

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    StapfJ wrote: »
    My 10 yo dog started limping a few days ago. I took her to the vet. I spent $550 and he told me she needs ACL surgery. That's another $2,500. He said there is a greater than 70% chance she will have to have the other leg done too..... that's at least $2,500 more.

    I'm having a really hard time with it. I love her but that is a TON of money. I feel like a horrible owner, but I keep thinking about how I can find a way to not do it.

    She's not in "that" much pain, but she is not that great either - just kind of quiet.

    I'm trying to justify it in my head even though I know I'm supposed to just do the surgery. I'm so bummed.
    How big is your dog? I ask because I had almost exactly the same situation last summer. 10 year old dog with torn ACL. MUCH more money quoted though. She's a (previously overweight) cocker spaniel/bichon cross.

    After doing a lot of research we concluded that the surgery recovery is really hard and long, and it didn't offer any guarantees. Also, smaller dogs (under 30lbs ish) often recover well without surgery. Here's what we did for Flossie:
    - put her on a strict diet. Expensive food from the vet. This was hard as she was used to being very spoiled with table scraps and any other little treats we cared to give her. She was overweight but not obese.
    - built ramps to backyard. No stairs allowed anywhere. Stairgates to prevent her going up and down anywhere.
    - No walks for about 6 weeks. Then very short ones. We are now back up to regular length walks.
    - No off-leash. Even now, we don't allow her to really run, partly for fear of damaging her bad leg again, partly because of the risk of the other leg going.

    Although Flossie still has days where she limps a bit, we're really glad we decided not to go ahead with surgery. We were advised that a 'wait and see' approach wouldn't cause any further harm, so I'd really say to give it a few weeks and see how your dog does. She now manages stairs with ease and jumps up and down to our bed. In general, she's as good as new. Losing the weight has been great for her!

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    StapfJ wrote: »
    My 10 yo dog started limping a few days ago. I took her to the vet. I spent $550 and he told me she needs ACL surgery. That's another $2,500. He said there is a greater than 70% chance she will have to have the other leg done too..... that's at least $2,500 more.

    I'm having a really hard time with it. I love her but that is a TON of money. I feel like a horrible owner, but I keep thinking about how I can find a way to not do it.

    She's not in "that" much pain, but she is not that great either - just kind of quiet.

    I'm trying to justify it in my head even though I know I'm supposed to just do the surgery. I'm so bummed.

    I, for one, don't think you're a horrible owner. Vet bills are expensive and although we love our pets like family, everyone has their limit financially. My dog got cancer in October. I couldn't justify paying for chemo (not that I would've had a chance anyway, she deteriorated so quickly). Some people have/find the money to make it work but others can't. From your picture I assume you have a family, so of course you have to have money to provide for them.

    As for cheaper options, would a vet school in your area do the surgery for a lower price?
    One of my friend DID opt for chemo for their much-loved German Shepherd but it was brutal for all involved (and extremely expensive). She said they would never do it again. The dog unfortunately didn't make it.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    Confession: I have always wanted to buy ONE car brand new. I know it doesn't make economic sense, but I still wanted to. The confession is that we did that last September, a 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage. 100 miles on it. I'm ticked off because we bought the car as a commuter car for my new job - it gets almost 50 miles to the gallon. But it has zero cool factor. It is a stick shift and has no luxury features. That is NOT what I planned on wasting my one new car buy on.

    Confession: I judge people who don't know how to drive a stick shift. I feel internally smug and superior towards them.

    My husband has tried to teach me so many times, and I just cannot do it. I'm fine once I get going, even pretty decent with the clutch/gas/shifting dance, but it's the getting going out of a complete stop that I can't master. I just gave up. I will NEVER need to know how to drive a manual car and if I do, I can get by, but that would only be necessary if my husband has already become a zombie and I've had to put him down.

    We'll team up in the Zombie apocalypse. I'll drive if it's a stick.

    Sounds good! What will my job be?! I don't want to be zombie bait. I am a pretty good shot and I think I could wield a mean samurai sword.

    I'm going to ask for one for Christmas! :smiley:

    ETA: Ooh, or a crossbow!

