

  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    sorry, i'm a few pages behind, crazy busy at work, but i just need to put this one out there

    *post date update*

    first date #9

    last nights first date entered into new uncharted territory for me! how exciting!

    met the dude at a local establishment, but even though it was local i had never been there and wasn't familiar with the layout. this is slightly to my detriment because he arrives prior to me and the seat that was open next to him,there was a giant tv right above my head. swell.

    normally this wouldn't be an issue, we're supposed to be there trying to get to know each other, but then he keeps looking up at the tv and making comments. what am i supposed to do? crane my neck around to try to see what the heck is going on? yeah, not so much.

    so i'm trying to make nice casual small talk, but when he says anything it's really low and kinda mumbley, so i keep asking him to repeat himself and to please speak up. which he doesn't do.

    talk about jobs, locations, hobbies, the norm. then apparently the story about the two women that were the first to go through some special military program pops up above my head. he makes a comnment on how he would like to go through something like that. i say well go for it then, and he goes into the whole just want the work outs and training and not be in the actually military.

    which then insights the meltdown. he starts going into how he couldn't be in the military right now, especially not with the state our country is in and he's got a cousin in the secret service and we have no clue all the stuff that's really going on right now. and the government is trying to take our guns and blah blah blah. and anytime i would try to say anything to, you know, attempt a conversation, he would just talk over me and tell me how wrong i am about anything.

    final nail in the coffin? he then says to me, "yeah you probably voted for obama" at this point i'm just done, i grab my cash off of the bar (i paid for my own beverages) and get up to leave, and he acts all put off, and says oh what you're leaving now? and i say Yup, as awesome has this as been, i'm done dealing with your craziness. and i left.

    which you would think would be the end of the story, but oh no!
    i get home, pull out my phone and am welcomed with this gibberish:

    "the only one crazy is u saying thst bout me im not into liberalism have nicelife ur wrongnim right ull see bye bye and ur rude lose my number thanks."

    to which i kindly reply: "English. Try it sometime."

    and then i got this: "yea ok ur so intelligent lol good bye listing try it sometime lose my number, have nice liberal life"

    that was all in the span of 45 minutes, first meeting til the end.
    after that, all of his stuff became, BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK

    I just.... WUT? My head hurts so much reading this....
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    sorry, i'm a few pages behind, crazy busy at work, but i just need to put this one out there

    *post date update*

    first date #9

    last nights first date entered into new uncharted territory for me! how exciting!

    met the dude at a local establishment, but even though it was local i had never been there and wasn't familiar with the layout. this is slightly to my detriment because he arrives prior to me and the seat that was open next to him,there was a giant tv right above my head. swell.

    normally this wouldn't be an issue, we're supposed to be there trying to get to know each other, but then he keeps looking up at the tv and making comments. what am i supposed to do? crane my neck around to try to see what the heck is going on? yeah, not so much.

    so i'm trying to make nice casual small talk, but when he says anything it's really low and kinda mumbley, so i keep asking him to repeat himself and to please speak up. which he doesn't do.

    talk about jobs, locations, hobbies, the norm. then apparently the story about the two women that were the first to go through some special military program pops up above my head. he makes a comnment on how he would like to go through something like that. i say well go for it then, and he goes into the whole just want the work outs and training and not be in the actually military.

    which then insights the meltdown. he starts going into how he couldn't be in the military right now, especially not with the state our country is in and he's got a cousin in the secret service and we have no clue all the stuff that's really going on right now. and the government is trying to take our guns and blah blah blah. and anytime i would try to say anything to, you know, attempt a conversation, he would just talk over me and tell me how wrong i am about anything.

    final nail in the coffin? he then says to me, "yeah you probably voted for obama" at this point i'm just done, i grab my cash off of the bar (i paid for my own beverages) and get up to leave, and he acts all put off, and says oh what you're leaving now? and i say Yup, as awesome has this as been, i'm done dealing with your craziness. and i left.

    which you would think would be the end of the story, but oh no!
    i get home, pull out my phone and am welcomed with this gibberish:

    "the only one crazy is u saying thst bout me im not into liberalism have nicelife ur wrongnim right ull see bye bye and ur rude lose my number thanks."

    to which i kindly reply: "English. Try it sometime."

    and then i got this: "yea ok ur so intelligent lol good bye listing try it sometime lose my number, have nice liberal life"

    that was all in the span of 45 minutes, first meeting til the end.
    after that, all of his stuff became, BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK

    OMG, I am sorry, but I am cracking up. What a weirdo that guy was. Doesn't he know you're supposed to hide your crazy on the first date? At least you could cross him off easily. On to the next one!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I haven't been very active recently, but I have been reading along. Am struggling a bit at the moment, for no particular reason. I really need to get back to exercising, but seem to have mislaid my motivation.

