

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Confession: I"m thinking of taking a break from logging and just being active and mindful of my eating. I'm just tired of always thinking about food and worrying about food. I'm just tired of agonizing over every little stupid calorie.

    I hope it works. I've actually starting to lose steam for MFP. I only come to this thread and the Ice Cream/Gelato group page. I was active on the other forums and reading the blog, now I just don't even want to bother.

    I've thought about doing that too. I lost 50lbs on my own before I ever found MFP. I know weighing and logging food is a helpful tool and it works (when you stick to it) but I find myself getting more and more obsessed with it again. Going over my calories leaves me feeling like a failure, which sometimes leads to binging because of the "I blew it" mentality. So then I feel bad that I ate, so I eat some more because I feel bad or like a failure, then again I eat some more and feel bad about that, repeat cycle. I want to lose weight and be happy and healthy, not see my life as being in the RED or the GREEN and hopefully get to a place where some number on a stupid scale doesn't matter. I feel like I need to fix the emotional me and hopefully the physical me will fall into place too.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Feeling like crap today. I had a bad night of emotional eating..estimated 2000 calories over my goal ( I tend to not measure/weigh foods when I binge). I've done way worse..some days up to 5000 over! Anyway, I woke up today with an extra 3 pounds of water weight. Still did my workout though..running 8 miles with that bloated feeling is NOT FUN, but I did it. I knew I had a binge coming on at some point because tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my mom's death. Since that day last year, I have become a completely different person..I can't accept it, can't move on, can't find peace. I've become angry over little things and find comfort in eating. I gained 12 pounds because of it...would have been much worse if I didn't work out every day to counteract all the emotional eating/binges. I've been pretty good over the past two months..losing six of those extra pounds. I just need to get through today and tomorrow and really focus on finding a different way to deal with my emotions. I already feel like I'm going to give in again today though. :( Ugh! Sorry to be a downer.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I was too tall for stirrup pants, so I had elastic clip-on straps that attached to regular pants so they could still fit like stirrup pants.

    Okay, that's it... you ARE my twin. Or we're living parallel lives.

    I made a set of those elastic clip-on straps (couldn't find any in stores) to do just that. Still have them. Still anchor some of my pants at the bottom since I wear boots year-round (because of the compression stockings). Plus wearing boots allows me to get away with inseams that are too short.
  • DieumilChery
    DieumilChery Posts: 2 Member
    I consumed more than my allowed calories yesterday and smoke cigs :(.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Sch614 wrote: »
    Wrote an email to my daughter's teacher today about the quarter test date but have watched so many hunger games movies to get caught up I accidentally wrote "quarter quell" !

    Very good! We should all try to shoe horn random literary (or film) references into our otherwise serious correspondences.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    I'm very pale like a bunch of you have said you are. I used to try tanning, but it didn't take. I've never had a tan or a sunburn in my life. I finally stopped trying and embraced my day walker skin. I sometimes get embarrassed by it, but I figure if people don't like it screw them. Being able to blind people with the color of my skin is a super power! ;)

    My daughter shares your super power. In our house we call it rockin' the Casper. :)

    I'm also very pale & once had a co-worker comment on how white I was after coming back from Hawaii for the second time. The first time I went to Hawaii I had learned my lesson the hard way. Over there the heat is very dry & I thought well it's not as hot & humid like it is in Pennsylvania so I don't need to cake on the sunblock. Ugh! Huge mistake! I had huge welts all over my one arm from a horrendous sunburn. Luckily they didn't hurt, but it definitely taught me to be more vigilant while out in the sun.

    We went to Mexico for our honeymoon and met a couple the 1st day that was from WI as well. The girl had the worst sunburn! It was my goal to go back to WI just as white as I left. I wanted people to be like, "I thought you were going on vacation"
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Food-related confession: I'm completely fed up with long pasta like spaghetti and linguine. Manual dexterity isn't my strong suit and I get so bored with twirling it into a manageable forkful, which seems to take me an extraordinary length of time, and I end up losing most of the sauce in the process so all I taste is the noodle. And there is usually some trailing end that I can't manage to train onto the fork that thwaps me in the chin anyway. I gave up ordering these types of noodles in restaurants long ago since I can't manage to eat them gracefully.

    We had some leftover meat sauce and the SO made it with linguine last night (which obviously prompted this confession!). After the first couple of mouthfuls, I decided "screw it" and started hacking it up into smaller pieces with my knife. What the hell, I was in the privacy of my own home, who cares if I commit Pasta Sacrilege?
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    Sadly, I confess...if I ever were to get divorced, though I like to think different, I would probably be "that older guy" that hooks up with someone younger...then feel all creepy about it.

