

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Dinner went well folks! I get so stressed cooking for others since I never do it but so pleased it turned out well! Cats even made an appearance. Great day. Good night!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Dinner went well folks! I get so stressed cooking for others since I never do it but so pleased it turned out well! Cats even made an appearance. Great day. Good night!

    Happy it went well for you!
  • 1SongOfStorms
    1SongOfStorms Posts: 2 Member

    I'm not sure how to get the exacts. I just mentally subtract 50% from whatever exercise I've added. It is working for me so far, but you might have to play with your numbers a bit to get a good estimate for you.

    I'll have to try that, thank you for your help!!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Quiz to see how well you Yanks and C'nucks understand proper British English, just in case we do all get together for a tea party one day:

    I could be British according to this. I missed 4 but I clicked the wrong answer on 2 that I knew. Also, we have a lot of these expressions in the states. :)

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    So, for dinner last night I had Cheese Nips and a handful of chocolate eggs leftover from Easter. And beer. Yay!
    You had chocolate leftover from Easter? How?!

    Seriously, tell me how.

    I was as shocked as you guys. For Easter, my BIL gave my son a cardboard egg "thing" with candy in it and it's been sitting on his dresser since then. I assumed it was empty, because candy + my kid, or filled with Legos or something. But lo, it was not! I need to clean up in there more often.
    Aha! So, it was not known that there was leftover candy...makes a little more sense now. And yes, go clean out his closet and see what you find!

    I still have Easter candy left. As a matter of fact, I haven't touched my dark chocolate bunny yet. I know it's there, I just don't use calories on candy very often. I'd rather use them on fries or bacon cheeseburgers.
    Growing up, I always preferred salty to sweet. A few years ago, when I started really working out, it was like a switch was flipped. No more chips, peanuts, fries...I want alllll the candy, cookies, cakes, and ice cream. I will eat salty things and enjoy them...but never really crave them or want to use calories on them. That is, until now after being sick on Monday/ sweet stuff makes me want to throw up all over I've been having salty stuff as my snacks the past few days.

    I love salty. I rarely have cravings for sweet stuff, it's almost always salty that I'm hungry for. I very rarely will turn down chips or really crispy fries. They are my weakness. Especially with an ice cold Dr. Pepper. My favorite go to snack.

    I love salty too. Can't keep chips in the house. Or dry roasted peanuts.

    Last night I was craving cookies which I honestly never do. But I've figured out by the pain by my hip that it's ovulation day. That probably explains the extra weight.

    Weird though, I very seldom get hormonal cravings. I blame this thread!! ;)

    I have also been craving cookies, check out my diary, and it is because of hormones too.

    Confession: I started my period today and I could NOT be happier because that means unless I have some freakishly long cycle, I will be period free for my vacation. I may have thanked God out loud while going to the bathroom. TMI I know, but I just had to share. Also, that could explain some of the weight gain I've experienced recently even though I'm still in a deficit.

    I'm happy for you, for real. When my now husband and I met we made the decision to not be intimate. He'd recently come back to the church and I was in love enough to play along. FF to our wedding day 18 months later and I got my period THAT MORNING. It's funny now but at the time I was pissed. LOL Even funnier? I got pregnant on the honeymoon. Yay for two weeks in Cabo!

    Thanks! I was on my period when we got married, glad this isn't a repeat of that.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Quiz to see how well you Yanks and C'nucks understand proper British English, just in case we do all get together for a tea party one day:

    My life's mission is to make this tea party happen.

    Other than my wedding day and the day my daughter was born, this would be the happiest day of my life. No lies and for real!

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    While I am not Susie I am quite proud of my first effort in my new kitchen (which was finished in Jan but's never too late to turn on your new oven, right?). pigm5j57duuy.jpg

    I don't cook very often as you can infer. :)

    Sorry I missed 1000.

    I missed you on page 1000. Glad you're back.

  • mcr0980
    mcr0980 Posts: 30 Member
    The other day I got an ice cream cone on my way home from my internship... Then my mom got me an ice cream a little bit later that day... And then after work (I work at a Dairy Queen for God's sake..) I talked my dad into buying me a blizzard... That blizzard didn't even taste good, I struggled finishing it. But I forced myself to anyways because I was stressed and that's one of my multiple bad ways of handling the stress..

