

  • camill827
    camill827 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok here goes.... I pull up my lower belly fat and see what it would look like if I were skinny :( ok there I said it!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I'm back from VA! It was great. I am not checking the 1,664 new posts.


    In public, I suck in to appear thinner than I really am. I never did this before I lost weight.

    I would rather go deaf than listen to contemporary Christian music. It is awful and so boring. I had to endure it on my trip. Thank God for iPods.

    What or who were you listening to? Christian music is ALL I listen to and I don't find it awful or boring at all. I will admit some of the songs aren't great, but for the most part, I really enjoy it. Everything from rap, to rock, to pop, to easy listening.

    I'm not even Christian and I can enjoy some Skillet at the gym now and then. ;)
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I got a haircut. I was getting too hot and wanted to get shorter hair for this Summer.

    And I don't like it at all. I guess it will grow back :(

    Oh no! Is it too short? What happened?

    It just doesn't look good on me. I don't like ponytails either so at some point the long hair has to go I guess. The main issue I think is that I think it makes my double chin (there's some loose skin in there) more noticeable.

    Just bleh.

    Sometimes seriously it's totally depressing to have done all that work and realize that I'll never like the way I look...

    I'm going to guarantee you 100% that you are being overly critical of yourself (just like we all tend to do). If you posted a picture to show us (not that you need to, of course) I bet you look great! All fresh and sassy for summer.

    This makes me want to go get a haircut.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Edited because I changed my mind.

    Oops! I had already quoted you and then saw you change your mind. I deleted your comment from my quote. (although I saw nothing wrong with your post?)

    Sorry! It wasn't a big deal. I originally said how much I liked the kitchen, but then saw the other posts about being overwhelmed by the color and decided that it really would be too much after awhile.

    I did the exact same thing: really liked it, but then decided it would be a bit much for every day.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @spernoud I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Sound of Music dvd/soundtrack-I have an obession with musicals!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    Friday night the husband and I went to Outback for dinner. I was not thrilled about this because I didn't think I had enough calories for Outback because I always get the Alice Springs Chicken with fries. I decided to order the chicken, but subbed fries with steamed broccoli, which, if you've being paying attention at all, you'll know how incredibly difficult that decision was. I regretted not getting the fries until I tasted the broccoli, it was delicious. I ended up only eating half my dinner, and I even got to share a piece of cheesecake with my love and STILL managed a deficit. Yay, me!

    Saturday, my daughter and I were going to go shopping for Father's Day, my eye appointment, and get some last minute things for our trip, but we were also going to go to the candy shop for snacks so my husband wanted to come too. We ended up going to the candy shop first which was a big success except they were out of my favorite trail mix (luckily, I still had some left over from the last visit) so I got buttered toffee pecans (holy sweet, salty, and crunchy, they are amazing), and some dried apples. He got mostly candy. :smile:

    From there, we went to the mall since that's where my appointment was to kill some time, but also so I wouldn't be late. We ended up in JCP looking at dresses. Husband picked out some he wanted me to try on (his questionable taste presented itself again) but nothing worked. We met up outside in the sitting area of the mall and he asked me if I wanted to kill some more time at Helzberg, and I said sure. Long story short, we ended up looking at diamond rings and bridal sets. I didn't think we were really going to purchase anything since he said we'd do shopping in Florida. Apparently, he'd been really thinking about that and decided if we were going to get one, he wanted to get it before we went so it could be sized and everything beforehand. I tried on several rings before falling head over heals for a 1/2 ct. princess cut in white gold. It was absolutely mesmerizing. I could not quit staring at it. That's pretty much how I felt the first time I laid eyes on him. Love at first sight. Anywho, I tried on a few different guards and finally found a perfect fit. The lady sized my finger (size 5 btw, I was pretty shocked by that) and I was off to my appointment.

    My appointment took maybe 20 minutes so I went to Auntie Anne's for pretzels and a DP ( I know, I was doing to so good) and then headed back to Helzberg. Well, come to find out, he bought the ring while I was at my appointment and was finishing up paperwork and stuff when I got back. I was shocked, I didn't expect to get anything finished so soon. Turns out, the ring I picked out is a VVS2 (3rd from highest quality you can get) and almost completely colorless. It is also a limited edition diamond which I didn't know either. I just knew I loved the ring. When they were telling us all the stuff about the diamond, they said I have really good taste. I said, putting my arm around Husband, "Obviously!" He blushed. It was adorable. I hope to have my ring by Thursday, but I might have to wait until after we get back from Florida.