    I have a compound bow already!! Can I team up? :#
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    Confession: I have always wanted to buy ONE car brand new. I know it doesn't make economic sense, but I still wanted to. The confession is that we did that last September, a 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage. 100 miles on it. I'm ticked off because we bought the car as a commuter car for my new job - it gets almost 50 miles to the gallon. But it has zero cool factor. It is a stick shift and has no luxury features. That is NOT what I planned on wasting my one new car buy on.

    Confession: I judge people who don't know how to drive a stick shift. I feel internally smug and superior towards them.

    My husband has tried to teach me so many times, and I just cannot do it. I'm fine once I get going, even pretty decent with the clutch/gas/shifting dance, but it's the getting going out of a complete stop that I can't master. I just gave up. I will NEVER need to know how to drive a manual car and if I do, I can get by, but that would only be necessary if my husband has already become a zombie and I've had to put him down.

    We'll team up in the Zombie apocalypse. I'll drive if it's a stick.

    Sounds good! What will my job be?! I don't want to be zombie bait. I am a pretty good shot and I think I could wield a mean samurai sword.

    I'm going to ask for one for Christmas! :smiley:

    ETA: Ooh, or a crossbow!

    I have a compound bow already!! Can I team up? :#

    I don't have any weapons, but I can bring some Dr Pepper :smiley:

    YES to both of you! Who's in for bringing the Quest Bars and kettle cooked chips?!

    I got that!!

    SWEET!!! I live in KS and @quiksylver296 lives in Idaho, where should we meet up? Nebraska, South Dakota?

    I will drive straight up from Texas! pick you up in KS!

    I have guns, ammo, and usually at least 4 boxes of Quest bars. :p

    I will have my bow, guns and ammo and lots of Kettle chips!

    I would offer to join, but I will be dead. I am Canadian and have never fired a gun in my life!
    Here's what we can do:

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Before inset down to catch up on today's posts, I will post my confession for today. I ran out of White Chocolate Wonderful today, my re-order has not arrived and is not expected to until Thursday (included in my order is the Dark Chocolate Dreams) My uncle suggested to me on the weekend I should just make my own dark chocolate peanut butter by roasting peanuts in the oven and while still warm, throw them in the food processor along with some high quality dark chocolate. Well, I didn't have any peanuts on hand so I took my husband's Kraft Whipped PB and melted in the microwave along with chunks of 70% dark chocolate I stole out of the trail mix bag.... all I can say is.... heaven! I haven't been this excited for breakfast tomorrow in a long time:)
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    We don't have cable just Netflix/Amazon prime/Roku channels. I binge watch everything, then get annoyed when there is nothing left to watch.


    I do not think it is humanly possible for that to DVR is always so full, plus I always have series on the go online and a never ending list of movies, most of which I will most likely never get to watch because it keeps growing! How does one run out of stuff to watch?!?!?!?!

    I don't get out much. Work/gym and that is about it. Also, it is me being the introvert. It is kind of like reading a book series, once you are done, it takes time before you find another one that is worth your time. right now I am letting The Following and Vikings just run its course so I can binge watch them...I find it easier to follow the storyline that way. most other shows that I watch I am all caught up on... there are still lots I haven't seen but am not sure if they are worth the time.

    Barbs2222 wrote: »
    We don't have cable just Netflix/Amazon prime/Roku channels. I binge watch everything, then get annoyed when there is nothing left to watch.


    I do not think it is humanly possible for that to DVR is always so full, plus I always have series on the go online and a never ending list of movies, most of which I will most likely never get to watch because it keeps growing! How does one run out of stuff to watch?!?!?!?!

    If you have a DVR you have cable right? I only have Roku too, just this week the new season of Son's of Anarchy came out and I'm up to episode 6.

    Finished season 7 (which, sadly is the end).... just wait for the end of season 6.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Confession: I couldn't deal with pants tonight so I'm wearing a muumuu. Best purchase of the week.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    And I sometimes listen to NPR during my commute. I guess I'm old.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I am not in the best of moods today, and I'm afraid anything I post here will be really negative. Sooooo I'm just going to lurk in the background :)

    Me took. I snapped at my hubby on the drive to work this morning. At 11 I realized I have way too much work to do to go to the gym for my lunch and worked straight through. Left work feeling like I just want to quit my job because I just feel overloaded with no hope in catching up. Then I realized I am just about a week away from TOM and now completely understand why I feel the way I do.

