

  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    It is almost midnight and I am waiting for my son to get home from work so I can go to bed.

    The sad dad stories really got to me today.

    When my dad died he was shoveling the drive way and had a heart attack. A neighbor found him. He drove me to school that morning (I was 15), when he did not pick me up, I called, and a cop answered the phone and told me he had died and to come home right away. I actually told the cop that he usually picked me up from school at the other end of town, and I did not know how to get home. His reply was that they would be there when I got there.

    I ran back in the school and had a teacher drive me home. Later that day, when I went outside, his hat, eye glasses, blood and vomit were all over the drive way.

    At the funeral, in true 'mother' style, she caused a big scene and picked him up out of the casket....I will never forget the crude autopsy scar on the back of his head.

    I do not think I will ever fully get over that.

    My best girlfriend died two and a half years ago, that was the hardest death I have dealt with other than my father's. Death really sucks!

    My rodent is looking rather poor today....he is so skinny and was making a funny noise today when I was holding him. He spends all day in a puff ball in his cage with his head down, this is also what the other one did in the days before he died....I do not think it is gonna be much longer now....I am heartbroken.

    On a better note, my sister and her family are coming to visit next month. They live in Indy and I only see them once every couple years......

    I am sorry about your dad. That was really rough.

    Are you SURE it's not time to euthanize your Degu? Ease his passage to another life?

    I was thinking about that last night.....I just do not know what to do...he has periods of time where other than being skinny he seems like he is gonna be fine....and I am so scared to do something like that if he has any chance at all of making it.

    This morning when I first got up to make lunch for my son, he was chewing on some wood and even got in his wheel (only for a moment though) he is laying down in a corner and did not even get up when I moved his cage back into the living room, which is unusual....I was scared to check if he was breathing, but he is.....

    I go back and forth.....half the time I am freaking out and thinking he is ready to go anytime, and then other half the time I think he looks ok......right now I am freaking out, esp as I am ready to leave for work shortly.....

    Sorry to hear that you;re going through this. It is tough when you don't know what to do.

    For what it's worth, (and this is hard for me to put out there), our cat Sonja had a good 17 year life, she was like a child to my wife. She had all kinds of problems towards the end (CKD, diabetes) and we were pokng her to check her blood sugar, giving her subcutaneous fluids daily, etc. etc. She was happy for another year or so.

    But then her blood sugar dropped & she went into a seizure...she recovered but was in pretty bad shape after that, but she got around, ate & we thought she was hanging in there. About 3 months later, we were going have her go to sleep, but we chickened out...and then she had one horrible night. Didn't kill her, but she was clearly in pain.

    We sent her off to the fields of Elysium the next morning, but my wife still tears up about that last night. We really wish we had let her go sooner.

    Sigh, I feel like the harbinger of bad stories but I did this twice with 2 separate cats. I kept thinking as long as they were eating they were OK, right? Then one of my cats (Quasi...God, I loved that cat) I came home and he couldn't even really walk. I had had to lock him in my kitchen for weeks because he could no longer control his bladder. I had most of the house covered in those wee wee pads but it had just gotten so bad. When I had to lock him up I should have put him down. He was so lonely in there. I would just go in and sit with him. I put saddle pads down as he love to sleep in the saddle pads (I assume he liked the horse smell). Then with Othello, he was having issues, I had to keep having these procedures done on him, I had brought him to the vet to be put to sleep, he was so bad, and they talked me into doing this one more time. They clearly f'd it up, and he was in such pain, he couldn't walk. I took him home and he laid on my chest all night while I petted him and he was clearly in pain and nearly crippled. I got up to go to the bathroom, and he tried to follow me and fell off the bed. I was at the vet the next day when they opened and when they tried to say he was perking up, I stopped them dead and told them to put him to sleep. It was awful.

    That is one of the reasons I put Oberon down when I did. He was clearly struggling, and I told my trainer and my vet they needed to say when, keeping him alive at that point was only keeping him alive for me, not for him. So we made the decision. As you know I am still heartbroken over it, but it was the right decision, even though he in so many way was still Oberon. Okay, and now I am crying again... I need to stick with shallow confessions.

    Oh man, I totally teared up reading this. Happy thoughts to all of you who are having pet issues.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I have 3 advanced degrees, working on my 4th one, but I pay zero attention to the world. I know its shameful but I am not interested enough to change it. :(

    I focus on my industry, my horses, reading and my job. Maybe one day my eyes will open and I'll become interested. Maybe. Until then I am deplorably ignorant and shallow.