    Now for stepdaughter news.

    She was a no call, no show Saturday and Sunday. She DID tag him on facebook saying Happy Father's Day and I love you, but I guess she was just too busy to come by and give him the only thing he really wanted which was some of her time. He fell asleep last night while watching TV and then woke up and asked me what time it was. I said 8 or 9, and he said, really, no way. He then pulled out his phone to check for messages. Nothing. The look on his face was so painfully sad I started crying. I told him I was sorry she didn't come by, and he said, "I can't believe she didn't come over on Father's Day." To make matters worse, Rachael told me she thought it'd be fun having a sister, but it's not. I hate that she's treating them so badly.

    I'm sad because she'll never know how incredible her dad is and that she seems to have zero interest in being a part of our amazing family. If it were up to me, I'd take the car back and tell her off, but I don't want to do anything that could hurt the chances of a future relationship. What I don't understand, is she found him, he didn't seek her out, she came to him. Why would she do that if she didn't want to have anything to do with him, just his money?!

    I'm heartbroken for my loves. Why did this crap have to happen a week before we leave?!

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    Oh man. What a mix of awesomeness and crappiness in this post. I think your new ring sounds pretty amazing, but the fact that your step-daughter is being such a selfish brat is making me so sad for your husband.


    A mix of yays and hugs for you.


    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    That's awesome news about your ring! Sounds like you had a good weekend except the stepdaughter part. Just curious...why wasn't he involved in her life when she was younger? Counseling may be good for all of you to work through this difficult place. It may reveal some things about her past that provide insight as to why she's acting this way. I hate that Rachael is so disappointed. :( (Hugs)

    He wanted to be, we both did.

    When her mom and my husband broke up, they shared custody (they were never married). For some reason, I'm not 100% clear on this as he doesn't like to talk about it, she quit allowing him visitation. I guess, in the state of Kansas, a mother can say anything she wants against a father, even one paying child support, and it's basically her word against his. She petitioned to increase his child support (this happened several times during our relationship) and was awarded more each time.

    In the almost 15 years we've been married, until recently, I had only seen her twice. Once for her 5th birthday (her mother didn't know about this) and once for Christmas (same year, mother didn't know). When Rach was about 2 maybe a little younger, we found out where she worked and Husband asked if he could see her and she told him she didn't think she (daughter) was ready for that. Because, at the time, we didn't have the money to take her to court, he didn't fight his ex anymore and just did was what right by paying his child support and not fighting it every time she wanted more.

    He would never admit it, but he's a pushover and hates confrontation. Hence the situation we're currently in. Her mom was pretty pissed when she found out she had sought him out. I'm sure she has a lot to do with the way she's been acting recently since she's staying at her house.

    Sorry to be such a downer on a Monday.

    There's the key, right there. Nineteen / adult or not, that sole-parental influence is HUGE. My husband and I both had joint custody of our kids, but the influence of the other parent was always present. I'll shut up on this subject after this, but once she becomes independent, breaks away from her mom, goes through a few serious relationships of her own, she will see your husband's side so much clearer.

    Example scenario: say she gets seriously involved with a guy who has a child. Mother of the child does the exact thing to her (hypothetical) boyfriend that her mom did. He wants to see his child and be involved, but he is denied. He's hurt and she doesn't like it. Light bulb moment. She won't necessarily see her mom as the bad guy, but she'll apply all those same feelings to her current situation and eventually she will see things differently. IMHO.

    I hope you're right. For his sake, her sake and Rachael's sake. Thank you.

    It's a bit weird to me that she would get like this AFTER trying to find him. My mom had a restraining order against my biological father when I was little, and he signed away his legal right to me, but she would have let me get to know him if I'd wanted. Even now, if I decided I wanted to find him and have a relationship, she'd support me.

    For what it's worth, I don't want to know him. I know enough about why there was a restraining order in the first place, and know he would occasionally run into my mom's younger sister (who is a terrible human being - not judgement, just fact) who would give him updates about me (without asking me, of course). I look at it like he never made the effort to follow up, even once I was an adult and my mom couldn't stop him.

    I do sometimes wonder if I have half siblings somewhere, but I'm not sure I want to start that kind of relationship at this point even if I did. Too much pressure, you know?

    I can imagine her being totally conflicted at only 19, when I'm still unsure at 31. Especially with a strong negative influence behind her. She may just need time (and space - possibly from both sides) to figure out what she wants.

