

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Except for crayon and coupon (q-pon), I pronounce each of those words interchangeably. I guess it depends on my mood or something.

    I also randomly bust out with a fake British accent. :)

    Doesn't every non-British person? I assume British people will bust out fake American or Canadian accents too.

    They probably do. I wonder if they all impersonate southern people more than other regions?

    I would think so!

    I think more than anything it would be either New York (Friends influence) or LA kind of area. I'm not going to lie, I have trouble understanding the southern accent. There was some sort of vampirey programme on based in the south and I gave up because I couldn't understand what they were saying.

    True Blood! The books it was based on are great vacation reads, super trashy and great. I gave up on the series a couple seasons before it ended because it went off the rails, but one of the actors is my #1 celebrity crush so I put up with it longer than I should have, probably.

    How is the low-carb thing going for you, by the way?

    @orangesmartie, thinking good thoughts for you both in relationship land and with your sister. Enjoy that vacation too, goodness knows you could use it right now!

    @misskarne, I did 30-Day Shred a couple times and I had to just mute Jillian, lol.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Hi, all,

    Just giving a quick update, as I may be in and out over the next few days. I am at my Mom's for vacation with my sister and her 2 kids who are 14 (girl) and 10 (boy). We are going to NY today and visiting the new world trade center and then maybe the village and maybe the Empire State Bldg. Then Times Square tonight and dinner. Then I booked a hotel off of central park and in the AM we'll go for a long walk in central park (I am going to run there in the AM before they get up), lunch in central park and then I got us all tickets to the Lion King. I have never seen it and am SO excited.

    I live 45 minutes from NY, used to work there daily, still go in a lot, and still get like a kid when I can go in and play tourist. I LOVE NYC!

    Will take plenty of pics to share with you all when I can get them uploaded.

    Take care... sorry have to say this... no politics and remember no swearing! (Excusing yourself or apologizing to the people who don't like it before you swear still counts as swearing...). I think we have all gotten back to a good place the last few days, let's stay there so we don't lose any of our dear friends. Thanks!

    So jealous. I have always wanted to visit NYC. Enjoy your time there!!! Looking forward to some pics when you return!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Crazy busy at work! Miss you guys!

    I was wondering where you were. :)
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, sorry I was away on a long weekend and haven't had time to keep up. I haven't been doing very well on this website recently. :confounded:
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm one of those weirdo's...I prefer cold weather to warm. It's easier to get warm when you're cold and also winter clothes are my FAVE!! I love sweaters, leggings, skinny jeans, sweater dresses, boots, and my all time favorite- COATS!! <3

    I'm a weirdo too then. There is a limit to how many clothes you can take off and be decent in public when it's too hot.

    You can add as many layers as you need when it's cold. And I love sweaters!!

    I love being hot and once I am cold I find it hard to get warm no matter how many layers... I have to lay shivering under an electric blanket or take a long hot bath.

    This is the only way I can warm up if I have been cold for a long time. My thighs just stay cold which just makes the rest of me feel cold.

    Another hot bath lover here :)
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I spent $250 yesterday on new workout clothes and a new pair of shoes for lifting....totally didn't have the money to spend...but somehow, I don't regret it...

    Can one ever regret cute new clothes?
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    -I like my kids. I'm going to keep both of them. My husband, too. I like him. I think I'll keep him.
    -I have never had a Quest bar or a protein drink. I'll just have a Hershey bar and a glass of chocolate milk.
    -My dog's name is Woola. He is as dumb as mud and sheds like crazy but I'm keeping him too. He is an awesome foot warmer.
    -I weigh myself everyday but only log it when the number goes down.
    -I own my own business but still think my boss is a b*tch some days.
    -I'd fire my only employee but it would make dinner uncomfortable and upset our children.
    -I do Zombie Run, late at night, and sometimes have to look over my shoulder to make sure I'm not being chased.
    -The first time I found bats in an attic I was inspecting I screamed like a 3 year old girl, the second time I threw up my hands and yelled "I'M BATMAN!"
    -I can type with 7 fingers.
    -I got my first injury at work today. A leaded window slammed closed on my hand. It broke 2 fingers. It hurt plenty until the meds kicked in.