    I am the same way (although not working on a 4th degree!). My mind doesn't do macro-view very well, just micro.

    When an issue is near and dear to home (affects me directly) or on a personal level, I'm right into it. An anonymous news story on TV? I just glaze right over.

    So some coverage of a bombing on the other side of the world would pretty much escape my notice. White noise. But when SusieQ (whom I sort of "know" as a person) shares about her religion or things going on in her neighbourhood, I'm utterly fascinated.

    My patronizing, condescending, pompous *kitten* ex thought this was deplorable. He once told me, "Willful ignorance is NOT a virtue". He used to quiz me about my views of current events regularly.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Confession: I made vanilla-flavored pudding pops today with Jell-O instant pudding and milk. I've made them before with the lemon flavored jell-O and yogurt, and they were AWESOME.

    Anyhow, I'm so excited to try them that I logged one in my leftover calories yesterday since I didn't have the calories to spare today (I had 100 calories left at the end of the day, and they're only 50 each!), and I'm about to have it right now... At midnight. ;)

    Other confession: Dear Lord, I talk a lot. This page is practically all me... :o I must be feeling better, since my run-on mouth is working again! In keyboard form, anyhow. ;)

    I'm glad to hear you are feeling better! And yay for your pudding pops :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I feel like this is the 'Brit hour' while most of the Americans are still asleep!

    Also, please, please, please, please don't put any GoT spoilers on here. I haven't seen the series, but I'm reading the books (on the 5th one I think, although I don't know because it's on the kindle) and if someone spoils any of it for me I will cry. I can see from the kindle I am 86% of the way through the entire thing, and I don't quite know what I'll do with myself when I finish it!

    I get very mournful when I finish a series of books. Wishing I could forget all about them and read them again.

    oh god sorry!!! I will endeavour not to spoiler. I'm such a huge GoT fan, TV series and books. I've just started reading them again. I love talking about it with other fans, but i don't know many people who've read the books :(

    But i will say the books are better at some storylines, the tv show is better at others.

    I refuse to watch the show until I read the books. I don't have HBO (or TV for that matter) but because I work in the communications industry and market HBO I get the DVDs. I Just pile them up to watch after I read the books.

    I confess, now I think I am going to read the books regardless of having not finished my dissertation (bad move as I am a binge reader).

    You've mentioned your dissertation before. Care to share your topic? What will your PhD be in? Will it change your current job or career path? Just curious. It's a common topic around my house as oldest son is ABD right now, with a PhD in history. He is determined to get his dissertation done as quickly as possible, but you know, life and stuff. He's going back to the college he finished his classes at to teach and work on it at the same time this fall.

    Sure! So, I am a serial student. I have my DBA and my dissertation was "The changing dynamics of interpersonal relationships during multiple mergers". My PhD is in Organizational Leadership and Change and my dissertation is going to be on "The impact that a clique at the leadership level has on employee creativity and motivation". When I am done I will technically be Dr. Dr. (my committee chair the first time I defended my dissertation called me that when he learned I was going to go back for my PhD).

    I have experienced both of these phenomenon at the company I am working at. And the research will be done there if I can get it done before it implodes, they sell my part of the business, or I get laid off (sudden motivation!). My company pays for most of my educations, so why NOT take advantage of it. :) I am fascinated by interpersonal relationships and organizational dynamics. And my career is in advertising (I work in the marketing communications department in the company I work for) but my undergraduate degree was in visual art... but I wasn't a very talented artist. :)

    That was a bit of a mish mash of an answer, but there you go!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    @Susieq_1994 I want to tell you that I love the poem! It expresses so much of what my friend tells me about how her depression feels.

    And I'm happy to see you owning pg 768, because it means you're feeling better again. :)
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I wanted to throw my two cents in re GoT. I loved the books and the series does not do it justice. I refused to watch the series for three seasons but then hubby (who hasn't read the books) said it was time. I am livid that story lines are being left out and, in the case of this season, are being changed all together. But I guess you have to make concessions when you are trying to cram a 700 page book into 10 one hour episodes.
    In our house we call GoT 'Sex and Stabbing', because that covers about 90% of it. Although this season (I've only watched the first three episodes) seems to be lots of boring talk.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    It is almost midnight and I am waiting for my son to get home from work so I can go to bed.

    The sad dad stories really got to me today.

    When my dad died he was shoveling the drive way and had a heart attack. A neighbor found him. He drove me to school that morning (I was 15), when he did not pick me up, I called, and a cop answered the phone and told me he had died and to come home right away. I actually told the cop that he usually picked me up from school at the other end of town, and I did not know how to get home. His reply was that they would be there when I got there.

