

  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    Confession: okay, I do a cheat weigh. Instead of weighing myself first thing in the morning, I do my outdoor chores.
    Then I come inside, change out of my sweat drenched clothes, and put on dry ones. THEN I weigh myself. B)
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »

    Hope this works! Might be huge..if so, I apologize.

    Wow that's a lot of cats (super cute, too)! I forget who else had a bunch, including a pregnant porch kitty, you might might give that person a run for their money in the cat hoarding war ;)

    That would be @pofoster21, if I'm not mistaken. And my family owns 14 cats, so I think they beat everyone. O.o

    It is me. 4 in the home now, 2 on the porch, and 2 at the barn. I have to admit 4 in the home is a lot now when I feed. And the politics of who gets fed where...exhausting. But Cobweb is doing great (latest addition, you all went through that with me). He is the sweetest cat.

    He likes to jump on the 1/2 wall between the toilet and the vanity when I get out of the shower and while I dry myself off he reaches out to me, to be petted, etc. The other day, I bent over drying my legs and he proceeded to walk onto my back and lay down! So there I am, stark naked, with a purring cat laying on my back and licking my wet hair. I crouched down to try and get him to walk off me, but he resettled himself and kept purring away. I finally had to slowly stand until he slid off, praying all the time he wouldn't grab me with his claws to stay on. If I had had a camera and wasn't such a prude, I would have taken a selfie and posted it (but yes, I was stark naked, so probably that wouldn't be allowed on here!).


    Ok, sorry that this is giant...I haven't a clue how to shrink it. But, I just wanted to share what our feeding time looks like... :)
    They all have their own bowls and go right to them when it's time to eat! Such good little piglets!

    Do they ever try to sneak food when they're done eating out of their own bowls?
    Lol. Mine do!
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Uh oh, found this one page 8.

    Hopefully this doesn't offend you @Susieq_1994 (I don't think it would but wanted to put a warning).

    For some reason I thought of one of my embarrassing moments today. I worked in an office as a contractor and sometimes they would close the office if we got a lot of snow. When we closed we would have to call the main office to let them know. I called and a guy I had talked to before answered so I let him know we were closed and were chatting. He said sometime like, "You are so lucky. I'm stuck here all day" and my response was, "Yea, I really wish I could get you off." I meant it as let him have the day off too but sometimes my mouth seems to work faster than my brain (this is why I prefer typing over talking). He was just like, "Uh ok then I'll let you go now." :s

    ....those are the type of situations my mouth always gets me into. :|
  • lbeaver31
    lbeaver31 Posts: 2 Member
    I nite eat , I mean after I go to bed I get up, get a snack and bring it back to bed with me. It's the only time of day I have no will power.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I rejoined a gym in the last week. There are many gyms in the area but the one I prefer and feel very comfortable taking my kids to workout with me is kind of expensive. I had quit it for a year to catch up on things financially and tried to keep active in many other ways. Recently I decided that my daughter really enjoyed it and I want to support anything she enjoys these days. Tonight we went to a Zumba class at her request. It was 75 minutes of me flailing around as ungainly as possible. Daughter loved it and smiled more in that class than I've seen in a long time. Worth the cost of admission. I did a couple of calculators and based on my weight I think I burned around 500 calories in that time. I know I was pushing myself to stay as high intensity as I could. Is 500 calories for 1.25 hours a reasonable estimate? I'm on the very little side. I don't often log food and I even more rarely log exercise. I also lifted weights (didn't even try to figure that out) and got a decent amount of walking in during the day. I feel that I am keeping my nice slow steady goal of gradually losing another few pounds.

    That would be me also. Which is why I'd never do Zumba. Glad your daughter really enjoyed it, though... and you're an awesome mum for attending with her!
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession: I'm seriously considering the intermittent fasting diet. I'm clearly not getting anywhere with the old fashioned calorie counting and I'm actually getting quite desperate now. I want to book a doctors appointment but I think they will say the same thing as my mum "Why don't you join weight watchers or slimming world" Yea, I don't want to pay someone to watch me stand on a scale.