    I totally understand... I've been doing ok so far, but next week is vacation. I think I may lose all sorts of mojo then, and I'm down to the last 15lbs I'd like to lose. Eep! Anything we can do to help, @Tubbs216 ?
    Aw, you're all so sweet. Thank you, and anyone else who wants to give me a giant kick in the pants.
    The next couple of weeks belong to other people - I need to (want to) be running my sister around, helping #1 son find a job, getting #2 son through his Learner's test and started at high school, getting my daughter's health under control (she sees the Gyno on Friday), etc etc. THEN I will take some time to really get myself together. Things aren't terrible at all - I'm the lightest I've been in about 15 years, and I'm very happy about that. I just know that I feel better with a bit more exercise, so I need to get back to it.

    Maybe we should start a little Batcave challenge for anyone who's losing it a bit...?

    Take it easy with yourself during this time. Control what you can and do your best with what you cannot control. It's hard to focus on yourself when all those around you need your time as well. I am sure there is at least some point in the days ahead where you can make yourself the priority. Good luck helping son #1 find a job, helping #2 with the learner's test, that all goes well with the daughter and helping your sister too. I have been there and just find small things you can do to help keep you on track.
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Conversation between me and my sister:

    Me: "I'm really liking jogging! It's fun with the zombie app. Though my lower back is a little sore."

    Sis: "Sounds like you might want to do some core exercises to help take the strain off your back..."

    Me: "I'd rather take ibuprofen every day than do crunches." :wink:

    ARGH! Confession: It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up when people assume you have to do crunches to work your core. (No judgement on you, @jthurman3) YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO CRUNCHES TO WORK YOUR CORE!!! :s

    Sorry, pet peeve.

    Confession #2: I NEVER do crunches.

    LOL - Come train me so that I don't despise core workouts!
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    @kylerjaye Wow. Just... wow. Ignorant AND belligerent? SUPER.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Not happy at all with my body right now so having difficulty coming up with reasons to like it, frankly, so I keep avoiding this thread.

    Your friend and her family are in my thoughts though, @MelissaPhippsFeagins.

    And @KylerJaye, at least you spotted that one quickly. You need a reality show at this rate!

  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    sorry, i'm a few pages behind, crazy busy at work, but i just need to put this one out there

    *post date update*

    first date #9

    last nights first date entered into new uncharted territory for me! how exciting!

    met the dude at a local establishment, but even though it was local i had never been there and wasn't familiar with the layout. this is slightly to my detriment because he arrives prior to me and the seat that was open next to him,there was a giant tv right above my head. swell.

    normally this wouldn't be an issue, we're supposed to be there trying to get to know each other, but then he keeps looking up at the tv and making comments. what am i supposed to do? crane my neck around to try to see what the heck is going on? yeah, not so much.

    so i'm trying to make nice casual small talk, but when he says anything it's really low and kinda mumbley, so i keep asking him to repeat himself and to please speak up. which he doesn't do.

    talk about jobs, locations, hobbies, the norm. then apparently the story about the two women that were the first to go through some special military program pops up above my head. he makes a comnment on how he would like to go through something like that. i say well go for it then, and he goes into the whole just want the work outs and training and not be in the actually military.

    which then insights the meltdown. he starts going into how he couldn't be in the military right now, especially not with the state our country is in and he's got a cousin in the secret service and we have no clue all the stuff that's really going on right now. and the government is trying to take our guns and blah blah blah. and anytime i would try to say anything to, you know, attempt a conversation, he would just talk over me and tell me how wrong i am about anything.

    final nail in the coffin? he then says to me, "yeah you probably voted for obama" at this point i'm just done, i grab my cash off of the bar (i paid for my own beverages) and get up to leave, and he acts all put off, and says oh what you're leaving now? and i say Yup, as awesome has this as been, i'm done dealing with your craziness. and i left.

    which you would think would be the end of the story, but oh no!
    i get home, pull out my phone and am welcomed with this gibberish:

    "the only one crazy is u saying thst bout me im not into liberalism have nicelife ur wrongnim right ull see bye bye and ur rude lose my number thanks."

    to which i kindly reply: "English. Try it sometime."

    and then i got this: "yea ok ur so intelligent lol good bye listing try it sometime lose my number, have nice liberal life"

    that was all in the span of 45 minutes, first meeting til the end.
    after that, all of his stuff became, BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK

    I just.... WUT? My head hurts so much reading this....