    I ran back in the school and had a teacher drive me home. Later that day, when I went outside, his hat, eye glasses, blood and vomit were all over the drive way.

    At the funeral, in true 'mother' style, she caused a big scene and picked him up out of the casket....I will never forget the crude autopsy scar on the back of his head.

    I do not think I will ever fully get over that.

    My best girlfriend died two and a half years ago, that was the hardest death I have dealt with other than my father's. Death really sucks!

    My rodent is looking rather poor today....he is so skinny and was making a funny noise today when I was holding him. He spends all day in a puff ball in his cage with his head down, this is also what the other one did in the days before he died....I do not think it is gonna be much longer now....I am heartbroken.

    On a better note, my sister and her family are coming to visit next month. They live in Indy and I only see them once every couple years......

    I am sorry about your dad. That was really rough.

    Are you SURE it's not time to euthanize your Degu? Ease his passage to another life?

    I was thinking about that last night.....I just do not know what to do...he has periods of time where other than being skinny he seems like he is gonna be fine....and I am so scared to do something like that if he has any chance at all of making it.

    This morning when I first got up to make lunch for my son, he was chewing on some wood and even got in his wheel (only for a moment though) he is laying down in a corner and did not even get up when I moved his cage back into the living room, which is unusual....I was scared to check if he was breathing, but he is.....

    I go back and forth.....half the time I am freaking out and thinking he is ready to go anytime, and then other half the time I think he looks ok......right now I am freaking out, esp as I am ready to leave for work shortly.....

    Sorry to hear that you;re going through this. It is tough when you don't know what to do.

    For what it's worth, (and this is hard for me to put out there), our cat Sonja had a good 17 year life, she was like a child to my wife. She had all kinds of problems towards the end (CKD, diabetes) and we were pokng her to check her blood sugar, giving her subcutaneous fluids daily, etc. etc. She was happy for another year or so.

    But then her blood sugar dropped & she went into a seizure...she recovered but was in pretty bad shape after that, but she got around, ate & we thought she was hanging in there. About 3 months later, we were going have her go to sleep, but we chickened out...and then she had one horrible night. Didn't kill her, but she was clearly in pain.

    We sent her off to the fields of Elysium the next morning, but my wife still tears up about that last night. We really wish we had let her go sooner.

    Sigh, I feel like the harbinger of bad stories but I did this twice with 2 separate cats. I kept thinking as long as they were eating they were OK, right? Then one of my cats (Quasi...God, I loved that cat) I came home and he couldn't even really walk. I had had to lock him in my kitchen for weeks because he could no longer control his bladder. I had most of the house covered in those wee wee pads but it had just gotten so bad. When I had to lock him up I should have put him down. He was so lonely in there. I would just go in and sit with him. I put saddle pads down as he love to sleep in the saddle pads (I assume he liked the horse smell). Then with Othello, he was having issues, I had to keep having these procedures done on him, I had brought him to the vet to be put to sleep, he was so bad, and they talked me into doing this one more time. They clearly f'd it up, and he was in such pain, he couldn't walk. I took him home and he laid on my chest all night while I petted him and he was clearly in pain and nearly crippled. I got up to go to the bathroom, and he tried to follow me and fell off the bed. I was at the vet the next day when they opened and when they tried to say he was perking up, I stopped them dead and told them to put him to sleep. It was awful.

    That is one of the reasons I put Oberon down when I did. He was clearly struggling, and I told my trainer and my vet they needed to say when, keeping him alive at that point was only keeping him alive for me, not for him. So we made the decision. As you know I am still heartbroken over it, but it was the right decision, even though he in so many way was still Oberon. Okay, and now I am crying again... I need to stick with shallow confessions.

    Yeah we had to euthanize two of my husband's cats. The first one we waited too long... one day I heard the most sorrowful noise ever and it was the cat, lying down in a corner, in a puddle of pee... and he kept crying and crying. The vet found a huge tumor in his belly... we put him down that day but I'll never forget it (to be fair, he was fat, so we never felt the tumor, and he didn't really have any symptom). The second cat just couldn't move much anymore and was peeing everywhere because it was too hard to go to the litterbox so one day I just told my husband that it was time.

    So yeah you did the right thing with Oberon... but really it's the hardest thing to do. I wasn't even very attached to those cats and it still sucked. Really dreading the day I have to make that decision with my current cat. I kinda hope I don't have to... we lost two cats who just died one night and I hope it's what will happen to her (just in a very long time, but she's 14).
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I started gymnastics classes three weeks ago. I'm a 38 year old male. I now ache all the time! In my smallish town the next oldest gymnastics student is 17.