    I'm also considering taking all the money I have saved for a deposit on a house and getting someone to just suck all the fat out of me.

    It's all feeling very hopeless at the moment

    I've done 5:2 intermittently. (that sounds weird, ha ha) I've mentioned before that when he's home my SO does the cooking and that generally results in huge portions of very rich and rather "junky" food -- not at all how I'd choose to eat -- so when he's gone I'll do 5:2 to kind of recalibrate, especially since my IBS is usually in overdrive by the time he leaves (we seriously eat like cr@p).

    I'd say give it a try.

    But keep saving that house money!!!

    Yea, I don't see any harm in trying it for a month or so. It's not something stupid like a teatox. It just involves a bit of forward planning.

    It's ok, the money is still there

    I tend to rely heavily on 35 calorie Yoplait yogurt pots, 15 cal fruit cups (Del Monte water packed, no added sugar) and Quest bars. But the 500 days make me feel seriously awesome... probably because the carb/high fat/sodium fog lifts, lol.

    In England we have Icelandic Yogurt called SKYR and it is no fat, high protein (It's amazing) and I intend on having that for lunch I think. It does have carbs in it though so I'm not sure.
    What do you have for dinner? I was thinking stir-fry one night, but I can't think of anything else apart from soup or salad for the second night :confounded:
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I ate a biscuit with honey from KFC :( and mashed potatoes

    I now want a KFC biscuit and honey sauce. I've been craving fried chicken for many days (maybe because of something someone said on here) and I still have yet to eat any. I have been watching my eating the last couple weeks to prevent excess baggage for my trip, but I REALLY WANT SOME FRIED CHICKEN!!!

    If you check my diary, you'll see we had Popeye's for dinner last night and this morning, I was down .6 lbs. The chicken was SO good and well worth the wait.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    I bike to work every is "Bike to Work Day" in Denver.

    I confess that I call it "Amateur Hour" because all these people clumsily trying to load their bikes on the light rail, rubbing their tires on my pants, riding without helmets, running red lights, riding down the middle of the street & just generally being clueless bicyclists is making me VERY STABBY THIS MORNING

    I admit I don't know a lot about biking, but I'm trying to figure out how and why people are rubbing their tires on your pants. I just can't picture it without some very strange mental images popping into my head. :o


    When I bike in to work, I'm in my work clothes. It's mostly downhill, so I don't get all sweaty in the mornings.

    I bike about 7 miles, and then take light rail the rest of the way. When you load your bike on light rail, you have to stand with your bike at either end of the car; 2 bikes max per end.

    When you board with a bike & there is someone else there with a bike, you do your best to keep your bike away from the other person, so your tires don't rub against their legs/pants. (It's a kind of bike commuter etiquette thing.)

    When newbs climb aboard, flailing their bike up the stairs, they are completely oblivious to everyone else & inevitably will rub their tires against you, unless you ward them off with your feet. Bike tire grime is about equivalent to engine compartment grime - black & impossible to wipe off.

    After work I change into shorts & a tank, so I can get my sweat on cranking up the hills.

    I know it sounds bizarre...welcome to my world!

    I get what you mean and what I WISH they would do is the week or two prior to "Bike to Work Day" is advertise some simple rules of etiquette for everyone.
  • lbeaver31
    lbeaver31 Posts: 2 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Even though I've lost weight almost every week, have logged my food diligently all week and my clothes are not tighter and it is okay if I don't lose every week I am still scared to step on the scale. Every week I grit my teeth and close my eyes as I step on it. I also always weigh myself about 3 times in a row to be sure.

    Speaking of getting things off my chest- one of my breasts seems to be shrinking faster than the other one as I lose weight.

    I'm afraid not to step on the scales everyday, I've given up trying to break the habit.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    I messaged @ShibaEars earlier. She was the one that went to Arizona. She said she was busy doing renovations on the new house and was having a hard time keeping up, but is doing well.

