

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Wow, today has been busy in here. I can't even begin to keep up :). But my name is Shirley. I hate it. Who the heck names their kid Shirley :).

    My oldest daughter is Rachel, and although I can't admit this to my DH, she was named after the Friend's character. Both daughters have somewhat unusual middle names, Raven and Rain. No Shirleys, because I just couldn't do that to them :).

    People call my daughter Raven all the time. I'm always saying "No, RaeLYNN, not Raven." She even corrects people, "No, it's Waewynn!" Sigh, I've doomed her to a name everyone will confuse with another lol.

    Better than Amaryllis which is what I wanted to call our eldest. The only excuse I have is that I was only 21 and odd names was the thing bank then (and I really love the flower and that it means water goddess). Fortunately wiser heads prevailed and she ended up being called Gemma.

    Both those names are beautiful!

    I agree although I must admit that my mother ended up naming her, when I was pregnant both my hubby and I called her the brat or the pest (or worse depending on how bad a night I'd had) and my mother would always reply that each child was a gem no matter how badly behaved. When the baby was born and we found out we had and girl we decided to go with Gemma since she was and gem. We also decided to call any other girls after gems so we have a Jade as well now.

    Aww, I love that story!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I just ate 2 bowls of frosted flakes for breakfast. In my defense, I did measure everything out!

    Ugh, today is going to be a long day....
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    @Alma102724, that is a heart-wrenching story! What a terrible day. The whole experience was probably abrupt and shocking. Don't feel guilty about how you feel! They are your feelings and they are valid. It's only been 2 months. Grieving is a process and it's different for everyone. Just take care of yourself and give yourself time to process things and heal.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MilicaX wrote: »
    I have a drug problem.

    That's a big confession. We've had others on here confess to having a problem with alcohol. I would definitely hope you are trying to get help with this, especially if it is having a negative impact on the rest of your life.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Almost 2 full hours to catch up and now I'm going into a meeting.

    T-16 days until vacation!!! I took my swimsuit out of the laundry room yesterday and I'm planning on doing a little photoshoot with them tonight. Not while wearing them, but lying on the bed. I will try to remember to post a pic on here tomorrow.

    I weighed myself this morning and I'm back up above my goal weight. I'm not sure how that's happened because I've maintained a deficit pretty regularly so I'm kind of pissed off about it. The only thing I can think of that would have caused the gain is the swelling on my leg caused by my taking a grounder to the shin while playing softball during youth group Sunday. Ask @quiksylver296 it's nasty. My whole lower leg including my ankle is really swollen and bruised. I'm hoping it will back to normal by the time we leave for Florida.

    Well, I gotta go to my meeting now. See you all in 10 pages or so.

    Yep! It's impressive. I agree with the swelling causing the weight gain :p . Your body is trying to repair itself.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    annette_15 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession: I don’t know what my goal weight should be. I’m 5’9 and currently weigh 221. (That’s a big step since I’ve never admitted that to anyone!) I had the goal set at 200, but didn’t feel like that was low enough. It’s now set at 190, but now I don’t feel like that is low enough either. I weighed 180 the year before my son was born and felt awesome. I weighed 160 when I graduated from high school (and thought I was fat). I know I’ll probably find a weight where I feel comfortable and don’t have to kill myself in the gym every day. I understand all the numbers. Just not sure if I can get back to the 160s mainly because I don’t know if I have the dedication. Looking for some advice from some of you. That seems like a lot of numbers and rambling.

    I'm 5'9" and currently 134. I was originally looking to get down to 135, but I'm now looking to pack on some weight again in the form of muscle. Not sure if I want to do that in the form of a bulk or a recomp. I'd be happy to send you some progress photos, if that would help you.

    My biggest regret is not weight training more consistently in my weight loss, if I'm being honest.

    Eventually, once goals are close to being met or have already passed, this is what it will come down to. If you want to be skinny as a rail, fine. Diet and cardio all day, every day. But unless you are naturally blessed, if you want a fitness magazine cover body, you HAVE to do some strength training.
    Serious question here: What if you don't want that? I'm 47 - the only people who see me naked is my husband and my dog (she judges me - she recently lost 15% of her bodyweight and is smug about it). I live in a climate where I'm covered up a lot of the time. All I really want is to look ok in my clothes. I feel like MFP is often all about lifting weights, and I'm just not interested in doing that.

    I agree with all of this. I feel like there's a lot of pressure from a lot of people to jump on the weight lifting bandwagon for aesthetic reasons, and a lot of people throw out "LIFT HEAVY" as the be all and end all of exercise without considering other people's interest/disinterest/goals/physical limitations/aspirations/time/what have you.

