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  • tigerThea
    tigerThea Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks to all who welcomed me. This is a great thread and I'm glad I found it. It's really motivating to hear that every level of our personal struggles (lose, gain, maintain) can be a lesson for another level. This may be a lifelong effort, but it is worth it all.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    levan11 wrote: »
    Tried to think of a confession all weekend and failed! So these are more random thoughts than actual confessions...

    Saturday's breakfast consisted of 1/2 a pack of wildberry skittles, 1/4 of a taco bell chicken quesadilla, and a chocolate chip cookie for good measure. I'm not even really concerned about the calories but sometimes I question whether I should be allowed to adult anymore. Also, I frequently use the word "adult" as a verb.

    I am a bit irrationally angry at my boyfriend at the moment because he's not coming to my best friend's wedding in September because his best friend is getting married on the same day. Obviously, this is in no way his fault, but I have to pay for/stay in a hotel room by myself all weekend?! C'mon!

    I fully intend on jumping on the FIFA World Cup bandwagon tonight. I love watching soccer but get annoyed that it's rarely shown on TV channels that I get.
    I assume you are talking about the women's. If you are I confess that I live in the host city and have no desire to check it out.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm 29 and I <3 Frozen. I have no shame.

    I'm 26 and I have never seen Frozen. Or Dirty Dancing. Or Grease. Or a lot of other chick flicks. Maybe that explains my post about not knowing how to do girly things. I still have no intention of watching any of these films though.

    I wouldn't call my self a girly girl either, but I love me a good chick flick. I love Grease and am going tomorrow night to see in at a dinner theater!!!
    Yes I am quoting myself because some how i messed up my original quote. Tomorrow I am seeing Dirty Dancing for dinner theater! Sheesh, how did I manage that one!!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I really can't do chick flicks. The one exception would've been Steel Magnolias, but now it's so old and I've seen it so many times, it's more of a comedy. Whenever I hear about a guy getting in trouble because he wasn't sufficiently emotional enough after The Notebook, I'm usually on his side.
    I loved Steel Magnolias. I cry every damn time.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    K. Finally caught up. My confession: Yesterday I liberally applied sunscreen as I went out to do some weeding. I applied to all of my typically applied areas. Went outside and enjoyed the nice sun. Last night my shoulder was bothering me and I figured it was a knot that I am planning to get massaged out. Nope. I wore my racer back shirt and completely forgot to apply sunscreen to my shoulder blades and now have a huge sunburn that almost looks like wings on my back. I am so mad because I really am a sunscreen nut in the summer. It is so painful.
  • heartsstarspll
    heartsstarspll Posts: 47 Member
    Confession: I just saw that I have 2 flags for alleged "spam". How did I spam you ask? Apparently replying to a thread about some city banning soda's in happy meals and saying it's none of their business what parents give their kids is spam. :lol: I swear, it is laughable the things that get flagged around here. I can't believe how abused the system is. I have been tempted to flag posts I didn't agree with... but I realize it's dumb to flag something just because I disagree.

    Confession: I am a little sad that I got flagged. :'( It makes me feel like running away and never posting again. But reading and posting here feels like it will help me stay on track, so I guess it's a trade off. So I guess I will continue even though apparently someone out there doesn't like me (at least 2 people.. lol)
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited June 2015
    Confession: I just saw that I have 2 flags for alleged "spam". How did I spam you ask? Apparently replying to a thread about some city banning soda's in happy meals and saying it's none of their business what parents give their kids is spam. :lol: I swear, it is laughable the things that get flagged around here. I can't believe how abused the system is. I have been tempted to flag posts I didn't agree with... but I realize it's dumb to flag something just because I disagree.

    Confession: I am a little sad that I got flagged. :'( It makes me feel like running away and never posting again. But reading and posting here feels like it will help me stay on track, so I guess it's a trade off. So I guess I will continue even though apparently someone out there doesn't like me (at least 2 people.. lol)

    I have issues - technical issues when I post on my phone. I *may* have flagged someone entirely by accident and not even known it. I have never "on purpose" flagged someone.

    Don't let a random stranger with a different opinion get you down. ((HUGS))
  • kelsnewlife
    kelsnewlife Posts: 18 Member
    I just ate 2 peanut butter cookies. Not a huge deal except they were my husband's. ...and he's asleep...lol...guess he should have ate them of he didn't want to lose them ;)
    Awe, back to strict dieting (and manners I guess) tomorrow. ..sigh... (but they WERE yummy)
  • heartsstarspll
    heartsstarspll Posts: 47 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Confession: I just saw that I have 2 flags for alleged "spam". How did I spam you ask? Apparently replying to a thread about some city banning soda's in happy meals and saying it's none of their business what parents give their kids is spam. :lol: I swear, it is laughable the things that get flagged around here. I can't believe how abused the system is. I have been tempted to flag posts I didn't agree with... but I realize it's dumb to flag something just because I disagree.

