

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Keep on climbing that mountain, baby steps at a time. Sending all good wishes for your mum's surgery today. Have you taken your pill today? If not, go and do it now... Right now... Good. (((HUGS)))

    Thank you everyone for supportive messages.

    I have taken my tablets today and yesterday.

    @MoHousdon I love the idea that this is a village. I'm imagining us all in little English country cottages, nattering over the garden fence and on the village green

    Good for you!

    I would love that! As long as I can eat cookies and have tea. I would make an EXCELLENT English person/woman. Plus, I do a pretty good English accent.

    I may have been doing one in my head just then. :blush:

    Here, you have biscuits and tea. Cookies are 'merican

    Alright, biscuits, then. :smile:

    Biscuits always brings hard cookies to my mind, like Oreos or Digestives. Not that I have anything against them, but I want soft, chewy, gooey COOKIES! :o Or you know what? Gimme a scone. With butter.

    I miss scones. Never been able to enjoy one since my Grandma passed away. She made the best and always made a special batch for me without raisins. I hate raisins!!

    Count me in on the raisin-hating wagon!! In traditional Arabian dishes, raisins are popular to put into the rice. Makes me want to gag when I accidentally pop one into my mouth... X_X I *HATE* raisins. By themselves they're bad enough, but they absolutely ruin food for me when they're put into things like cookies or puddings. :-/

    I am quite known for telling people that raisins "do not belong in food."

    I do have a bag of the super tiny boxes in my office though. They're good for blood sugar headaches. Stupid raisins.

    My mom always put raisins in the stuffing at Thanksgiving. I love it and thought everybody did that until the first time I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my husband. He was like "what the hell is this?!". LMAO 11 years later and he still fears the raisins.

    I put dried cranberries in mine. Yummy.

    No, no, no, fruit does not belong in stuffing..not judging though :)

    I'm one of those weird people who like sweet and savory in the same dishes. I also like to add golden raisins to my vegetable salads. Just for a tiny sweet burst. I put them in my homemade applesauce, too.
    I love sweet/savoury together too. I also love hot and cold things together, which I know a lot of people think it weird (fries with salad, custard (English style) with a big blob of vanilla ice cream etc.

    Hot and cold? Hot fudge sundae or a warm brownie or piece of pie topped with ice cream. Yum!

    Sweet and savory? I'm not a fan. I don't even like sweet dressing on my salad or fruit. Strawberries on a salad? No thank you, I'll have a salad and strawberries after for dessert.
    I have never understood fruit on a veggie salad.....
    You don't like tomatoes on your salad? ;)

    Nope, sure don't. Cranberry, yes, tomato, no.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    So I just realized that a few pairs of the shorts I bought today look a bit like pajamas. I'm wondering if I accidentally bought pajamas, but I doubt it as they were amongst all the other clothes and away from the pajama section :neutral:

    I don't think anyone at the resort is going to care anyway... people are going to be walking around in bathing suits all the time (count me out-too self conscious).

    But this says something for my fashion sense!!

    I admit, I laughed out loud when I read this. I've noticed that some of the non denim shorts do resemble pajamas. My daughter owns a pair. I'm sure you'll look adorable pajamas or not.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Can I just say how awesome this thread has become?

    Yes, it started out about trash bags, peanut butter, and hot chocolate powder, but it has evolved into a community within the MFP community where people actually CARE and SUPPORT one another through stupid decisions, horrible situations, and hilarious escapades.

    You all rock. And if I wasn't super lazy, I would finally get around to friend requesting the rest of the regular posters.
    Super great.

    You're all super great!

    Agreed! You're all so incredibly wonderful. And now a certain poster who shall not be named, ( @quiksylver296 did you ever find out who this was) has stopped posting here, it truly IS a safe place.


    Did someone hook you up? If not, let know and I will.

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Confession: I ate nearly 4000 calories yesterday. Mostly in bread and cookies. Ugh.

    Anyhow, it's prayer time and the fast has started--I'm off to pray and then maybe get some sleep (I hope).