    Here's hoping that she comes around!

    Thanks & sorry, @CountessKitteh I too had a loser bio dad.

    I want her to figure out what she wants, but I will not let her let my husband pay the emotional price (so to speak) while she does it. We are by no means forcing her to have a relationship with us if that's not what she wants, but I will also not continue to pay for her car while my husband is driving a truck older than all the people in this thread if she doesn't want to be a part of our lives. That sounds really heartless I'm sure, but I have to be honest.

    That is a "classic" if it is older than me!

    1963 Chevy pick up. Matte black with ghost flames and slammed. According to the insurance he's carrying, it's not supposed to be used as a daily driver, so don't tell anyone. :*

    Oh, that's a show truck - not a daily driver! Sounds really awesome.

    That's his baby. He offered to give it to Rachael to drive in high school, but she doesn't want it. Have I mentioned Rachael is crazy?! :wink: I would have LOVED to be driving that in high school. I will see if I can post a picture of it on here later.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    No sure if I should be proud or ashamed but I just ate my morning snack - melted mozz cheese on a plate! It made me think of this thread because I think that was something people shamefully confessed to eating at the very beginning of the thread, but I think it's a perfectly normal snack. I mean, people eat string cheese and have no issues with that as I snack, why should I be ashamed if I microwave it first? This made me think of other shamefully confessed foods that I also eat and have never thought twice about, like butter on saltines, or the oh so popular spoons of chocolate powder. I'm not sure if this means I have a good relationship with food, or if I have really strange ideas of snacks.

    I don't think eating things that you think others might find strange equates a bad relationship with food at all. We all have different tastes, likes, and dislikes.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I just joined my first event ride by our local cycling organization RABA (Richmond Area Bicycling Association) to support their 'Bikes for Kids' program. Beyond excited!

    That's awesome!! I'm hoping to start riding more in events with my dad, it's a lot of fun!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited June 2015
    @m1xm0d3, you had it's the stupid reduced sale part that gets me!! I just need to avoid that rack all together! Most days I, apparently not.
    @Francl27, I usually "plan" to only eat some of it. Obviously, I failed at that today as well. From now on, I really will (TRY to) only get what I can fit for THAT day and THAT day only!!!
    @LBuehrle8 and the others that posted on my lovely choice of lunch today, thank you. I'm not really feeling "guilty" I know it won't make a difference as far as my weight, but it's more just feeling like crap from all the sugar. And now I'm tired and still hungry. They were bakery items with no real nutritional info posted but I've estimated about 1000 over maintenance for the day so far (still need dinner though)...but with my week's deficit, I'm ok. Friday is my birthday though and I planned to go all out at dinner!! Looks like I'll scale back the other days this week just a tad more...
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    I'M FINALLY CAUGHT UP!!!! *falls over* <3

    Thought of you today at Giant when I found the Limone Sorbet. I almost bought it, but then I decided to get the Yueling's Buttered Caramel Popcorn. I definitely will be getting that sometime though since I seen it was only 80 calories per half serving which means I will probably eat two or three.

    ooooooh yum!

    my giant had the lemoncello chiffon ice cream ONCE, and have been out of stock ever since. i call them every few days...i'm sure they loooove me. lol

    i'm honestly not that big of an ice cream fan. unless i get the "churn style" the richness of most ice cream makes me sick so i can only ever have a tiny amount at a time. but the lemoncello chiffon is SO FREAKIN GOOD.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @kelly_c_77 Birthdays are a "free card" day! They only come but once a year so you should definitely enjoy it and not worry so much! Yay for birthdays!!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    camill827 wrote: »
    Ok here goes.... I pull up my lower belly fat and see what it would look like if I were skinny :( ok there I said it!
    I've lost 34lbs and I still do that!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    It took me all morning (and 2 hours into the afternoon!) to catch up because I sort of had things to do at work. I'm going to consider that a success, because at least days will move along, even if I don't LIKE what I'm doing all that much.

    Confession: I'm secretly hoping the weather is terrible later so that I can't possibly be expected to go out to the gym. Stupid cardio days.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    All of the people who are going to @LBuehrle8's tea party! I've taken care of the menu for you. Save some Pimms for me.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    This is not a confession and I don't care because I'm SUPER excited - my passport came in the mail today woo hoo!!!!