    Confession: I am a little sad that I got flagged. :'( It makes me feel like running away and never posting again. But reading and posting here feels like it will help me stay on track, so I guess it's a trade off. So I guess I will continue even though apparently someone out there doesn't like me (at least 2 people.. lol)

    I have issues - technical issues when I post on my phone. I *may* have flagged someone entirely by accident and not even known it. I have never "on purpose" flagged someone.

    Don't let a random stranger with a different opinion get you down. ((HUGS))

    aww I will try not to. lol I don't mind differing opinions. I just feel like flag=bad=me. lol But I will keep that in mind that just because I got a flag maybe somebody did it on accident. And even if they didn't, I know that I did and said nothing wrong, so it's their issue, not mine. I just don't want to get in trouble. lol :open_mouth:

  • heartsstarspll
    heartsstarspll Posts: 47 Member
    edited June 2015
    gah double post thanks to my internet. -.-
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    joeu_56 wrote: »
    I once pulled a box of discarded donuts out of the garbage at work and ate them. I did not want them to go to waste. Please tell me someone else has done that, even once.....

    At work, no. At home...definitely.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession: I don’t know what my goal weight should be. I’m 5’9 and currently weigh 221. (That’s a big step since I’ve never admitted that to anyone!) I had the goal set at 200, but didn’t feel like that was low enough. It’s now set at 190, but now I don’t feel like that is low enough either. I weighed 180 the year before my son was born and felt awesome. I weighed 160 when I graduated from high school (and thought I was fat). I know I’ll probably find a weight where I feel comfortable and don’t have to kill myself in the gym every day. I understand all the numbers. Just not sure if I can get back to the 160s mainly because I don’t know if I have the dedication. Looking for some advice from some of you. That seems like a lot of numbers and rambling.

    I'm 5'9" and currently 134. I was originally looking to get down to 135, but I'm now looking to pack on some weight again in the form of muscle. Not sure if I want to do that in the form of a bulk or a recomp. I'd be happy to send you some progress photos, if that would help you.

    My biggest regret is not weight training more consistently in my weight loss, if I'm being honest.

    Eventually, once goals are close to being met or have already passed, this is what it will come down to. If you want to be skinny as a rail, fine. Diet and cardio all day, every day. But unless you are naturally blessed, if you want a fitness magazine cover body, you HAVE to do some strength training.
    Serious question here: What if you don't want that? I'm 47 - the only people who see me naked is my husband and my dog (she judges me - she recently lost 15% of her bodyweight and is smug about it). I live in a climate where I'm covered up a lot of the time. All I really want is to look ok in my clothes. I feel like MFP is often all about lifting weights, and I'm just not interested in doing that.

    What about going to a class that does a mixture of activity? I go to back to back classes on Saturday where we do hand weights, bands, kettle bells, calesthentics (sp?), etc. I have gotten great definition without 'lifting' per se. And it's fun! Tap out, P90x, etc. are all similar in using exercise to build definition without pure traditional 'lifting'.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm 29 and I <3 Frozen. I have no shame.

    I'm 26 and I have never seen Frozen. Or Dirty Dancing. Or Grease. Or a lot of other chick flicks. Maybe that explains my post about not knowing how to do girly things. I still have no intention of watching any of these films though.

    I didn't like Grease much but I love Dirty Dancing!


    One of my favorites, ever! The original one with Kevin Bacon, of course!

    The remake was terrible :( Kevin Bacon all the way!

    Omg, so terrible! And I just love Kevin Bacon...speaking of..anyone watch The Following and as sad as I am that it's cancelled? :(:(

    *Raises hand*

    Such a shame..everything I see about it being cancelled is just a lot of people upset about it. It really was a great show!
    Btw- can I just say that every time I see the picture of your little rodent boy, I smile. <3 He really had the sweetest little face! I hope you're doing well.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Alma102724 wrote: »
    I have a whole drawer dedicated to supplements and protein. Currently its filled with:

    A multivitamin,
    BCAA caps,
    L- Arginine,
    Omega 3,
    a "power pak" that's supposed to help me get to sleep although I haven't used that one,
    white kidney bean extract
    ISO Dymatize Protein Powder
    Body Tech Protein Powder
    DOT FIT Protein Powder
    Quest Protein Bars
    Premier Protein shakes
    Amino Acid Energy Blend
    Max Amino (I think thats what its called.)

    Oh and I just got a tea in the mail that's supposed to help with my metabolism. I don't take ALL of them but I CAN say I've tried them all. And I'm contemplating adding another supplement to the mix. It's called Animal Pak. The only reason I want to add this one is to get rid of the others.

    Oh my goodness. That is a lot of stuff. I can't consistently remember to take anything. I add potassium to my protein shake. That is about it.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I made it back from my holiday :smile: I am trying to read some/most of the old posts, but I don't know if I'll be able to get through them all (there were over 2000 new ones!). I had a great time in AZ, went to check out the Desert Museum just outside of Tucson (thanks for the suggestion!). Ate some foods I can't get here, and thought I broke a couple toes (but now I think they're just very bruised.)

