Am I still not eating enough?
So I’ve been using this app for the last month. I’ve set my program to gain .5kg a week, and my calorie intake have been 3,000-3,500 and I have still yet to gain any weight. I spend all my time at work on my feet, plus I workout 3 days a week for 60mins. I’m just wondering if any people have had the same type of problems…
How do you know if your supps are good quality?
Let's discuss
Any women trying to gain weight
I weighed 93lbs on January 9 and I started this 12 week program called shortcut to size on bodyspace. As of now I weigh 97lbs. Just wondering if there are any woman out their besides myself trying to gain weight vs loosing weight
How much lean body mass a 180 cm guy should have to look muscular and ripped?
How much lean body mass a 180 cm guy should have to look muscular and ripped? Also what will be the ideal fat percentage ?
Fitbit Steps
How many Fitbit Steps do you need to obtain for it impacts your calorie intake? I get close to 6000 steps a day and it doesn't show that these steps impact my calorie intake.
Veteran Gains?
So I notice the topic of newb gains come up pretty often, with people who are new to working out making pretty significant gains early on. Does this apply to someone coming back after a significant (2 years) break? I've been lifting for the better part of a decade, although a few years in it became very inconsistent due to…
Trouble getting enough protein
Hey everyone, I'm new here. Anyways, I started a program a few weeks ago to gain muscle and kinda "recomp" (I think that's the right word) because I have a "skinny-fat" physique. I look skinny, but I have some far covering my abs. So the program is going pretty well, but the problem is, I am having a hard time getting…
Injured Knee Lower Body Resistance Training?
It's a 6 year old injury, and after extensive PT, it works fine. Usually. I did fine with my resistance training through 2014, but slacked off and gained a bunch of weight back over the years. Fast forward to 2018 and I am back on track, but this go-round, my knee is protesting my former routine of squats, plies and…
ADVICE please! active - 1300 cal diet - workout 5-6
Hello there! My name is Anna. I am 31 and an athlete. I have been watching calories (eating good foods within my budgeted intake) and working out every morning (plus or minus 1 day). I have been gaining weight but losing body fat. I use a hand held body fat % pedometer to check in here and there. It says I am 14% body fat.…
Sweet spot carb intake pre workout?
Been playing around with numbers of amount of carbs taken in before a heavy weight lifting training session. What would be a good sweet spot of carb amount to take in to Benefit the heavy lifts but not necessarily spilling over? I eat normally hour to hour and half before working out. Does it vary based on each individual?…
i need some advice
Hello, i have been on a keto diet since jan 2nd and have been keto adapted for a couple months at least. i have dropped from 232 to 193 in weight but my body fat% is still 17+ so i began to workout on a program i used to do when i lifted regularly. its been 2 weeks of 5 day a week training, i run for 10 minutes, do 20-25…
18 year old skinny male. Low calorie to high calorie diet.
I'm 18, 5'4 and only weight like 6st 8lbs. So I'm a pretty small underweight guy. This is my second day of my new diet change. I went from a minor 1500 calorie a day diet to a 3500 calorie diet. The new diet consists of peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches, plenty of eggs and a lot of milk and other stuff of course. My…
Macros and calories
I am a little confused with the whole macro and calorie intake. I weigh 120, 5'7 and workout 5x a week for min of 60 mins....mostly strength training. I tried following the suggestions on my fitness pal but they don't make sense in some ways. Tips? Suggestions?
28 pound weight gain
I quit smoking and began eating a snack to fight the urge. Originally I used eating just to replace picking up a cigarette but ended up gaining weight. My first week was very dramatic 7pounds. I love it because I have been thin all my life and was actually considered underweight beforehand.... I would like a good exercise…
Gaining Weight In High School?
So I've been trying to eat more but the thing is that I just don't have a big appetite. Also eating breakfast makes me nauseous. I don't really have the money to spend on the gym either. Any tips?
Gaining lean mass the fun whey;D
Hello all!! I'm in a mission to add on 10lbs of lean muscle mass while maintaining my less than 10% BF ALSO.... while I enjoy the food I love! Staying healthy and taking it on in a scientific way is my most successful approach
Comp prep, post training, reverse dieting talk
Let's talk
Gaining weight
Gainers add me! I want to learn and help who needs it
Advise needed
Hey guys, So i've always enjoyed working out a lot but don't log everything in or keep track of my workouts. I recently started going back to the gym and decided i want to take it all the way with carbs cals and protein intake cause i want to see results. I am 160 lbs and average body. I want to bulk up so i can have that…
Forgotten & Unorthodox exercises
Out of sheer boredom, I'm interested in starting a discussion on not-so-common exercises that yous guys/y'all perform on a consistent basis. Some of mine: barbell hack squat (gym lacks a machine, most machines feel like they were made for someone who is 5'4''), sissy squats, dumbbell lat pullover (making a comeback?),…
Switch to split training after training for over a year?
Hi all I’ve been researching a lot about training regimes and all lately and a lot of sources say it’s good to switch to split training once you’ve been lifting for about 2 years? What’s all of your opinions on this? Thanks all.
In October-January I went through a difficult phase where I lost about 9 pounds from an original weight of 115 to 106. I was not eating at all. In February I started working out, going about twice a week. I’ve gradually increased going to the gym to about 3-4 a week since the middle of March and I go for about an hour.…
Strange weight loss
Started March 17 on 226lbs and no muscle :( Starting weights and MFP April 17 and dropped to 185lbs in a few months. 2300 ish cals steadily dropped my weight to 180lbs Jan / Feb. Been on 1900 cals and training with weights 3 or 4 times a week for a 5 weeks now. Weight dropped from 178lbs and hovered for 2 weeks at 176lbs.…
PH3/Programming/BFR Chat
I'm allowed to post a discussion again so thought I'd see if anyone else is running PH3, or wants to talk about programming in general. I've worked through PHUL, PHAT and have had programs written specifically for my powerlifting meets but I don't have a coach anymore. PH3 has the volume I like and the emphasis on…
Lifting... Start heavy, End heavy, Stay heavy?
Question for the weightlifting community! After your warm up sets... Do you? Start with your heaviest set and drop the weight over the proceeding sets... Start light and gradually build up to your final and heaviest set... Start with your heaviest set and use that same weight for all proceeding sets while trying to…
Should I even be doing this?
TLDR: I used to be super in shape, lifting weights and running, but after having 3 kids and dieting a bunch trying crazy diets such as keto/IF I am left really overweight at 186lbs (used to be 130lbs before kids) and really drained by having kids and crash dieting. I don't feel like I can bear cutting drastically calories…
6 months of recomp
So I’ve intentionally not looked at the scales since October (6 months) due to to my very unhealthy relationship with it. I decided to hop my calories gradually until I hit around 2200 calories and then reassess from there. I’ve reduced cardio massively and have hittge weights hard, 3x full body workouts using dumbellea,…
Weight lifting
How soon a woman see results with cardio an weight lifting 3 times a week . Plus low carb 1534 calorie intake?
Gonna try to stick with it this time.
I’ve been into bodybuilding for about 8 months now and I love it. I’m a pretty inconsistent eater though and I wanna get back on this app to help me meet my daily nutrition goals. Looking forward to talking to some of you awesome people!
Does slow bulk = less fat gain?
Do you gain mostly muscle when eating a small surplus or is the ratio of fat:muscle still 1:1? Say you only gained 2 pounds in a month. Would that be 1 pound muscle and 1 pound fat? If so, what is the advantage over gaining 4 pounds a month, 2 pounds muscle 2 pounds fat? Are your extra calories rationed to your muscles…