

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am officially at my goal weight as of today. I think that I would like to try putting on muscle and getting back up about 5-8 lbs.

    I hate you! (JK, you know I love you. Just totally jealous!) <3

    I'm pretty sure part of it is from being sick and not eating much. I'll trade you your PR for my goal weight. :p

    Okay, my turn - what is "PR"? I did look in urban dictionary and got "public relations" but that makes no sense in the context above.

    Personal Record, I believe. :grin:

    thanks !

  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    edited May 2015
    crosbylee wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    New profile photo Friday....

    I'm a sexy bish and I'll rock yo world. Kudos to those who know and remember...


    AHHHH!!!! I loved that skit!!! Wanda is the best!

  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Please help me settle a debate.

    What is a normal number of eggs for one person to consumer in a week? Let's imagine this person eats meat, but not necessarily every day, and not big portions of it. This person happily consume plenty of wholegrains, fruit and veg, dairy (and too much sugar but never mind that).

    So normal number of eggs in a week?

    I'd ask in the normal forums, but I don't want my face ripped off by the 'eat all the protein carbs are evil' mob. (Not having a dig at you low-carbers, just at the way some people harp on about it!)

    Um, I do eat meat. I would estimate my weekly egg consumption around 18 eggs.
    I eat 2 every morning without fail and more sometimes in tuna or boiled or deviled eggs as a snack. Some weeks I eat more than that, but almost never less.

    looking at everyone's answers, i'm seriously behind on the egg wagon. if i have any, it's 2-3/week...
  • Edison563
    Edison563 Posts: 22 Member
    Are eggs like supposed to be really good for you?
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Edison563 wrote: »
    Are eggs like supposed to be really good for you?

    Like, yes. ;)
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    Today, I was at my neighborhood park/playground shooting hoops when a group of teenagers came in the court. I stayed way longer than I would have otherwise to prove I wasn't a wuss.

    That's pretty awesome, I think
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    My anti aging secret is just living in England, where it's normally cloudy or rainy. And spending daylight hours in the office. I rarely wear sunscreen unless I'm abroad. Maybe the two freak hot days per year that happen to fall on the weekend...

    Ditto to that! I really wish we would get some decent weather.

    I am guilty of using sunbeds though but I try not to overdo it. I just love how much better I feel with a tan. It makes me feel slimmer too.

    Yes! This is terrible, but a friend of mine always says something like, 'fried bacon looks better than raw bacon'.

    I understand the dangers, and you all made great points against tanning beds. It just makes me feel better about myself.

    That reminded me of this...


  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    lbking94 wrote: »
    I found this thread last night after looking for posts to make myself feel better for once again thinking I could eat out of the carton of ice cream without over doing. Like I hadn't learned that lesson already. The first two pages made me laugh til I cried, I so related to playing games with a food log that only I see. I didn't realize I wasn't alone. Thank you. I will be returning often.

    Welcome to our safe place!

    We have cookie butter, Oreos and Poptarts, and Funyuns.


    Blech. I hate Funyuns. And where's my turtle cake @quiksylver296 ?

    I told you! I ate it!

    When did you say that? I don't think we can be friends anymore if you're just going to eat cake and rub it in my face and not in a good way either.

    On my newsfeed, when you asked what turtle cake was. Not my fault, I didn't bake it. Someone brought it in and gave me a piece. You want me to share my ONE piece?!? (And I took a small piece, too, trying to maintain some sort of control.)

    No, I guess not. I will just be over here wishing I'd had some turtle cake too. I will just drink my protein shake and pretend it's cake.

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Confession: I am on here so much because I hate my job. I work for a large company and feel totally undervalued and unappreciated. It's not the company though because in my last position here I was very happy. Need to start seriously looking for another job, but every time I do the task is so daunting and don't feel like I'm qualified for any of the positions posted. Really depressing!