    This morning there was a thread started by a person who was depressed because they weighed in at 501 pounds, and one of the first suggestions was that they start squatting and deadlifting. Seriously? SMDH. I get the feeling that people don't read the original post, they just respond with an automatic blurb.

    On the other hand, weight lifting (OR resistance training, and THAT IS THE KEY!) is great for reasons aside from aesthetics... it strengthens bones and bone density, aids in living independently into old age, etc. It doesn't mean that you have to squat 300 lbs and bench press 1000, or look like Arnold, or stand in front of the mirror kissing your muscles and taking selfies. I just believe that an exercise routine should be balanced like an "eating routine" (don'twanttosaydiet) should be balanced.

    sorry if this came across as judge-y *hangs head in shame and slinks off*

    THIS (bold) is why I took up lifting.

    And because it's easy. "Easy" in that it doesn't require grace or coordination or skill or athletic ability, all of which I lack. Just a basic awareness of your own body mechanics and the willingness to press on, even on those days when it feels like you've been run over by a truck (lorry for you Brits) and then thrown down a flight of stairs. At least that was my experience anyway... yoga bores me to tears, I can't do aerobics or zumba to save my life, never played sports, but I can pick up a barbell repeatedly. Hey, whaddya know, I'm good at something.

    This weekend I walked around a garden center with a big spirea, two rhododendrons and a rose bush in my arms (it was a feat of balance as much as strength). Carried them to my car and put them in the trunk. I want to be able to do that 20 years from now, not be the frail little old lady waiting for the nice young man to help with the carryout.

    Aesthetically, I've discovered that I like seeing muscles. Visible proof of all the work I've done. It keeps me motivated. I'm one of the ones who looked pretty good in clothes, but I wasn't too happy with the naked body that menopause has given me. I'm also learning my limitations -- there are some saggy bits that no amount of weightlifting is going to change.

    I've seen it posted around these parts before but the key to "fitness" is to find an activity that you love and are going to stick with -- which isn't necessarily going to be the activity that someone else loves.

    You, I like. You can stay in this thread ;)

    I try Yoga. I love the stretching part but I can't get my Downward Dog to bend at all and I end up doing what I like to call the Flopping Fish instead. I like Zumba but I kina look like a deranged zebra. Walking fast and lifting weights is what I like more. I can do it, I don't need to be coordinated, it feels good to make my body move.

    Lol. Good thing, I'm addicted to this thread and you wouldn't get rid of me anyway >:) Even having to catch up on 230 new posts at the end of the day yesterday didn't deter me.

    I walk too. :) But if I look at the scenery too much or don't pay attention to where I'm putting my feet, I've been known to lurch and stumble. I'm THAT uncoordinated.

    I think I've read all the posts but haven't been able to reply... welcome back @ShibaEars... congrats to all who have lost weight or reached goal... @Italian_Buju loving the pics of Little Rodent Boy's sweet little furry face (I've had to backtrack to see them, they don't show at work).

    Not having kids, I've never seen Frozen or Finding Nemo or SpongeBob or any of those. I can probably identify the characters, however, solely from seeing the merchandise prominently displayed in stores.

    I highly suggest you watch this! If no other "kid's" movie ever, watch Finding Nemo.

    I would add Ice Age to that as well.... funniest movies ever :D.

    Oops, I forgot about the recommendation to see Finding Nemo.

    Hey, at least I've seen Ice Age! (I won the DVD in a gift basket at a charity raffle) And Up.
    Lip balm addicts - I possess CAKE BATTER Chapstick. That is all.

    I'm a sucker for cake-type flavoured things, including non-edibles like body lotions. May have to find this.

    It's pretty fantastic. I think I got it in a 3 pack at Target (3 Cake Batter ones, mind you), but I've definitely seen it other places. I should probably hoard them all in case it goes away. Ha.

    Oh, awesome... I'll be in the US again next week, and dragging my poor SO around Target in search of totally random merchandise once more.

    He does occasionally ask me how I know about the stuff I'm looking for. I just tell him "Duuuuude.... the INTERNET".

  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I really love this thread. You guys have helped me through a pretty hard time, and I have seen you help so many other people through hard times as well. People on the internet can be awful, but they can also be great. Best thread ever.

    Same here. This thread has affected my life in many ways. All good ways, which is why I struggle so much to keep up. But I have to accept that I cannot. I have to balance it out with real life, but I'll be here for as long as this thread exists!