    @ndj1979 True and true, but that's okay. We don't mind being wrong when it feels so right. :smiley: Although there are quite a lot of confessions in these 959 pages, if you care to browse for them.

    eh - my confession - not sure how this would be helpful to newbies as it appears to be a collection of gifs, notes on tv series, and other things, while I am sure are fun to discuss, I fail to see their utility to someone new to weight loss.

    I think it's here in the General section because a lot of people feel free to ask questions in here that often get blasted into dumpster fire threads under normal circumstances. A bit like the restaurant-related questions you mentioned in that post of yours... The forums are a scary place for newbies. The "No judgment" in the topic line seems to attract a lot of them, actually.

    What you see right now isn't what the thread is like all the time--it's actually evolving constantly since it's so active. Since a lot of us have been here from the beginning, we do often just chit chat all together, but confessions and questions still pour in a lot.

    @Susieq_1994 Susie is right. Didn't we have this discussion about a 100 pages back?

    Confession: I am sad I didn't keep up with the thread for the past week. I feel like I missed out. I will do better tomorrow at keeping up. If I have time this weekend, maybe I will go back and catch up.

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Confession: I ate nearly 4000 calories yesterday. Mostly in bread and cookies. Ugh.

    Anyhow, it's prayer time and the fast has started--I'm off to pray and then maybe get some sleep (I hope).

    @ndj1979 True and true, but that's okay. We don't mind being wrong when it feels so right. :smiley: Although there are quite a lot of confessions in these 959 pages, if you care to browse for them.

    eh - my confession - not sure how this would be helpful to newbies as it appears to be a collection of gifs, notes on tv series, and other things, while I am sure are fun to discuss, I fail to see their utility to someone new to weight loss.

    I think it's here in the General section because a lot of people feel free to ask questions in here that often get blasted into dumpster fire threads under normal circumstances. A bit like the restaurant-related questions you mentioned in that post of yours... The forums are a scary place for newbies. The "No judgment" in the topic line seems to attract a lot of them, actually.

    What you see right now isn't what the thread is like all the time--it's actually evolving constantly since it's so active. Since a lot of us have been here from the beginning, we do often just chit chat all together, but confessions and questions still pour in a lot.
    Agreed. And since this is a really supportive, safe zone, I honestly think a lot of people have been helped back from the verge of falling off the wagon by discussing their struggles here. Or had a helping hand back on when they have fallen. To be honest, I don't really care where this thread is, as long as it doesn't get nuked.

    Same here, which is why I do kind of wonder why everyone jumps on the posters who dare to ask why it's in this particular section. Wouldn't it make more sense to explain all that before telling them to go away? :D

    I don't understand why others are so offended by this thread? Apparently many more people than we knew or thought lurk and read every so often.

    This. I don't understand why people judge this thread when it is supposed to be judgement free zone. But then I guess we shouldn't judge those that judge us?
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    edited June 2015
    ... Guys? It looks like the cool kids found us. Think we should run?

    Hi Ho, Hi Ho - is it off to the group I go? (p.s. I haven't checked the group thread in a week in a bit and hope it is still there!)

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Jonas1058 wrote: »
    Jonas1058 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Did anyone else find one of the recent confessions super creepy? Not quoting it because no judgement, but I confess I am totally judging that!

    I think I know which one you're talking about....agreed.

    I must be clueless because I have NO IDEA which one it is lol

    I wouldn't worry about it most don't - it's just one of those group dynamic things we always see on FB. Someone always has to be put down for someone else to feel better. The fact that you don't get it is probably a good thing.

    Disagree. I think every person who read that confession found it creepy. And quite illegal if the person who posted it acted on it.

    Whatever it was - if it was illegal then you should report it to the mods on this forum or take it upon yourself to report it to the police. Gossiping about it or labelling it 'creepy' just makes people paranoid and encourages nothing but hatred. In any case no one knows who or what someone else may or may not have done from an online post, we only like to think we do.

    I hope you can see the irony in calling people out about calling people out.

  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Keep on climbing that mountain, baby steps at a time. Sending all good wishes for your mum's surgery today. Have you taken your pill today? If not, go and do it now... Right now... Good. (((HUGS)))

    Thank you everyone for supportive messages.

    I have taken my tablets today and yesterday.

    @MoHousdon I love the idea that this is a village. I'm imagining us all in little English country cottages, nattering over the garden fence and on the village green

    Good for you!