    On the radio morning show the other day, they were discussing the age ranges of men and women's "ideal" match. They went over the stats for women from 20's up to 60's, and generally, they were looking for someone within 5 years as their own age. For the men from 20's up to 60's, they were looking for someone in the 20-21 range. "That" older guy isn't as rare as you think.

    The 'rule' for an acceptable age gap is half the older age + 7. So if you're 24, you can date down to 19. If you're 40, you can date down to 27. If you're 16, you can date down to 15. See, it works, the internet told you so!

    I jest of course, date whoever you like so long as it's legal!
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Food-related confession: I'm completely fed up with long pasta like spaghetti and linguine. Manual dexterity isn't my strong suit and I get so bored with twirling it into a manageable forkful, which seems to take me an extraordinary length of time, and I end up losing most of the sauce in the process so all I taste is the noodle. And there is usually some trailing end that I can't manage to train onto the fork that thwaps me in the chin anyway. I gave up ordering these types of noodles in restaurants long ago since I can't manage to eat them gracefully.

    We had some leftover meat sauce and the SO made it with linguine last night (which obviously prompted this confession!). After the first couple of mouthfuls, I decided "screw it" and started hacking it up into smaller pieces with my knife. What the hell, I was in the privacy of my own home, who cares if I commit Pasta Sacrilege?

    I had the same conversation with my boyfriend last time I made spaghetti bolognese. I don't know why I always feel I have to use spaghetti, any other type of pasta would be fine and less frustrating.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    edited May 2015
    Ooh, that's a challenge! Umm, let me think... Positive attributes...

    My first would probably be that I automatically think the best of people. If someone didn't show up for a meeting or did something inconsiderate, I always think of what might have been going on in their circumstances first and make excuses for them to myself, rather than just getting angry that they didn't meet my expectations.

    My second... (Gosh, this is hard. X_X)... Umm... Does "I'm good at not offending people" count? Because, with confrontation being a major trigger for my anxiety, I'm pretty good at that. It doesn't sound particularly impressive, though...

    Confession: It took me ten minutes to come up with those.

    Happier confession: Due to some horrible financial circumstances growing up, I never got a high school diploma. After I got married, my husband paid for me to take the GED test. Well, I proudly proclaim that I received my diploma and transcripts in the mail today!

    Also, I scored in the 99th percentile on ALL subjects except one, which I scored in the 97th. :)

    I think you are a nice person so that should be one of your good qualities you list. Also, it looks like you are very smart! You should be proud of yourself!! :) Congrats on getting your diploma!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Thanks again for the congratulations, everyone! Now begins the name change process...ugggghhh. I have a list a mile long.

    And I'm totally with all you pale people (obviously, as you've all now seen photos.) We got pulled up onstage at a show this weekend and they spent the whole time making fun of us being whiter than the undead ( was "Zombie Burlesque", hahaha.)

    A friend of mine went to that show and said it was hilarious. I hope you had fun there too. I would be so embarrassed to go on stage though. :)

    Good luck on the name change process...
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Food-related confession: I'm completely fed up with long pasta like spaghetti and linguine. Manual dexterity isn't my strong suit and I get so bored with twirling it into a manageable forkful, which seems to take me an extraordinary length of time, and I end up losing most of the sauce in the process so all I taste is the noodle. And there is usually some trailing end that I can't manage to train onto the fork that thwaps me in the chin anyway. I gave up ordering these types of noodles in restaurants long ago since I can't manage to eat them gracefully.

    We had some leftover meat sauce and the SO made it with linguine last night (which obviously prompted this confession!). After the first couple of mouthfuls, I decided "screw it" and started hacking it up into smaller pieces with my knife. What the hell, I was in the privacy of my own home, who cares if I commit Pasta Sacrilege?

    I started only buying rotini. Now my son only gets long pasta if we go out somewhere, and his method seems to be twirl 1/3 of the plate onto the fork at a time, then try to open his mouth wide enough to make it fit.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    Wow, 100 new posts! You guys be crazy...

    Today's confession: It REALLY p*sses me off that you can't outwork a bad diet.

    The last month, I've been logging everything as usual, breakfast, lunches & snacks have been on point, but after analyzing the data, noticed my avg cals per day have been quite a bit higher. Exercise burn has been at its usual levels, avg about 550 cals a day. I usually net about 11-1200 cals per day after exercise, but this last month it's been more like 1700. And not good calories either, a lot of crap at home after work. Chips, cake, cookies. Bad habit creeping back in, getting complacent, I've figured this out for years, blah blah blah.

