

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    When I had my baking business we built a separate kitchen in the basement (health code means you can't bake for the public from your family kitchen). I painted it pink and lime green. Now it's an overflow kitchen/sewing and craft room/brewhouse (my husband makes beer & cider) but the colours still make me happy every time I go into it.

    That sounds so fun, but I couldn't do it. I'm not one of those everything-beige-all-the-time people, but I just prefer muted colours for decorating. I do like colourful artwork but even a feature wall is usually too much for me if it's too bright. I'm a very high-strung person and I need the house to feel as restful as I can (which is also a cyclical thing with my clean-freakiness, in that I can't relax unless the house is clean.)
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I have never had a Pop Tart.

    They sound...not delicious.

    I had them a couple times when I was younger and wasn't impressed. People in this thread have raved about them! Keep telling myself how dry and tasteless they were so I won't buy any!

    Considering the heat of the summers in Oman, when I was a kid we used to buy them and leave the foil packets on the dashboard of the car on the way home. Then they were all warm and soft and melty... Mmm. I can definitely think of better desserts, but I still love poptarts!

    @pofoster21 It's all so pretty! We just live in a rented apartment, so I have to live with the terrible plastic cupboards and nasty uneven counters. I don't mind it, though--as tiny as it is, it's the best kitchen I've had in a long time, and best of all, it's ALL MINE. ;)

    We rent too, and my kitchen is...something. It's a shame, because it's got high-end, stainless, new Samsung appliances and is very, very modern, but it is NOT MY STYLE AT ALL. We have shiny red cupboards, stainless steel backsplash, stark white countertops and tile floor and bright white nuclear holocaust lighting, and it's just the opposite of what I would have chosen (anything but that fingerprint-y awful stainless...whites and pale blues and light woods, maybe with some navy and red accents, nothing lacquered and nothing stark.)

    Objectively it is a stylish kitchen but I hate it a lot. And we have a tiny highrise apartment so it's a narrow galley kitchen too and I would give my right toes for decent counter space and more storage.

    Well, I'd give my LEFT toes for your kitchen and apartment! Sounds just like my style!

    Did you see the photo though? I mean, it isn't quite as overwhelming as that one because it's much smaller, but still...when you're spending half an hour twice a week just Windexing the stupid shiny cupboards so they remain clean and shiny, you realize that only people with full-time housekeepers should build those kind of kitchens. And probably a cook too, because it's hard on the eyes after a while, haha.

    I'm grateful for a nice, updated, well-maintained apartment and all, I really am, but that kitchen is a major sore spot with me, haha.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    @pofoster21 -WOW the before and after pictures are amazing. Doesn't look like the same place. I especially love the green tiles in the bathroom. Very pretty!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I see Wonder Woman, also, @quiksylver296. Also, I'm a bit dyslexic (which another reason I have a hard time remembering full screen names) and I always call you "Quickysilver" in my head. That "y" seems to trip me up every time!

    Confession: I have to go buy my husband a Father's Day card and gift after work and we're not even on speaking terms right now. This should be fun.

    I hope you guys are doing better now. What is going on? I know a lot of people who are having relationship issues right now.

    Yes it seems to be spreading...I am not overly impressed with my SO myself....

    I think that I am the problem in my relationship.

    No judgement guys-Sometimes I think I'm the problem in my relationship too. I am very naggy and get angry about stupid little things sometimes. I know that I have issues yet I have trouble controlling myself when I'm in the moment.

    Yeah that's me too.But there are other issues too I guess.
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I just traded my nice, healthy lunch that usually I love to eat and am always pleased with for a 4" diameter chocolate cake with vanilla frosting. Why? Because it was in the reduced bakery section for only $1.40. I followed that up by eating about 20 cinnamon donut holes. Why? Because they were also reduced down to only $.70 !! While they were delicious, and I can afford to eat this way on some days because of the amount of exercise I do and deficit I keep, I feel like I'm going to die. I know that in a couple hours when this sugar high wears off, I'll be feeling even worse and craving more sugar. Ughh! :(
    Why oh why can't I eat sweets in moderation? I had been doing so well. This morning's weigh in showed that I lost 3 of the pounds that I had put on from my emotional bingeing this past year.
    Ok done complaining.