    I would love that! As long as I can eat cookies and have tea. I would make an EXCELLENT English person/woman. Plus, I do a pretty good English accent.

    I may have been doing one in my head just then. :blush:

    Here, you have biscuits and tea. Cookies are 'merican

    Alright, biscuits, then. :smile:

    Biscuits always brings hard cookies to my mind, like Oreos or Digestives. Not that I have anything against them, but I want soft, chewy, gooey COOKIES! :o Or you know what? Gimme a scone. With butter.

    I miss scones. Never been able to enjoy one since my Grandma passed away. She made the best and always made a special batch for me without raisins. I hate raisins!!

    I make them with chocolate chips! And top them with seedless strawberry jam and real whipped cream!! Oh, its been too long!!

    I can expect some when?

    Um, when you coming to Ontario??

    Well only one province separates us
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Confession: I ate nearly 4000 calories yesterday. Mostly in bread and cookies. Ugh.

    Anyhow, it's prayer time and the fast has started--I'm off to pray and then maybe get some sleep (I hope).

    @ndj1979 True and true, but that's okay. We don't mind being wrong when it feels so right. :smiley: Although there are quite a lot of confessions in these 959 pages, if you care to browse for them.

    eh - my confession - not sure how this would be helpful to newbies as it appears to be a collection of gifs, notes on tv series, and other things, while I am sure are fun to discuss, I fail to see their utility to someone new to weight loss.

    I think it's here in the General section because a lot of people feel free to ask questions in here that often get blasted into dumpster fire threads under normal circumstances. A bit like the restaurant-related questions you mentioned in that post of yours... The forums are a scary place for newbies. The "No judgment" in the topic line seems to attract a lot of them, actually.

    What you see right now isn't what the thread is like all the time--it's actually evolving constantly since it's so active. Since a lot of us have been here from the beginning, we do often just chit chat all together, but confessions and questions still pour in a lot.
    Agreed. And since this is a really supportive, safe zone, I honestly think a lot of people have been helped back from the verge of falling off the wagon by discussing their struggles here. Or had a helping hand back on when they have fallen. To be honest, I don't really care where this thread is, as long as it doesn't get nuked.

    Same here, which is why I do kind of wonder why everyone jumps on the posters who dare to ask why it's in this particular section. Wouldn't it make more sense to explain all that before telling them to go away? :D

    I don't understand why others are so offended by this thread? Apparently many more people than we knew or thought lurk and read every so often.

    any other thread that was as off topic as this one would of been locked down by page 15….

    just saying..

    so the special status is interesting.

    Good point... Maybe we're all special snowflakes. ;)

    Actually, I think the mods like the positivity and support that this thread continually generates, and since confessions still do pile in daily (and we don't judge them! Most of the time.), we're somewhat on topic. It would be pretty dumb to pull this thread when it's going so well--not that they don't lock down threads for dumb reasons pretty often.

    there is plenty of support in the main forums, it just is not sugar coated.

    I'd agree there is support in the main forums but the reality is not everyone is as thick skinned as you or I. This thread keeps the people (who would throw the towel in the bucket because they didn't like the deliverance on the main forums) coming back and maybe learning more about weight loss. May be a bit slower but better late than never.
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Keep on climbing that mountain, baby steps at a time. Sending all good wishes for your mum's surgery today. Have you taken your pill today? If not, go and do it now... Right now... Good. (((HUGS)))

    Thank you everyone for supportive messages.

    I have taken my tablets today and yesterday.

    @MoHousdon I love the idea that this is a village. I'm imagining us all in little English country cottages, nattering over the garden fence and on the village green

    Good for you!

    I would love that! As long as I can eat cookies and have tea. I would make an EXCELLENT English person/woman. Plus, I do a pretty good English accent.

    I may have been doing one in my head just then. :blush:

    Here, you have biscuits and tea. Cookies are 'merican

    Alright, biscuits, then. :smile:

    Biscuits always brings hard cookies to my mind, like Oreos or Digestives. Not that I have anything against them, but I want soft, chewy, gooey COOKIES! :o Or you know what? Gimme a scone. With butter.

    I miss scones. Never been able to enjoy one since my Grandma passed away. She made the best and always made a special batch for me without raisins. I hate raisins!!