    So, how is everyone?

    Both of the bolded made me laugh. So sorry to hear about your hand. Your boss should give you workman's comp or at least some time off to heal.

  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    So a few months ago, I posted that I couldn't even finish level 1 of Jillian Michaels' Beginner Shred. I was so embarrassed and ashamed, I put the DVD away for all that time. Every week I swore I would try again, but then that little voice in my head said: "what if you can't finish it again?".

    My NSV for today is that I told the little voice in my head to get lost, and I put the DVD on, and I did the whole darn level 1 workout! *feels like a boss*

    My muscles feel a little wobbly, but I feel so good. I finished it! And if I did it once, I can do it again. And again!

    That's awesome!! You rock!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    HIYA ALL! This weekend was pretty busy, I worked Saturday and went to accupuncture. Yesterday was stupidly hot so we helped the mancreature's parents with some landscaping (I needed some sun anyway so I wore my bikini top and shorts). We also went to GNC (all the Quest Bars were on sale!!), I got to finally try the chocolate mint one and I love it! I also bought Quest protein powder (Peanut butter), which wasn't available before in Canada. I've got two months until my half marathon and the wedding that I'm a Bridesmaid in, time to tighten things up and get back into the swing of things! Lol

    I am thrilled that you posted this! I traveled all over the city last week looking for Quest bars in the flavors I wanted, and still did not get them all!

    I never thought of GNC til I saw this post. Not only is it literally up the street from me, the bars are cheaper AND they have a bunch of different flavors......

    I love that this thread pointed me in the direction of those bars, I love them! I have tried powders, but do not like milk and juice is so sugary, and have tried other bars, and while I liked them, the carb counts were so high that I only ate them once in a while.

    The net carb count for these is so low not only can I eat them often, but I can actually have fruit at breakfast which is exciting for me, as I normally cannot seem to make it work with my blood sugar normally. Except for berries cuz they are so low in sugar. My plan is to have a Quest bar four times a week for breakfast, with just greek yogurt and fruit (FRUIT!!) LOL. I have tried three flavors so far and have loved them all, I can't wait to go tomorrow and see what other kinds they have.

    Has anyone tried the Quest protein chips?

    We go usually twice a month and do a big "haul" so I plan on getting a bag or two of the chips, if you get tehre before let me know how they taste.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning all. Just checking in. Not be around much, as trying to deal with life changes and what-not. I'm currently living in a hotel during the week and have hired a new trainer to take me through some strength/lifting routines. Food has been somewhat erratic, with a couple of terrible binge days. Basically negating all the training.

    Partners (ex-partners?) and I are talking, trying to sort the mess to see if/how we can go forward together. Mr Smartie has seen his GP for medication and had an initial assessment with a therapist. We are waiting for a referral to a specialist military therapist. I feel that I am not quite done with them yet, so have committed to try and see if we can move on together.

    In other news: we're still waiting on social services to make decisions about my sister's baby, so I feel i can't make any plans past the end of September.

    I am planning a holiday with my parents and Charlie at the end of September, and i would dearly love to be down about 20lbs by then.

    Mum saw her consultant yesterday. He is pleased with the way the operation went, but now she begins treatment 3 times a week for 6 weeks.

    So all in all, its been a little bit of a stressful month.

    thank you to everyone who messaged me and left notes on my wall. I'm sorry I wasn't that able to engage, it was just taking a lot of energy to remain upright some days.

    Glad to know you are holding up well. That is a lot to deal with and we will all do what we can to support you during these hard times. It was great to see you check in. We have missed you.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    So a few months ago, I posted that I couldn't even finish level 1 of Jillian Michaels' Beginner Shred. I was so embarrassed and ashamed, I put the DVD away for all that time. Every week I swore I would try again, but then that little voice in my head said: "what if you can't finish it again?".

