

  • c_leeee
    c_leeee Posts: 144 Member
    My first name is Carol-Le (my grandmother's name) and people get so freaked out when they see the hyphen. I imagine when people read my name their thought process goes something like this; "Oh...what is that? There's a dash thingy in her name...surely she didn't mean to put a dash thingy in her name. That's completely foreign, it makes me uncomfortable. Better ignore whatever comes after the dash thingy and just call her Carol."

    When I started working for the company that I do now I requested everyone call me "Lee" so the last part of my first name could get some attention finally. Plus when I email people in the company they think they're speaking with a man; sadly you're treated better when they think that you're male.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Lol! Totally something I would do!

    How appropriate that the most quoted post is once again quoted on page 400!

    We should make it a point to ensure that it's mentioned at least once every 100 pages... (as such, it could be a kind of 'thread within a thread'... ;) )
  • derkin2005
    derkin2005 Posts: 282 Member
    powven wrote: »
    I ate like damn near a whole Dominos pizza last night with the kids after going all day without eating and lifting heavy. Back on it today!
    It happens the only thing I will judge about this is quality of pizza...I used to manage a Domino's you sir are better than that.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    c_leeee wrote: »
    My first name is Carol-Le (my grandmother's name) and people get so freaked out when they see the hyphen. I imagine when people read my name their thought process goes something like this; "Oh...what is that? There's a dash thingy in her name...surely she didn't mean to put a dash thingy in her name. That's completely foreign, it makes me uncomfortable. Better ignore whatever comes after the dash thingy and just call her Carol."

    When I started working for the company that I do now I requested everyone call me "Lee" so the last part of my first name could get some attention finally. Plus when I email people in the company they think they're speaking with a man; sadly you're treated better when they think that you're male.

    My name is hyphenated. I'm half French and hyphenated names are common there, but even in the UK where I live, it's a pretty common name. But people still often drop the second name. Pisses me right off! I start shortening people's names without asking them first to see if any pennies drop.
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    edited April 2015
    And for the next page (404)... nothing.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I don't know why you all gotta hate on @tincanonastring like that.

    (I am, of course, absolutely kidding. Hoping the alert gets him to come back - we miss you Mr. Onastring!)
    Wow, I confess that I'm a retard. I've always been reading it like Tin Canon A String, not Tin Can On a String.

    What an Idiot. I'm gonna go put my head in a hole now.

    Well, let's make it a party... 'cause I initially race-read "CountessKitteh" as "CountessKeith" -- which immediately brought to mind the ongoing discussion about 'gender reveal parties' (!).

    < looking for the nearest rock to crawl under... >

    It took me a while to figure it out too (tincanonastring). So are you going to fess up to what your name means? I admit to being fascinated. And given your clearly intelligent brain it means something... If only to you...

    You never tied two cans together with a string to make a "telephone" when you were a kid? That's what I think of when I see his username.

    I think he said it was an album or song name (can't remember for sure though).
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    derkin2005 wrote: »
    I snack on candy... I won't buy it ever, but if it's around I'm like s mini chocolate magnet. Also I have an unhealthy obsession with Quest bars

    No such thing!

  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I don't like bacon.

    Neither do I! I only eat turkey bacon.

    The whole "bacon craze" is just another example of how we're a nation of fat*sses.

    I prefer pork roll.

    Hey! The real you! Very nice pic, AOJ!

    This is me sweatin it out at the Gym last week.
  • derkin2005
    derkin2005 Posts: 282 Member
    edited April 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    derkin2005 wrote: »
    I snack on candy... I won't buy it ever, but if it's around I'm like s mini chocolate magnet. Also I have an unhealthy obsession with Quest bars

    No such thing!

    Thanks lol but I had 5 yesterday..6 if you count the one at 2:30 during an overnight shift so 6 and 2 chicken breast does not make a day of healthy eating...
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    I have a friend visiting this weekend, and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to weigh anything while she's here. It isn't a shame thing, but more out of consideration for her former ED. She doesn't even know I've been losing weight.

    I'm a very rigorous measurer (except for my weekly nachos), so this is kind of a big deal for me. Even when I gleefully blow my calorie goals, I still weigh everything. I'm a little afraid I'm going to just go nuts and eat all the things.

    I've been in maintenance for almost 18 months and had still been logging everything for fear that I'd eat all the foods. For the last week, I didn't log any food and managed to lose a lb! We can do this!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Umm, I pretty much always workout with my makeup on...and my hair done. I go in the evening after work. I'm not gonna wash my face and hair just to go to the gym and get sweaty.

    Do you have super duper make-up or something? All the women I see end up with mascara half-way down their face. But you are talking to the girl who only puts make-up on for special occasions lol. Even then I hate doing it.

