Barcode Scanner
My best suggestion for MFP would be to remove the paywall for the barcode scanner. That the app was intentionally made LESS functional for a cash grab is definitely a sign of greed on the part of MFP corporate. It makes sense to roll out improvements to paying premium members first. But to disable an existing feature is…
Food Diary Time
When adding a time stamp to a food entry, optionally don't show the values from this in the diary (calories, macros etc) until after that time has passed I track my calorie burn throughout the day and enter a lot of my intake at the beginning of the day. This would allow me to *kitten* my intake against current expenditure…
Splitting Added Sugar out from Sugar counts
I am tracking on MFP, and find the macro tracking usually useful. However, my diet is high in fruits and vegetables that have a pretty high sugar count. So I am consistently warned that I go over my daily sugar intake, then recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables. It would be really helpful if the app could…
Recipe Share
My daughter and I like to share recipes but that’s impossible with MFP. We were both doing weight watchers & were able to do that. Not here, no recipe sharing here 😒 Why can’t we share our recipes within the app?
U mst use My fitness pal
I lost more then 20kg weight in 1 year.
Menstrual Cycle Track
Track your menstrual Cycle and overlay that with the weight graph (as well as calories) so people who have periods can see how it affects their weight.
Search feature in Recipe Section
A search feature in Recipe Section based on ingredient. I've sometimes forgotten to bookmark a recipe and struggle to find it again.
Add Vitamin D tracking
It would be nice to learn how much vitamin D we are getting from our diets so we know when to cut back or augment supplements.
Infrared Sauna for health
Hello. I use an infrared sauna on a regular basis for health but there is no where to track this. Any thoughts on where I can do this?
Calory/Nutrition Auto Adjust Based on Cycle
Calory and nutrition guides auto adjust based on a persons phase in their cycle. As well as advice on nutrition based on phase and working out.
PCOS recipe category
A category of recipes that's tailored for people suffering with PCOS
Wish the sugars were broken down
I’m over for sugar for the day but it’s all fruit sugar… is there a way to set guidelines for fructose and sucralose and added sugars?
Show added sugars
I would like to see added sugars listed as a separate line from sugars so I can track how many added sugars I am consuming in a day
Make it possible to down-vote suggestions
I'd like it be possible to vote against feature suggestions, as well as supporting them. Generally, I do want to support my fellow MFP users in accomplishing their goals, but occasionally there are feature recommendations that IMO are counter-productive, and I'd like to be able to vote "no" in the vote count, not just…
Food Diary - increase the number of columns in browser version
I love MFP and have used it daily for about 5 years. Currently MFP browser version has six columns that can be customised to suit the macro or micro needs of the user. I have a common health issue which requires me to keep a track of calories, carbs, fat, protein, fibre and sodium. My doctor also has me on a low saturated…
Better calculation for exercises
Hey, MyFitnessPal team! :smile: I recently discovered your exercise routine creator and I just love the idea, but it's still unusable to make some precise measurement of actual calorie consumption. I tested it and it shows the same energy consumption for every exercise, purely based on time consumed, which is wrong.…
Instagram alike feed?
I'm coming from another calorie counter that has this feature, and it's very good to post meals and engage with random users based on my location, MFP ui is better but this feature is making me back to the other app.
Display entry time closer to food in daily diary on iOS app.
The space between food entry time and the food itself is to big, visually not leading the eye to easily differentiate diary items, especially when a nutrition information is displayed as well.
Support for Dexcom G7
There is support for the Dexcom G6 CGM, but not the G7. I am new to wearing a device and got the newest model, but then found out that it's not supported. That's my fault, but we should have support for the latest model. Thanks!
Improve graphics in the app
It would be logical to enter the training calories to the right instead of to the left. You can consume more calories by exercising.
Add to settings the ability to set a default home page
Although I like the Dashboard, I would like the ability to set the app to open to my Diary. I find it a bit annoyingly that every time I open the MyFitnessPal app to log meals and snacks, the app flips right to the dashboard rather than staying open on the diary page.
Add a 24 hour fast
Firstly, I love the new fasting feature! Way to go! Being unable to track fasting often derails me because I forget to start tracking after the fast. Your new feature works great for days I fast for 14 hours or less. Unfortunately, when I need to do a 24 hour fast for religious reasons, there is no way to track that. Many…
Clickable link in description
In the workout settings it would be nice if you add a link, that it’s clickable during workout itself
Website - Add Green Shield Feature
The app has a filter option on the food list to only show 'Green Shield' items. Please add this feature to the website food list selection screen.
Checkbox to each added item
Please add a checkbox ☑ to each added item so that we can check every item as we eat the meals. I think that this would be a great way to hold ourselves accountable when planning meals on a daily basis. This is especially useful considering that we can plan days ahead and follow a specific meal plan. It would be another…
fibre content
Hi If there is a tab to show fibre content ,it will be great.thanks
Body Fat Percentage
I would love to track body fat percentage. Even better if it was available on the home page. Thanks!
Bring back total weight loss at top
I really like the the new look of the home page. Would you consider adding back the "Total lost" feature at the top next to the "login days"?
Is it possible to add Magnesium as an item to track?
New web home page
I like the new home page for myfitnesspal but amount of weight lost is no longer displayed. Can you add it back to the home page?