Sharpening a chef's knife
Need some advice on the use of a wet stone. My knives are dull to the point they won't hold an edge. No amount of honing works anymore.
Diabetic dessert recipes
Family gathering on Saturday and would love to take a dessert my dad can enjoy. Thank you in advance!
Zucchini pizza
Tarragon chicken over black quinoa pasta
I made tarragon chicken few weeks ago and served it over black quinoa pasta for me and the kids and over steamed veggies for hubby (he's doing keto now). My kids were impressed by black pasta and they didn't even realize that it is not regular pasta but it is made with quinoa.…
Favorite meals to Gain weight
Post a recipe of your favorite meal that will give your body what it needs to Gain weight!!
Lunch at desk ideas
Hi, im struggling for ideas for my lunch, im always in and out of meetings at lunch time so nibble my way through, I can’t have anything that needs heating up or anything too smelly. Currently ive been having sandwiches and a packet of crisps which not only eats massively into my calorie allowance but also gives me stomach…
Incorrect Total Carbs in a manually entered recipe
I just entered a recipe manually and it logs as having 43 Carbs/serving. I added the carbs for each ingredient and come up with only 23 Carbs for the whole recipe. Is there some way I can see the recipe with the nutritional value for each individual ingredient so I can figure out where the problem is?
Breakfast is my favourite meal. Recently I have been having a breakfast wrap: 2 x boiled eggs Half an avocado 1 x tomato 1 x Table spoon Greek yoghurt Chia seeds Wholemeal wrap What's your favourite breakfast?
Looking for friends to share recipes with
Hi! I’ve only started dieting a couple of weeks ago and sometimes I don’t know what to cook or prepare for my meals, and I keep searching for recipes online and try them until I get really bored. They don’t always taste good, so I stick to the recipes I already know and repeat them. I’m looking for friends to share recipes…
Need easier way to search for a recipe
Does MFP have plans to make it easier to search My Recipe Box?
General Tso Chicken
The General Tso Chicken recipe on the HSN app is very tasty. Serve with veggies or even on top of a salad... many options with this flavorful chicken.
Protein bar recipes
I usually buy Zone or Quest protein bars because they are low carb, high protein but they are really pricey. Anyone have good recipes for low carb, high protein bars that are tasty? TIA
Food questions? Ask me anything
Im a cook by hobby (formerly chef by trade, but I got burnt out, and have a more rewarding career now) and I know a lot about food so what I'm doing here is offering my free advice...want to know a good recipe? Want to know how to make some of your favorite things have less calories? Just ask...I'll check this thread…
Keto omelette
What the garlic?? 846 calories???
Has anyone noticed when you import a recipe and it matches your ingredients it will give garlic cloves like an insane calorie count??? Like I'm talking 800+ calories. This happens to me every time. I have to go in and readjust the ingredient so it's normal by searching generic garlic.
How to enter serving size when creating a recipe?
I’ve been using the recipe builder and then weighing the total yield (in pounds/ounces) after making a recipe. Rather than listing that a recipe makes 4 servings or 8 or whatever, I would prefer to see the nutrients and calories per ounce of the final, prepared food. Then I can weigh the number of ounces I am eating at any…
Weight-loss smoothie recipes ideas
I need some good weight loss smoothie recipes. I am needing to add more veggies in my diet. I know with smoothies, it can add up to a lot of calories. Today I bought lots of frozen fruit, spinach, carrots, chia seeds, pb powder and Greek yogurt. What is an ideal smoothie look like? Thanks!
Calling all vegetarians!
Hi. I'm back, more determined to loose at least 2 stone. However, I lack protein in my diet. (I don't eat meat substitutes, just don't like them at all.) I've had Greek yoghurt, protein granola and honey for breakfast, so am happy with that. Can anyone else give me some recipes please that you cook and love please? I'm…
Gluten free cornbread -recipe
This turned out really nice, and was the result of substituting stuff for ingredients I didn’t have on hand. I didn’t have heavy cream or honey, so I used sweetened condensed milk. No wheat flour on hand, so I used equal parts glutinous rice and chick pea flours. Used precooked corn masa. All written out in the attached…
Recipe edit / delete
Is there a way to edit or delete a food I saved?
Hey I’m looking for some high in protein vegie options ?
Quinoa pizza burger- I liked this
Healthy food prep
What are some healthy food prep meals you guys make for breaks fast/lunch
Issue saving Recipes in app
Hello. Last couple of days I haven't been able to save my recipes. App crashes or just does not add the new recipe to the list. Any one else having this issue?? Thanks
Game Day Recipes
Hoping I did this right. Sharing pics of my game day dishes that are 90 Day Challenge legal. Quinoa Pizza Burgers Guacamole Sweet Potatoes Chips
Recipes Not Showing
I have entered three new recipes today (2 from the web and 1 manually)... not of them are showing up in my database for selection to add to my diary???
Easy Keto Pancakes!
Hi everyone! Soooo I made these this morning! Yummmmmmm! Quick & easy! I used my nutribullet to blend the ingredients. I was verrrry happy with the taste! Had some bacon with them and boom! My keto breakfast was complete! Lol! Recipe below & a pic of one of the pancakes as I was cooking! Not bad at all! Ingredients * 2 oz…
Sharing recipes
Hi, I have been using my fitness pal for a while now and have created a big list of meals. My wife is now using the app and I want to send her the recipes so she can log them too. How can I do this?
Hi! I’m in charge of bringing dessert to a super bowl party tomorrow. Aside from fruit, any suggestions/recipes for healthier desserts? TIA
Saving my own recipes
I’ve been batch cooking and wanted to load my recipe on the site something I’ve done many times today. Despite entering and saving the recipe twice I can’t find it anywhere. Has any one else has this problem?