    Right. He made ME Cringe, I can't imagine in person.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    Grrrr I'm cranky... daycare called, son#2 is teething and has a fever of 99.4. WELL DUH he's teething! A low grade fever is normal. They insist we never gave them Motrin for him (we did) and DH has to come get him. He also has to be fever free for 24 hrs before we can send him back. HE'S TEETHING. Without Motrin, he will run a fever off and on indefinitely. who's supposed to watch him then?!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Grrrr I'm cranky... daycare called, son#2 is teething and has a fever of 99.4. WELL DUH he's teething! A low grade fever is normal. They insist we never gave them Motrin for him (we did) and DH has to come get him. He also has to be fever free for 24 hrs before we can send him back. HE'S TEETHING. Without Motrin, he will run a fever off and on indefinitely. who's supposed to watch him then?!

    Mt son used to be in a daycare like that. They would call for every little thing. Drove me crazy. I finally moved him from there and now it is actually shut down due to lack of children.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Morning all. Had quite a down day yesterday, very negative. Realised I hadn't taken my medication for 5 days. Yes, naughty I know. I get so out of routine at home on weekends, and by the time the reminders go off on my phone, Charlie and I are already out for the day. I know its no excuse.

    I am just generally fed up with looking in the mirror and seeing roll of fat stacked on top of roll of fat to make up my body (sorry @girldownsouth ). I know change doesn't happen over night, but this is week 5 damnit!

    I did hit the gym yesterday, did 6k run, PT session (full body work out) and a spin class. That will hopefully mitigate some of the cake batter and biscuit dough.

    I'm sorry some of you guys are struggling with motivation. Is there anything we can do to help? What motivates you? Challenges? Accountability? Work out buddy? Competition?

    I think we all need some more positivity in here. Changes won't be instant so we need to find a bit more happiness in who we are right now. So I want everyone to share something that they like about themselves now, not something that could be good after losing some weight, or with a bit of toning, but something about you that is already great. Because other people don't look at you and only see the negative, especially if you are focusing on the positive yourself. And your much more likely to succeed in the long run if it's not all a means to an end.

    So I want to hear all about your great long legs, pert bums (@MoHousdon, I'm looking at you), delicate wrists, emerging collarbones etc. Go and look in the mirror and find something that makes you smile, right now!

    I'll go first and say that I like my waist. I appreciate that whatever size I have been I have distinct curves, and that makes me feel better about myself.

    I'm loving my butt lately. Squats are working wonders. I look fabulous in the dress pants I have on today.

    I have super long thin fingers and terrific fingernails (I should have been a hand model LOL).

    And there is this new muscle, right at the top of my inner elbow (the bottom of my biceps?), that I am currently loving on. It was never noticeable before, and I keep touching it.

    I also love my feet. Although they are size 11, they aren't funky/lumpy/ugly like some feet I've seen. (I hated my feet growing up.)

    Honestly, there is more to my body that I like than I dislike. SL 5X5's is responsible for a lot of that.

    @quiksylver296 I'm not sure if you've mentioned this before, but how long have you been doing SL?

    Started November 2014. Not quite a year yet.

    How long did it take you to start seeing results? Just curious!

    Pretty recently, within the last month or so.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    abatonfan wrote: »
    Just need to vent for a moment:

    I hate diabetes. Been struggling to get below 140 (currently cruising between 150-170 even with more correction insulin than normal and upped basal rates), and I can't eat any "real food" until I get to a lower level (unless I want to deal with BG readings in the 200s+). My head's killing me because of these highs, I'm sick of low-carb protein shakes and am starving, and I want to curl into a corner and cry.

    So sorry you're struggling.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Conversation between me and my sister:

    Me: "I'm really liking jogging! It's fun with the zombie app. Though my lower back is a little sore."

    Sis: "Sounds like you might want to do some core exercises to help take the strain off your back..."

