Flag users as active or inactive
There are a lot of posts where someone creates an account, asks a question and over the next months or years users try to engage only to be frustrated to find out the original poster is now inactive. Similar to a dating site where you can quickly see if someone is active - I think this would create a more friendly user…
Things missing in the app
Since I have started using the myFitness Pal app, I have loved the features it has and the way we can track our journey. However, I do have few things that I want to bring as suggestions for app improvement. 1. The app does not provide the right name for the food which is scanned directly which I know is hard to achieve…
Tracking vs reality report
At the end of each day your software can predict what I might weigh in the future if this day is repeated for 5 weeks. That's helpful, but what if I an eating more than I am recording. How about a report that shows what I lost in weight vs. what the software predicted I should have loss (over say the past month). This…
Fix the x axis labeling in the progress viz
Hi, the x axis on the time series charts to plot progress just give the day and month... I have been a member for 10 years so now the tick marks are in years but it just repeats the date, it doesn't shift to years which would be more useful.
Fix add recipes so you can delete ingredient
If you make a mistake when putting in a recipe, it won't let you delete that one ingredient. Pressing the - symbol refreshes the page but the ingredient you're trying to delete doesn't go anywhere. You have to clear the whole recipe and start over again. Please fix that feature. Thanks.
Set default portion size to weight globally
Many of the foods have multiple options for portion size, be it cups, serving or whatever else as well as weight based portion sizes and the default selected seems to be determined by the food. It would be better if I could pick a global preference and every food that has my preference of weight or "100 grams" would show…
Add a goal card for intermittent fasting
I love the goal cards for quick view and access on my homepage and I love tracking my intermittent fasting in the app but it would be great to access IF as one of these goal cards on my homepage.
Put Water on the new home page
Most of the time I open MFP it is to add water, now I can’t do that from the home page. Please add an option for that. Being able to customize that page would be useful. For instance, I don’t need a space for steps or energy, I need a spot for water..
Customise water intake daily goal
I would think this is common sense to have this feature at least in Premium. MFP to have the premium price, you need to deliver.
Water Reminder to set individually
Also an important feature, if you want an all-in-one app.
Add support for All Drugs
I think, it would be very beneficial, for everyone, if the app also had support for Alcohol, smoking & all Illegal drugs and their effects on health, to be better aware of the harms, as well as to mitigate them. I believe, drug addiction is not a criminal probelm, its a physical & mental health problem & should be treated…
Ability to search my comments
I would really like to be able to see a my activity feed for comments in community. I want to be able to edit a comment on a thread so it doesn't get so long to update progress. Would like that to keep accountability. There is no good accountability method in this app with others.
Fix the Apple Health Integration Bugs
There's some integration issues with Apple Health. For starters, it looks like the macros recorded to Apple Health are completely wrong. After poking around a bit, it seems like the totals for each meal are being recorded for each item in the meal, i.e. if Breakfast consists of two items, one with 10g of Protein and…
Sync of saved recipes between app and desktop
For ease of following and archiving recipes. Also for printing easily and creating shopping lists
Quick Add calories is in "kcal," which is a scientists unit. Change it to "Calories."
The box on the Quick Add calories page is labeled "kcal" which is a scientists unit of measurement, and so is unfamiliar, off-putting, and potentially confusing. Why not just label the box "Calories" instead?
Wish List
I have 2 ideas that (at least for me) would improve my MFP usage. 1) I have PAGES of recipes in My Recipe Box. Please add a sort feature so when I update the recipe I can find it more easily than paging through (I often make changes to weights/measures in recipes). 2) If I scan in a product, PLEASE add it to My Foods.
Add Huawei Health
I like this app a lot and even pay for the premium version, but with my new Huawei phone, I am unable to coonect the Huawei Health app to track my steps and exercise. Unfortunately I can't seem to find any of the suggested apps to connect to sync correctly.
Everyday lifestyle for activity/calories burned
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site. I'm 67 yrs old with many physical issues, which makes my choices of exercise very limited. I believe I saw dancing and stair climbing as options, but would love to see my everyday routines included in the choices. (Such as: washing dishes, moping floor, vacuuming, dusting, laundry,…
"1 Slice / 1 Serving" = No Help At All
I am sure this has been brought up before but I couldn't find any history. When people post their food items in the data base, store bought or homemade / personal recipes, it would be really helpful - to me at least - if they could avoid simply entering, "1 piece", "1 slice", "1 portion", "1 serving", "1 container", "1…
Previous waist measurements
Hi there. Thank you to the team for an awesome app. I think it would be beneficial to the community to add the ability to add previous waist measurements, similar to what we currently have for weight measurements. As it is, it's only possible to add waist measurements for that day. Its always very motivating to be able to…
Select default food weight measurement
For those who use a food scale, it would be useful to be able to select a measurement system that is defaulted to when you scan/add in a new food/beverage item. e.g. always default to 1g or 1ml.
Added pictures to the recipe
This is not a new idea , it need to be standards for an app of 50$ , please make a functionality so we can added our fotos to our menus .
Crossrope app link
Please do consider to added the crossrope jump app to the linked apps , this crossrope jump app contains lot of data and it is used by many cardio training people
Workout Routines on web server
As managing and editing the workout routines is rather finicky and time consuming, I would love for this feature to be available on the website too.
Recipe Importing
While your Recipe Browser is ok, it is not very robust. Consider importing recopies from Paprika. They have the Ingredients, Directions and Nutrition facts and easier to download from a recipe into their system
Accuracy filter for food searches
I'm just returning after a few years away, and the bar code scanning is now a premium feature, which I understand. But other than tracking protein/sodium, I really don't have a lot of use for the other features. One thing that would be useful would be more accuracy in the results of food searches. As it is, when you search…
Influencer + Cash back Offers
Have you considered having more recipes features on your homepage with dieticians, influencers, etc. that you can view and automatically log once you make them? In addition to that it would be cool if you worked with Ibotta to have cash back offers on the ingredients you need to make the recipe. A few years ago you had a…
I think it would be awesome to have the nutrients list also include "added sugar". Or some way to distinguish added sugar vs sugar that is naturally found in the whole foods i am eating. That way i could keep track of how much added sugar i am consuming like what gets put in a yogurt or a milk alternative vs when i just…
Possibility to add nutrients to diary
It would be great if one could add freely custom nutrient values and goals to a diary. For example different vitamins (especially D and B-complex), magnesium, zinc etc. Tracking those would help monitoring intake values.
Remove the “close diary” function
The “close diary at the end of each day” causes a lot of confusion, particularly amongst newer members. I suspect it’s designed to inspire people by saying “in xx weeks you will have lost xxx”, and I know it is caveated, but many see it and think it is the truth. Then they post in the forums upset because they haven’t lost…