    I also have been off track for weeks. I think I am just gonna stay where I am und try again after surgery in three weeks. At least I will have some time off work!
  • margfish
    margfish Posts: 41 Member
    Y'all! We don't ever keep pop tarts in the house, but my SIL sent us a care package today with red velvet pop tarts! After all the pop tart talk on this thread, I couldn't help myself and I ate a pack for dessert after I was already in the red, so now I'm a total of 600 over my goal. Sigh.

    At least it's better than the thousands I was over yesterday! Stepping down from binge-city one day at a time...
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Rashmi411 wrote: »
    I am now 170lbs I spent 2 years going from 191 to 123. I had the help of a fabulous online trainer. I ate 2 cinnabons yesterday with at least 64 grams of carbs each. My exercise has been off. I;ve been feeling sad that my ex died. My current boyfriend calls me names. We broke up when I was 135lbs. I started going out with him again at 151. He calls me fatty or fat *kitten*, thunder thighs. I know I am responsible for my weight. My exercising was so strong when I lost weight the first time. Many days I get hungry and eat over the limit. My preparation isn't the best. Plus I am drinking 2-3 glasses of water. I know I can turn this around. My fitnesspal helped me once but its so easy to gain weight back. The biggest thing I've said is I'll start tomorrow. That's BS. I will not say that again to let me be unhealthy today. I got this...

    And he is responsible for his behavior.....why do you put up with this??

    I have literally almost doubled in weight since I have been with my SO, who, has never said anything, ever about it....if I was ever called a name like that,ever once, that would be the last time.......
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Does anyone binge on "walking dead" ? I think me and my daughter have a million times lol mostly my daughter , she controls the remote.

    Totally! It's one of my favorite shows. I watch every episode as it airs, and then when they go on hiatus, I binge-watch all the seasons at some point so I can get my fix :)

    I'm doing that right now. When the most recent season ended, my husband and I started watching from the beginning. We're currently on season 4. Love that show so much. I now want a samurai sword so I can be a badass zombie slayer like Michonne. B)

    I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away and left behind as walker bait.

    That made me laugh. Otis was only walker bait because Shane was a piece of human garbage and sacrificed him to save his own sorry butt. I'm glad Rick took him out. Too bad he was a zombie when it happened.

    Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.

    Yeah, Rick has kind of lost it. So has Shasha. She's bonkers now. This is really mean and I feel terrible for saying it, but I wish Carl would just die already. I'm surprised he's still around.

    I'm glad Glen made it. :smile:

    Glen is the only character left that I really like :/
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    And I sometimes listen to NPR during my commute. I guess I'm old.

    I listen to NPR, and I'm 27 :)
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    edited April 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    sydkins432 wrote: »
    I haven't gone over my calorie intake in over 50 days. My fitbit says i burn between 2300 and 3000 calories a day and I have only lost 5 pounds. I think they're is something wrong with me, but I am afraid to go to the doctor.

    How much weight do you have to lose? Are you tracking your food on a digital food scale to make sure you're eating the correct portion?

    Are you sure your fitbit is correct? I ran a marathon yesterday and only burned 2673 calories (46K steps). Unless you are running marathons every day or doing some other extended extreme exercise, your fitbit might be giving you inaccurate information...

    @pofoster21 are you sure your FitBit is correct? I know different people burn differently, but I average 12K steps a day and maintain at 2100 a day (33, 5'5'', 130-135) and I'm really not doing much more than walking now. I would think a marathon would get you a lot more than 2700...

    ETA: grammar is hard
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    edited April 2015
    Seriously looking forward to our zombie apocalypse.
    We don't have cable just Netflix/Amazon prime/Roku channels. I binge watch everything, then get annoyed when there is nothing left to watch.


    I do not think it is humanly possible for that to DVR is always so full, plus I always have series on the go online and a never ending list of movies, most of which I will most likely never get to watch because it keeps growing! How does one run out of stuff to watch?!?!?!?!