    My NSV for today is that I told the little voice in my head to get lost, and I put the DVD on, and I did the whole darn level 1 workout! *feels like a boss*

    My muscles feel a little wobbly, but I feel so good. I finished it! And if I did it once, I can do it again. And again!

    That's awesome!! You rock!

    Plus 1
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    So a few months ago, I posted that I couldn't even finish level 1 of Jillian Michaels' Beginner Shred. I was so embarrassed and ashamed, I put the DVD away for all that time. Every week I swore I would try again, but then that little voice in my head said: "what if you can't finish it again?".

    My NSV for today is that I told the little voice in my head to get lost, and I put the DVD on, and I did the whole darn level 1 workout! *feels like a boss*

    My muscles feel a little wobbly, but I feel so good. I finished it! And if I did it once, I can do it again. And again!

    I remember that and...this is a great reminder to all of us that just because today we 'can't' tomorrow we can if we keep plugging away at it. This isn't a sprint, its a marathon (weight loss, fitness, better/healther eating). And we are all in it to win it!

    Yes! :) And mental as much as anything. I don't think I am really any fitter than that day, and I am not substantially lighter (only a few kilos), but this time, I was determined, super-determined, to do it. I'm glad I live alone - no-one should have to see my crazy eyes as I pushed through it!

    And I know some people say Jillian drives them nuts on her DVDs, but I actually really liked it, when she would constantly tell me, "Remember why you're here today."

    I just need to remember to wear my strongest sports bra while doing that video. Otherwise jumping jacks will give me black eyes!! :#
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Speaking of dancing- did I tell you guys I was in the newspaper for sharing a dance with a resident at the local Veterans' Home on Independence Day? (I can't remember if I shared and don't want to look back through pages...) I was volunteering, helping serve lunch and just chatting with the residents. When he found out I was from Texas, he asked if I could 2 step and I said, "Of course!" The reporter took a pic of us dancing and it was published in the Sunday paper. My DH doesn't dance.

    ETA: That's my husband standing behind the fence in the background watching.

    Awww this is beautiful! I bet you made his day :smiley:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    @MoHousdon How many squats do you do? Do you do them every day? Every time I start a squat routine I always end up dropping out of it... but I do want a nice tush :confounded:

    To be honest, this is mostly from the squats and lunges incorporated into my HIIT workout. I think there are 2 stations with squats and lunges. I want to start doing squats at the Y, but like I said before, I'm scared of hurting myself. I may be a weirdo, but I really like squats, and I would say they are TOTALLY worth it. Don't give up. We all start somewhere.

    Nope, not a weirdo. I love squats. and I love weighted squats even more. The feeling of pushing yourself up through your heels just make me feel so strong. Almost like I'm super woman. I feel like I would be able to carry someone to safety.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    @nonoelmo So sorry to hear about your son. Hoping and praying for a good outcome. Also, you need to buy that Dr Pepper t-shirt :) that's funny stuff

    @orangesmartie That sounds a lot to deal with! Take care of yourself and enjoy that vacation! (((hugs)))

    @ohgeeque Ouch!! but the rest of your post made me laugh out loud.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Hi from page 1246! Im reading and trying to catch up, it may take a while.

    I miss you guys. I have been having a bit of a rough time. I'm seeing a trend of this as I read through. I hope everyone is doing alright, and I will check in as I can.

    What's wrong? I hope everything is ok......

    Everything is OK. My mom had back surgery, and then a few days later had a stroke. She is alright, but her brain still isn't working quite right. She had a heck of a time trying to explain things to the ER, and my brother (who was with her at the time) called my sister instead of me.No one called me at all until like 4 days later. I had no clue.