    Well a good rule is only to buy what fits in your calories for the day. I have days like that too... I just make up for it the rest of the week (which sadly means that I am hungry a lot).
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Is it me or is it mostly women posting here? Did we scare off most of the men?

    We have xMrBunglex and Uncle Fester sometimes. We ran off the rest with our talk of TOM, bras, breastfeeding and whatever else. :D

    and we have mixmode..I can't remember the correct way to spell it with numbers and such! :#

    Isn't @m1xm0d3 a girl?

    I thought he was the single dad cyclist...? Am I confusing/combining people?

    Yes, he is the single dad cyclist.

    I confess since he rarely talks about 'male things' (I am sure because of us) I think he is male as well. And I am SURE he will be thrilled we ever questioned it. We love you @m1xm0d3! Don't leave us!

    This cracked me up... I will forever think of him as mixmode now!

    I too hope he's not offended and leaves! I know he's busy at work, but I hope he appears again. Also, I "read" letters as numbers sometimes, so "mixmode" is exactly how I read it, also.

    You got it! I am thick skinned so no I won't leave until something like graphic discussions on enemas starts becoming the norm around here or something.

    Eeew I think I'd be leaving as well!

    Ditto! @Lois_1989 I read your post a few pages back about the exercise and activity issues you have with your SO. It's great that you have each other and he's willing to be active! However, balance is important. Right now, I don't have any suggestions on that topic, but I'm wondering if you can spur your weight loss with you diet instead. Do you both eat the same things? Is he helpful and flexible as far as that goes? IF may work for you, but it seems to me that you are active enough, but maybe some food intolerances are causing issues? IDK. Just trying to help!

    I have been thinking the same thing recently, but I wasn't sure if something like that would affect weight loss?
    Oh, my SO is very difficult to cater for. Don't get me wrong, he has improved greatly in the last 7 years, but there is no way in God's green earth I will get him to eat a salad. Or chicken. Or fruit. Or fish. Generally there will have to be some sort of sauce involved. He is willing to try bless him, particularly in the last year or so because I've been getting upset about it.

    I'm not going to promote a certain way of eating or anything, but I've been tested for intolerances, tested negatively, but STILL feel better when I eliminate them from my diet. After a huge dietary overhaul about 3 years ago I feel like a new person and my entire shape has changed (along with lifting).

    It's trial and error. Sticking with something long enough to see if it actually works is the hard part.

    And, other than fruit and vegetables, there are NO foods that my husband and I eat the same of. He's meat, potatoes, bread, tortillas, butter, cookies, cake, etc. I'm a pescatarian and it's been quite a transition, but we eat completely different meals. He's responsible for him; I'm responsible for me. I know that seems bad to some people and it doesn't work for everyone, but my personal health is more important than upholding a traditional role in marriage. Also, I DO cook for him. He buys the food and lets me know what he wants and I make it. I also still make large family dinners.

    (tried to do spell check on "pescatarian" and it tried to change it to "caesarian")
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    When I had my baking business we built a separate kitchen in the basement (health code means you can't bake for the public from your family kitchen). I painted it pink and lime green. Now it's an overflow kitchen/sewing and craft room/brewhouse (my husband makes beer & cider) but the colours still make me happy every time I go into it.

    Ooh! I'm a home brewer and would love to have an "overflow" kitchen just for that purpose. I've taken over most of the storage room, but for transferring and bottling I have to drag everything upstairs, which is a pain.