    Count me in on the raisin-hating wagon!! In traditional Arabian dishes, raisins are popular to put into the rice. Makes me want to gag when I accidentally pop one into my mouth... X_X I *HATE* raisins. By themselves they're bad enough, but they absolutely ruin food for me when they're put into things like cookies or puddings. :-/

    I am quite known for telling people that raisins "do not belong in food."

    I do have a bag of the super tiny boxes in my office though. They're good for blood sugar headaches. Stupid raisins.

    My mom always put raisins in the stuffing at Thanksgiving. I love it and thought everybody did that until the first time I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my husband. He was like "what the hell is this?!". LMAO 11 years later and he still fears the raisins.

    I put dried cranberries in mine. Yummy.

    No, no, no, fruit does not belong in stuffing..not judging though :)


    But...but stuffing with raisins is delightful!

    See, I am in the sweet/savory camp. I put fruit (cranberries, apples, and pears) in my stuffing along with toasted almonds and Italian sausage. It is SO good!!

    But I don't like raisins. Unless they are the golden kind. I like those. I am also not a butter tart fan. Yuk!

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Keep on climbing that mountain, baby steps at a time. Sending all good wishes for your mum's surgery today. Have you taken your pill today? If not, go and do it now... Right now... Good. (((HUGS)))

    Thank you everyone for supportive messages.

    I have taken my tablets today and yesterday.

    @MoHousdon I love the idea that this is a village. I'm imagining us all in little English country cottages, nattering over the garden fence and on the village green

    Good for you!

    I would love that! As long as I can eat cookies and have tea. I would make an EXCELLENT English person/woman. Plus, I do a pretty good English accent.

    I may have been doing one in my head just then. :blush:

    Here, you have biscuits and tea. Cookies are 'merican

    Alright, biscuits, then. :smile:

    Biscuits always brings hard cookies to my mind, like Oreos or Digestives. Not that I have anything against them, but I want soft, chewy, gooey COOKIES! :o Or you know what? Gimme a scone. With butter.

    I miss scones. Never been able to enjoy one since my Grandma passed away. She made the best and always made a special batch for me without raisins. I hate raisins!!

    Count me in on the raisin-hating wagon!! In traditional Arabian dishes, raisins are popular to put into the rice. Makes me want to gag when I accidentally pop one into my mouth... X_X I *HATE* raisins. By themselves they're bad enough, but they absolutely ruin food for me when they're put into things like cookies or puddings. :-/

    I am quite known for telling people that raisins "do not belong in food."

    I do have a bag of the super tiny boxes in my office though. They're good for blood sugar headaches. Stupid raisins.

    My mom always put raisins in the stuffing at Thanksgiving. I love it and thought everybody did that until the first time I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my husband. He was like "what the hell is this?!". LMAO 11 years later and he still fears the raisins.

    Hahaha I can just see it. I don't mind raisins but I like my dishes better without them, honestly, given the choice.

    Family/friends always wanted me to do the stuffing-with-raisins thing, which revolts me. But I found a way around it. I started making a jalapeno corn bread stuffing instead. Everyone loved it, and there's no question that raisins wouldn't work in it, so nobody asks for the damned things now.

    I do love other dried fruits in combination with both sweet and savory dishes, though - apples, apricots, pineapple, mango - there are so many lovely choices.

    Other fruits can sometimes get away with it. Raisins can't, are horrible and should die in a fire! ;)

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Also... This thread is pretty quiet for a Monday. It seems a lot of the regular posters aren't bothering to keep up anymore, and it's slowing down. This makes me very sad. :'(

    I'm on pag 918 with almost 30 to go... doesn't look like it's "slowing down" to me! :)

    I keep catching up only to be far behind when I open the thread again! :p
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    edited June 2015
    My mother and I were talking about tattoos today. She never wanted me or my sister to get any until she saw my scars. She thinks they always end up looking tacky, and that people always regret them. I didn't tell her that what I actually want is scarification in the shape of the most basic of tattoos, angel wings. At least that would be less permanent/obvious than ink, right?

    Related: I have watched 16 episodes of Orphan Black over the past 3 days, and I am now moving on to the 17th! I should be working on job applications and various other things instead. Oh well.