    Same for me too. I feel like I've really gotten to know some of you really well, especially when we did the real name thing. Several hundred pages back. I've learned a lot and am very grateful for all of you. Thanks for being so accepting and friendly. Never go away, okay?!

    Is it too late for me to get in on that and tell everyone my name? Because I was just a lurker back then... I was just wondering about that yesterday!

    Go for it. I was just a lurker then too. My name is Jody :)

    Ooh, yay! I'm Sawsan. :) It's an Arabic name, and sounds nothing like Suzanne, which is what every non-Arab seems to call me. -_- It sounds like So-Sen (With a sssss sound, like in snake) and it means lily flower.

    Can you tell that I was totally looking forward to sharing all that? :o

    That is a beautiful name! I've got what has to be the most popular 90s kid name ever lol. One of the many reasons my kid has a relatively uncommon (but not "out there") name lol.

    I hated my name so much and how popular it was that I gave my kids "European sounding" names- Aleksandar and Leonid. (they go by Aleks and Leo, though, which is about as common as you can get, guess).

    My daughter's name is Raelynn, it's a mix of part of a childhood nickname for me (Rae) and my MIL's middle name (Lynn). Apparently it's supposed to be spelled Raelyn but we added the extra "n" on for MIL (she's the first female grandchild). Her middle name (Grace) is ridiculously trendy right now and I'm really glad we didn't make that her first name like we had thought about doing. I tried to go for something that couldn't really be shortened, but I guess it could be just shortened to either Rae or Lynn. And, no her name didn't come from the country singer RaeLynn. You would not believe how many people ask me that lol.

    My son's name is Kypton and I am ashamed to admit I got it off The Bachelor

    Going to show my age a little here but I named my second son Jeremy after a character on All My Children in the 80's (my husband was more addicted to that show than I was)
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Wow, today has been busy in here. I can't even begin to keep up :). But my name is Shirley. I hate it. Who the heck names their kid Shirley :).

    My oldest daughter is Rachel, and although I can't admit this to my DH, she was named after the Friend's character. Both daughters have somewhat unusual middle names, Raven and Rain. No Shirleys, because I just couldn't do that to them :).

    Hey, you and MoHousdon named your daughters Rachel (different spellings) for the same reason. LOL

    Oh yeah, now I remember that. I had to tell my husband it was because it was a biblical name, because he hates Jennifer Aniston (sp?).

    My daughters and I are now in season 4 of Friends.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    dmwh142 wrote: »
    I read in Readers Digest that the smell of Green Apples or Bananas can help reduce cravings. I am struggling to stay at my goal weight and am considering taking up vaping and using a banana scent. Has anyone ever had success with this?

    (Not judging...not judging...not judging :s ) There are no scientific studies on how bad vaping might be. I would definitely NOT try vaping just to promote your weight loss. I suspect there are more dangerous chemicals in vaping than people are aware of. Nothing to back that up, all personal opinion.

    I am not judging people who vape. But to take it up just to lose weight seems dangerous. Just work the math. Eat less calories than you burn = weight loss.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    MilicaX wrote: »
    I have a drug problem.

    Seek help sooner rather than later! Trust me. 11 days in detox, 35 days in rehab and a move to a place I didn't know a soul and now 8 years clean!!

    WOW! That's fantastic! Coming from someone who's struggled with alcohol useage that's so inspiring!
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I confess that I'm ashamed of myself for not watching "Breaking Bad" sooner. I tried once before, watched the first few episodes, and thought it was boring, but this time around (thank you, Netflix), I really got into it and have joined the "OMG, such an amaaaaazing show" camp. At Target yesterday, I bought a Jesse Pinkman Funko Pop! vinyl figurine and then promptly went onto Amazon and bought a Heisenberg one. So glad to see that Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul won multiple Emmys because they are awesome!

    There is absolutely no purpose to this post but thought I'd share anyway ;)

    Im in the middle of season 2 right now!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    edited June 2015
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    annette_15 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession: I don’t know what my goal weight should be. I’m 5’9 and currently weigh 221. (That’s a big step since I’ve never admitted that to anyone!) I had the goal set at 200, but didn’t feel like that was low enough. It’s now set at 190, but now I don’t feel like that is low enough either. I weighed 180 the year before my son was born and felt awesome. I weighed 160 when I graduated from high school (and thought I was fat). I know I’ll probably find a weight where I feel comfortable and don’t have to kill myself in the gym every day. I understand all the numbers. Just not sure if I can get back to the 160s mainly because I don’t know if I have the dedication. Looking for some advice from some of you. That seems like a lot of numbers and rambling.