    Three days later and my insides are still complaining about all that lactose :|
  • martim3
    martim3 Posts: 18 Member
    So I thought maybe we could all use this to get something off of our chests. Confess to anything pertaining to your weight loss journey, it may even be a helpful tip for others! :)'

    Please please PLEASEEEE refrain from being mean. :)

    Here goes it!

    I wear a trash bag under my clothing when I exercise and also for about half of my day.
    Yeah it's not as sophisticated as a Wrap or Those belly wrap things but honestly I like it better. It covers my whole upper body besides my neck, head, and arms. Maybe one of you do the same thing :P

    Hope it's not lawn and leaf black plastic bags. Some bags are coated in pesticides. Check your box. No judgement from me. I've bought those electric
    stimulation gizmos to "work out" some muscles the easy way. LOL.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Feels good to be wearing clothes that truly fit again. No more sucking in my gut or keeping the top button of my pants unbuttoned! I am donating all of my oversized clothes so I have nothing to swell into down the road.

    Good for you. I lost 50 lbs a few years ago. Gave away all my clothes. When I started having only 3 things to wear and had to unbutton my pants again I knew it was time. So I started again last year.

    As of this am I am the thinnest I have been in 24 years. Yay me. :)

    Yay you, indeed! You rock!

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I know you hate people apologising for asking you questions, @Susieq_1994, but I only do because I feel like that stereotypical ignorant privileged white girl, and I don't want to offend.

    So...there is that - robe, I'm sorry, I don't know the word for it - the long black one with the head and face covering. But it gets to 60C in Oman, right? So, do the women not die of heatstroke?

    That's alright, it doesn't offend me! :)

    It's called an abaya, and most of them don't cover the head or face--They're basically just black dresses. I wear one myself. The headscarf and niqab (face covering) are all separate pieces. There is one that has a head covering attached as well, but these are mostly worn by older ladies, as it's just an older style.

    That said, I wear the abaya and headscarf. I don't find it hot, personally--I actually find it cooler than when I wear "regular" clothing like skirts and blouses because the abaya tends to be very lightweight. It's also because I've been covering for a very long time--If I didn't cover, I'd probably feel hotter due to the sun burning my skin!

    My sister wears a niqab, and according to her, it did feel very hot in the first week, but she says it doesn't feel like that anymore now that she's used to it.

    Just an add-on: The abaya isn't a must, Islamically. Women are encouraged not to wear very bright colors for the purpose of attracting men (yes, men have a rule that involves not attracting women--it isn't a sexist rule), but you're allowed to wear whatever color you like, as long as you're covered properly.

    I prefer the abaya in Saudi Arabia because everyone wears it (I've seen like... two people so far that didn't... Even the non-Muslims wear it!) and I just don't want to stand out. In Oman, I often wear regular colored dresses, skirts, blouses, etc. Unless I'm lazy. Because the abaya is really easy to just throw on and be done. ;)

    Can I ask some follow ups? You say your sister wears a niqab; was that something she decided to do as an adult? And how did she come to that decision? And are you wearing your regular clothes under the abaya? Or is it like a "dress".

    Thanks for educating me! :)

    Yes, she decided to start wearing it two years ago. Nobody else in our family wears it and she's unmarried, so nobody influenced her in that decision--in Islam there are some scholars (I refuse to count the Sheikh Google people...) who believe the niqab is obligatory, and others who believe it is simply recommended based on evidence from the Qur'an and hadith. After doing some studying, my sister chose to go with the scholars who believe it's obligatory, and began covering her face from then on.

    You do have to wear clothing under an abaya--it's basically a cover, but the material is too thin to wear with nothing but underwear underneath, for example. I usually wear jeans and a tank top underneath it--since we have to remain covered, it's best to have your legs covered in case the wind blows it up, for example. :) But I would wear the same under a dress, actually, although I would probably wear cotton pants underneath in that case.

    Oh, can I ask if you have one of these? I've always wondered if it was hard to swim in the modest suits, because of the extra fabric:


    Nope, I don't own one--those suits actually don't meet the fardh (obligatory) requirements for modest clothing for women, especially because they cling when they're wet, and the shape of the body is revealed, which is the major requirement of covering.