    Helena is my spirit animal.

    Oh, and food-related-confession to stay on topic: rice cakes with chocolate chips are actually super awesome. I've been destroying the stereotype that vegans are healthy for over a year now!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Confession: I ate nearly 4000 calories yesterday. Mostly in bread and cookies. Ugh.

    Anyhow, it's prayer time and the fast has started--I'm off to pray and then maybe get some sleep (I hope).

    @ndj1979 True and true, but that's okay. We don't mind being wrong when it feels so right. :smiley: Although there are quite a lot of confessions in these 959 pages, if you care to browse for them.

    eh - my confession - not sure how this would be helpful to newbies as it appears to be a collection of gifs, notes on tv series, and other things, while I am sure are fun to discuss, I fail to see their utility to someone new to weight loss.

    I think it's here in the General section because a lot of people feel free to ask questions in here that often get blasted into dumpster fire threads under normal circumstances. A bit like the restaurant-related questions you mentioned in that post of yours... The forums are a scary place for newbies. The "No judgment" in the topic line seems to attract a lot of them, actually.

    What you see right now isn't what the thread is like all the time--it's actually evolving constantly since it's so active. Since a lot of us have been here from the beginning, we do often just chit chat all together, but confessions and questions still pour in a lot.
    Agreed. And since this is a really supportive, safe zone, I honestly think a lot of people have been helped back from the verge of falling off the wagon by discussing their struggles here. Or had a helping hand back on when they have fallen. To be honest, I don't really care where this thread is, as long as it doesn't get nuked.

    Same here, which is why I do kind of wonder why everyone jumps on the posters who dare to ask why it's in this particular section. Wouldn't it make more sense to explain all that before telling them to go away? :D

    I don't understand why others are so offended by this thread? Apparently many more people than we knew or thought lurk and read every so often.

    any other thread that was as off topic as this one would of been locked down by page 15….

    just saying..

    so the special status is interesting.

    Good point... Maybe we're all special snowflakes. ;)

    Actually, I think the mods like the positivity and support that this thread continually generates, and since confessions still do pile in daily (and we don't judge them! Most of the time.), we're somewhat on topic. It would be pretty dumb to pull this thread when it's going so well--not that they don't lock down threads for dumb reasons pretty often.

    there is plenty of support in the main forums, it just is not sugar coated.

    I'd agree there is support in the main forums but the reality is not everyone is as thick skinned as you or I. This thread keeps the people (who would throw the towel in the bucket because they didn't like the deliverance on the main forums) coming back and maybe learning more about weight loss. May be a bit slower but better late than never.

    I don't see how you need thick skin for someone to tell you that a detox is a bad idea, or that a calorie deficit is needed for weight loss.

    If you are just going to coddle people then they are never going to learn about real nutrition and how to have long term sustainable success.

    On the other hand, if you get yelled at and made fun of because you asked a dumb question, why would anyone stay here and give it an honest try? Rather, if you have a safe place to ask those questions and not get ridiculed, you are going to keep trucking along. Yeah, it might not be speedy. Hell, I've been trying to lose my last 18 (out of 44 pounds) for the last six months. There has been a lot of stuff I have gone through related to stress, medical conditions requiring surgery, etc. Most people understand CICO but life gets in the way and some people who are new, and even those that have lost their way a bit, may need the support to understand that it is okay to have a "bad" meal or a bad day, or even a bad shark week (sorry to those who hate that expression). For these people, it is reassuring that there is a stable and supportive group who have all been through this and will be there for them when they get back on track. I don't think this type of support would be considered "coddling". It is not like we are saying to everyone "it's okay, go have another box of pop tarts". Rather, we would say, at 200 calories, go have a single pop tart and get that craving out of your system, log it, and move on.

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Keep on climbing that mountain, baby steps at a time. Sending all good wishes for your mum's surgery today. Have you taken your pill today? If not, go and do it now... Right now... Good. (((HUGS)))

    Thank you everyone for supportive messages.

    I have taken my tablets today and yesterday.

    @MoHousdon I love the idea that this is a village. I'm imagining us all in little English country cottages, nattering over the garden fence and on the village green

    Good for you!

