No intimidation "gyms"
Recently found out this is a thing beyond the obvious Planet Fitness. I think this is a completely BS thing. I will admit it is a genius business model (Keep membership costs so low people will keep it even if they don't use it, discourage the culture of people who will put wear and tear on your equipment, and could…
It's official. MFP says "Eating carbs in moderation may help you live longer"
At the top of my MFP app feed today from the MFP blog: https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/eating-carbs-in-moderation-may-help-you-live-longer/ It's saying low carb is a fad diet and increases your risk of death. Debate over, methinks.
Yo-Yo Weight Warnings
Back in the day I remember seeing a lot of warnings in magazine articles and whatnot warning us of the dangers of yo-yo dieting. They argued things like…fat cells never go away, so all those extra fat cells you had when you were fat stay in your body forever, trying to fill themselves up with fat again. And every time you…
Ignoring the Industry
I’ve been around MFP now for a while (not as long as some) and have successfully lost over 75 pounds. Now I’m adjusting to maintenance. Here’s what I want to debate - how you feel about people here having to not only overcome personal dysfunction concerning weight loss but also all the bad information out there about the…
Calorie deniers
I’m probably preaching to the choir here. But has anyone else seen these people on YouTube or articles on the web talking about how counting calories does not work. This is some seriously dangerous misinformation that try’s to really over complicate things for no reason, que fog horn sound. Is counting calories to harsh of…
An insurance company wants you to hand over your Fitbit data so it can make more money. Should you?
Saw this in in the Washington Post today, and thought it would be appreciated here. (Given another thread on the front page, I'll repeat that this is the Washington Post not the Huffington Post.) Life insurance company John Hancock made a splash last week with the news that soon all its policies would come bundled with the…
How long should you work out
I can't Remeber ask the terms they used but there was this one Article that said only after a certain amount of time do you start burning off a certain line of fat.. I think it started with a v... Did anyone know what I'm taking about.. And how do you get in that fat burning zone.. And after how long of working out
look at study claiming low protein, high carb diet may ward off dementia
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/diagnosis-diet/201812/the-truth-about-low-protein-high-carb-diets-and-brain-aging Article linked above is a nice look at the deficiencies of a study from the University of Sydney published in Cell Reports Nov. 20, 2018 (https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S2211-1247(18)31674-7 -…
Bird & Lime Scooters
This isn’t really a debate but more of a hot topic for those who reside in cities with these scooters. In my city, they appeared mid-May and are wreaking havoc on sidewalks and on the running and walking trails in my park. They are left in places that cause tripping hazards, riders will nearly hit you on the sidewalk, and…
People are eating too few calories
Having gone through both periods binging and periods of starving as well as working with many health professionals in recovery I've learnt a lot about how the body functions. Personally i think part of the problem with people diets and physiques today is a result of both overeating AND undereating. Hearing so many people…
The Ego factor in weight management!
I came across this subject today when studying about the human ego. Oprah does not see her Ego as her friend it appears to me. Do you see your Ego as friend or foe? https://youtube.com/watch?v=sEVJac5kVIE formulatedfitness.com/motivation-wanna-lose-weight-3-things-your-ego-needs-to-hear-you-say/
Insatiable on Netflix: fat shaming or good entertainment?
I’ve started watching several episodes of this show. The author of the series calls it her ‘fat revenge fantasy.’ However, it’s coming under fire in the media and body positivity groups as being ‘anti body positivity’ (should that be body negativity?) and fat shaming. My partner, who is classified as morbidly obese and…
Should you be able to pronounce the names of product ingredients?
