Burning the boat
I’m throwing away all my clothes that are too big. Umm…that’s all I have to say about that.
60+ and so fed up of failing.
Been here plodding along for a few months now and just getting angrier with myself. I'm seeing no changes, I am hitting all my nutrient goals, yet I feel less and less motivated to work out what's going on. So frustrated with this body that seems to be hanging on to way over 3st more than it should. I really would love to…
I’m baaack!
I had lost 50 lbs 1.5 years ago and felt awesome. Got down to a size 2 jeans (I’m 5’ 2”). Gained back enough to get so my size 8 jeans are very tight. Then I had to go get another swimsuit last weekend. Is there anything worse than swimsuit shopping? Anyway, I’m back at it. I know what to do. I just need to stick with it…
I'm restarting Can anyone be my friend please
Is this ok?
13 lb weight loss in 6 weeks..is this normal or too little?
Plateauing ideas!!
Hi I’m Tina. I’ve been doing macros since last September and I’m at 32 lbs but not plateauing for almost 3 months. Weight and clothes the same. Getting frustrated but not giving up!!! I’ve tried all the tricks I know from switching dinner with lunch, the cheat day then strict again to raise metabolism. I don’t want to cut…
50+ and needing to lose weight
I'm 51 and out of shape. Im super motivated though and am off to the races! Anyone else over 50 and on a journey to better health? Share what it is you are doing or are considering doing. How are you feeling? Need support? Need a friend? Do you cook and have recipes to share? I'm currently doing intermittent fasting 18/6…
Looking for an accountability panter
Hey there I'm Jenny, 2024 just started I'm planning achieving my fitness goals looking for an accountability partner to share this experience with..
Should I stop fasting and workout?
Should I stop fasting and workout?
New "Week in Review"
Love the new format of week in review accessed through the home page. Love that it lists protein, veggies and fruit eaten in a week and suggests ways to improve! I need that help! THANKS MFP!
Slow going
1st week in. Down 1 pound. Slow going but I'll take it. Trying to stay on track and motivated.
Fat2Fit Weight Loss Support Group - MARCH Registration is OPEN!
Need a team for support and commitment? Some help getting inspired? We hope you'll consider FAT 2 FIT, a weight loss challenge and support group. A community. A wonderful group of warm, fun, and strong people to help make your journey possible. Come for MARCH, and stay on for the long haul. This group is here to support…
💻 10 Minute Daily Zoom?
Hi friends! Would anyone be interested in a ten minute daily Zoom accountability group? Basically share your food log, any challenges, and your goal for the next day. Time flexible! LMK 🎉
Losing it
Does anyone ever feel like it’s to much? Sometimes I don’t even feel like caring about my weight/ health. Life gets heavy and busy.
New Here
Just saying Hi & excited to be on this journey with everyone!!! 🌞🫶
Any 48 to 72 hour fasters out there?
I'm considering doing a fast to reset my system/appetite; looking for anyone who does this on occassion and is interested in doing one with me starting tomorrow?
Need help , Mental health
My mental health appears to be very very fragile at the moment , im 317 days into my diet and i feel so sick of it , im sick of everything , i just wanna sit on my sofa and eat a bag of chips and enjoy a film , and the worst part about it is , i do have cheat meals , so wtf am i complaining about? I just feel so mentally…
Hi from Georgia!
Got some bad test results so I am here again! More details on the newsfeed. Hope to makes some friends! Jen Georgia US
Friends With Autism
Hi i am looking for some friends who might be autistic or neurodivergent, i need all the support i can get in help with my weight loss journey, i am female 43 289lb at the mo and trying to lose as must as i can to be healthy, i am also going on holiday in June so would like to be a lot smaller by then! i have lost 7lb so…
I really need support/advice
Hi so I’m really struggling and frustrated and don’t want to get off track because I’m demoralized here. In 2018 I had a total hysterectomy with my ovaries out putting me into surgical menopause (very different from natural menopause- like hormones completely gone instead of low and it’s an abrupt change versus gradual). I…
Tools to form new habits and stop procrastinating
I wasn't quite sure which board was more appropriate... For weight loss and subsequent maintenance, creating new habits is often a key step to success. But not just for weight loss, also in other areas of life. I've managed to lose weight despite being a chronic procrastinator, but find myself not getting ahead in other…
I’m so new here can’t use the app please guide me through anyone
Getting help with crunchy shoulder blade
The shoulder blade is crunching against chest wall crepitus think it’s called when joints crack In the rhomboids area when push shoulder back it grinds like bone on bone but doesn’t hurt it’s just extremely irritating Tried so many exercises strengthening serratus anterior infraspinatus thoaric foam rolling Posture…
Looking for Whole Food, Plant-Based Friends on MFP
So I have been on this whole food plant-based path--off and on--for a while. But in April of this year, I made the decision to take care of my health (and the planet) by stopping consumption of ALL animal products. I feel good and I am losing weight consistently (about 1 to 1.5 lbs each week). However, I would love to…
getting back on track
I am stuck on eating junk food. What do people do to get back on a healthy diet? I start eating well for a week or two and then fall off the wagon. I need some advice, please. Can you help?
Switched to this App
So I have been on this app a little over a month now and I'm so happy to report that I have lost 10 lbs! I lost like 8 from the other app but it didn't have where I could connect it to samsung health. It's so much better when I can track my steps vitamin intake and sleep diary as well.. Another note I want to meet more…
Do I still need a team?
I grew up in dance troupes and sports teams. I didn’t know any other kind of fitness. I used to go hiking a lot, but I had my loyal Labrador Retriever by my side. Now I can’t find the motivation to get to the gym, go for a walk, or watch a fitness video (how does one watch a tiny little screen while working out??? I don’t…
Accountability Buddy Needed
I struggle with anxiety and depression. I’ve went through several medication changes and have found myself struggling to focus on my health. I tend to be more motivated when I have like minded people around, if anyone would like to be a buddy I’d really appreciate it! I’m a 30yr old female at 180 looking to lose 55 pounds.
On a journey to a healthier me
My name is Lisa, I am a 30 year old woman who is trying to be in the best shape I can be. I have two dogs and six cats. I am open to making new friends. So please send me a friend request
110 pounds lost.
To anyone feeling overwhelmed on their weight loss journey, I want to share a piece of my heart with you. Losing 110 pounds was far from easy; it was a road marked with more setbacks than triumphs, more moments of doubt than of certainty. But standing here today, I can honestly say every step, every challenge, and every…