    I'm a blue/green/brown/wood color palette kinda girl myself.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    @pofoster21 - Looks awesome! Love the tile in the kitchen and the bathroom!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Goodness, what a weekend! This time next week, I could possibly be lying on a beautiful beach in Florida sipping a mimosa. I will be thinking of you all. :smiley:

    Friday night the husband and I went to Outback for dinner. I was not thrilled about this because I didn't think I had enough calories for Outback because I always get the Alice Springs Chicken with fries. I decided to order the chicken, but subbed fries with steamed broccoli, which, if you've being paying attention at all, you'll know how incredibly difficult that decision was. I regretted not getting the fries until I tasted the broccoli, it was delicious. I ended up only eating half my dinner, and I even got to share a piece of cheesecake with my love and STILL managed a deficit. Yay, me!

    Saturday, my daughter and I were going to go shopping for Father's Day, my eye appointment, and get some last minute things for our trip, but we were also going to go to the candy shop for snacks so my husband wanted to come too. We ended up going to the candy shop first which was a big success except they were out of my favorite trail mix (luckily, I still had some left over from the last visit) so I got buttered toffee pecans (holy sweet, salty, and crunchy, they are amazing), and some dried apples. He got mostly candy. :smile:

    From there, we went to the mall since that's where my appointment was to kill some time, but also so I wouldn't be late. We ended up in JCP looking at dresses. Husband picked out some he wanted me to try on (his questionable taste presented itself again) but nothing worked. We met up outside in the sitting area of the mall and he asked me if I wanted to kill some more time at Helzberg, and I said sure. Long story short, we ended up looking at diamond rings and bridal sets. I didn't think we were really going to purchase anything since he said we'd do shopping in Florida. Apparently, he'd been really thinking about that and decided if we were going to get one, he wanted to get it before we went so it could be sized and everything beforehand. I tried on several rings before falling head over heals for a 1/2 ct. princess cut in white gold. It was absolutely mesmerizing. I could not quit staring at it. That's pretty much how I felt the first time I laid eyes on him. Love at first sight. Anywho, I tried on a few different guards and finally found a perfect fit. The lady sized my finger (size 5 btw, I was pretty shocked by that) and I was off to my appointment.

    My appointment took maybe 20 minutes so I went to Auntie Anne's for pretzels and a DP ( I know, I was doing to so good) and then headed back to Helzberg. Well, come to find out, he bought the ring while I was at my appointment and was finishing up paperwork and stuff when I got back. I was shocked, I didn't expect to get anything finished so soon. Turns out, the ring I picked out is a VVS2 (3rd from highest quality you can get) and almost completely colorless. It is also a limited edition diamond which I didn't know either. I just knew I loved the ring. When they were telling us all the stuff about the diamond, they said I have really good taste. I said, putting my arm around Husband, "Obviously!" He blushed. It was adorable. I hope to have my ring by Thursday, but I might have to wait until after we get back from Florida.

    Now for stepdaughter news.

    She was a no call, no show Saturday and Sunday. She DID tag him on facebook saying Happy Father's Day and I love you, but I guess she was just too busy to come by and give him the only thing he really wanted which was some of her time. He fell asleep last night while watching TV and then woke up and asked me what time it was. I said 8 or 9, and he said, really, no way. He then pulled out his phone to check for messages. Nothing. The look on his face was so painfully sad I started crying. I told him I was sorry she didn't come by, and he said, "I can't believe she didn't come over on Father's Day." To make matters worse, Rachael told me she thought it'd be fun having a sister, but it's not. I hate that she's treating them so badly.

    I'm sad because she'll never know how incredible her dad is and that she seems to have zero interest in being a part of our amazing family. If it were up to me, I'd take the car back and tell her off, but I don't want to do anything that could hurt the chances of a future relationship. What I don't understand, is she found him, he didn't seek her out, she came to him. Why would she do that if she didn't want to have anything to do with him, just his money?!

    I'm heartbroken for my loves. Why did this crap have to happen a week before we leave?!

    TL; DR: I AM getting a new ring, I married an incredible man, and his daughter is a selfish little twit.

    That is so sad, I am so sorry that you guys are going through this....

    Did you do something about the cat? IMO you really need to get your house key from her too (I would take the car also, but like you said, that is more up to your husband).

    Off topic, what does TL DR stand for?