    I go after work too, so full makeup, but half of it is gone by the time I leave. Waterproof mascara is wonderful! And I'm the opposite of you...rarely leave the house without makeup because I feel more comfortable with it on.

    Ah, you see, I kinda feel I'm not worthy of make-up. My logic is, it's not going to cover up the fact I'm fat. To me it's like putting make-up on *Insert ugly creature here* (I know some people will find one animal ugly but others find cute). I see it as a waste of time, money and effort putting it on, and then more time, money and effort taking it off. But that's my opinion, I know people who HAVE to put make-up on just to nip to the shops. Even worse, I know people who will spend the entire of a Saturday getting ready for that night. What a waste of a day?!

    I understand what you're saying, but just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they can't be beautiful!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I don't know why you all gotta hate on @tincanonastring like that.

    (I am, of course, absolutely kidding. Hoping the alert gets him to come back - we miss you Mr. Onastring!)
    Wow, I confess that I'm a retard. I've always been reading it like Tin Canon A String, not Tin Can On a String.

    What an Idiot. I'm gonna go put my head in a hole now.

    Well, let's make it a party... 'cause I initially race-read "CountessKitteh" as "CountessKeith" -- which immediately brought to mind the ongoing discussion about 'gender reveal parties' (!).

    < looking for the nearest rock to crawl under... >

    It took me a while to figure it out too (tincanonastring). So are you going to fess up to what your name means? I admit to being fascinated. And given your clearly intelligent brain it means something... If only to you...

    My humble apologies for inadvertently not yet responding to the inquiring-minds-wanna-know 'request-for-information/clarification/explanation/wth-IS-that?!' gentle 'lines of inquiry' from you and BZAH10... for 'The Mystery of the Funky UserName' (next up, in the Nancy Drew oeuvre ;) )... I initially wondered about keeping any explanation/clarification to 'just a few lines', or otherwise such that it occupied a 'stick-of-cheese'-sized piece of 'screen real estate', when displayed... and without feeling as though I was doing so 'with a gun to my head' (as if some sort of 'invisible lawman' was going to 'monitor the process', in order to ensure that 'forced constriction' took place (such that the Presumed Laws of Preferential Posting were 'followed'))... whereas what I *wanted* to do, was to respond with whatever playfully conveyed explanation felt natural to have 'spill out of me' (in a manner of speaking) -- and that's what I'm giving 'free rein', here...

    Let the Proceedings begin...! ;)

    "The Court calls qn4bx9pzg8aifd to the Stand..."

    "Please tell the Court what the origin of your username is..."

    > "Well... it involves alphanumeric characters which were typed in sequence..."

    "Your Honor, permission to treat the witness as 'hostile'... and a wisea*s... the witness's testimony is critical to these proceedings, and further delay is unwarranted, cannot be condoned, and should be considered grounds for Contempt..."

    "I repeat... please tell the Court what the origin of your username is..."

    > "Well... I've always wanted to learn how to play piano..."

    "Relevance, Your Honor...?"

    "Counselor, are you directing a Relevance Objection 'at' your Witness? That's now how this works!"

    > "...if I may be allowed to continue...?"

    (...nodded-head -based authorization granted...)

    > "I've always wanted to learn to play piano... and as it turns out, when I went to create a username on MFP, I spontaneously decided -- and in conjunction with a playful impulse -- to pretend I knew how to play some sort of complicated piano piece, and involving a piano whose keys happened to exist in a special 4-row configuration/layout... and thus... and in order to 'capture' the character string in question... I type-piano-'played' my stunningly brief 'song', and then wrote down the 'notes', on a seemingly-foreign-to-the-modern-era object known as a piece of paper... all while noting that the finger movements associated with my 'type-playing' resembled more of a court stenographer's form of 'typing', and that one might think I were a Vulcan trying to repeatedly re-establish and ultimately 'find' the 'right' 'finger positioning' for actioning a Vulcan MindMeld, albeit with/'for' a computer..."

    "Do you know how ridiculous that sounds...?"

    > "Yes, Counselor, I do..."

    "It looks like an encryption sequence... or as though someone's fingers weren't positioned 'correctly' on 'home row'... you're telling me that it's the result of fake piano playing...?"

    > "I am... and believe me when I say that I'm as embarrassed by the reality as you are stupified by it..."


    "And with that... Court is Adjourned..."


    TL:DR :smiley:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Umm, I pretty much always workout with my makeup on...and my hair done. I go in the evening after work. I'm not gonna wash my face and hair just to go to the gym and get sweaty.

    Do you have super duper make-up or something? All the women I see end up with mascara half-way down their face. But you are talking to the girl who only puts make-up on for special occasions lol. Even then I hate doing it.

    I go after work too, so full makeup, but half of it is gone by the time I leave. Waterproof mascara is wonderful! And I'm the opposite of you...rarely leave the house without makeup because I feel more comfortable with it on.