    I'm 5'9" and currently 134. I was originally looking to get down to 135, but I'm now looking to pack on some weight again in the form of muscle. Not sure if I want to do that in the form of a bulk or a recomp. I'd be happy to send you some progress photos, if that would help you.

    My biggest regret is not weight training more consistently in my weight loss, if I'm being honest.

    Eventually, once goals are close to being met or have already passed, this is what it will come down to. If you want to be skinny as a rail, fine. Diet and cardio all day, every day. But unless you are naturally blessed, if you want a fitness magazine cover body, you HAVE to do some strength training.
    Serious question here: What if you don't want that? I'm 47 - the only people who see me naked is my husband and my dog (she judges me - she recently lost 15% of her bodyweight and is smug about it). I live in a climate where I'm covered up a lot of the time. All I really want is to look ok in my clothes. I feel like MFP is often all about lifting weights, and I'm just not interested in doing that.

    I agree with all of this. I feel like there's a lot of pressure from a lot of people to jump on the weight lifting bandwagon for aesthetic reasons, and a lot of people throw out "LIFT HEAVY" as the be all and end all of exercise without considering other people's interest/disinterest/goals/physical limitations/aspirations/time/what have you.

    This morning there was a thread started by a person who was depressed because they weighed in at 501 pounds, and one of the first suggestions was that they start squatting and deadlifting. Seriously? SMDH. I get the feeling that people don't read the original post, they just respond with an automatic blurb.

    On the other hand, weight lifting (OR resistance training, and THAT IS THE KEY!) is great for reasons aside from aesthetics... it strengthens bones and bone density, aids in living independently into old age, etc. It doesn't mean that you have to squat 300 lbs and bench press 1000, or look like Arnold, or stand in front of the mirror kissing your muscles and taking selfies. I just believe that an exercise routine should be balanced like an "eating routine" (don'twanttosaydiet) should be balanced.

    sorry if this came across as judge-y *hangs head in shame and slinks off*

    THIS (bold) is why I took up lifting.

    And because it's easy. "Easy" in that it doesn't require grace or coordination or skill or athletic ability, all of which I lack. Just a basic awareness of your own body mechanics and the willingness to press on, even on those days when it feels like you've been run over by a truck (lorry for you Brits) and then thrown down a flight of stairs. At least that was my experience anyway... yoga bores me to tears, I can't do aerobics or zumba to save my life, never played sports, but I can pick up a barbell repeatedly. Hey, whaddya know, I'm good at something.

    This weekend I walked around a garden center with a big spirea, two rhododendrons and a rose bush in my arms (it was a feat of balance as much as strength). Carried them to my car and put them in the trunk. I want to be able to do that 20 years from now, not be the frail little old lady waiting for the nice young man to help with the carryout.

    Aesthetically, I've discovered that I like seeing muscles. Visible proof of all the work I've done. It keeps me motivated. I'm one of the ones who looked pretty good in clothes, but I wasn't too happy with the naked body that menopause has given me. I'm also learning my limitations -- there are some saggy bits that no amount of weightlifting is going to change.

    I've seen it posted around these parts before but the key to "fitness" is to find an activity that you love and are going to stick with -- which isn't necessarily going to be the activity that someone else loves.

    You, I like. You can stay in this thread ;)

    I try Yoga. I love the stretching part but I can't get my Downward Dog to bend at all and I end up doing what I like to call the Flopping Fish instead. I like Zumba but I kina look like a deranged zebra. Walking fast and lifting weights is what I like more. I can do it, I don't need to be coordinated, it feels good to make my body move.

    Lol. Good thing, I'm addicted to this thread and you wouldn't get rid of me anyway >:) Even having to catch up on 230 new posts at the end of the day yesterday didn't deter me.

    I walk too. :) But if I look at the scenery too much or don't pay attention to where I'm putting my feet, I've been known to lurch and stumble. I'm THAT uncoordinated.

    I think I've read all the posts but haven't been able to reply... welcome back @ShibaEars... congrats to all who have lost weight or reached goal... @Italian_Buju loving the pics of Little Rodent Boy's sweet little furry face (I've had to backtrack to see them, they don't show at work).

    Not having kids, I've never seen Frozen or Finding Nemo or SpongeBob or any of those. I can probably identify the characters, however, solely from seeing the merchandise prominently displayed in stores.

    I highly suggest you watch this! If no other "kid's" movie ever, watch Finding Nemo.