    If I'm going to swim, I swim in an all-women's facility with a modest swimsuit (even women aren't supposed to reveal nakedness to other women) or just jump into the ocean fully clothed because that's fun. ;)

    Am I the only one who loves being naked? I don't know why but I do! Could be because ( I know I say this a lot but it's true) I really have no shame...haters going to hate!

    I hate being naked. I hate skin touching skin. And I totally hate when running any part of my body touching any other part. I tried running in a sports bra ONCE. Never again. Yes I am a prude (I believe I have said this before).

    I hate being naked too. Even in the shower. I get dressed as soon as humanly possible. I put on undies right after a shower.

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I know you hate people apologising for asking you questions, @Susieq_1994, but I only do because I feel like that stereotypical ignorant privileged white girl, and I don't want to offend.

    So...there is that - robe, I'm sorry, I don't know the word for it - the long black one with the head and face covering. But it gets to 60C in Oman, right? So, do the women not die of heatstroke?

    That's alright, it doesn't offend me! :)

    It's called an abaya, and most of them don't cover the head or face--They're basically just black dresses. I wear one myself. The headscarf and niqab (face covering) are all separate pieces. There is one that has a head covering attached as well, but these are mostly worn by older ladies, as it's just an older style.

    That said, I wear the abaya and headscarf. I don't find it hot, personally--I actually find it cooler than when I wear "regular" clothing like skirts and blouses because the abaya tends to be very lightweight. It's also because I've been covering for a very long time--If I didn't cover, I'd probably feel hotter due to the sun burning my skin!

    My sister wears a niqab, and according to her, it did feel very hot in the first week, but she says it doesn't feel like that anymore now that she's used to it.

    Just an add-on: The abaya isn't a must, Islamically. Women are encouraged not to wear very bright colors for the purpose of attracting men (yes, men have a rule that involves not attracting women--it isn't a sexist rule), but you're allowed to wear whatever color you like, as long as you're covered properly.

    I prefer the abaya in Saudi Arabia because everyone wears it (I've seen like... two people so far that didn't... Even the non-Muslims wear it!) and I just don't want to stand out. In Oman, I often wear regular colored dresses, skirts, blouses, etc. Unless I'm lazy. Because the abaya is really easy to just throw on and be done. ;)

    Can I ask some follow ups? You say your sister wears a niqab; was that something she decided to do as an adult? And how did she come to that decision? And are you wearing your regular clothes under the abaya? Or is it like a "dress".

    Thanks for educating me! :)

    Yes, she decided to start wearing it two years ago. Nobody else in our family wears it and she's unmarried, so nobody influenced her in that decision--in Islam there are some scholars (I refuse to count the Sheikh Google people...) who believe the niqab is obligatory, and others who believe it is simply recommended based on evidence from the Qur'an and hadith. After doing some studying, my sister chose to go with the scholars who believe it's obligatory, and began covering her face from then on.

    You do have to wear clothing under an abaya--it's basically a cover, but the material is too thin to wear with nothing but underwear underneath, for example. I usually wear jeans and a tank top underneath it--since we have to remain covered, it's best to have your legs covered in case the wind blows it up, for example. :) But I would wear the same under a dress, actually, although I would probably wear cotton pants underneath in that case.

    Oh, can I ask if you have one of these? I've always wondered if it was hard to swim in the modest suits, because of the extra fabric:


    Nope, I don't own one--those suits actually don't meet the fardh (obligatory) requirements for modest clothing for women, especially because they cling when they're wet, and the shape of the body is revealed, which is the major requirement of covering.

    If I'm going to swim, I swim in an all-women's facility with a modest swimsuit (even women aren't supposed to reveal nakedness to other women) or just jump into the ocean fully clothed because that's fun. ;)

    Am I the only one who loves being naked? I don't know why but I do! Could be because ( I know I say this a lot but it's true) I really have no shame...haters going to hate!

    I hate being naked. I hate skin touching skin. And I totally hate when running any part of my body touching any other part. I tried running in a sports bra ONCE. Never again. Yes I am a prude (I believe I have said this before).

    I hate being naked too. Even in the shower. I get dressed as soon as humanly possible. I put on undies right after a shower.

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    I know you hate people apologising for asking you questions, @Susieq_1994, but I only do because I feel like that stereotypical ignorant privileged white girl, and I don't want to offend.

