at an unpopular subway…
The zero effs given thread
When was a time in your life when you realized that you just had no fvcks left to give?
Loose, extra skin
I am in my 50s and as I edge closer to my goal weight, no amount of exercise, cardio, weights etc., can tighten the skin. My age means not as much collagen and elastin to help it retract. What have others done about this. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you!
We all have people in our lives who have been there for us through the good times and bad... who push us to be better, who kick us in the tush when we've got oreo cookie cream on our fingers... the ones who help us to become (or stay) better versions of ourselves. This thread is a chance to give those people a shout out…
Online Dating.
has anyone had any dates from dating websites that were just horrible? I'm at a loss at where to find a normal person to date. all the dates i've been on were super awkward or it was obvious they were interested in one thing. :expressionless:
MFP Holiday Party
Let’s see that holiday costume!
Weird things that happen to your body as you age.
I may regret posting this topic, but I really have no shame, so... :D So I recently discovered not just grey, but snow frickin white hairs. There. Down there. :# Why did no one tell me this happens as you get older?!?! I turned 40 and everything just went crazy! Is there anything else I need to know about??? This is…
I would like to get the yearly subscription for 49.99. My account was charged today 21.59. Can I please convert to the yearly subscription
Runners high
What is it? I don't want to misunderstood the concept. Is it just caused by running? Comments welcome.
Let's finish the song!!!
I will start. Stop collaborate and listen
Gamer Chicks come on in tell me your storie
Tell me what why how who about your love for gaming 💖
In a Hallmark movie kind of mood
:blush: I'll have to look on amazon prime; they do have them on there don't they?