    I would love that! As long as I can eat cookies and have tea. I would make an EXCELLENT English person/woman. Plus, I do a pretty good English accent.

    I may have been doing one in my head just then. :blush:

    Here, you have biscuits and tea. Cookies are 'merican

    Alright, biscuits, then. :smile:

    Biscuits always brings hard cookies to my mind, like Oreos or Digestives. Not that I have anything against them, but I want soft, chewy, gooey COOKIES! :o Or you know what? Gimme a scone. With butter.

    I miss scones. Never been able to enjoy one since my Grandma passed away. She made the best and always made a special batch for me without raisins. I hate raisins!!

    Count me in on the raisin-hating wagon!! In traditional Arabian dishes, raisins are popular to put into the rice. Makes me want to gag when I accidentally pop one into my mouth... X_X I *HATE* raisins. By themselves they're bad enough, but they absolutely ruin food for me when they're put into things like cookies or puddings. :-/

    I am quite known for telling people that raisins "do not belong in food."

    I do have a bag of the super tiny boxes in my office though. They're good for blood sugar headaches. Stupid raisins.

    My mom always put raisins in the stuffing at Thanksgiving. I love it and thought everybody did that until the first time I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my husband. He was like "what the hell is this?!". LMAO 11 years later and he still fears the raisins.

    I put dried cranberries in mine. Yummy.

    No, no, no, fruit does not belong in stuffing..not judging though :)

    I'm one of those weird people who like sweet and savory in the same dishes. I also like to add golden raisins to my vegetable salads. Just for a tiny sweet burst. I put them in my homemade applesauce, too.
    I love sweet/savoury together too. I also love hot and cold things together, which I know a lot of people think it weird (fries with salad, custard (English style) with a big blob of vanilla ice cream etc.

    I too love sweet and savory together. Or sweet and salty. It's funny you mention fries with salad, because I almost ordered fries with my Wendy's salad last night. I instead, went home and made a 144 gram baked potato with 2 servings of real butter and a serving of sour cream. The salad was disappointing but the potato most definitely was not.

    What is English style custard?

    Some sort of liquid vanilla pudding I believe? A bit like pastry cream, just more liquid.

    It's also delicious. With ice cream. On pie.

    I don't know if it was just the kind I tried or not, but I was seriously disappointed. It tasted like bland in my mouth.

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I like raisins on their own, but not in things. And the worst is when you think it's a chocolate chip, but it's really a raisin. Blech.

    I have worse. Did you see my earlier confession when I mentioned how my husband nearly ate my newborn's severed umbilicus, thinking it was a stray raisin?

    As someone who can't stand raisins I'm not completely sure which of those sounds worse. :#
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Keep on climbing that mountain, baby steps at a time. Sending all good wishes for your mum's surgery today. Have you taken your pill today? If not, go and do it now... Right now... Good. (((HUGS)))

    Thank you everyone for supportive messages.

    I have taken my tablets today and yesterday.

    @MoHousdon I love the idea that this is a village. I'm imagining us all in little English country cottages, nattering over the garden fence and on the village green

    Good for you!

    I would love that! As long as I can eat cookies and have tea. I would make an EXCELLENT English person/woman. Plus, I do a pretty good English accent.

    I may have been doing one in my head just then. :blush:

    Here, you have biscuits and tea. Cookies are 'merican

    Alright, biscuits, then. :smile:

    Biscuits always brings hard cookies to my mind, like Oreos or Digestives. Not that I have anything against them, but I want soft, chewy, gooey COOKIES! :o Or you know what? Gimme a scone. With butter.

    I miss scones. Never been able to enjoy one since my Grandma passed away. She made the best and always made a special batch for me without raisins. I hate raisins!!

    Count me in on the raisin-hating wagon!! In traditional Arabian dishes, raisins are popular to put into the rice. Makes me want to gag when I accidentally pop one into my mouth... X_X I *HATE* raisins. By themselves they're bad enough, but they absolutely ruin food for me when they're put into things like cookies or puddings. :-/

    I am quite known for telling people that raisins "do not belong in food."

    I do have a bag of the super tiny boxes in my office though. They're good for blood sugar headaches. Stupid raisins.