    Ah, you see, I kinda feel I'm not worthy of make-up. My logic is, it's not going to cover up the fact I'm fat. To me it's like putting make-up on *Insert ugly creature here* (I know some people will find one animal ugly but others find cute). I see it as a waste of time, money and effort putting it on, and then more time, money and effort taking it off. But that's my opinion, I know people who HAVE to put make-up on just to nip to the shops. Even worse, I know people who will spend the entire of a Saturday getting ready for that night. What a waste of a day?!
    That's me, but it takes me less than 5 minutes. I have rosacea, so I look red and blotchy without foundation, and piggy-eyed without mascara. I don't wear much makeup, but I NEED what I wear!

    I'm sorry that you think you don't have features that are worth enhancing, because I'm sure you do. But if it's just that you can't be arsed with the effort, that's cool too!

    Bit of both I guess. I might care more the more I lose weight but for the moment I can't see much point. lol
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I made the mistake of making my cookies & cream protein shake with water instead of cashew milk this morning. I had to force myself to drink it. I will NOT be making that mistake again.

    Confession: We went to Jose Peppers for dinner last night (first night all week my husband has been home before 8). I ate so many chips, about 1/3 of the espinaca dip and half of a grilled chicken chimichanga that was smothered in more espinaca dip washed and I washed it all down with a full calorie delicious Dr. Pepper.

    I have 100% no regrets about any food decisions yesterday even though I woke up a pound heavier this morning.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Umm, I pretty much always workout with my makeup on...and my hair done. I go in the evening after work. I'm not gonna wash my face and hair just to go to the gym and get sweaty.

    Do you have super duper make-up or something? All the women I see end up with mascara half-way down their face. But you are talking to the girl who only puts make-up on for special occasions lol. Even then I hate doing it.

    I go after work too, so full makeup, but half of it is gone by the time I leave. Waterproof mascara is wonderful! And I'm the opposite of you...rarely leave the house without makeup because I feel more comfortable with it on.

    Ah, you see, I kinda feel I'm not worthy of make-up. My logic is, it's not going to cover up the fact I'm fat. To me it's like putting make-up on *Insert ugly creature here* (I know some people will find one animal ugly but others find cute). I see it as a waste of time, money and effort putting it on, and then more time, money and effort taking it off. But that's my opinion, I know people who HAVE to put make-up on just to nip to the shops. Even worse, I know people who will spend the entire of a Saturday getting ready for that night. What a waste of a day?!

    I understand what you're saying, but just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they can't be beautiful!

    Oh of course! That's purely how I feel about myself! Not overweight people in general! Sorry, I didn't think about what I was saying. (It happens a lot)
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    yesimpson wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Umm, I pretty much always workout with my makeup on...and my hair done. I go in the evening after work. I'm not gonna wash my face and hair just to go to the gym and get sweaty.

    Do you have super duper make-up or something? All the women I see end up with mascara half-way down their face. But you are talking to the girl who only puts make-up on for special occasions lol. Even then I hate doing it.

    I've been known to wear concealer, mascara and eyebrow pencil on race days because I know I'll have my photo taken at the finish and I want to take the edge off my sweaty red round face a bit. I know it's vain but I don't care. I never bother removing my makeup before any workout, save swimming, and although obviously it doesn't look great at the end, I don't think I look TOO much of a mess.

    I always think I should put on makeup for race day, just so my pictures turn out better. But I never do. Races are always in the morning and I'm not already in makeup. I guess I just workout in whatever makeup state I'm in when I go. No primping, no washing

    I do the same. If I workout or run after work, I do it with makeup on. If I'm going in the morning, no makeup. I used to go to a lot of races with a good friend when I lived in IL who would put makeup on to go to a race. I used to give her a hard time because she would go all in, she wore more makeup on race day than I wear for a date.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    whatang wrote: »
    When I run outside I am a spitting, snotty, nose blowing, sweaty mess. I know it's gross, but I need to breathe dammit!

    Welcome to my world!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    edited April 2015
    Confession: I don't wear makeup. I haven't since I was about 13. I just don't feel like it is necessary for me.

    I also have bigger eyebrows and I don't pluck them or anything (I'm Italian haha-they aren't HUGE or unibrow or anything just thicker). I used to hate them but my boyfriend loves them. I like them now.
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member

    Hey! The real you! Very nice pic, AOJ!


  • 23susu23
    23susu23 Posts: 68 Member
    I just got a new Jawbone UP24 yesterday. If I don't get up every 15 minutes it vibrates on your wrist. It has vibrated on my wrist three times while I've been catching up here.

    Can you march in place while still reading? I put my laptop on the counter. As you can see, I'm very behind in reading and trying to catch up (while still getting some activity in!)