    So...there is that - robe, I'm sorry, I don't know the word for it - the long black one with the head and face covering. But it gets to 60C in Oman, right? So, do the women not die of heatstroke?

    That's alright, it doesn't offend me! :)

    It's called an abaya, and most of them don't cover the head or face--They're basically just black dresses. I wear one myself. The headscarf and niqab (face covering) are all separate pieces. There is one that has a head covering attached as well, but these are mostly worn by older ladies, as it's just an older style.

    That said, I wear the abaya and headscarf. I don't find it hot, personally--I actually find it cooler than when I wear "regular" clothing like skirts and blouses because the abaya tends to be very lightweight. It's also because I've been covering for a very long time--If I didn't cover, I'd probably feel hotter due to the sun burning my skin!

    My sister wears a niqab, and according to her, it did feel very hot in the first week, but she says it doesn't feel like that anymore now that she's used to it.

    Just an add-on: The abaya isn't a must, Islamically. Women are encouraged not to wear very bright colors for the purpose of attracting men (yes, men have a rule that involves not attracting women--it isn't a sexist rule), but you're allowed to wear whatever color you like, as long as you're covered properly.

    I prefer the abaya in Saudi Arabia because everyone wears it (I've seen like... two people so far that didn't... Even the non-Muslims wear it!) and I just don't want to stand out. In Oman, I often wear regular colored dresses, skirts, blouses, etc. Unless I'm lazy. Because the abaya is really easy to just throw on and be done. ;)

    Can I ask some follow ups? You say your sister wears a niqab; was that something she decided to do as an adult? And how did she come to that decision? And are you wearing your regular clothes under the abaya? Or is it like a "dress".

    Thanks for educating me! :)

    Yes, she decided to start wearing it two years ago. Nobody else in our family wears it and she's unmarried, so nobody influenced her in that decision--in Islam there are some scholars (I refuse to count the Sheikh Google people...) who believe the niqab is obligatory, and others who believe it is simply recommended based on evidence from the Qur'an and hadith. After doing some studying, my sister chose to go with the scholars who believe it's obligatory, and began covering her face from then on.

    You do have to wear clothing under an abaya--it's basically a cover, but the material is too thin to wear with nothing but underwear underneath, for example. I usually wear jeans and a tank top underneath it--since we have to remain covered, it's best to have your legs covered in case the wind blows it up, for example. :) But I would wear the same under a dress, actually, although I would probably wear cotton pants underneath in that case.

    Oh, can I ask if you have one of these? I've always wondered if it was hard to swim in the modest suits, because of the extra fabric:


    Nope, I don't own one--those suits actually don't meet the fardh (obligatory) requirements for modest clothing for women, especially because they cling when they're wet, and the shape of the body is revealed, which is the major requirement of covering.

    If I'm going to swim, I swim in an all-women's facility with a modest swimsuit (even women aren't supposed to reveal nakedness to other women) or just jump into the ocean fully clothed because that's fun. ;)

    I'm not even totally caught up, but I am SO GLAD you opened up to us here @Susieq_1994 and are giving us all this info, both about your culture and your own personal self. I just gotta let it out: This girl *kitten* rocks!

    Same goes for a lot of our regulars: @MoHousdon @Italian_Buju (BTW we are testing some AWESOME stuff here at my facility regarding diabetes, might be while before human clinical trials though.) @BZAH10 @pofoster21 @quiksylver296 @FrancI27 (I hope that's the right one) Sorry if I forgot some peeps! I love this thread so much. I think I love this thread more than I love guacamole.... and that's REALLY saying something.

    How is your co-worker doing with their diabetes & trying to control it?

    He is quitting. His last day will be July 3rd. He said he didn't like the idea of what we were doing and he wants to spend more time doing what HE wants to do. So he's quitting.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    While I am not Susie I am quite proud of my first effort in my new kitchen (which was finished in Jan but's never too late to turn on your new oven, right?). pigm5j57duuy.jpg

    I don't cook very often as you can infer. :)

    Sorry I missed 1000.

    I missed you on page 1000. Glad you're back.