    My mom always put raisins in the stuffing at Thanksgiving. I love it and thought everybody did that until the first time I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my husband. He was like "what the hell is this?!". LMAO 11 years later and he still fears the raisins.

    I put dried cranberries in mine. Yummy.

    No, no, no, fruit does not belong in stuffing..not judging though :)

    I'm one of those weird people who like sweet and savory in the same dishes. I also like to add golden raisins to my vegetable salads. Just for a tiny sweet burst. I put them in my homemade applesauce, too.
    I love sweet/savoury together too. I also love hot and cold things together, which I know a lot of people think it weird (fries with salad, custard (English style) with a big blob of vanilla ice cream etc.

    I too love sweet and savory together. Or sweet and salty. It's funny you mention fries with salad, because I almost ordered fries with my Wendy's salad last night. I instead, went home and made a 144 gram baked potato with 2 servings of real butter and a serving of sour cream. The salad was disappointing but the potato most definitely was not.

    What is English style custard?
    Mmmm baked potato.'s_Custard
    If you're a food snob, you might make it from scratch with real eggs and cream etc, then it's proper custard. The above is what you make to go with any kind of steamed pudding (like Spotted Dick - yes, I'll get that in there again, since it has dried fruit and it's almost on topic) (like we're worried about staying on topic on this thread, haha) but I like it by itself or with some ice cream or whipped cream on top.

    That is the kind of custard I tried!

  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Keep on climbing that mountain, baby steps at a time. Sending all good wishes for your mum's surgery today. Have you taken your pill today? If not, go and do it now... Right now... Good. (((HUGS)))

    Thank you everyone for supportive messages.

    I have taken my tablets today and yesterday.

    @MoHousdon I love the idea that this is a village. I'm imagining us all in little English country cottages, nattering over the garden fence and on the village green

    Good for you!

    I would love that! As long as I can eat cookies and have tea. I would make an EXCELLENT English person/woman. Plus, I do a pretty good English accent.

    I may have been doing one in my head just then. :blush:

    Here, you have biscuits and tea. Cookies are 'merican

    Alright, biscuits, then. :smile:

    Biscuits always brings hard cookies to my mind, like Oreos or Digestives. Not that I have anything against them, but I want soft, chewy, gooey COOKIES! :o Or you know what? Gimme a scone. With butter.

    I miss scones. Never been able to enjoy one since my Grandma passed away. She made the best and always made a special batch for me without raisins. I hate raisins!!

    Count me in on the raisin-hating wagon!! In traditional Arabian dishes, raisins are popular to put into the rice. Makes me want to gag when I accidentally pop one into my mouth... X_X I *HATE* raisins. By themselves they're bad enough, but they absolutely ruin food for me when they're put into things like cookies or puddings. :-/

    I am quite known for telling people that raisins "do not belong in food."

    I do have a bag of the super tiny boxes in my office though. They're good for blood sugar headaches. Stupid raisins.

    My mom always put raisins in the stuffing at Thanksgiving. I love it and thought everybody did that until the first time I cooked Thanksgiving dinner for my husband. He was like "what the hell is this?!". LMAO 11 years later and he still fears the raisins.

    I put dried cranberries in mine. Yummy.

    No, no, no, fruit does not belong in stuffing..not judging though :)

    I'm one of those weird people who like sweet and savory in the same dishes. I also like to add golden raisins to my vegetable salads. Just for a tiny sweet burst. I put them in my homemade applesauce, too.
    I love sweet/savoury together too. I also love hot and cold things together, which I know a lot of people think it weird (fries with salad, custard (English style) with a big blob of vanilla ice cream etc.

    Hot and cold? Hot fudge sundae or a warm brownie or piece of pie topped with ice cream. Yum!

    Sweet and savory? I'm not a fan. I don't even like sweet dressing on my salad or fruit. Strawberries on a salad? No thank you, I'll have a salad and strawberries after for dessert.
    I have never understood fruit on a veggie salad.....
    You don't like tomatoes on your salad? ;)
    "Knowledge is being aware that tomatoes are a fruit. Wisdom is not putting them in a fruit salad."