    I'm sure someone already answered this, but it stands for "too long; didn't read". In other words, to sum up an overly long post.

    Not to keep beating a dead horse (sorry @pofoster21 ) but Mr. Mo messaged her last night and told her he needed to talk to her about her cat because we can't keep her anymore and that he HAS to have the money for her car tags by Thursday. Her response was "ok".

    He told me ( I hope he sticks to it) that if she doesn't have the money to him by Thursday, we're taking the car. Apparently, he'd been thinking about that for a while, but I had no idea. When I see her, I will be asking for my key back. I got really upset last night (not angry) that she is putting in no effort to be a part of our family. It hurts my heart.

    I know it must be so hard for Mr. Mo but my first thought when I read this was FINALLY! She seems to not give a care in the world by her response being "ok". Ugh that would so push my buttons!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @FroggyBug How are you doing?

    Thanks for asking. I'm doing okay. I did a small update a few pages back but I think it was passed over. My boyfriend and I actually talked a lot on Sunday. I was able to ask a bunch of questions and I really do think he answered truthfully. He still wants to do counseling. We are kind of both taking some space too.

    I think he is depressed too. His dad passed away a few years ago and he hasn't been the same since (no excuse though-he needs to deal with stuff). He is withdrawn, angry at the world and less patient. I think that is the biggest reason we are having issues really. I told him he needs to think about getting help for himself.

    At least I slept better last night. :)

    How are you doing?

    I'm glad you feel like he's being honest. Its sounds a lot more promising than it did at first update. I hope everything keeps moving forward in a positive way!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    When I had my baking business we built a separate kitchen in the basement (health code means you can't bake for the public from your family kitchen). I painted it pink and lime green. Now it's an overflow kitchen/sewing and craft room/brewhouse (my husband makes beer & cider) but the colours still make me happy every time I go into it.

    That sounds so fun, but I couldn't do it. I'm not one of those everything-beige-all-the-time people, but I just prefer muted colours for decorating. I do like colourful artwork but even a feature wall is usually too much for me if it's too bright. I'm a very high-strung person and I need the house to feel as restful as I can (which is also a cyclical thing with my clean-freakiness, in that I can't relax unless the house is clean.)
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I have never had a Pop Tart.

    They sound...not delicious.

    I had them a couple times when I was younger and wasn't impressed. People in this thread have raved about them! Keep telling myself how dry and tasteless they were so I won't buy any!

    Considering the heat of the summers in Oman, when I was a kid we used to buy them and leave the foil packets on the dashboard of the car on the way home. Then they were all warm and soft and melty... Mmm. I can definitely think of better desserts, but I still love poptarts!

    @pofoster21 It's all so pretty! We just live in a rented apartment, so I have to live with the terrible plastic cupboards and nasty uneven counters. I don't mind it, though--as tiny as it is, it's the best kitchen I've had in a long time, and best of all, it's ALL MINE. ;)

    We rent too, and my kitchen is...something. It's a shame, because it's got high-end, stainless, new Samsung appliances and is very, very modern, but it is NOT MY STYLE AT ALL. We have shiny red cupboards, stainless steel backsplash, stark white countertops and tile floor and bright white nuclear holocaust lighting, and it's just the opposite of what I would have chosen (anything but that fingerprint-y awful stainless...whites and pale blues and light woods, maybe with some navy and red accents, nothing lacquered and nothing stark.)

    Objectively it is a stylish kitchen but I hate it a lot. And we have a tiny highrise apartment so it's a narrow galley kitchen too and I would give my right toes for decent counter space and more storage.

    Well, I'd give my LEFT toes for your kitchen and apartment! Sounds just like my style!

    Did you see the photo though? I mean, it isn't quite as overwhelming as that one because it's much smaller, but still...when you're spending half an hour twice a week just Windexing the stupid shiny cupboards so they remain clean and shiny, you realize that only people with full-time housekeepers should build those kind of kitchens. And probably a cook too, because it's hard on the eyes after a while, haha.

