March 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @dreamer12151 Some of my best runs are the ones that begin with "I don't wanna," but I push myself out the door anyway.

    OMG so true!
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,764 Member
    edited March 2020
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    kimlight2 wrote: »
    Let's share some things we are thankful for in this insanity.

    I am thankful that I work for a company that is sending everyone home to work as fast as they can. (I already work remotely at least 3 days a week so nothing new for me.)

    I am thankful my family is still healthy and not stir crazy... yet.

    I am thankful I can still go outside and run and stay away from people.

    I am thankful I have enough food incase they close grocery stores to last for 2 or 3 weeks, even with a 16 yr old boy. Toilet paper may be an issue after week 2.

    What are you thankful for?

    I love this @kimlight2. A great idea to spread some positivity.
    • I am thankful that I live in New Zealand where most of the population is fairly relaxed and not inclined to panic, and where we have an abundant supply of food and toilet paper
    • I am thankful that our government seems to get the seriousness of both the virus and the associated economic slump and is taking a responsible approach to both
    • I am thankful that I am a runner and even if things shut down I can still get out and run
    • I am thankful my husband and I are financially secure so when things get tough economically, we'll be ok
    • I am thankful I already work from home, and that my husband is also self-employed and can largely work from home too if he needs/wants to
    • I am thankful to have a house and section big enough, so that if we're obliged to stay at home, we're not living on top of each other and the children can still run around outside
    • I am thankful my children are not at all worried about the coronavirus and are happy and laughing and sleeping as they should
    • I am thankful that my husband is enough of a bulk shopper that we have enough meat and booze for at least six months anyway, plus he's topped us up in all the rest so we can avoid the supermarket for the next couple of months or more
    • I am thankful for all the amazing and dedicated people who selflessly work in the medical profession
    • I am thankful we have the brains and technology to get on top of this virus and find a vaccine sooner rather than later
    • I am thankful for my health and the health of my family
    • I am thankful for all you lot out there in virtual running land for sharing my passion for running and understanding the highs and lows of the sport

    I want to hug, inspire and like this post. Settled on like, because you so eloquently stated how I feel.

    Just occurred to me with all the hoarders, there will be fewer people at the supermarkets in the next couple of weeks, so can get what we need then. All I want now is a big bag of flour and sugar. Though apparently they are in short supply now!

    Yup, at the supermarket yesterday, the only things I couldn't find that I wanted to top up on were flour and yeast. Plenty of sugar there though.

    But you're right, with all of us filling our pantries yesterday, the supermarkets should be fairly empty, but well stocked, for the next wee while.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,350 Member
    My son's Uni has a confirmed case and ceased all on-site teaching. He works at a cocktail bar and they are going with a slightly different approach - "Lockdown Party!" They are going to have a bash on Saturday, hundreds of people all in one space before the bar will close until further notice. So basically come and see if you can get Covid-19 and then all go home to your families - genuis 😕
    Wow! That's pretty crazy. Wonder whose bright idea that was?

    @Tramboman WTG with your Earthworm 7K. :wink: I love it.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,350 Member
    @Teresa502 Sounds like a wonderful race! Love the pictures!

    @dreamer12151 Glad you made yourself take that first step and then had such a wonderful run.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    For those of you on lockdown, Audible has put up a large library of free audiobooks. No passwords, no credit cards, or anything. Just click and listen (I do not know if it is locked to USA or not... if you are not in USA try it and let us know)

    Working for me! It's kids stuff from what I saw but amazing! Given we are likely to have schools shut down from next week...
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    For those of you on lockdown, Audible has put up a large library of free audiobooks. No passwords, no credit cards, or anything. Just click and listen (I do not know if it is locked to USA or not... if you are not in USA try it and let us know)

    Working for me! It's kids stuff from what I saw but amazing! Given we are likely to have schools shut down from next week...

    It was advertised for "Kids of all ages" :) I did see a few books I enjoyed listening to, so maybe I am a really old kid :smiley:
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Mission complete! "I ran it anyway" Half Marathon race report March 20, 2020.
    Is it pizza time yet? lol

    Well done! And of course it is!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Mission complete! "I ran it anyway" Half Marathon race report March 20, 2020.
    Is it pizza time yet? lol

    Well done! And of course it is!

    *Kitten*, yeah!!!!! You EARNED pizza. Great job on your second place overall and winning your age group!!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Mission complete! "I ran it anyway" Half Marathon race report March 20, 2020.

    For once, I slept pretty well the night before the race, must have something to do with not needing to worry about getting there and knowing I had a guaranteed podium place as long as I finished.
    Got up at 7am, had coffee and a banana. Woke my daughter up, dressed, filled water bottles, grabbed gels, phone, earphones and my tablet and climbed onto the treadmill. 10 minute warm-up walk, then at 8:15 we were off.
    I had already decided that just completing 13.1 miles on a treadmill was tough enough so I wasn't going to try to push the pace. TBH, anything faster than LSR pace is really hard for me on it, so I made peace with the fact I was going to be slow in advance.
    First 9k were fine, I was watching virtual walk videos on my tablet and listening to music. My treadmill shuts itself off automatically after 90 minutes, so I knew I was going to have to pause a couple of times. Useful for pee breaks and to refill water bottles!
    Getting back on and continuing after the first pause around the 9k mark was HARD, good job I'm a stubborn *kitten*.
    I'd had a gel at 6km and had another at 12km, following the same strategy I use on long runs. I expected to need another at 18km but my stomach was a little annoyed at all this running with no company so eventually I skipped it.
    Pause-pee break-water refills again at 16km, getting back on after that was REALLY HARD. But I cranked my music up and told myself I'd got this. By 18km I was doing the maths and the 'you can last another x minutes' self-pep-talk. At 19km I moved the incline down to 0 as my calf was starting to cramp. I made myself gasp-sing for the last kilometre, can't stop now, the end's in sight!

    I crossed the finish line in second place (WTG @polskagirl01 , you're FAST and the photos made me almost feel I'd been outside!). I also won my age group, whoohooo! As it was only the third time I'd taken on the distance, I can also count it as my third best time for HM distance and a treadmill HM PR. Go me!

    Is it pizza time yet? lol

    Woah amazing and inspirational! Like seriously! You are incredible!