

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Happy day today! That extra pound disappeared and took another 0.4 with it.

    That's the BEST! Congratulations!

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    OMG! So, if you Google "shark eating chocolate powder while wearing a trash bag" several of the profile pics from this thread show up! @riderfangal, @Tubbs216, @m1xm0d3, @kelly_c_77

    Bahaha! Just had to look for myself!

    And now, I need to make these:

    I need these in my size.
    I think this is a blue/gold/brown/white dress thing. How can you not see that this is a cute, chubby baby leg?!

    I did! That is why I need said booties/slippers in my size!

    I didn't understand the people seeing fingerpuppets, honestly. ;)

    Don't judge me, @CountessKitteh . I see the baby leg NOW.

  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I'll watch Spongebob if it's an episode from the first three seasons.

    Sorry to hear about your daughter @crosbylee At least you had some good food.

    Glad you had fun @annette_15

  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    My BMI is now at like the 50th percentile. My sister's is below the first but NO PROBLEMS THERE. sigh. I shouldn't *kitten* care and I rant about it too often. She'll be home soon and it will be nice to see her, but then it will be really really stressful.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    EDC was amazing!!

    Here's some pictures


    That stage is amazing.

  • trvlpk
    trvlpk Posts: 6 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    trvlpk wrote: »
    I don't know how to eat "healthy" and do not know what good nutrition means. :/ Also, I am a compulsive overeater/food addict that is finding it very hard to find recovery.

    I missed this post first time around. Thanks to mrbungle for quoting.

    You are not alone. Many people here are battling the same as you. I have a medical diagnosis of binge eating and compulsive eating and have had counselling and all sorts. Some days the binge monster wins, some days I win.

    Set yourself smaller goals, and focus on the positive. Perhaps every meal, where you keep to your portion, pat yourself on the back and say well done. Say nice things to yourself. Tell yourself how well you did.

    If the binge monster gets you, when you're finished say, ok you won the battle but I'm winning the war, we're done for now. Then, if you're able, go do something nice for yourself, like a short walk, or a nice bath.

    Don't focus on the food, focus on being nice to yourself, even when you've slipped, practice thinking good things about yourself, even if its just to say, that was a binge, but I'm finished now,I don't need more, well done for recognising the end. The start is to take away the guilt/shamre/self loathing. Sounds easy right? Its not, it takes a lot of work.

    If you're able, put nice messages on your cupboard/fridge doors, like I have beautiful eyes, I am a great person, my dimples are cute, do that so you can remind yourself every time you open the door that you are more than a bingre eater.

    Once you get in the habit of being nice to yourself, you (we, because all of us here will support you) can help you tackle the food side. The key is taking very small baby steps. Maybe an hour, or meal at a time. Don't think of the big picture, just focus on your feet*

    * I'm climbing a mountain in 2 weeks. All through our training we have said, never look at the summit, or you'll get disheartened on how far there is to go. Instead, look at your feet and where you're going to place them next. Celebrate each step you take, because it moves you forward.

    A book I find useful is 'brain over binge' by Kathryn Hansen. Not the same circumstances, but talks about binging as a monster, and a 2 year old child and once you engage with it, start negotiating, you've lost. (I hope I'm allowed to recommend a book without getting a warning).

    Use this thread. If you are feeling bingey, come and post here. We're all over the world, so there's usually someone awake. And feel free to message me if you want to talk :)

    You're not on your own :)

    Very well said. I have a quote on my wall at work that says it's never too late to become the person you might have been. I love that quote. There are endless possibilities in life and you choose where to take it.

    I echo orangesmartie and mrbunglex welcome and stick around. You will be glad you did!

    Thanks everyone. I appreciate the support. This binge eating cycle is such a hard one to break.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Father's Day was a bust for us. Ended up in the ER with my daughter. Sick with fever for over a week and a rash came on and looks awful. No definite diagnosis, but possibly a reaction to an antibiotic. Had Chipotle for lunch and just had some homemade banana pudding for dinner. We were supposed to take it to my FIL's house for a gathering today, but it never made it. That was the best one I made yet.

    Sorry to hear this! I hope she feels better soon. And I love Chipotle. You deserve it after that stress.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there...


  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    The problem with going to bed at 10 pm is I am wide awake at 2 am! Good morning Susie and my British MFPers...

    I went to bed at a normal hour for me....knowing I did not have to wake up until 9am, since I am going into work at SO woke me up at a bit after 6 thinking I had to go in at I am wide awake and gonna end up dying later.....ugh

    That sucks! I hate when I plan a sleep in and I can't make it happen. Hopefully you make it through today!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    So, for dinner last night I had Cheese Nips and a handful of chocolate eggs leftover from Easter. And beer. Yay!
    You had chocolate leftover from Easter? How?!

    Seriously, tell me how.

    I was as shocked as you guys. For Easter, my BIL gave my son a cardboard egg "thing" with candy in it and it's been sitting on his dresser since then. I assumed it was empty, because candy + my kid, or filled with Legos or something. But lo, it was not! I need to clean up in there more often.
    Aha! So, it was not known that there was leftover candy...makes a little more sense now. And yes, go clean out his closet and see what you find!