    If you feel like you could do the job, tailor your resume to make your qualifications match the job! You will never know if you can get it if you don't try. The worst that can happen is they say no.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Thanks for asking, and I meant to update everyone yesterday. It is not a fatty growth, which means probably cancer. It will cost $500 - $800 to get it removed and biopsied. We love her, but that's a lot of money for us. Going to keep an eye on it, and if it gets bigger then we will have to have it removed. At this point it doesn't seem to be bothering her though.

    Sorry to hear that.

    My former dog (collie cross) grew a lump on his side at around 10 yrs of age. I didn't pay much attention to it until it started bothering him and he was licking it incessantly... I'd only noticed it when I was grooming him, his coat was so heavy.

    Eventually his licking made it a bit angry-looking so I had it removed and tested. The vet was surprised that it turned out to be melanoma... apparently it is incredibly rare (like 10%) in black fur. Not only melanoma, but the path report noted it contained "an unusually large number of active cells" and they were right out to the edges. I got a second surgery done to take the skin margins but opted not to have that tested... couldn't keep carving off pieces of my dog and I figured those mutant cells were already running around inside him by that point anyway.

    He lived a further two years after that, and was relatively healthy up until his last night.
  • ErinV1974
    ErinV1974 Posts: 21 Member
    Reneeinvic wrote: »
    This is a weight confession of mine... When my son had to be airlifted to the childrens hospital - the nets team asked me how much I weighed so they had enough fuel to get there... as my son was critical at the time, there was a large group of people surrounding me when the question was asked and everyone was waiting for my answer... I lied - by a lot... the whole flight to the hospital I was having a mental freak out, convinced myself that they didn't have enough fuel and because of my weight the plane was going to go down. I felt terrible, I could've killed 4 people - because in a life and death situation I STILL couldn't be honest about my weight. *shakes my head*

    I understand this. Though it sounds awful, I understand. I'm glad everything was okay.
  • yex200
    yex200 Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've relapsed in my eating disorder. I only went over 500 calories ingested once this week, and I refuse to log my exercise because I don't believe that I actually burned that much. I have a concussion, and I'm not supposed to work out, so I do it all in secret so no one notices. I also have started weighing myself at least twice a day, never content with the number.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I used to break spaghetti into 3 when my kids were little. I still break it in half. I rarely order it in a restaurant because I don't like the looong strands.

    I also never order ribs. I hate getting my hands dirty, even if it's because of delicious ribs.

    I stopped eating meat 25 years ago because seeing raw meat grossed me out. I stopped eating anything you had to rip off a bone 35 years ago. Completely turns my stomach.

    That's very similar to my explanation of how I eat: if it reminds me of what it was when it was alive, I don't eat it. Sometimes it's appearance, and other times (like pork) it's texture that puts me off.

    I can force myself to cook it but I won't be able to eat the end result, having handled it.

    But I can eat ground beef from time to time (bears no resemblance to dead cow, in my mind) or small pieces of meat like ham in pea soup or chicken bits in fried rice with no problem... just don't plop a steak on my plate.

    I'll volunteer as tribute to eat your steak. Oh, and pork.

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    I'm trying to get in shape to feel better about myself around women and to make someone else jealous. How is that for shallow?

    Yeah that sounds about the same as me.
    My Husband and I ordered pizza after only the 2nd week of our diet and I nearly ate the whole thincrust pizza by myself.
    The next day there was leftovers, so to keep myself from eating it, I literally opened my back door and tossed it out into the compost.
    Not to brag.. But we're doing way better now, and only 5wks of logs I've lost 13lbs.
    And I'm back on my veggies only rabbit food diet.
    I still love veggie pizza and when I reach my goals it's going to be my first cheat food. Maybe homemade though.

    Later today I am making a cauliflower crust pizza. Look it up. It is not like a real pizza but it is guilt free.

    Tried the cauliflower pizza and the only good thing about it was the stuff I put on top. Hope you have better luck!!