    Aww thanks! I figure I owned 900 so it's only fair to give others a shot at fame. ;)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    kensjojo wrote: »
    How far off are the calorie burns on mfp??? I've been living a lie!!!!!!!! Ugh I always use my stationary bike for an hour and then get all proud of my calories... I thought they were off so I just wrote it in as less time and effort but how on earth do you find out the true calorie burn??? :'(

    I'm not sure how to get the exacts. I just mentally subtract 50% from whatever exercise I've added. It is working for me so far, but you might have to play with your numbers a bit to get a good estimate for you.

    I double check everything online then adjust the time/speed on MFP to match the real calorie burn. So for example I usually run about a 9 min mile. This should give me about 100 calories burned. But on MFP it's more like 165. So either I'll pit in a 10 min mile and get close or instead of saying I ran 10 min I'll shave off time to get to the right number. Either way it's a hit to my ego... I have to say I ran shorter or I have to say I ran slower!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I know you hate people apologising for asking you questions, @Susieq_1994, but I only do because I feel like that stereotypical ignorant privileged white girl, and I don't want to offend.

    So...there is that - robe, I'm sorry, I don't know the word for it - the long black one with the head and face covering. But it gets to 60C in Oman, right? So, do the women not die of heatstroke?

    That's alright, it doesn't offend me! :)

    It's called an abaya, and most of them don't cover the head or face--They're basically just black dresses. I wear one myself. The headscarf and niqab (face covering) are all separate pieces. There is one that has a head covering attached as well, but these are mostly worn by older ladies, as it's just an older style.

    That said, I wear the abaya and headscarf. I don't find it hot, personally--I actually find it cooler than when I wear "regular" clothing like skirts and blouses because the abaya tends to be very lightweight. It's also because I've been covering for a very long time--If I didn't cover, I'd probably feel hotter due to the sun burning my skin!

    My sister wears a niqab, and according to her, it did feel very hot in the first week, but she says it doesn't feel like that anymore now that she's used to it.

    Just an add-on: The abaya isn't a must, Islamically. Women are encouraged not to wear very bright colors for the purpose of attracting men (yes, men have a rule that involves not attracting women--it isn't a sexist rule), but you're allowed to wear whatever color you like, as long as you're covered properly.

    I prefer the abaya in Saudi Arabia because everyone wears it (I've seen like... two people so far that didn't... Even the non-Muslims wear it!) and I just don't want to stand out. In Oman, I often wear regular colored dresses, skirts, blouses, etc. Unless I'm lazy. Because the abaya is really easy to just throw on and be done. ;)

    Can I ask some follow ups? You say your sister wears a niqab; was that something she decided to do as an adult? And how did she come to that decision? And are you wearing your regular clothes under the abaya? Or is it like a "dress".

    Thanks for educating me! :)

    Yes, she decided to start wearing it two years ago. Nobody else in our family wears it and she's unmarried, so nobody influenced her in that decision--in Islam there are some scholars (I refuse to count the Sheikh Google people...) who believe the niqab is obligatory, and others who believe it is simply recommended based on evidence from the Qur'an and hadith. After doing some studying, my sister chose to go with the scholars who believe it's obligatory, and began covering her face from then on.

    You do have to wear clothing under an abaya--it's basically a cover, but the material is too thin to wear with nothing but underwear underneath, for example. I usually wear jeans and a tank top underneath it--since we have to remain covered, it's best to have your legs covered in case the wind blows it up, for example. :) But I would wear the same under a dress, actually, although I would probably wear cotton pants underneath in that case.

    Oh, can I ask if you have one of these? I've always wondered if it was hard to swim in the modest suits, because of the extra fabric:


    Nope, I don't own one--those suits actually don't meet the fardh (obligatory) requirements for modest clothing for women, especially because they cling when they're wet, and the shape of the body is revealed, which is the major requirement of covering.

    If I'm going to swim, I swim in an all-women's facility with a modest swimsuit (even women aren't supposed to reveal nakedness to other women) or just jump into the ocean fully clothed because that's fun. ;)

    Am I the only one who loves being naked? I don't know why but I do! Could be because ( I know I say this a lot but it's true) I really have no shame...haters going to hate!

    I hate being naked. I hate skin touching skin. And I totally hate when running any part of my body touching any other part. I tried running in a sports bra ONCE. Never again. Yes I am a prude (I believe I have said this before).

    I hate being naked too. Even in the shower. I get dressed as soon as humanly possible. I put on undies right after a shower.