    That is cool! I have thought about starting ballet but figured I would be the only one over 4' in the class! Good for you! I also cannot do any kind of gymnastics. I literally don't bend! Sooooo inflexible. Sucks.
    I hear you on the inflexible. Me at yoga is hilarious.
    I would quite like to do a martial arts class, but it always seems to be lots of 6 year-olds when I've taken my boys.

    Some places have mixed classes specifically for parents and kids to go together. Maybe yours has something like that?
    Yes, apart from the boys don't want to go now, so it would be just me, all sad by myself.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited June 2015
    Oh look a double post.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    It is almost midnight and I am waiting for my son to get home from work so I can go to bed.

    The sad dad stories really got to me today.

    When my dad died he was shoveling the drive way and had a heart attack. A neighbor found him. He drove me to school that morning (I was 15), when he did not pick me up, I called, and a cop answered the phone and told me he had died and to come home right away. I actually told the cop that he usually picked me up from school at the other end of town, and I did not know how to get home. His reply was that they would be there when I got there.

    I ran back in the school and had a teacher drive me home. Later that day, when I went outside, his hat, eye glasses, blood and vomit were all over the drive way.

    At the funeral, in true 'mother' style, she caused a big scene and picked him up out of the casket....I will never forget the crude autopsy scar on the back of his head.

    I do not think I will ever fully get over that.

    My best girlfriend died two and a half years ago, that was the hardest death I have dealt with other than my father's. Death really sucks!

    My rodent is looking rather poor today....he is so skinny and was making a funny noise today when I was holding him. He spends all day in a puff ball in his cage with his head down, this is also what the other one did in the days before he died....I do not think it is gonna be much longer now....I am heartbroken.

    On a better note, my sister and her family are coming to visit next month. They live in Indy and I only see them once every couple years......

    I am sorry about your dad. That was really rough.

    Are you SURE it's not time to euthanize your Degu? Ease his passage to another life?

    I was thinking about that last night.....I just do not know what to do...he has periods of time where other than being skinny he seems like he is gonna be fine....and I am so scared to do something like that if he has any chance at all of making it.

    This morning when I first got up to make lunch for my son, he was chewing on some wood and even got in his wheel (only for a moment though) he is laying down in a corner and did not even get up when I moved his cage back into the living room, which is unusual....I was scared to check if he was breathing, but he is.....

    I go back and forth.....half the time I am freaking out and thinking he is ready to go anytime, and then other half the time I think he looks ok......right now I am freaking out, esp as I am ready to leave for work shortly.....

    So one last thing on this topic then I am going to shut up. Making the decision about my pets was the hardest thing ever, but even a it brings peace to them, it brings closure to you. You can move on (while acknowledging your sadness). The not knowing/trying to make the decision is agonizing.
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »

    He was looking at string bikinis last night. I think he's a little confused as to what my body ACTUALLY looks like. I definitely DON'T have a "bikini body". At least not yet, anyway. :smiley:
    The people who love us never see us as we see ourselves. They look at us with better eyes.

    I would like to borrow those eyes.

    I thought of asking my husband to trade eyes so I could see myself the way he sees me... Then I decided that I REALLY don't want him to see me the way I see me! ;)

    No. If you traded eyes, he'd see himself as you see him. From the way you speak of him, that wouldn't be a bad thing at all. Unless, his ego exploded.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Today is a bit of a roller coaster for me. I woke to find out that a dear friend had passed away. She was only 46 and from what I know had had a massive heart attack over the weekend. She has three young children. You never know when....

    On the other side, my four year old has already started with the tooth loss. She had her first tooth come out this morning. So I am happy for her in this step in her development, but I am also very sad about my friend.

    I am so sorry.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I feel like this is the 'Brit hour' while most of the Americans are still asleep!

    Also, please, please, please, please don't put any GoT spoilers on here. I haven't seen the series, but I'm reading the books (on the 5th one I think, although I don't know because it's on the kindle) and if someone spoils any of it for me I will cry. I can see from the kindle I am 86% of the way through the entire thing, and I don't quite know what I'll do with myself when I finish it!

    I get very mournful when I finish a series of books. Wishing I could forget all about them and read them again.

    oh god sorry!!! I will endeavour not to spoiler. I'm such a huge GoT fan, TV series and books. I've just started reading them again. I love talking about it with other fans, but i don't know many people who've read the books :(

    But i will say the books are better at some storylines, the tv show is better at others.

