1g of protein per lb of body weight?
I have been looking online for the best amount of protein to be consuming and a lot of sites say 1g per lb of body weight and others say 1g per kg of body weight so it’s left me confused because there’s a big difference between the two. I weigh 128lb which is about 58 kg and I have been consuming 160g of protein a day, is…
Does elliptical training on non workout day build mass on legs ?
Does elliptical training on non workout day build mass on legs when on a cut with a deficit of 500 cals below maitenance and with a Protien intake of around 200 grams ( body weight 163 pounds) and usage of 1 scoop of creatine every day ? Level 10 resistance 10 setting on elliptical for your reference ( 30 minute training )
Heavy Squat - what's your range of motion?
I'm just looking to get people's opinion, sort of survey of how low do you go? Back when I first starting lifting in Middle School, a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far way. Lol., we all used to try to max out with our big 3 lifts, and everybody would go thighs parallel to the floor. More and more, I'm seeing heavy…
I want to gain weight.
I’m a new to this and not really sure on how this works. I am wanting to gain weight. I am 120 right now and I would love to be back in the 140s. I tend to feel so much better when I’m in that weight range. For my height my weight is kinda low. So I’m just needing advice on what I should eat and what workouts I should…
I don’t want to be skinny anymore
Hey! I’m Taylor For a long time I’ve thought that I will always be super slim because that’s just how I am. I’m 28, 183cm & 58kg. Right now I think I’m looking for a small change, just some weight gain would nice. I don’t use weights or go to a gym but I have started yoga because the gym environment makes me uncomfortable.…
Intermediate at least. Hard hitting hiit programs. 5-7 days a week. Full body. Core/cardio/weight training. No BS cookie cutter programs. I want to kill myself in the gym everyday for at least and hour or 2. I am always looking for new and interesting and challenging programs. Please help me out. I know the experts out…
Results of This Workout Seem too Good to Be True..
I was searching for a good beginner to intermediate strength and muscle program and i saw a the results of this program at the bottom of the page https://physiqz.com/jason-blaha-ice-cream-fitness-5x5-training-program-novice-intermediates/ it has a focus on building muscle but also some strength on the bench and deadlifts…
Lean bulking on a high carb diet
Will eating over maintenance say + 350 cals on lifting days and eating below maintenance say -250 cals on rest days will build muscle and also aid fat loss at modest rate? Macros - Protien 25 % fat 25 % Carbs 50% Has anybody used this strategy to stay lean while bulking after a 3month cut ?
No weight gains. Why?
I weigh 180lbs and I'm trying to go to 200lbs. I've been eating about 3500 calories and they are pretty clean foods. I work out about 3×a day about 2hrs. It's been about 1 month and I haven't gained any weight. I am looking more fit but no weight gain. What's the problem?
Doing too much at the gym?
So I'm looking to gain weight and muscle. Im 7 stone 11 and looking to get the 9. I've always had a problem with gaining weight and increasing my calories... Busy lifestyle, family etc. But now I've been using the my fitness app I am getting a bit obsessed with my macros and ensuring I consume enough each day.. Already…
Body fat
Hello I stepped on a scale that measures body fat. Height: 165cm Total weight: 114kg Fat weight: 52kg Non-fat weight: 62 kg Healthy fat weight should be: 15-20 kg Ideal weight: around 65 kg Now, does this mean I only need to lose 30 kg? I find the last two results contradictory. According to them, I will need to lose 20 kg…
Body fat
Weighed myself today , didn’t lose weight but body fat went down on scales is this good as disheartened weight didn’t go down
Trap/hex bar deadlift in beginner program
I've been doing the A Workout Routine beginner program at home with adjustable dumbbells for the past five weeks. I'm about to max out my dumbells on the deadlift and will max out on goblet squats shortly after. My goal is to begin barbell training (leaning toward SL 5 x 5) in June when finances loosen up and I can afford…
At home plates ideas?