    I just can't bring myself to do that to pizza. If I really want pizza but don't want to spend the calories, I'll make a pizza on a portabella mushroom cap. But I really love mushrooms.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    NoAnalHere wrote: »
    Can I still join in? Embarrassingly I don't know moderation so I brought a food scale. The amount of rice for dinner would be like 7 oz. Most of the time I scoop some rice off my plate to make it 4 oz. Occasionally I just keep it and log 600 calories of rice because I love rice D:

    Absolutely you can join in :smile: I use a food scale too. It can be eye opening to see what an actual serving of something is! (and most of the time it's disappointing lol)

    Especially when you get a 9 gram lemon Fiber 1 bar :wink:

    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    niquab wrote: »
    I eat at least four chocolate chip cookies everyday... To top it off I'm super in love with chocolate... And find myself craving for it all day :#

    Mmmm... Now I want cookies!
    I love chocolate. Dark chocolate. Look at my profile picture, my favorite chocolate.

    I love chocolate too. This past week I was at the Bulk Barn and stocked up on milk chocolate chips, semi-sweet chocolate, and bittersweet chocolate. I've also slowly been restocking other baking staples such as butter, cream cheese, brown sugar, and pure vanilla (I still need to restock on white sugar and flour but am waiting for a sale). You just never know when you will have a "baking emergency" :smile:
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    This is more advice than a confession: Don't cry in your Goggles when you go swimming, tears sting a lot when they go back into your eyes.

    Why were you crying I hear you ask? I weighed myself this morning. I weigh exactly the same amount as I weighed back in February. I'm beginning to think this is all a big waste of my time. I work out 6 hours a week and eat a 890 calorie deficit a day. I don't know what else to do...

    You're eating more than you think and overestimating your exercise calories, probably. Maybe make a new thread and open your diary and people can help... Also, you don't have to eat breakfast if you're not hungry... It's a myth that it kick starts your metabolism.
    Fat_Lassie wrote: »
    I once stopped in the middle of P90X to eat a burrito.

    I like you.
    NoAnalHere wrote: »
    Can I still join in? Embarrassingly I don't know moderation so I brought a food scale. The amount of rice for dinner would be like 7 oz. Most of the time I scoop some rice off my plate to make it 4 oz. Occasionally I just keep it and log 600 calories of rice because I love rice D:

    You're not alone. Even after 2.5 years, my eyeballing skills still suck. Watch our for cooked rice though, I found that most entries really underestimate the calories in 100g of rice... I had to weigh it dry then cooked to see how many grams were a serving of cooked rice.
    So, I decided to make a pan of brownies from scratch and had the first three inches of the 13x9 pan with a half cup of frozen chocolate yogurt. I am completely sick to my stomach and wishing I hadn't made any at all. I can't BELIEVE I used to eat half a pan in one sitting! No wonder my largest was 270. Seriously, even just a month ago, I could have a whole large pizza, a bag of chips, a microwave brownie modified to be nearly 700 calories, and three regular cokes. About two months ago, I ate a whole cake in three days with whipped cream. At the beginning of this month, I had 13 donuts in three days. I really like three days in case you couldn't tell. Oh my gosh, lol.

    For me it totally depends on the time of the month honestly. The amount of food I can put away when I'm PMSing is unreal... could easily do 4000 calories if I didn't try to restraint myself. And some days I'll be full in 1200 calories. That's why I say that listening to your body is a recipe for disaster.

    I'm hoping today is one of those 'full easily' day as my dear son put his alarm clock at 4am (what was I thinking to give a clock to my 7yo kids?) and I haven't been able to go back to sleep since. So I was hungry at 6am and made some big fluffy buttermilk chocolate chip pancakes I had been craving for weeks. I did manage to stop at 2 though, which is improvement, but I'm still at 630 calories and it's not even 7am. Still totally worth it. I foresee a big grilled chicken salad for lunch... and a nap. I hope.

    And I'm about to get my second cup of coffee.