    I don't get out much. Work/gym and that is about it. Also, it is me being the introvert. It is kind of like reading a book series, once you are done, it takes time before you find another one that is worth your time. right now I am letting The Following and Vikings just run its course so I can binge watch them...I find it easier to follow the storyline that way. most other shows that I watch I am all caught up on... there are still lots I haven't seen but am not sure if they are worth the time.

    Barbs2222 wrote: »
    We don't have cable just Netflix/Amazon prime/Roku channels. I binge watch everything, then get annoyed when there is nothing left to watch.


    I do not think it is humanly possible for that to DVR is always so full, plus I always have series on the go online and a never ending list of movies, most of which I will most likely never get to watch because it keeps growing! How does one run out of stuff to watch?!?!?!?!

    If you have a DVR you have cable right? I only have Roku too, just this week the new season of Son's of Anarchy came out and I'm up to episode 6.

    Finished season 7 (which, sadly is the end).... just wait for the end of season 6.

    I binge watched the crap out of that show. Jax Teller was my imaginary boyfriend and my husband knows it.

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    ...As for my confession: I ate five thousand calories yesterday. Yup, FIVE THOUSAND--and that's just an estimate.

    After a re-tally (Adding in stuff I had forgotten about), it turns out that I'm actually at roughly 6000 calories for the day. Go me. :(

    I'm sure I'm with you on the calorie count.

    Between yesterday & eating the 18 Mint Fudge Oreos (like the Girl Scouts Thin Mint), the whole pint of Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Half Baked, some of the Ben & Jerry's Spectacular Cookie Core, & three Friendly's cups of Cotton Candy with Pop Rocks I had another bad eating day today.

    Today I had a lot of Edy's Cinnamon Bun Fun & most of a pint of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia.

    At first I was going to restrict my calories to punish myself for being a pig, but my sister knocked some sense into me not to do it. For the time being I just need to avoid buying ice cream, gelato, cookies, etc. until I can be satisfied with just one portion.

    Problem with me is that I'm a good baker and VERY creative when I want to be! I don't have to buy any of the actual desserts--I can have a bare minimum of ingredients and make something crazy out of them.

    My husband usually talks me off of that ledge. :) I'll be doing damage control for the next week or so, with my regular deficit. :(
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    sydkins432 wrote: »
    I haven't gone over my calorie intake in over 50 days. My fitbit says i burn between 2300 and 3000 calories a day and I have only lost 5 pounds. I think they're is something wrong with me, but I am afraid to go to the doctor.

    How much weight do you have to lose? Are you tracking your food on a digital food scale to make sure you're eating the correct portion?

    Are you sure your fitbit is correct? I ran a marathon yesterday and only burned 2673 calories (46K steps). Unless you are running marathons every day or doing some other extended extreme exercise, your fitbit might be giving you inaccurate information...

    @pofoster21 are you sure your FitBit is correct? I know different people burn differently, but I average 12K steps a day and maintain at 2100 a day (33, 5'5'', 130-135) and I'm really not doing much more than walking now. I would think a marathon would get you a lot more than 2700...

    ETA: grammar is hard

    I don't use a Fitbit. I use a gps tracking device. And on average a 10 min mile burns 100 calories. In addition MFP returned a similar number on mile per hour times time ran. So, yes I am fairly sure it's close to accurate.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Does anyone binge on "walking dead" ? I think me and my daughter have a million times lol mostly my daughter , she controls the remote.

    Totally! It's one of my favorite shows. I watch every episode as it airs, and then when they go on hiatus, I binge-watch all the seasons at some point so I can get my fix :)

    I'm doing that right now. When the most recent season ended, my husband and I started watching from the beginning. We're currently on season 4. Love that show so much. I now want a samurai sword so I can be a badass zombie slayer like Michonne. B)

    I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away and left behind as walker bait.

    That made me laugh. Otis was only walker bait because Shane was a piece of human garbage and sacrificed him to save his own sorry butt. I'm glad Rick took him out. Too bad he was a zombie when it happened.

    Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.

    Yeah, Rick has kind of lost it. So has Shasha. She's bonkers now. This is really mean and I feel terrible for saying it, but I wish Carl would just die already. I'm surprised he's still around.

