

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    Black widow spiders freaked me out as a kid. Some how I got the impression that if they bit me I could become very ill and possibly die.

    We had a tack shed that they seemed to like for some reason. I remember going into it with my sister behind me.
    Well there was one over my head and running right at me. I think I ran clean over my sister to get out.

    My husband laughs about when he was young that they ( all boys in the family) had a black widow spider as a pet. They would feed it flies. They kept it in a mason jar with little holes in the top so it could breathe. All went well until till she had about 1000 babies that were small enough to crawl out the holes in the top. They all laugh about it.

    To this day I can catch and hold almost anything but spiders.

    Brown recluse did it for me here. My dad was once bit by one. It will rot your skin right off. Nasty nasty spiders.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    Good sounds promising
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    Black widow spiders freaked me out as a kid. Some how I got the impression that if they bit me I could become very ill and possibly die.

    We had a tack shed that they seemed to like for some reason. I remember going into it with my sister behind me.
    Well there was one over my head and running right at me. I think I ran clean over my sister to get out.

    My husband laughs about when he was young that they ( all boys in the family) had a black widow spider as a pet. They would feed it flies. They kept it in a mason jar with little holes in the top so it could breathe. All went well until till she had about 1000 babies that were small enough to crawl out the holes in the top. They all laugh about it.

    To this day I can catch and hold almost anything but spiders.

    Brown recluse did it for me here. My dad was once bit by one. It will rot your skin right off. Nasty nasty spiders.

    That does not sound pleasant
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    I was taking Tessa out for our morning walk/run (I decided on interval training). We always walk past this one house and this lady sits on her front porch and when her dogs start barking at Tessa like mad, she "Tsks" at us. EVERY TIME.
    Well my time to 'run' was going to come up in front of this lady's house and I don't want to be judged, glared at, and "tsked" at while running. Not fun. So here's my confession:

    I thought of @Italian_Buju and her profile pic and thought to myself, "It doesn't matter what she looks at, judges, or "tsks" at. It's her problem, not mine. I'm lapping her @$$ anyway because all I've ever seen her do is sit on that outdoor couch."

    I ran right past her house and she "Tsked" me and I didn't even care. I was doing my body good and she can just sit there and watch me be amazing.

    Great attitude, & awesome that you're doing interval training.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    Any man who's willing to hang out on a porch and not expect you to get all done up for him is definitely worth a second date. Yay!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    Sounds good! I also say pajama jams. LOL
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    Black widow spiders freaked me out as a kid. Some how I got the impression that if they bit me I could become very ill and possibly die.

    We had a tack shed that they seemed to like for some reason. I remember going into it with my sister behind me.
    Well there was one over my head and running right at me. I think I ran clean over my sister to get out.

    My husband laughs about when he was young that they ( all boys in the family) had a black widow spider as a pet. They would feed it flies. They kept it in a mason jar with little holes in the top so it could breathe. All went well until till she had about 1000 babies that were small enough to crawl out the holes in the top. They all laugh about it.

    To this day I can catch and hold almost anything but spiders.

    Brown recluse did it for me here. My dad was once bit by one. It will rot your skin right off. Nasty nasty spiders.

    My husband insists that the crawl space has brown recluse spiders. And then he wonders why I refuse to go in there. I don't care what it is, but if it's stored in the crawl space, I don't need it.

    @raymax4, that story about the baby black widows made me dry heave.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    Black widow spiders freaked me out as a kid. Some how I got the impression that if they bit me I could become very ill and possibly die.

    We had a tack shed that they seemed to like for some reason. I remember going into it with my sister behind me.
    Well there was one over my head and running right at me. I think I ran clean over my sister to get out.

    My husband laughs about when he was young that they ( all boys in the family) had a black widow spider as a pet. They would feed it flies. They kept it in a mason jar with little holes in the top so it could breathe. All went well until till she had about 1000 babies that were small enough to crawl out the holes in the top. They all laugh about it.

    To this day I can catch and hold almost anything but spiders.