I'm looking to restart Stronglifts 5x5. When I did it before the lowest weights I had at home were 1 kg plates. Adding 2 kg per lift just isn't doable for me and I don't feel like looking for lower weight plates. Anyone have at home ideas I could strap on to my bar? 0.5-1 lb ideas welcome. I have a regular diameter bar,…
Pre and post workout meal ideas
Hi! I am very vey new to lifting. I want to recomp as I am at a good weight but I have stubborn belly fat. Just wondering about what you all eat before and after your lifting sessions! Thanks in advance
Programming for 1000 club
Goal: Join 1000 club by End of summer(July/August) Current status: Experience beginner relatively unconditioned-Recent graduate of C25K Background: Primarily BW/Kettlebell programming. Did Pavel's Program for about 2 years, and was closing in on "Program minimum"/Simple when a weakness in my hinge patterning emerged…
Weight gain per week
Guys, im an extreme hardgainer. Weighing 66kg and 180cm. How much weight can i expect to gain per week while bulking? Thanks
MPS 2-part youtube video
This is the best video series I have seen on MPS to date. I learned many things and changed my opinion on a few items. I felt that with the numerous protein questions here that it might be helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_otSunLL8AU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRehf1L231Q Jorn Trommelen's article on MPS:…
What does everyone use for a protein. I’ve had about 12 different kinds and as of right now I use gnc wheybolic alpha. It’s starting to become a hassle spending $60 on a tub every 20 days. What’s some advice?? What’s good protein vs bad protein? Expensive proteins vs cheap proteins??
What the heck?
So last night I was trying check out my back to see if my right scapula was winging, and then I protracted my scapula and saw this. Is that my lat??!! My left side does not look like this. I mean, you can see the demarcation, but it doesn't stick out. Is this normal? I have impingement issues on this side, so just…
How to fix imbalance in the pectoral muscles
Hi, I noticed that even though my right pec is firm my left pec is a little flabby. What lifts do y'all recommend to isolate the left pectoral muscle and fix the imbalance?
Afraid to bulk
So I am a former fat kid previously 22st after losing 9st gone down to 13st and having abs for the first time in my life but now I want to bulk up and gain muscle but I am afraid to. Any help? Age :21 Current calories :3100 Height : 6ft 6inch
Weight gain
Hello I'm 5ft2 and 6st11 and really want to put on weight. I am currently on 2 protein drinks a day and eating about 2200 calories. Any tips would be great Jo
Push in AM and Pull in PM?
So I did my push routine this morning and my muscles are fatigued but I have lots of energy and I'm bored so I'm wondering if I can go back this evening and do my pull routine. I've read about '2 a day' workouts online but they seem to be about doing the same muscle groups for each workout.
Poor deadlifting hands
Heaviest ever at 30kg..please don't laugh :D Felt great but hard on the hands, what are straps used for or should I go for gloves?
Crohns Disease Comeback
Hello all. My name is Michael and I have Crohns Disease. It’s a disease of the intestine. Basically your intestines get really inflamed and it becomes very difficult to maintain weight. I’m 32, most of my 20’s was spent fighting for my life. It has almost taken me twice. I currently have a temporary ileostomy bag. New…
Weight gain
I’m 125 lbs...my goal is to reach 165 a year from now..what are some good foods to eat to help gain weight? And when are best times to eat a day?
Bulking - where will the weight go? ADVICE REQUESTED!
Hi Folks, I'm 34, 6 foot / 1.83 and 87KG. I naturally carry weight on my thighs and behind, I don't have particularly broad shoulders (they are a similar width to my thighs) , and I don't have a big chest . I'm now benching twice a week and I am seeing a difference. However, I haven't been eating enough, so I'm now on 2700…
Cutting aggressively -- How low can I go without losing muscle?
I'm a 49-year-old male, 5'10", currently 168 pounds. I lift weights four times a week. I walk at least 30 mins a day, and I do cardio 1-2 times a week. But I have an office job, so apart from that exercise my lifestyle is pretty sedentary. I'm aggressively cutting to lose the last 10-12 pounds of fat I need to drop to get…
Need advice
So I am a pretty heavy guy I am currently 225lbs and 5ft 10, I guess my question is if I eat to maintain weight but train consistently will my body composition change or am I better to lose weight and start from there