    I'm glad Glen made it. :smile:

    Glen is the only character left that I really like :/

    I LOVE GLEN!!! But how do you not like Daryl or Carol?! They'd definitely be in my zombie apocalypse traveling gang.

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    StapfJ wrote: »
    My 10 yo dog started limping a few days ago. I took her to the vet. I spent $550 and he told me she needs ACL surgery. That's another $2,500. He said there is a greater than 70% chance she will have to have the other leg done too..... that's at least $2,500 more.

    I'm having a really hard time with it. I love her but that is a TON of money. I feel like a horrible owner, but I keep thinking about how I can find a way to not do it.

    She's not in "that" much pain, but she is not that great either - just kind of quiet.

    I'm trying to justify it in my head even though I know I'm supposed to just do the surgery. I'm so bummed.

    I, for one, don't think you're a horrible owner. Vet bills are expensive and although we love our pets like family, everyone has their limit financially. My dog got cancer in October. I couldn't justify paying for chemo (not that I would've had a chance anyway, she deteriorated so quickly). Some people have/find the money to make it work but others can't. From your picture I assume you have a family, so of course you have to have money to provide for them.

    As for cheaper options, would a vet school in your area do the surgery for a lower price?
    One of my friend DID opt for chemo for their much-loved German Shepherd but it was brutal for all involved (and extremely expensive). She said they would never do it again. The dog unfortunately didn't make it.

    I think it would depend on the type of cancer and what the odds were for that particular dog. Emery had lymphoma, and it was already in her liver. If I chose to do chemo, her living an extra 10 months after would've been considered a success. It wasn't worth putting her through that and spending upwards of $10,000 for less than a year.

    Sorry about your friend's dog. Cancer sucks.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Does anyone binge on "walking dead" ? I think me and my daughter have a million times lol mostly my daughter , she controls the remote.

    Totally! It's one of my favorite shows. I watch every episode as it airs, and then when they go on hiatus, I binge-watch all the seasons at some point so I can get my fix :)

    I'm doing that right now. When the most recent season ended, my husband and I started watching from the beginning. We're currently on season 4. Love that show so much. I now want a samurai sword so I can be a badass zombie slayer like Michonne. B)

    I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away and left behind as walker bait.

    That made me laugh. Otis was only walker bait because Shane was a piece of human garbage and sacrificed him to save his own sorry butt. I'm glad Rick took him out. Too bad he was a zombie when it happened.

    Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.

    Yeah, Rick has kind of lost it. So has Shasha. She's bonkers now. This is really mean and I feel terrible for saying it, but I wish Carl would just die already. I'm surprised he's still around.

    I'm glad Glen made it. :smile:

    Glen is the only character left that I really like :/

    I LOVE GLEN!!! But how do you not like Daryl or Carol?! They'd definitely be in my zombie apocalypse traveling gang.

    Daryl is the best. And Carol turned into such a bada$$
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Does anyone binge on "walking dead" ? I think me and my daughter have a million times lol mostly my daughter , she controls the remote.

    Totally! It's one of my favorite shows. I watch every episode as it airs, and then when they go on hiatus, I binge-watch all the seasons at some point so I can get my fix :)

    I'm doing that right now. When the most recent season ended, my husband and I started watching from the beginning. We're currently on season 4. Love that show so much. I now want a samurai sword so I can be a badass zombie slayer like Michonne. B)

    I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away and left behind as walker bait.

    That made me laugh. Otis was only walker bait because Shane was a piece of human garbage and sacrificed him to save his own sorry butt. I'm glad Rick took him out. Too bad he was a zombie when it happened.

    Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.

    Yeah, Rick has kind of lost it. So has Shasha. She's bonkers now. This is really mean and I feel terrible for saying it, but I wish Carl would just die already. I'm surprised he's still around.

    I'm glad Glen made it. :smile:

    Glen is the only character left that I really like :/

    I LOVE GLEN!!! But how do you not like Daryl or Carol?! They'd definitely be in my zombie apocalypse traveling gang.

    I cannot STAND Daryl.....Carol I feel indifferent about