    I refuse to watch the show until I read the books. I don't have HBO (or TV for that matter) but because I work in the communications industry and market HBO I get the DVDs. I Just pile them up to watch after I read the books.

    I confess, now I think I am going to read the books regardless of having not finished my dissertation (bad move as I am a binge reader).

    I watched the show first, then read the books. I don't usually like to do it that way, i'm always a books first girl, but in this case, i found the TV show, got obsessed, got the books and I have to say, having seen the show really enhanced the books for me, fleshed out some things. After reading the books i watched series 1-4 again and picked up stuff i'd missed the first time but picked up in books.

    The books are addictive, but i found because the chapters change the character POV, they were easier (!) to put down. And doing a disso, you need some alternative reading to let your brain switch off (thats what i tell myself).

    Good point!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 I thought I woke up early at 5! What time do you get up?

    And by the way I HIGHLY recommend Friends (TV show) it's on Netflix now and I've watched the whole series twice! It's just so funny and it always puts me in a good mood if I'm feeling blue :(

    My alarm goes off at 4 am but I tend to only sleep 4 hours. If I go to bed at 10 I get up at 2, etc. Sometimes I get up, sometimes I check this thread, sometimes I read, sometimes I watch a movie (get Netflix), sometimes I clean house.

    I am supposed to be getting up to go to the gym. :(
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on

    Full moon? Quarter moon? No moon? I can keep trying!
    I think there is a full moon here tonight. Close if not.

    Dumb question maybe, but do we have full moons at the same time as you? Or anywhere else? Is it worldwide?

    yes it was full moon last night

    Well there you go. When I worked in the nursing home, the folks went NUTS especially the psychiatric wing on full moon nights. It definitely affects your mood.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So where are my early morning pals today? @orangesmartie and @Lois_1989? I guess it's not quite 9 am in England so not settled into posting yet. I guess I missed you! Have a great day and I'll leave p. 758 to the Brits today!

    I'm here!!! I was a bit late to work this morning, overslept. And then spent a lot of time talking with colleagues. and pretending to work. I tend to catch up on the thread and binge post in the mornings. I do read int he evening, but less likely to post. I moan at my partners for much time we spend staring at screens instead of talking to one another, so I have to practice what i preach a bit.

    I have noticed though, the more time i spend on this thread, the slower the day seems to pass. I do not like this.

    I have been stopping myself from checking during the day. Instead I binge post at the end of the day before I head home. I think like 40 posts have come in as I have reached to the start of my day...those will have to wait. I have a riding lesson to go to. Sorry I missed you and Lois this AM! I liked the concept of being British for an hour.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So where are my early morning pals today? @orangesmartie and @Lois_1989? I guess it's not quite 9 am in England so not settled into posting yet. I guess I missed you! Have a great day and I'll leave p. 758 to the Brits today!

    What time is it where you are? You must get up crazy early!

    Reading backwards but yes, I am a morning person. 100%
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I just saw a fb post about Sister Act being remade (for what possible reason???), and then it suggested a bunch of videos for songs from the movies, so now I'm running around singing Oh Maria.
  • killencm
    killencm Posts: 10 Member
    I've been having no success in the last month and a half. I had lost 24 pounds since the new year...lately, nothing. So...I just finished eating a Quarter Pounder, medium fries, and a chocolate shake from McDonalds..... *I know*
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    My confessions are:
    1) Flapjacks are my downfall - I can easily scoff down a whole tub (22 pieces) of 'bitesize' flapjacks in one sitting while telling myself that all those oats are good for me. Sometimes they are my entire dinner.
    2) I will happily sit down to watch 'Superfat vs Superskinny' on TV after failing to go to the gym and with a box of chocolates and fully aware of the irony.

    i always thought flapjacks were pancakes.
    then i got a lil packet of flapjacks in a graze snack box. hooked. instantly.
    SAME! They're my favorite of the snacks in my Graze boxes!!
    Proper Flapjacks:
    If in Canada, I think Superstore/Loblaws sells golden syrup (Tate & Lyle's in the green and gold tin). If you can't find it, don't bother making - nothing else comes close.

    I've also seen it at Bulk Barn.

    Now I miss Golden Syrup. May have to pick up a tin. There's nothing like sugar on toast!
    So yeah, thanks for the sabotage everyone. I now have flapjacks baking. (Why, yes, I did happen to have golden syrup in the pantry, why do you ask?) :| Probably haven't made them since Miss Hartley's Home Economics class 30 years ago, so I'll let you know how they turn out.

    Yum! Enjoy them. I think I might eat mine from my Graze box tonight now too!