Do you think that a criteria for a safe/healthy product (food, health, or medical) is that it contains ingredients you can pronounce? Isn't this more a reflection on the language skills of the consumer than the efficacy/safety of a product? (This could be scary since the average American tests out a 5th grade reading…
$25,000 abs with no exercise
This was in a health magazine in a medical clinic today. It must be true! $1000 per session,2x week for 6 months
Carnivore Diet, Depression, and Autoimmune Disease -- Jordan Peterson
So my brother showed me an interview with Jordan Peterson on Youtube titled "Jordan Peterson's Carnivore Diet Cured His Depression?" (URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLF29w6YqXs), and it was really interesting. I was wondering if anyone here has seen this video and/or tried this diet? What are your thoughts on this?…
Perceptions of Reasons for Weight Gain in Different Cultures
Hi all, I'm not sure if something like this has been posted before but I thought it would make for an interesting discussion. I have been trying to improve my French but watching French documentaries, particularly about diet and weight loss. From these documentaries, it seems that the underlying opinion is that the…
Big nutrition research scandal sees 6 more retractions, purging popular diet tips
Amid this latest course in the scandal, Cornell reported today, September 20, that Wansink has resigned from his position, effective at the end of the current academic year. In a statement emailed to Ars, Cornell Provost Michael Kotlikoff said that an internal investigation by a faculty committee found that “Professor…
Getting off the sweets split
This discussion was created from replies split from: Getting off the sweets.
Is every single body in the world intended to be within the so-called healthy BMI range?
If a body is not within that range do you assume that person must be doing something wrong? If a body is not within that range do you feel that person should be doing whatever it takes to get there? I’m not sure I’m asking these questions in the clearest way. I’ve been rolling them around in my brain for a while now,…
The Obesity piece on HuffPost
Anyone talking about this? I looked around the forums but didn’t see it. https://highline.huffingtonpost.com/articles/en/everything-you-know-about-obesity-is-wrong/ Obviously we as CICO practicers don’t believe in much of this article. Is metabolism permanently lowered by obesity? Will power isn’t a limitless resource—…
Should you exercise when you're sick?
Do you workout even though you're sick or do you go lighter or stop until you feel better?
Muscle mass should be a new vital sign, research shows
Interesting study/article on the importance of muscle mass. Can vouch from personal experience. Contracted sepsis and was in the hospital for 7 days. After I recovered, several medical professionals said being in decent shape saved my life, most people with it that bad go out in a body bag. Yes, exercise is important. A…
Halloween Issues
Keto Diet Debate
This discussion was created from replies split from: Keto Diet.
Fasting to correct autoimmune diseases??
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/03/12/fasting-for-three-days-can-regenerate-entire-immune-system-study/ As for someone who suffers from severe eczema and alopecia areata (progressed to universalis last year) since a child I'm always trying to find a way to help heal it since visiting numerous doctors have never…
Sitting has competition: Air pollution is the ‘new tobacco’, warns WHO head
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/oct/27/air-pollution-is-the-new-tobacco-warns-who-head Short summary, air pollution is very bad in parts of the word where many people live, but not too many MFP users.
If you drink Diet Coke obsessively....You might be a runner. What's that all about?
Has anyone else ever noticed that runner's drink Diet Coke like it's water? I'm not a nutritionist, nor do I claim any expertise in this matter, but practically substituting your water consumption during the day with Diet Coke has to take a toll eventually...am I right? :-) (Not attacking runners here...just having some…
Intermittent fasting - Dr Jason Fung
I have watch a few of his YouTube videos and read one of his books. The Diabetic Code. I’m interested in his claim that you have to fast to get your insulin down and after 36 hours you start using your stored body fat. Anyone else read his work and claims? what do you think about it?
GMO Edible Cotton Seed
Developed at a university, this modified plant has the potential to produce more protein than all the chickens in the world. Areas where cotton is grown often has high malnutrition rates as well, so this cash crop could give back to the farmer in new ways.…
Food 80% Exercise 10% Sleep 10%
Food Vs. Exercise what is it? if food why does everyone say will get active? I know its both but food is not given its importance IMHO. Hello I have lost 80 pounds last 3 years. When talking a ways back at Doctors office they said 80% of your loss will be food I said really? Why is it then so much, so many excuses, so many…