    My sister went to the hospital, and before she left, she dropped a bag of drugs somewhere in the exam room. When my mom tried to leave the hospital the next morning, cops were waiting outside to arrest her, because when the hospital staff cleaned her room, they found a bunch of heroin. She was super upset and scared about her brain issue, and then almost got arrested. She was banned from that hospital! I mean, really. Does no one have any common sense? I swear to goodness that I was switched at birth.

    What?! Just... what? That's crazy! I hope everything got cleared up. Your mum doesn't need that kinda cr@p just as she is leaving hospital.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    rosehips60 wrote: »
    Since around the first of May I hadn't really logged food, I just logged in to keep my log-in streak, I lost nothing and actually put on a couple so I'm back to actually logging

    Welcome back to getting down to business!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Confession: I drink a fair amount of Crystal Light and I never, ever log it. I treat it like a diet soda, even though it does have some calories.

    Meh - I wouldn't log it either.

    Oh - that's another good word for the pronunciation question: EYE-ther or EE-ther?
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Okay, as another word comparison, how do you say batteries?

    Bat-trees or (the correct way lol) batter-ees ?

    DEFINITELY batter-ees!!! Bat-trees is just weird.

    It is! I have an uncle that says it that way and it really bothers me. Now I think he does it just to bug the rest of us.

    This reminds me that my husband will mispronounce things on purpose just to annoy me. He says stuff like 'antibeeotic' or 'vittamins'. I ignored it for years and when I snapped he was like "Finally!". He's a big jerk, btw.
    My boyfriend does the same thing. Then again, I like to frustrate him, too. The other day I was arguing quite seriously that the spinal chord is a big muscle and bones don't grow in our backs ("That's why some people are paralyzed when they damage their spines! If it were a bone the doctor would be able to set it back and it would fix itself... duh!"). My motive was to annoy him. Kind of makes me sound a little bit evil, doesn't it?

    That made me laugh out loud. Did he start to believe you at all?

    I had a boyfriend try to explain to me that his junk was a muscle and got bigger with exercise... Umm I really don't know if he actually believed that or not.

    Nearly spit my coffee all over my computer LMAO
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I had a custard donut for the first time in my life today. I've been missing out!

    Aren't they yummy!!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    @nonoelmo Hoping the best for your son. Glad the SO is handling it well so far...

    @orangesmartie Glad to see you here again. Take care of you. I hope everything works out for the best for you.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    I cried a lot this afternoon....a LOT

    I am not gonna lie, grief bacon for the win! Perhaps during the week when I can just ignore the phone it won't be so bad....

    Things have relaxed for now in intensity, but no resolution.......

    My fitbit is charging now and seemed to be counting once I charged it a bit, so fingers crossed that it is ok.....weird that it did not warn me with an email before dying, but just gonna hope its a fluke at this point....

    Did anyone see the second part of my left at the bar story? Someone (sorry, can't remember who), asked if I was there for a long time, so I told the rest of what happened, but it got trapped at the bottom of a page and it took me a bit to find it, so I am wondering if anyone actually saw it or not......

    P.S. - then I have a DEAD spider, which is not much better.....what do you suggest I do with that??

    I saw the second part and I would have super mad at my friend as well. Girls are supposed to look out for each other

    As for the spider I would vacuum that sucker up. Oh yes I would

    That's the agreement I have with ALL spiders that come into the house. They can live in the house, but they have to survive the vacuum cleaner. If they survive the vacuum cleaner, then they have to LIVE in the vacuum cleaner for the rest of their days or be revacuumed.

    For all you cat lovers on this thread, don't your cats hunt spiders? I am not a cat person, but every once in awhile a make an agreement with our barn cats that they can have a reprieve in our house if they promise to catch all of the spiders.

    My cat is the world's least dangerous hunter. She follows bugs around the house quite well, but she just places her paw on them to stop them from moving so she can sniff them. Then she lets them go. Then stops them again. Then let's them go...

    That's Ollie. He's more like a palmetto bug alert system.