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    Awesome! First date in batman pj's! I love it!

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    i'd be too busy BURNING EVERYTHING DOWN!


    Me too!! Just thinking about it has me itchy like something is crawling on me! :(
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)
    Nice! Let us know how it goes.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    I'm glad you a) had a good time b) met someone who obviously has an appreciation for "real" c) didn't have to fend off any unwanted advances. Fingers crossed for a second date with this one.

    @berlynnwall good to see you back! And didn't you post something about pumpkin spice donuts....? :p
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    I'm glad you a) had a good time b) met someone who obviously has an appreciation for "real" c) didn't have to fend off any unwanted advances. Fingers crossed for a second date with this one.

    @berlynnwall good to see you back! And didn't you post something about pumpkin spice donuts....? :p

    Pumpkin spice donuts sound meh to me.
    But, how about those apple cider donuts that you can get at the orchard? OMG. I'm not a donut person, but those are definitely the exception.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: I just ate a peanut butter and jelly doughnut. If possible, I have negative regrets. That was a sound taste bud investment.

    Mmm wow didn't know those existed!!

    It was just a jelly doughnut with (glorious) peanut butter frosting, but it was absolutely what I needed/wanted.

    My local doughnut shop makes a strawberry filled doughnut with peanut butter icing. I miss those. And this year they are making a pumpkin filled with cream cheese icing. I got Mr. the other day. It smelled wonderful.

    Dear God,

    Please let Heaven be filled with these pumpkin donuts when I get there. Thank you.



    Yes, yes... 1000 times yes.

    The only good thing about fall: it's Pumpkin Season.

    I love it!!

    I've already bought some Pumpkin foods B).

    Pumpkin Fiber One bar (pretty good for 90 calories), Chobani Pumpkin Spice (awful for 130 calories), & Dannon Pumpkin yogurt (170 calories & really good).

    I had my first Pumpkin Chai latte of the season yesterday....MMmmmmm!

    @KylerJaye and @kecmw25 - BLASPHEMY!

    I tried the Pumpkin Spice Latte this weekend from Starbucks. They changed the ingredients and I'm not a fan of the new taste which makes me sad, I love pumpkin anything (I'm an October baby, my mom would make me pumpkin flavoured cakes etc).
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: I just ate a peanut butter and jelly doughnut. If possible, I have negative regrets. That was a sound taste bud investment.

    Mmm wow didn't know those existed!!

    It was just a jelly doughnut with (glorious) peanut butter frosting, but it was absolutely what I needed/wanted.

    My local doughnut shop makes a strawberry filled doughnut with peanut butter icing. I miss those. And this year they are making a pumpkin filled with cream cheese icing. I got Mr. the other day. It smelled wonderful.

    Dear God,

    Please let Heaven be filled with these pumpkin donuts when I get there. Thank you.



    Yes, yes... 1000 times yes.

    The only good thing about fall: it's Pumpkin Season.

    I love it!!

    I've already bought some Pumpkin foods B).

    Pumpkin Fiber One bar (pretty good for 90 calories), Chobani Pumpkin Spice (awful for 130 calories), & Dannon Pumpkin yogurt (170 calories & really good).

    I want this :/

    YES! Must be America only...
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: I just ate a peanut butter and jelly doughnut. If possible, I have negative regrets. That was a sound taste bud investment.

    Mmm wow didn't know those existed!!

    It was just a jelly doughnut with (glorious) peanut butter frosting, but it was absolutely what I needed/wanted.

    My local doughnut shop makes a strawberry filled doughnut with peanut butter icing. I miss those. And this year they are making a pumpkin filled with cream cheese icing. I got Mr. the other day. It smelled wonderful.

    Dear God,

    Please let Heaven be filled with these pumpkin donuts when I get there. Thank you.



    Yes, yes... 1000 times yes.

    The only good thing about fall: it's Pumpkin Season.

    Blasphemy! I love fall. I can't wait for jacket weather.

    ETA: It occurs to me that Canadian fall is probably not what I'd like fall to be. I'll just be over here with my apple cider...