    End result? a 5 lb gain for May.

    The fire has been lit.
  • clover157
    clover157 Posts: 23 Member
    I tried a new butter chicken recipe tonight.... Wow it was delicious!! So delicious I had two bowls with rice, 1600cal total, just for dinner :/
    I'd be OK staying fat if I could eat that every day :D
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Wow, 100 new posts! You guys be crazy...

    Today's confession: It REALLY p*sses me off that you can't outwork a bad diet.

    The last month, I've been logging everything as usual, breakfast, lunches & snacks have been on point, but after analyzing the data, noticed my avg cals per day have been quite a bit higher. Exercise burn has been at its usual levels, avg about 550 cals a day. I usually net about 11-1200 cals per day after exercise, but this last month it's been more like 1700. And not good calories either, a lot of crap at home after work. Chips, cake, cookies. Bad habit creeping back in, getting complacent, I've figured this out for years, blah blah blah.

    End result? a 5 lb gain for May.

    The fire has been lit.

    That's pretty much me, too. I've decided I'm bulking, LOL. Not sure when I'll get to the cut...if ever.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Confession/NSV: I did NOT want to go to the gym last night. I was completely dreading it. However, no matter how much I dread the gym, sitting at my son's boxing gym and watching them practice is worse. So, I dragged myself to the gym. And PRed my bench!!! Went from total dread to psyched in 0.6 seconds!!!

    I also ate cake, chocolate, ice cream, Funyuns and two Quest bars yesterday. Urgh.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Wow, 100 new posts! You guys be crazy...

    Today's confession: It REALLY p*sses me off that you can't outwork a bad diet.

    The last month, I've been logging everything as usual, breakfast, lunches & snacks have been on point, but after analyzing the data, noticed my avg cals per day have been quite a bit higher. Exercise burn has been at its usual levels, avg about 550 cals a day. I usually net about 11-1200 cals per day after exercise, but this last month it's been more like 1700. And not good calories either, a lot of crap at home after work. Chips, cake, cookies. Bad habit creeping back in, getting complacent, I've figured this out for years, blah blah blah.

    End result? a 5 lb gain for May.

    The fire has been lit.

    That's pretty much me, too. I've decided I'm bulking, LOL. Not sure when I'll get to the cut...if ever.

    Dom's Summer Bulk 2015 (NSFW language)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Wow, 100 new posts! You guys be crazy...

    Today's confession: It REALLY p*sses me off that you can't outwork a bad diet.

    The last month, I've been logging everything as usual, breakfast, lunches & snacks have been on point, but after analyzing the data, noticed my avg cals per day have been quite a bit higher. Exercise burn has been at its usual levels, avg about 550 cals a day. I usually net about 11-1200 cals per day after exercise, but this last month it's been more like 1700. And not good calories either, a lot of crap at home after work. Chips, cake, cookies. Bad habit creeping back in, getting complacent, I've figured this out for years, blah blah blah.

    End result? a 5 lb gain for May.

    The fire has been lit.

    That's pretty much me, too. I've decided I'm bulking, LOL. Not sure when I'll get to the cut...if ever.

    Dom's Summer Bulk 2015 (NSFW language)

    Dom makes me ROFL!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I keep falling behind on this thread because work is getting in the way. Stupid work.

    Also, we're nearly to 700 pages. Didn't we JUST get to 600?!
  • shirerose
    shirerose Posts: 116 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Feeling like crap today. I had a bad night of emotional eating..estimated 2000 calories over my goal ( I tend to not measure/weigh foods when I binge). I've done way worse..some days up to 5000 over! Anyway, I woke up today with an extra 3 pounds of water weight. Still did my workout though..running 8 miles with that bloated feeling is NOT FUN, but I did it. I knew I had a binge coming on at some point because tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my mom's death. Since that day last year, I have become a completely different person..I can't accept it, can't move on, can't find peace. I've become angry over little things and find comfort in eating. I gained 12 pounds because of it...would have been much worse if I didn't work out every day to counteract all the emotional eating/binges. I've been pretty good over the past two months..losing six of those extra pounds. I just need to get through today and tomorrow and really focus on finding a different way to deal with my emotions. I already feel like I'm going to give in again today though. :( Ugh! Sorry to be a downer.

    i wish i could hug you. i can't imagine life without my mother. you are so strong and amazing just for waking up every day. it's okay to be angry. eventually you won't. you aren't a downer at all. please never feel bad for discussing your burdens. it's way better to let that stuff out. <3