    I'm grateful for a nice, updated, well-maintained apartment and all, I really am, but that kitchen is a major sore spot with me, haha.

    I did see the picture! Yes, it would be overwhelming, I'm sure. The constant cleaning is more of a turn-off to me though, I have to say. I would love a highrise apartment with a galley kitchen.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    When I had my baking business we built a separate kitchen in the basement (health code means you can't bake for the public from your family kitchen). I painted it pink and lime green. Now it's an overflow kitchen/sewing and craft room/brewhouse (my husband makes beer & cider) but the colours still make me happy every time I go into it.

    That sounds so fun, but I couldn't do it. I'm not one of those everything-beige-all-the-time people, but I just prefer muted colours for decorating. I do like colourful artwork but even a feature wall is usually too much for me if it's too bright. I'm a very high-strung person and I need the house to feel as restful as I can (which is also a cyclical thing with my clean-freakiness, in that I can't relax unless the house is clean.)

    This is me. I'm very easily overstimulated, so I need a restful, quiet place. Loud/continuous noises and bright colors tend to stress me out, along with too much clutter. :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I got a haircut. I was getting too hot and wanted to get shorter hair for this Summer.

    And I don't like it at all. I guess it will grow back :(

    Oh no! Is it too short? What happened?

    It just doesn't look good on me. I don't like ponytails either so at some point the long hair has to go I guess. The main issue I think is that I think it makes my double chin (there's some loose skin in there) more noticeable.

    Just bleh.

    Sometimes seriously it's totally depressing to have done all that work and realize that I'll never like the way I look...
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    I know you hate people apologising for asking you questions, @Susieq_1994, but I only do because I feel like that stereotypical ignorant privileged white girl, and I don't want to offend.

    So...there is that - robe, I'm sorry, I don't know the word for it - the long black one with the head and face covering. But it gets to 60C in Oman, right? So, do the women not die of heatstroke?

    That's alright, it doesn't offend me! :)

    It's called an abaya, and most of them don't cover the head or face--They're basically just black dresses. I wear one myself. The headscarf and niqab (face covering) are all separate pieces. There is one that has a head covering attached as well, but these are mostly worn by older ladies, as it's just an older style.

    That said, I wear the abaya and headscarf. I don't find it hot, personally--I actually find it cooler than when I wear "regular" clothing like skirts and blouses because the abaya tends to be very lightweight. It's also because I've been covering for a very long time--If I didn't cover, I'd probably feel hotter due to the sun burning my skin!

    My sister wears a niqab, and according to her, it did feel very hot in the first week, but she says it doesn't feel like that anymore now that she's used to it.

    Just an add-on: The abaya isn't a must, Islamically. Women are encouraged not to wear very bright colors for the purpose of attracting men (yes, men have a rule that involves not attracting women--it isn't a sexist rule), but you're allowed to wear whatever color you like, as long as you're covered properly.

    I prefer the abaya in Saudi Arabia because everyone wears it (I've seen like... two people so far that didn't... Even the non-Muslims wear it!) and I just don't want to stand out. In Oman, I often wear regular colored dresses, skirts, blouses, etc. Unless I'm lazy. Because the abaya is really easy to just throw on and be done. ;)

    Can I ask some follow ups? You say your sister wears a niqab; was that something she decided to do as an adult? And how did she come to that decision? And are you wearing your regular clothes under the abaya? Or is it like a "dress".

    Thanks for educating me! :)

    Yes, she decided to start wearing it two years ago. Nobody else in our family wears it and she's unmarried, so nobody influenced her in that decision--in Islam there are some scholars (I refuse to count the Sheikh Google people...) who believe the niqab is obligatory, and others who believe it is simply recommended based on evidence from the Qur'an and hadith. After doing some studying, my sister chose to go with the scholars who believe it's obligatory, and began covering her face from then on.