    Too funny. Especially the 'there are literally dozens of us'. :)
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    I'm 1.2 lbs away from reaching my fourth and maybe final goal weight and I have a little intestinal bug.....I'm hoping all the bathroom time will force my weight to magically disappear!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I know you hate people apologising for asking you questions, @Susieq_1994, but I only do because I feel like that stereotypical ignorant privileged white girl, and I don't want to offend.

    So...there is that - robe, I'm sorry, I don't know the word for it - the long black one with the head and face covering. But it gets to 60C in Oman, right? So, do the women not die of heatstroke?

    That's alright, it doesn't offend me! :)

    It's called an abaya, and most of them don't cover the head or face--They're basically just black dresses. I wear one myself. The headscarf and niqab (face covering) are all separate pieces. There is one that has a head covering attached as well, but these are mostly worn by older ladies, as it's just an older style.

    That said, I wear the abaya and headscarf. I don't find it hot, personally--I actually find it cooler than when I wear "regular" clothing like skirts and blouses because the abaya tends to be very lightweight. It's also because I've been covering for a very long time--If I didn't cover, I'd probably feel hotter due to the sun burning my skin!

    My sister wears a niqab, and according to her, it did feel very hot in the first week, but she says it doesn't feel like that anymore now that she's used to it.

    Just an add-on: The abaya isn't a must, Islamically. Women are encouraged not to wear very bright colors for the purpose of attracting men (yes, men have a rule that involves not attracting women--it isn't a sexist rule), but you're allowed to wear whatever color you like, as long as you're covered properly.

    I prefer the abaya in Saudi Arabia because everyone wears it (I've seen like... two people so far that didn't... Even the non-Muslims wear it!) and I just don't want to stand out. In Oman, I often wear regular colored dresses, skirts, blouses, etc. Unless I'm lazy. Because the abaya is really easy to just throw on and be done. ;)

    Can I ask some follow ups? You say your sister wears a niqab; was that something she decided to do as an adult? And how did she come to that decision? And are you wearing your regular clothes under the abaya? Or is it like a "dress".

    Thanks for educating me! :)

    Yes, she decided to start wearing it two years ago. Nobody else in our family wears it and she's unmarried, so nobody influenced her in that decision--in Islam there are some scholars (I refuse to count the Sheikh Google people...) who believe the niqab is obligatory, and others who believe it is simply recommended based on evidence from the Qur'an and hadith. After doing some studying, my sister chose to go with the scholars who believe it's obligatory, and began covering her face from then on.

    You do have to wear clothing under an abaya--it's basically a cover, but the material is too thin to wear with nothing but underwear underneath, for example. I usually wear jeans and a tank top underneath it--since we have to remain covered, it's best to have your legs covered in case the wind blows it up, for example. :) But I would wear the same under a dress, actually, although I would probably wear cotton pants underneath in that case.

    Oh, can I ask if you have one of these? I've always wondered if it was hard to swim in the modest suits, because of the extra fabric:


    Nope, I don't own one--those suits actually don't meet the fardh (obligatory) requirements for modest clothing for women, especially because they cling when they're wet, and the shape of the body is revealed, which is the major requirement of covering.

    If I'm going to swim, I swim in an all-women's facility with a modest swimsuit (even women aren't supposed to reveal nakedness to other women) or just jump into the ocean fully clothed because that's fun. ;)

    Am I the only one who loves being naked? I don't know why but I do! Could be because ( I know I say this a lot but it's true) I really have no shame...haters going to hate!

    I hate being naked. I hate skin touching skin. And I totally hate when running any part of my body touching any other part. I tried running in a sports bra ONCE. Never again. Yes I am a prude (I believe I have said this before).

    I hate being naked too. Even in the shower. I get dressed as soon as humanly possible. I put on undies right after a shower.

    Hmm not being naked in the shower might be hard...but I dress immediately as well. Or put a robe on. I don't like to be without undies either.

    Is it T-8 now? Or 7?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    The problem with going to bed at 10 pm is I am wide awake at 2 am! Good morning Susie and my British MFPers...
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    The problem with going to bed at 10 pm is I am wide awake at 2 am! Good morning Susie and my British MFPers...
    I didn't go to bed at 10 pm and I'm wide awake at 2 am! Hii.