    Confession: I puked my guts out landing in Phoenix and again landing back in Edmonton. One of my first thoughts after each time was "I don't have to count those calories, right?"

    YAYY welcome back we missed you!

    Yes, we did! Also, great picture @LBuehrle8! I love y'all, but I'm just unable to keep up with this thread right now. I missed pages 797??? to 820. Don't have time to go back, so I'm sorry for all the posts I've missed, but I'm going to only be able to read what is posted during certain hours of the day. Sad. But, I have other things I have to keep up with right now.

    That's understandable. It seems like the thread is moving faster than ever. I logged in this weekend just to keep up. Hope everything is ok in your world!

    Me too, I didn't want to be 30 pages behind again.

    I am 2 days behind and frantically trying to catch up right now!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    This thread is the only reason I'm still here. I had gained ~2 - 3 lbs and since I'm short it showed. I've lost it and probably would have changed my mind about taking it down another few pounds (still well within the middle of the healthy range for my height). I'm glad I've stayed. I've now lost five pounds and today I could tell! My waist is down 1.5 inches! I have somewhere around 1 - 4 pounds to go (depends on fluctuation and how my body feels. I know from my early 20's that when I get more than 7 - 8 pounds lighter than I am now I tended to get sick often even though I was still "healthy" by the charts.) I've made some good changes and want to thank you all for being yourselves and being supportive and great!

    Congratulations, and thank you in return for your support! I think I would still log but I too spend an inordinate amount of time here simply for this thread!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @nonoelmo That poem is fabulous. So amazing. Pretty much speechless.

    Thank you all. The poem is written by one of the writers of Sesame Street who has a son with Down Syndrome.

    There is a grieving process in realizing you will have a special needs child. Without really even knowing it we all imagine and dream of the things our children will possibly do in the future. I am not saying my son's future is "limited" just that he falls outside of the typical boy. He is the biggest influence in the person I now am. He is the reason I went back to school and earned my PhD. He changed me for the better.

    Edit to add: I am more patient, have more perspective on what is important, have more tolerance. I'm better on all levels than I was before my boy. He's wonderful.

    The poem is wonderful and so is your perspective. Thank you for sharing.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I don't do low carb and I like to lift heavy things :s *runs and hides*

    But I have no problem with whatever works for YOU (general you)! Hence while I lurk all those threads and read but never post- to each their own! :)
    But that's exactly the point - you love it so that's great! I don't love it, but wonder if that can be great too... A lot of MFP makes me feel that NOT wanting to lift means that when I get to my goal weight (which is near the top of the 'normal' range for my height) I'll still be a fatty blob.

    I enjoy lifting, but the reason I started doing it at 213lb is because I'm struggling to lose weight and the Dr suggested I up my muscle mass underneath so my body has to use more calories on a day to day basis. Apparently. An appointment will be made soon because this theory isn't working. Pretty sure my Dr doesn't have a clue.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So… I mostly need a place to noodle this around and get it out. I work for my State as a government analyst, so I have to be kinda vague and can't get into specifics. I make decent $, not great. Job security is awesome, but I like $ and I like to be challenged. I have an MBA already and I’m feeling the itch to go back and get my MS in Finance. It would be stupid to get an MS if I’m going to stay in government. I only need my BA for my job, so I’m already over-qualified.

    I love the job security, but I hate that it’s not challenging, no advancement other than getting the standard automated raise every year, etc. I also love the thought of using my brain again (I’m a weirdo that loves school).
    Hubby says do it, but if I do, I have to get out of government work (I can make at least $10-$15k/yr more in private sector work and raises are usually better). In private sector, the degree would pay for itself within 2 years, maybe less. Am I crazy to want to get out of “safe” government work into private companies?

    I am a person who loves school too. I actually take free classes on coursera for no reason other than the fact that I enjoy learning. I don't think it's crazy to want to be more fulfilled at work. I would say go for it.

    Ditto! Challenge is good for the soul!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Confession: I don’t know what my goal weight should be. I’m 5’9 and currently weigh 221. (That’s a big step since I’ve never admitted that to anyone!) I had the goal set at 200, but didn’t feel like that was low enough. It’s now set at 190, but now I don’t feel like that is low enough either. I weighed 180 the year before my son was born and felt awesome. I weighed 160 when I graduated from high school (and thought I was fat). I know I’ll probably find a weight where I feel comfortable and don’t have to kill myself in the gym every day. I understand all the numbers. Just not sure if I can get back to the 160s mainly because I don’t know if I have the dedication. Looking for some advice from some of you. That seems like a lot of numbers and rambling.

    Maybe just set an attainable goal of 10 lbs over x amount of time and when you get there see how you feel and if you have a next goal? I have a weight loss tracker that goes for 40 days. I set my goal to that and try to attain that mini goal. The I reset 40 days later to the next goal. I have lost all my weight doing this as the mini goals seem so much more attainable than the 'big' number.