    Me: "I'd rather take ibuprofen every day than do crunches." :wink:

    pilates. Mat pilates. Love it
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    sorry, i'm a few pages behind, crazy busy at work, but i just need to put this one out there

    *post date update*

    first date #9

    last nights first date entered into new uncharted territory for me! how exciting!

    met the dude at a local establishment, but even though it was local i had never been there and wasn't familiar with the layout. this is slightly to my detriment because he arrives prior to me and the seat that was open next to him,there was a giant tv right above my head. swell.

    normally this wouldn't be an issue, we're supposed to be there trying to get to know each other, but then he keeps looking up at the tv and making comments. what am i supposed to do? crane my neck around to try to see what the heck is going on? yeah, not so much.

    so i'm trying to make nice casual small talk, but when he says anything it's really low and kinda mumbley, so i keep asking him to repeat himself and to please speak up. which he doesn't do.

    talk about jobs, locations, hobbies, the norm. then apparently the story about the two women that were the first to go through some special military program pops up above my head. he makes a comnment on how he would like to go through something like that. i say well go for it then, and he goes into the whole just want the work outs and training and not be in the actually military.

    which then insights the meltdown. he starts going into how he couldn't be in the military right now, especially not with the state our country is in and he's got a cousin in the secret service and we have no clue all the stuff that's really going on right now. and the government is trying to take our guns and blah blah blah. and anytime i would try to say anything to, you know, attempt a conversation, he would just talk over me and tell me how wrong i am about anything.

    final nail in the coffin? he then says to me, "yeah you probably voted for obama" at this point i'm just done, i grab my cash off of the bar (i paid for my own beverages) and get up to leave, and he acts all put off, and says oh what you're leaving now? and i say Yup, as awesome has this as been, i'm done dealing with your craziness. and i left.

    which you would think would be the end of the story, but oh no!
    i get home, pull out my phone and am welcomed with this gibberish:

    "the only one crazy is u saying thst bout me im not into liberalism have nicelife ur wrongnim right ull see bye bye and ur rude lose my number thanks."

    to which i kindly reply: "English. Try it sometime."

    and then i got this: "yea ok ur so intelligent lol good bye listing try it sometime lose my number, have nice liberal life"

    that was all in the span of 45 minutes, first meeting til the end.
    after that, all of his stuff became, BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK

    OMG, I am sorry, but I am cracking up. What a weirdo that guy was. Doesn't he know you're supposed to hide your crazy on the first date? At least you could cross him off easily. On to the next one!

    Yes. Done!

    You will meet someone after you get through the wrong ones
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I am going to do a bit of grumbling, so please feel free to skim on by.

    My work is really ticking me off this week. A coworker is on holiday, and she is the only one who knows how to do her job. They refuse to ever train anyone, but then I'm expected to know how to do everything when she's away. I have people coming up to me constantly to ask where things are kept, if certain things are done, etc. and I want to yell at them I DON'T KNOW! There is one tiny task she showed me how to do, and I was shown the day before her holiday started. She knew she was going to be away, why couldn't she have started training me on it a week or two before? I kind of feel like its a job security thing for her, if no one else knows her job, she can't be replaced.

    Okay, venting over.

    Now, I AM that coworker, and I hate it. It's not for lack of trying on my part, but 1) nobody wants to learn to do what I do (my manager included), and 2) They refuse to give me time to train anyone. I've taken it upon myself to get the barest of daily tasks covered by several other people, but it's ridiculous. If I take more than a couple of days off in a row, I come back to a nightmare. And usually get calls/texts while I'm out.

    Heaven help them when I eventually put in my notice.
    (Assuming that there is ever a worthwhile job opening...)

    I have been called for jury duty during month end. I half expect my boss to try to get me out of it. I know that no one will do any of my work while I am gone.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I gotta get in on page 1500!!! I can't believe we've kept this going for 1500 pages, yous guys!

    I love you all, good day!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Morning all. Had quite a down day yesterday, very negative. Realised I hadn't taken my medication for 5 days. Yes, naughty I know. I get so out of routine at home on weekends, and by the time the reminders go off on my phone, Charlie and I are already out for the day. I know its no excuse.

    I am just generally fed up with looking in the mirror and seeing roll of fat stacked on top of roll of fat to make up my body (sorry @girldownsouth ). I know change doesn't happen over night, but this is week 5 damnit!

    I did hit the gym yesterday, did 6k run, PT session (full body work out) and a spin class. That will hopefully mitigate some of the cake batter and biscuit dough.

    I'm sorry some of you guys are struggling with motivation. Is there anything we can do to help? What motivates you? Challenges? Accountability? Work out buddy? Competition?