    Thank you for the info and SO funny what your son said! Well, not in public really. Kids!

    I hope @ShibaEars had a great trip and is enjoying her new house!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »

    Hope this works! Might be huge..if so, I apologize.

    Wow that's a lot of cats (super cute, too)! I forget who else had a bunch, including a pregnant porch kitty, you might might give that person a run for their money in the cat hoarding war ;)

    That would be @pofoster21, if I'm not mistaken. And my family owns 14 cats, so I think they beat everyone. O.o

    It is me. 4 in the home now, 2 on the porch, and 2 at the barn. I have to admit 4 in the home is a lot now when I feed. And the politics of who gets fed where...exhausting. But Cobweb is doing great (latest addition, you all went through that with me). He is the sweetest cat.

    He likes to jump on the 1/2 wall between the toilet and the vanity when I get out of the shower and while I dry myself off he reaches out to me, to be petted, etc. The other day, I bent over drying my legs and he proceeded to walk onto my back and lay down! So there I am, stark naked, with a purring cat laying on my back and licking my wet hair. I crouched down to try and get him to walk off me, but he resettled himself and kept purring away. I finally had to slowly stand until he slid off, praying all the time he wouldn't grab me with his claws to stay on. If I had had a camera and wasn't such a prude, I would have taken a selfie and posted it (but yes, I was stark naked, so probably that wouldn't be allowed on here!).

    Ok, sorry that this is giant...I haven't a clue how to shrink it. But, I just wanted to share what our feeding time looks like... :)
    They all have their own bowls and go right to them when it's time to eat! Such good little piglets!

    Awesome. Kinda makes me cringe though, just imagining all those meowing at 3am every night like mine does...

    Our cat Moxie has this thing where she knows when the alarm is going to go off, and she starts meowing about 20-30 minutes ahead of time. We'll tell her to knock it off, and then she will go in the bathroom, and open & slam the cupboards!

    She gets on her hind legs, grabs the top of the cupboard door, walks backwards about a foot, and then lets it go. BANG!

    I'm to the point where on weekends, I'll put the laundry basket in front of the cupboards to thwart her efforts.


    Ha! What a little brat!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    New confession. Yup, I did just fall asleep at my desk for 15mins. I think this thread is an obsession because the first thing I thought of when I woke up was to tell you guys about it.

    I don't know if I should be concerned about this or not...

    These days when something happens to me, the first thing I think about is when can I tell you guys.

    Plus, you have now replaced my previous evening occupation of going to a bar, eating dinner, drinking wine and reading the newspaper or a book. Now I come home, drink coffee and try to catch up. I count this as a win in my ongoing attempt to quit drinking totally....still not successful but this visiting you guys instead is helping!

    That is great! Good to hear it!
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm on a cereal kick right now :) It cannot be helped.

    For me, a bowl of cereal leads to another bowl of cereal. And another.... It's like I never get full or satisfied from it.

    Yeah, cereal doesn't make me feel full either. You should have seen my face when I actually weighed a serving of it for the first time and realized just how many calories it was to feel that hungry.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Confession - we're having lunch out again. It annoys me, but it's going to be a nice change for the kids to eat with their dad. Eating out is always such a drag, honestly. I never know what to order and always ends up frustrated trying to calculate my meal. If I knew the calories, it would really help. Blah.

    I confess it's stressing me out about my vacations too. I SUCK at guessing calories from a menu. I swear every time I look at a menu that has nutrition info and try to guess, I'm way off. So for all I know I'm never ordering the thing with the least calories, even though I try to make a good choice... and I'm really not in the mood for salads right now. Plus I really don't want to be that person who orders things that are not on the menu like grilled chicken and steamed veggies all the time. I don't like drawing attention to myself and confrontation...

    And I confess it's sad because going out to eat used to be my favorite thing.

    Of course, we might stop at that gelato place for dessert.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    @Kelly_C_77 I had the MB apple poptarts. They were delicious.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »

    Hope this works! Might be huge..if so, I apologize.