    Yep- separated at birth.

    I am a fall/winter person. I like sweaters, tights, high boots, etc. I do not like summer clothes. I am always glad when fall hits.

    I agree I love seeing how people layer their clothes, their boots, & the different jacks they wear.

    Plus it's better to see customers in more clothes rather than seeing less of them.

    I enjoy every season but usually by the end of one season I'm ready for the next.
    I'm looking forward to fall and cooler weather.

    I enjoy 3 seasons of the year like that. Usually by Christmas I'm sick of winter.

    That's because you live in Canada!

    Yes. Winter is long and dark and cold and snowy.

    Yes it is. I hate that is still dark in the morning when I get up now. I am not a fan of winter at all!

    I hate when you go to work in the dark and when you leave, still dark :'(

    I hate that too! My office area doesn't have any windows so I basically don't see any sunshine Monday to Friday during the winter. The older I get the more I'm liking winter though - probably because I can't handle heat. The only other part of winter I truly hate is freezing rain. It makes me mad just thinking about it - it's impossible to scrape off the car windows, and I can't walk anywhere because the whole town becomes a skating rink! :rage:

    ALL of this!
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    I love England and all our non threatening bugs.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    I'm glad you a) had a good time b) met someone who obviously has an appreciation for "real" c) didn't have to fend off any unwanted advances. Fingers crossed for a second date with this one.

    @berlynnwall good to see you back! And didn't you post something about pumpkin spice donuts....? :p

    Pumpkin spice donuts sound meh to me.
    But, how about those apple cider donuts that you can get at the orchard? OMG. I'm not a donut person, but those are definitely the exception.

    Are the apple do units like apple fritters?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #22

    this was saturday afternoon and was probably the most "non-date" first date ever.
    i'll fully admit, i didn't even attempt to try.

    had been talking to this dude for a lil while, and we kept trying to set something up, but schedules were always getting in the way. so on saturday he's like hey! i'm free for a bit this afternoon if you want to chill. my reply? it's a pajama jams saturday, i have zero intentions of doing anything other than having beverages and listening to my ipod. zero fracks shall be given. (yeah, not trying, at all).

    apparently this dude saw my ghetto attitude as fun and refreshing (lol), and was like sounds awesome!
    so dude came over and chilled on the porch for a while with beverages, chit chats, and a random cig here and there. he was also very fond of my batman pajamas (yeah i don't mess around). found out he's a lawyer (classy!), and really, really chill and relaxed, which apparently doesn't quite meld with his profession. so i'm thinking the idea to sit on a porch with a chick in pj's and beverages would be a fun change of pace.

    and he was really nice! hung out for a few hours, and i actually had a great time.
    maybe a #2? who knows, gonna have to wait and see, but overall a good day :)

    Fingers crossed for you on this one!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I confess I'm a home wrecker......

    Today as I was out walking I noticed a pretty blue gray bird by the side of the lake and as I passed, I watched it fly off it was beautiful.
    When I turned my face forward again I did so just in time to see the middle of a rather large spider web. It spanned over my head to mid chest.

    First of all I'm sorry spider for wrecking your very close knit large web. I'm sure it took along time to make. I hope you have enough web to build another one

    Secondly. Shriek, wild thrashing about with my arms trying to get it off of me, and dear God please don't let that spider be on me.

    I was pulling weeds in my front flower garden Saturday. (It was WAY past due, and the weeds were way out of control, but that's a different confession.) I have a certain garbage can that I put pulled weeds in. It's really old and has a hole worn in the bottom, so I can't put anything small or liquid in it. Anyway, I pull out this garbage can and there is a GINORMOUS black widow spider in its web behind the garbage can. I don't have a photo to show you, because I was too busy SQUISHING it!!!

    I would NEVER squish something that big. That would feel/sound so gross!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I love England and all our non threatening bugs.

    That's one of the perks of living in northern-ish Alberta. The winters may be long, but there aren't any really nasty bugs!