    Confession - sometimes when I read about friends dating I get jealous because I really miss all the butterflies when you start falling in love. Sometimes I can't help wondering if I'm normal because I feel that I'd be happier if I didn't do long term relationships...

    this is me today. Woke up at about 4:30. The temperature really dropped overnight and the window was open. It was so cold. But then the cat thought it was breakfast time and wanted food (so I fed him) but I couldn't go back to sleep. My grumbling stomach kept my husband awake (yes it was that bad) so by 5:30 I had consumed a two whole egg omelet with buttermilk had no milk), 30 grams of cheese, salsa, and sour cream, slice of toast with peanut butter, and a homemade latte (about 4 ounces) made with whipping cream (again because I ran out of milk).
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    This is more advice than a confession: Don't cry in your Goggles when you go swimming, tears sting a lot when they go back into your eyes.

    Why were you crying I hear you ask? I weighed myself this morning. I weigh exactly the same amount as I weighed back in February. I'm beginning to think this is all a big waste of my time. I work out 6 hours a week and eat a 890 calorie deficit a day. I don't know what else to do...

    Hugs. Sounds wacky, but maybe eat a little bit more? change up your exercise routine?

    I understand why you say this, but it terrifies me. I feel like I cant afford to do that even as an experiment because if I put weight on, I won't lose it.

    It has taken me 2 hours to eat fruit and yogurt for breakfast because I really don't feel like eating...

    Edit: I still haven't finished my breakfast yet and its 10.20, I started it at 08.30 when I got into work.

    Have you talked to your doctor? I've seen you mention how hard it is for you to lose weight before and all I can think is that there may be more going on with you. Sorry if you have already heard this advice but I really feel for you because it is so frustrating when the scale won't move and I know why my scale is not cooperating. I can't imagine how disheartening it would be if I was doing everything the right way and I still couldn't lose.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    edited May 2015
    spamarie wrote: »
    Please help me settle a debate.

    What is a normal number of eggs for one person to consumer in a week? Let's imagine this person eats meat, but not necessarily every day, and not big portions of it. This person happily consume plenty of wholegrains, fruit and veg, dairy (and too much sugar but never mind that).

    So normal number of eggs in a week?

    I'd ask in the normal forums, but I don't want my face ripped off by the 'eat all the protein carbs are evil' mob. (Not having a dig at you low-carbers, just at the way some people harp on about it!)

    I have 2 eggs a day. I could see eating a 3rd so anywhere from 14 to 21 a week

    Edited to add: I eat meat, not a ton of meat but pretty much every day,
  • Jonestiarra2013
    Jonestiarra2013 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm really curious, what is the purpose of the trash bag?

    I sweat like a dog. (lol not literally) I wore them my first time around when I was losing weight.
    Does it work?
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I used to break spaghetti into 3 when my kids were little. I still break it in half. I rarely order it in a restaurant because I don't like the looong strands.

    I also never order ribs. I hate getting my hands dirty, even if it's because of delicious ribs.

    I stopped eating meat 25 years ago because seeing raw meat grossed me out. I stopped eating anything you had to rip off a bone 35 years ago. Completely turns my stomach.

    That's very similar to my explanation of how I eat: if it reminds me of what it was when it was alive, I don't eat it. Sometimes it's appearance, and other times (like pork) it's texture that puts me off.

    I can force myself to cook it but I won't be able to eat the end result, having handled it.

    But I can eat ground beef from time to time (bears no resemblance to dead cow, in my mind) or small pieces of meat like ham in pea soup or chicken bits in fried rice with no problem... just don't plop a steak on my plate.

    I'll volunteer as tribute to eat your steak. Oh, and pork.

    I accept, thank you! :)

    You get my steak, roast, porkchops, bacon, ribs and chicken parts -- never been able to eat wings.

    (Needless to say, anything with a bone in it immediately fails the "it used to be alive" test.)

    And apparently my egg consumption isn't as high as I thought...
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I feel like I've really accomplished something in the morning when I finally catch up with this thread.

    I'm sure my employer would beg to differ.