    Wow that's a lot of cats (super cute, too)! I forget who else had a bunch, including a pregnant porch kitty, you might might give that person a run for their money in the cat hoarding war ;)

    That would be @pofoster21, if I'm not mistaken. And my family owns 14 cats, so I think they beat everyone. O.o

    It is me. 4 in the home now, 2 on the porch, and 2 at the barn. I have to admit 4 in the home is a lot now when I feed. And the politics of who gets fed where...exhausting. But Cobweb is doing great (latest addition, you all went through that with me). He is the sweetest cat.

    He likes to jump on the 1/2 wall between the toilet and the vanity when I get out of the shower and while I dry myself off he reaches out to me, to be petted, etc. The other day, I bent over drying my legs and he proceeded to walk onto my back and lay down! So there I am, stark naked, with a purring cat laying on my back and licking my wet hair. I crouched down to try and get him to walk off me, but he resettled himself and kept purring away. I finally had to slowly stand until he slid off, praying all the time he wouldn't grab me with his claws to stay on. If I had had a camera and wasn't such a prude, I would have taken a selfie and posted it (but yes, I was stark naked, so probably that wouldn't be allowed on here!).

    Ok, sorry that this is giant...I haven't a clue how to shrink it. But, I just wanted to share what our feeding time looks like... :)
    They all have their own bowls and go right to them when it's time to eat! Such good little piglets!

    Do they ever try to sneak food when they're done eating out of their own bowls?

    Yes, the orange one on the top left (Bugsy) will stay in there the longest and try to sneak whatever is left behind. Also, Skye (our newest kitten) will do it too. She isn't in the picture because this was taken when we still had Steve (the other orange over in front of the sink) before he passed last fall from Cancer.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    @Kelly_C_77 I had the MB apple poptarts. They were delicious.

    Yay! Glad you liked them!! Did you toast them?
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I ate a biscuit with honey from KFC :( and mashed potatoes

    I now want a KFC biscuit and honey sauce. I've been craving fried chicken for many days (maybe because of something someone said on here) and I still have yet to eat any. I have been watching my eating the last couple weeks to prevent excess baggage for my trip, but I REALLY WANT SOME FRIED CHICKEN!!!

    If you check my diary, you'll see we had Popeye's for dinner last night and this morning, I was down .6 lbs. The chicken was SO good and well worth the wait.

    Loooove me to Popeye's! Their spicy chicken is soooo good. And don't get me started on their mashed potatoes. I have to pass right by it by every single morning on my commute to work and have to remind myself part of the reason I am commuting is because of their deliciousness!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm on a cereal kick right now :) It cannot be helped.

    For me, a bowl of cereal leads to another bowl of cereal. And another.... It's like I never get full or satisfied from it.

    Yeah, cereal doesn't make me feel full either. You should have seen my face when I actually weighed a serving of it for the first time and realized just how many calories it was to feel that hungry.

    UUUGH yeah... serving sizes are soooo small. I eat like 2 giants bowls before I MAKE myself quit.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - we're having lunch out again. It annoys me, but it's going to be a nice change for the kids to eat with their dad. Eating out is always such a drag, honestly. I never know what to order and always ends up frustrated trying to calculate my meal. If I knew the calories, it would really help. Blah.

    I confess it's stressing me out about my vacations too. I SUCK at guessing calories from a menu. I swear every time I look at a menu that has nutrition info and try to guess, I'm way off. So for all I know I'm never ordering the thing with the least calories, even though I try to make a good choice... and I'm really not in the mood for salads right now. Plus I really don't want to be that person who orders things that are not on the menu like grilled chicken and steamed veggies all the time. I don't like drawing attention to myself and confrontation...

    And I confess it's sad because going out to eat used to be my favorite thing.

    Of course, we might stop at that gelato place for dessert.

    I totally get this. It gets old. Unfortunately, that causes me to say "screw it" a lot of time and end up with fried things and adult beverages.