    I still have Easter candy left. As a matter of fact, I haven't touched my dark chocolate bunny yet. I know it's there, I just don't use calories on candy very often. I'd rather use them on fries or bacon cheeseburgers.
    Growing up, I always preferred salty to sweet. A few years ago, when I started really working out, it was like a switch was flipped. No more chips, peanuts, fries...I want alllll the candy, cookies, cakes, and ice cream. I will eat salty things and enjoy them...but never really crave them or want to use calories on them. That is, until now after being sick on Monday/ sweet stuff makes me want to throw up all over I've been having salty stuff as my snacks the past few days.

    I love salty. I rarely have cravings for sweet stuff, it's almost always salty that I'm hungry for. I very rarely will turn down chips or really crispy fries. They are my weakness. Especially with an ice cold Dr. Pepper. My favorite go to snack.

    I love salty too. Can't keep chips in the house. Or dry roasted peanuts.

    Last night I was craving cookies which I honestly never do. But I've figured out by the pain by my hip that it's ovulation day. That probably explains the extra weight.

    Weird though, I very seldom get hormonal cravings. I blame this thread!! ;)

    I have also been craving cookies, check out my diary, and it is because of hormones too.

    Confession: I started my period today and I could NOT be happier because that means unless I have some freakishly long cycle, I will be period free for my vacation. I may have thanked God out loud while going to the bathroom. TMI I know, but I just had to share. Also, that could explain some of the weight gain I've experienced recently even though I'm still in a deficit.

    I thought the same thing regarding that time of the month when you posted that! Yay!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Looks like now I need to figure out how to burn off 700 calories to put myself back into the green again.......damn Talenti....

    That's why I won't even buy that stuff. I looked at the calories of that last time I was at Kroger and couldn't even put it in my cart! You all recommend too much good food! Sometimes I don't like this thread at all...OK, just kidding!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Oh man, you guys should read the Fail Friday thread on the xxFitness reddit board. I literally had tears from laughing so hard at a couple. (here's the link, although I'm not sure that's allowed or not - if it's not someone tell me and I'll edit it out

    Thank you! I'll meander on over to that thread. I bounce between MFP and the community. There are some wonderful, wise, and supportive folk over there, just as there are here.

    Your profile pic is cracking me up! Love it!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    annette_15 wrote: »
    God I might finally give in after having read every single post in this thread so far. I'm 40 pages behind and really struggling to keep up. *sadface*
    Keep going! You can do it!

    Omg I did it... one more page to go LOL

    Where have you been? Glad you're back!
  • joshancaitlynpardo
    joshancaitlynpardo Posts: 1 Member
    I suck it in every time my husband looks at me or at the gym, I feel fat after I had my baby 2 months ago and My husband always says wow baby your losing weight :(
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Looks like now I need to figure out how to burn off 700 calories to put myself back into the green again.......damn Talenti....

    That's why I won't even buy that stuff. I looked at the calories of that last time I was at Kroger and couldn't even put it in my cart! You all recommend too much good food! Sometimes I don't like this thread at all...OK, just kidding!

    I do the same thing with a lot of foods that are talked about in this thread. Ooh, that looks good. Pick it up and nope it right back onto the shelf. I'm too short for some of it. :)
  • irenehb
    irenehb Posts: 236 Member
    Do many people get mfp mail/messages after posting in the forum?
    Just got a message that said you can do it, look at yourself in the mirror and get rid of your insecurities. Umm weird!
    Apparently I am insecure because I said I like to snack on frozen food even in Winter lol
    Nope, I just enjoy it and have maintained my weight loss for over a year now. I think I am just fine :)
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »

    YES! YES! YES!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited June 2015
    Morning all. Meds taken, and Charlie and I are snuggled up on the sofa watching frozen (its one of his favourites).

    I finally got on the scales again today. I've gained 5lbs in my little pity-party binge cycle. I'm sure some of it is water, so my goal is get that 5lb off before I hit the mountain in 2 weeks.

    Yes 2 weeks to go until I attempt to climb a mountain, in the dark. And did I mention that there is 2.5 feet of snow on the mountain? I've raised £685 so far for the Alzheimer's society, which I am also proud of. Gonna try and make it £700 before we go.

    Feeling brighter today, hopefully can keep food intake to sensible proportions today.

    Will you please post the link again? I'd love to contribute!

    Are your partners with you this weekend? How is your Mom recovering?

    ETA: Glad you took your meds again! Very important for Charlie and the new niece!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Greetings from work on this lovely Saturday morning, peeps! (I'm on call from 8am today until 8am tomorrow, and we're supposed to be in the office from 8-noon).

    Interview with lab administration went alright. I knew going in that I was not the absolute ideal candidate for the job, so nothing surprising came up. The interview with HR was spectacular, but I don't think that's going to help too much. Ha! ;)

    They have another candidate interview yesterday and one on Tuesday. After that, it should at the very least be narrowed down to two for background/resource checks. So, if I don't hear anything by next Friday, I can safely assume that I didn't make the cut. And while it was only 30 minutes, I didn't get a great vibe from the woman who would essentially be my boss, so I don't think I'll be too disappointed to not be chosen. We shall see!

    Confession: I logged two slices of pizza for dinner last night, intending to have the other two for lunch today. I then ate a third because I have no self control around pizza. Now I only get one today, but those second slice calories are still going into today's budget. :(

    Any interview is great practice. This way you'll be prepared for the interview for the job you really want!

    Did you talk to your old supervisor about using her as a reference? Sorry if I missed it, but what did she say?