    You do have to wear clothing under an abaya--it's basically a cover, but the material is too thin to wear with nothing but underwear underneath, for example. I usually wear jeans and a tank top underneath it--since we have to remain covered, it's best to have your legs covered in case the wind blows it up, for example. :) But I would wear the same under a dress, actually, although I would probably wear cotton pants underneath in that case.

    Oh, can I ask if you have one of these? I've always wondered if it was hard to swim in the modest suits, because of the extra fabric:


    Nope, I don't own one--those suits actually don't meet the fardh (obligatory) requirements for modest clothing for women, especially because they cling when they're wet, and the shape of the body is revealed, which is the major requirement of covering.

    If I'm going to swim, I swim in an all-women's facility with a modest swimsuit (even women aren't supposed to reveal nakedness to other women) or just jump into the ocean fully clothed because that's fun. ;)

    Am I the only one who loves being naked? I don't know why but I do! Could be because ( I know I say this a lot but it's true) I really have no shame...haters going to hate!

    I hate being naked. I hate skin touching skin. And I totally hate when running any part of my body touching any other part. I tried running in a sports bra ONCE. Never again. Yes I am a prude (I believe I have said this before).

    I hate being naked too. Even in the shower. I get dressed as soon as humanly possible. I put on undies right after a shower.

    Hmm not being naked in the shower might be hard...but I dress immediately as well. Or put a robe on. I don't like to be without undies either.

    Is it T-8 now? Or 7?

    I know it's impossible to be unnaked in the shower, but I get in and get out with the quickness.

    Yesterday was T-7 but now, it's T-6 or 5 depending on when you're reading this.

    T-5 you must be so excited! I hope you and the hubby have everything all straightened out so you can just enjoy yourselves!

    I assume you know I was kidding on the shower (is hard to tell sometimes in this forum and I don't want you thinking I was being sarcastic).

    Because I'm so incredibly sarcastic, I just assume everyone is too. No worries. :smiley:

    We are VERY excited and cannot wait. I will elaborate on this later.

    Well actually I am.... Extremely. But I have been told by many people that they find me rude or abrupt in texting because I am often short in my replies and my humor does not come across. I use the phone or iPad often in replying here which means I can sound short. And I don't want folks in here to think I am a b***h. Which I can be but trying not to be in here!

    I am now taking you off my list of 'people to be cautious about offending' and just be myself!

    I'm glad. You SHOULD be yourself, after all, everyone else is already taken. :wink:

    I've been told on many occasion that when people first meet me, they think I'm a b!^@# because I don't make eye contact, and I make really sarcastic and snide comments. I like to tell people I'm fluent in song lyrics, movie/TV quotes, and sarcasm. It really is hard to convey tone or sarcasm in text, but I don't concern myself too much with what other people think usually.

    Unless they like me, then I'm all, "WHOO HOO!!!"

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Is it me or is it mostly women posting here? Did we scare off most of the men?

    We have xMrBunglex and Uncle Fester sometimes. We ran off the rest with our talk of TOM, bras, breastfeeding and whatever else. :D

    and we have mixmode..I can't remember the correct way to spell it with numbers and such! :#

    Isn't @m1xm0d3 a girl?

    I thought he was the single dad cyclist...? Am I confusing/combining people?

    Yes, he is the single dad cyclist.

    I confess since he rarely talks about 'male things' (I am sure because of us) I think he is male as well. And I am SURE he will be thrilled we ever questioned it. We love you @m1xm0d3! Don't leave us!

    This cracked me up... I will forever think of him as mixmode now!

    I too hope he's not offended and leaves! I know he's busy at work, but I hope he appears again. Also, I "read" letters as numbers sometimes, so "mixmode" is exactly how I read it, also.

    You got it! I am thick skinned so no I won't leave until something like graphic discussions on enemas starts becoming the norm around here or something.

    Eeew I think I'd be leaving as well!

    Ditto! @Lois_1989 I read your post a few pages back about the exercise and activity issues you have with your SO. It's great that you have each other and he's willing to be active! However, balance is important. Right now, I don't have any suggestions on that topic, but I'm wondering if you can spur your weight loss with you diet instead. Do you both eat the same things? Is he helpful and flexible as far as that goes? IF may work for you, but it seems to me that you are active enough, but maybe some food intolerances are causing issues? IDK. Just trying to help!