    I think we all need some more positivity in here. Changes won't be instant so we need to find a bit more happiness in who we are right now. So I want everyone to share something that they like about themselves now, not something that could be good after losing some weight, or with a bit of toning, but something about you that is already great. Because other people don't look at you and only see the negative, especially if you are focusing on the positive yourself. And your much more likely to succeed in the long run if it's not all a means to an end.

    So I want to hear all about your great long legs, pert bums (@MoHousdon, I'm looking at you), delicate wrists, emerging collarbones etc. Go and look in the mirror and find something that makes you smile, right now!

    I'll go first and say that I like my waist. I appreciate that whatever size I have been I have distinct curves, and that makes me feel better about myself.

    Honestly, there is more to my body that I like than I dislike. SL 5X5's Lifting is responsible for a lot of that.

    I can probably say the same (except that I don't do SL 5X5). I feel "fit" and "athletic" for the first time in my life.

    I've always liked my eyes, they're an unusual dark grey colour. Sadly, for the longest time, my eyes were the ONLY thing I liked about myself.

    But thanks to weightlifting I have all these cool hard muscley bits on my body. Sometimes I check them repeatedly to make sure they're still there and I'm not imagining it, lol.... and because I'm proud that I MADE THOSE.

    Both of these! I'm constantly feeling myself up. I can't help it.

  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I gotta get in on page 1500!!! I can't believe we've kept this going for 1500 pages, yous guys!

    I love you all, good day!

    I keep meaning to ask have you seen the step daughter lately? How are things on that end?
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    edited August 2015
    I confess that about 2/3 of my desk (it's a big U shape) is currently covered in paperwork that I have to complete on my employees annually, mainly competency assessments and mid-year reviews (they changed the formatting so we're a little behind this year). I could make it all tuck away nicely and get it out as I need it...but I look so much busier this way. >:)
  • kellypence
    kellypence Posts: 123 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Morning all. Had quite a down day yesterday, very negative. Realised I hadn't taken my medication for 5 days. Yes, naughty I know. I get so out of routine at home on weekends, and by the time the reminders go off on my phone, Charlie and I are already out for the day. I know its no excuse.

    I am just generally fed up with looking in the mirror and seeing roll of fat stacked on top of roll of fat to make up my body (sorry @girldownsouth ). I know change doesn't happen over night, but this is week 5 damnit!

    I did hit the gym yesterday, did 6k run, PT session (full body work out) and a spin class. That will hopefully mitigate some of the cake batter and biscuit dough.

    I'm sorry some of you guys are struggling with motivation. Is there anything we can do to help? What motivates you? Challenges? Accountability? Work out buddy? Competition?

    I think we all need some more positivity in here. Changes won't be instant so we need to find a bit more happiness in who we are right now. So I want everyone to share something that they like about themselves now, not something that could be good after losing some weight, or with a bit of toning, but something about you that is already great. Because other people don't look at you and only see the negative, especially if you are focusing on the positive yourself. And your much more likely to succeed in the long run if it's not all a means to an end.

    So I want to hear all about your great long legs, pert bums (@MoHousdon, I'm looking at you), delicate wrists, emerging collarbones etc. Go and look in the mirror and find something that makes you smile, right now!

    I'll go first and say that I like my waist. I appreciate that whatever size I have been I have distinct curves, and that makes me feel better about myself.

    Okay, I have to stop checking in again after this but here is what I like about myself:

    I am smart
    I am creative
    I am really hardworking (I feel like we did this before but I'll repeat myself :))
    I like that I do things not everyone does and am willing to try new things
    I like that I don't have talent in a lot of things but don't care, I do it anyway (ride, run, bike, swim)
    I like my taste in shoes (and I like shoes!)
    I like that when I decide to do something, I can get it done no matter what the obstacle is (but I don't like that I am a major procrastinator)

    I have a tiny waist (people comment on it all the time)
    I like my eyes (already made a comment about that)
    I like my hair (I have a lot of hair, even if its not 'thick' strand wise)
    I do think my feet are OK (but I don't like my hands)
    I like how I look in clothes now that I have lost weight (not so much naked but ah well)

    I think that is it! That seems like a longer list than everyone else, but there you go!

    Back to work. I'll pick up reading backwards later. Have a great day all!

    It's kind of weird, cause I don't like much about my body, but right now every time I look at my left big toenail (which is black and blue and purple and gross) it makes me smile. I "earned" that gross runner's toenail training for the Broad Street Run (a 10 miler in Philly). I also kind of dig my callouses on my knuckles that I have developed from Karate...I can break boards, that's pretty awesome (I mean, super great!).
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Page 1500!!!!