    (For those unaware I've never left the country and I'm headed to London in August!!)

    awesome!! i'm giddy for you! i heart england, you're going to have so much fun!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    All of the people who are going to @LBuehrle8's tea party! I've taken care of the menu for you. Save some Pimms for me.


    That tea party chat made me crave tea sandwiches, even though I had no idea what they were and I had to look it up.

    The funny thing is I've stayed in families in England 3 times (5 weeks total, 3 different families) and I can't remember ever having a proper tea!

    Speaking of England - I really want to go again. It's one of those things I hope to do again someday. Mostly see London again... and have good English fish and chips (somehow I'm always disappointed when I order some here in the US, although I'm sure it's just my memories that are off and it's not actually that different).
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Your kitchen sounds like mine! Tasteless and ugly. ;) I do have all those shiny Samsung appliances (they didn't come with the apartment though, we bought those ourselves), but there's VERY little kitchen space, no air conditioner (you would only know how torturous this is if you lived in the Gulf. My kitchen settles at 30C/86F in the early afternoon), and there's hardly even space to turn around. The cabinets are shiny and plastic and cheap, and half of the doors were already broken when we moved in because they weren't installed properly.

    Why isn't the kitchen air conditioned?

    Central air conditioning isn't popular here in the Middle East--We mostly have split units or window units. In this particular apartment, holes in the walls were provided for window unit air conditioners in the living room and bedroom, but not in the kitchen. We bought a portable A/C to use, but it was taking too much space and upped our electricity bill significantly while not really helping cool the kitchen, so we took it out and I'm just putting up with the heat now. I do less cooking in summer because of it, so we've been eating a lot of sandwiches lately. ;)
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I got a haircut. I was getting too hot and wanted to get shorter hair for this Summer.

    And I don't like it at all. I guess it will grow back :(

    Sorry you don't like your new do. Usually after I get mine cut it takes a few days before I like it so hopefully it will grow on you :)
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    London is on my bucket list.

  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    Friday night the husband and I went to Outback for dinner. I was not thrilled about this because I didn't think I had enough calories for Outback because I always get the Alice Springs Chicken with fries. I decided to order the chicken, but subbed fries with steamed broccoli, which, if you've being paying attention at all, you'll know how incredibly difficult that decision was. I regretted not getting the fries until I tasted the broccoli, it was delicious. I ended up only eating half my dinner, and I even got to share a piece of cheesecake with my love and STILL managed a deficit. Yay, me!

    Saturday, my daughter and I were going to go shopping for Father's Day, my eye appointment, and get some last minute things for our trip, but we were also going to go to the candy shop for snacks so my husband wanted to come too. We ended up going to the candy shop first which was a big success except they were out of my favorite trail mix (luckily, I still had some left over from the last visit) so I got buttered toffee pecans (holy sweet, salty, and crunchy, they are amazing), and some dried apples. He got mostly candy. :smile:

    From there, we went to the mall since that's where my appointment was to kill some time, but also so I wouldn't be late. We ended up in JCP looking at dresses. Husband picked out some he wanted me to try on (his questionable taste presented itself again) but nothing worked. We met up outside in the sitting area of the mall and he asked me if I wanted to kill some more time at Helzberg, and I said sure. Long story short, we ended up looking at diamond rings and bridal sets. I didn't think we were really going to purchase anything since he said we'd do shopping in Florida. Apparently, he'd been really thinking about that and decided if we were going to get one, he wanted to get it before we went so it could be sized and everything beforehand. I tried on several rings before falling head over heals for a 1/2 ct. princess cut in white gold. It was absolutely mesmerizing. I could not quit staring at it. That's pretty much how I felt the first time I laid eyes on him. Love at first sight. Anywho, I tried on a few different guards and finally found a perfect fit. The lady sized my finger (size 5 btw, I was pretty shocked by that) and I was off to my appointment.

    My appointment took maybe 20 minutes so I went to Auntie Anne's for pretzels and a DP ( I know, I was doing to so good) and then headed back to Helzberg. Well, come to find out, he bought the ring while I was at my appointment and was finishing up paperwork and stuff when I got back. I was shocked, I didn't expect to get anything finished so soon. Turns out, the ring I picked out is a VVS2 (3rd from highest quality you can get) and almost completely colorless. It is also a limited edition diamond which I didn't know either. I just knew I loved the ring. When they were telling us all the stuff about the diamond, they said I have really good taste. I said, putting my arm around Husband, "Obviously!" He blushed. It was adorable. I hope to have my ring by Thursday, but I might have to wait until after we get back from Florida.