    I have been thinking the same thing recently, but I wasn't sure if something like that would affect weight loss?
    Oh, my SO is very difficult to cater for. Don't get me wrong, he has improved greatly in the last 7 years, but there is no way in God's green earth I will get him to eat a salad. Or chicken. Or fruit. Or fish. Generally there will have to be some sort of sauce involved. He is willing to try bless him, particularly in the last year or so because I've been getting upset about it.

    I'm not going to promote a certain way of eating or anything, but I've been tested for intolerances, tested negatively, but STILL feel better when I eliminate them from my diet. After a huge dietary overhaul about 3 years ago I feel like a new person and my entire shape has changed (along with lifting).

    It's trial and error. Sticking with something long enough to see if it actually works is the hard part.

    And, other than fruit and vegetables, there are NO foods that my husband and I eat the same of. He's meat, potatoes, bread, tortillas, butter, cookies, cake, etc. I'm a pescatarian and it's been quite a transition, but we eat completely different meals. He's responsible for him; I'm responsible for me. I know that seems bad to some people and it doesn't work for everyone, but my personal health is more important than upholding a traditional role in marriage. Also, I DO cook for him. He buys the food and lets me know what he wants and I make it. I also still make large family dinners.

    (tried to do spell check on "pescatarian" and it tried to change it to "caesarian")

    I do this for my husband when I'm making things that I know he doesn't like or thinks are too weird/exotic/overly spicy. It's not a big deal for me, since I enjoy cooking, and generally he isn't picky at all so I can pretty much throw anything together for him if the meal I want to make for myself is time-consuming or elaborate.

    Other than that, we do pretty much eat the same meals all the time--I just increase his portions. :)
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    I counted out 15 potato chips and threw the rest in the garbage. I got them out the garbage to eat more. I am so ashamed.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I got a haircut. I was getting too hot and wanted to get shorter hair for this Summer.

    And I don't like it at all. I guess it will grow back :(

    Oh no! Is it too short? What happened?

    It just doesn't look good on me. I don't like ponytails either so at some point the long hair has to go I guess. The main issue I think is that I think it makes my double chin (there's some loose skin in there) more noticeable.

    Just bleh.

    Sometimes seriously it's totally depressing to have done all that work and realize that I'll never like the way I look...

    I'm going to guarantee you 100% that you are being overly critical of yourself (just like we all tend to do). If you posted a picture to show us (not that you need to, of course) I bet you look great! All fresh and sassy for summer.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    I counted out 15 potato chips and threw the rest in the garbage. I got them out the garbage to eat more. I am so ashamed.

    Do as the peanut butter addicts do and drown them in water prior to trashing them. Soggy chips = no bueno!

  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I counted out 15 potato chips and threw the rest in the garbage. I got them out the garbage to eat more. I am so ashamed.
    I guess you can try portioning out all of the chips at once and separating them into little baggies. I do this with cookies because two cookies will usually weigh more than what it says on the serving label.

    Don't beat yourself up about it.

    @LBuehrle8 Because it is delicious. :wink:

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    I'm currently using my building's gym due to a fluctuating schedule. For some reason, the people who use this gym don't seem to be aware of any gym etiquette and two out of the four times I've been there now, someone has stepped over me while I am working to get to a different part of the gym.

    So, granted it's a small gym, but I cannot fathom a disregard for the fact that someone is lying on a mat with two 15 lb weights in her hands. :o

    They stepped over you? Just exactly how small is the gym? Can they not walk around? That is very rude!
  • Suzmp88
    Suzmp88 Posts: 48 Member
    I have been non-stop listening to the Sound of Music soundtrack at work. Non. Stop.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    I just joined my first event ride by our local cycling organization RABA (Richmond Area Bicycling Association) to support their 'Bikes for Kids' program. Beyond excited!