    (Also, you can have strawberries on your salad and THEN strawberries after for dessert. Everyone wins :D)

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    2 confessions for today: 1) Bulk Barn is Evil. I have no will power (stupid gummy frogs)

    2) hubby asked me to iron his shorts. This time, however, the iron was too hot for the synthetic material and I kinda, slighly melted a tiny hole in them. I am not saying a word until he irons them. Then I can blame the hole on him :wink:

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Confession: I ate nearly 4000 calories yesterday. Mostly in bread and cookies. Ugh.

    Anyhow, it's prayer time and the fast has started--I'm off to pray and then maybe get some sleep (I hope).

    @ndj1979 True and true, but that's okay. We don't mind being wrong when it feels so right. :smiley: Although there are quite a lot of confessions in these 959 pages, if you care to browse for them.

    eh - my confession - not sure how this would be helpful to newbies as it appears to be a collection of gifs, notes on tv series, and other things, while I am sure are fun to discuss, I fail to see their utility to someone new to weight loss.

    I think it's here in the General section because a lot of people feel free to ask questions in here that often get blasted into dumpster fire threads under normal circumstances. A bit like the restaurant-related questions you mentioned in that post of yours... The forums are a scary place for newbies. The "No judgment" in the topic line seems to attract a lot of them, actually.

    What you see right now isn't what the thread is like all the time--it's actually evolving constantly since it's so active. Since a lot of us have been here from the beginning, we do often just chit chat all together, but confessions and questions still pour in a lot.
    Agreed. And since this is a really supportive, safe zone, I honestly think a lot of people have been helped back from the verge of falling off the wagon by discussing their struggles here. Or had a helping hand back on when they have fallen. To be honest, I don't really care where this thread is, as long as it doesn't get nuked.

    Same here, which is why I do kind of wonder why everyone jumps on the posters who dare to ask why it's in this particular section. Wouldn't it make more sense to explain all that before telling them to go away? :D

    I don't understand why others are so offended by this thread? Apparently many more people than we knew or thought lurk and read every so often.

    any other thread that was as off topic as this one would of been locked down by page 15….

    just saying..

    so the special status is interesting.

    Good point... Maybe we're all special snowflakes. ;)

    Actually, I think the mods like the positivity and support that this thread continually generates, and since confessions still do pile in daily (and we don't judge them! Most of the time.), we're somewhat on topic. It would be pretty dumb to pull this thread when it's going so well--not that they don't lock down threads for dumb reasons pretty often.

    there is plenty of support in the main forums, it just is not sugar coated.

    I'd agree there is support in the main forums but the reality is not everyone is as thick skinned as you or I. This thread keeps the people (who would throw the towel in the bucket because they didn't like the deliverance on the main forums) coming back and maybe learning more about weight loss. May be a bit slower but better late than never.

    I don't see how you need thick skin for someone to tell you that a detox is a bad idea, or that a calorie deficit is needed for weight loss.

    If you are just going to coddle people then they are never going to learn about real nutrition and how to have long term sustainable success.

    On the other hand, if you get yelled at and made fun of because you asked a dumb question, why would anyone stay here and give it an honest try? Rather, if you have a safe place to ask those questions and not get ridiculed, you are going to keep trucking along. Yeah, it might not be speedy. Hell, I've been trying to lose my last 18 (out of 44 pounds) for the last six months. There has been a lot of stuff I have gone through related to stress, medical conditions requiring surgery, etc. Most people understand CICO but life gets in the way and some people who are new, and even those that have lost their way a bit, may need the support to understand that it is okay to have a "bad" meal or a bad day, or even a bad shark week (sorry to those who hate that expression). For these people, it is reassuring that there is a stable and supportive group who have all been through this and will be there for them when they get back on track. I don't think this type of support would be considered "coddling". It is not like we are saying to everyone "it's okay, go have another box of pop tarts". Rather, we would say, at 200 calories, go have a single pop tart and get that craving out of your system, log it, and move on.

    I started a thread about protein powder when I first discovered the forums and was told I didn't even understand my own question. I got a few helpful responses but I was basically attacked. I've never felt that in here.

    In short, I LOVE it here and plan on staying as long as I can.

  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I did well on my calories allllllll day... then the child asked to watch Spongebob Out of Water... No way I can do this sober... bring on the wine...