    Now for stepdaughter news.

    She was a no call, no show Saturday and Sunday. She DID tag him on facebook saying Happy Father's Day and I love you, but I guess she was just too busy to come by and give him the only thing he really wanted which was some of her time. He fell asleep last night while watching TV and then woke up and asked me what time it was. I said 8 or 9, and he said, really, no way. He then pulled out his phone to check for messages. Nothing. The look on his face was so painfully sad I started crying. I told him I was sorry she didn't come by, and he said, "I can't believe she didn't come over on Father's Day." To make matters worse, Rachael told me she thought it'd be fun having a sister, but it's not. I hate that she's treating them so badly.

    I'm sad because she'll never know how incredible her dad is and that she seems to have zero interest in being a part of our amazing family. If it were up to me, I'd take the car back and tell her off, but I don't want to do anything that could hurt the chances of a future relationship. What I don't understand, is she found him, he didn't seek her out, she came to him. Why would she do that if she didn't want to have anything to do with him, just his money?!

    I'm heartbroken for my loves. Why did this crap have to happen a week before we leave?!

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    Oh man. What a mix of awesomeness and crappiness in this post. I think your new ring sounds pretty amazing, but the fact that your step-daughter is being such a selfish brat is making me so sad for your husband.


    A mix of yays and hugs for you.


    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    That's awesome news about your ring! Sounds like you had a good weekend except the stepdaughter part. Just curious...why wasn't he involved in her life when she was younger? Counseling may be good for all of you to work through this difficult place. It may reveal some things about her past that provide insight as to why she's acting this way. I hate that Rachael is so disappointed. :( (Hugs)

    He wanted to be, we both did.

    When her mom and my husband broke up, they shared custody (they were never married). For some reason, I'm not 100% clear on this as he doesn't like to talk about it, she quit allowing him visitation. I guess, in the state of Kansas, a mother can say anything she wants against a father, even one paying child support, and it's basically her word against his. She petitioned to increase his child support (this happened several times during our relationship) and was awarded more each time.

    In the almost 15 years we've been married, until recently, I had only seen her twice. Once for her 5th birthday (her mother didn't know about this) and once for Christmas (same year, mother didn't know). When Rach was about 2 maybe a little younger, we found out where she worked and Husband asked if he could see her and she told him she didn't think she (daughter) was ready for that. Because, at the time, we didn't have the money to take her to court, he didn't fight his ex anymore and just did was what right by paying his child support and not fighting it every time she wanted more.

    He would never admit it, but he's a pushover and hates confrontation. Hence the situation we're currently in. Her mom was pretty pissed when she found out she had sought him out. I'm sure she has a lot to do with the way she's been acting recently since she's staying at her house.

    Sorry to be such a downer on a Monday.

    There's the key, right there. Nineteen / adult or not, that sole-parental influence is HUGE. My husband and I both had joint custody of our kids, but the influence of the other parent was always present. I'll shut up on this subject after this, but once she becomes independent, breaks away from her mom, goes through a few serious relationships of her own, she will see your husband's side so much clearer.

    Example scenario: say she gets seriously involved with a guy who has a child. Mother of the child does the exact thing to her (hypothetical) boyfriend that her mom did. He wants to see his child and be involved, but he is denied. He's hurt and she doesn't like it. Light bulb moment. She won't necessarily see her mom as the bad guy, but she'll apply all those same feelings to her current situation and eventually she will see things differently. IMHO.

    I hope you're right. For his sake, her sake and Rachael's sake. Thank you.

    As a single mom I wish my son had a dad that gave a s*** like your husband does. My ex didn't he even bother answering the phone when my son called to wish him a Happy Fathers Day. He texted me later that it was because he got so drunk and passed out in his front yard that his neighbour called 911 because they thought he was dead.

    Wow. I can't decide what's worse: that he actually DID this or that he so readily admitted it! Yikes. I am very sorry for you and your son having to deal with this, but it's best that there's no contact at all.

    Can you imagine if he had your son for days or overnights the worry you would have not knowing if he was drinking or not?! This is definitely a case of, be grateful for whatever you can in a bad situation.

    I have a friend that went through this when her boys were young.....she stopped contact when he fell asleep drunk while cooking and burned the house down while the boys were there.....thankfully they made it out ok or she would have never gotten over it.....

    that is absolutely terrifying.