    I would add Ice Age to that as well.... funniest movies ever :D.

    Oops, I forgot about the recommendation to see Finding Nemo.

    Hey, at least I've seen Ice Age! (I won the DVD in a gift basket at a charity raffle) And Up.
    Lip balm addicts - I possess CAKE BATTER Chapstick. That is all.

    I'm a sucker for cake-type flavoured things, including non-edibles like body lotions. May have to find this.

    It's pretty fantastic. I think I got it in a 3 pack at Target (3 Cake Batter ones, mind you), but I've definitely seen it other places. I should probably hoard them all in case it goes away. Ha.

    Oh, awesome... I'll be in the US again next week, and dragging my poor SO around Target in search of totally random merchandise once more.

    He does occasionally ask me how I know about the stuff I'm looking for. I just tell him "Duuuuude.... the INTERNET".

    HAHA first time I can use GFT!!! YAY! But you're hilarious, and correct. :)

    ETA: Totally wiped out on my first "QFT" attempt...god I suck. I meant QFT whoops!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    TOM started yesterday, which explains why I was so emotional and sensitive this weekend. Two weeks from now I have a bridal shower, elementary (grade school) reunion and a 5k race. I will not binge eat during TOM dammit, I guess there is a lot of tea and gum in my future lol
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Wow, today has been busy in here. I can't even begin to keep up :). But my name is Shirley. I hate it. Who the heck names their kid Shirley :).

    My oldest daughter is Rachel, and although I can't admit this to my DH, she was named after the Friend's character. Both daughters have somewhat unusual middle names, Raven and Rain. No Shirleys, because I just couldn't do that to them :).

    And don't call me Shirley! :wink:

    I also named my daughter after Rachel Karen Green. However, we spelled it Rachael because my husband's name is Michael and I wanted to honor him in spelling her name similar to his. He absolutely knows that's where I got the name and she does too. She has a cousin named Raven. :smile:

    Wow, and I have a sister named Karen :). I was always jealous that she got the better name.

    I used to work at a Wendy's when I was 19, and one of the managers was always saying "and don't call me Shirley". The funny thing is I had never seen the movie and he had to explain why it was funny :). I've since seen it, though.

  • k_nelson_24
    k_nelson_24 Posts: 251 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Even though I've lost weight almost every week, have logged my food diligently all week and my clothes are not tighter and it is okay if I don't lose every week I am still scared to step on the scale. Every week I grit my teeth and close my eyes as I step on it. I also always weigh myself about 3 times in a row to be sure.

    Speaking of getting things off my chest- one of my breasts seems to be shrinking faster than the other one as I lose weight.

    ^^^ ALL of this lol! Including the boob issue.

    Also, I measure a serving size of wine (5oz) in my daughters baby bottles just to be sure its EXACTLY 5 oz. I pour it in a wine glass to drink it, I promise! =)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »

    Not having kids, I've never seen Frozen or Finding Nemo or SpongeBob or any of those. I can probably identify the characters, however, solely from seeing the merchandise prominently displayed in stores.

    I highly suggest you watch this! If no other "kid's" movie ever, watch Finding Nemo.

    I would add Ice Age to that as well.... funniest movies ever :D.

    The Shrek movies are also hilarious and many of the jokes are way over the heads of most children, clearly meant for the parents watching along.

    I love that my daughter is now watching the movies we watched together with her kids! One of her favorites was Master of Disguise. Her son loves it now. As a young teen, I made her watch Grease, 16 Candles, Pretty in Pink, etc. Every now and then, she calls or texts me to say, "Guess what I'm watching right now?" It's usually Grease.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    I confess that I'm ashamed of myself for not watching "Breaking Bad" sooner. I tried once before, watched the first few episodes, and thought it was boring, but this time around (thank you, Netflix), I really got into it and have joined the "OMG, such an amaaaaazing show" camp. At Target yesterday, I bought a Jesse Pinkman Funko Pop! vinyl figurine and then promptly went onto Amazon and bought a Heisenberg one. So glad to see that Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul won multiple Emmys because they are awesome!

    There is absolutely no purpose to this post but thought I'd share anyway ;)

    Im in the middle of season 2 right now!

    I'm getting ready to start that show! I have a long queue of shows on Netlfix :#
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MilicaX wrote: »
    I have a drug problem.

    Seek help sooner rather than later! Trust me. 11 days in detox, 35 days in rehab and a move to a place I didn't know a soul and now 8 years clean!!

    WOW! That's fantastic! Coming from someone who's struggled with alcohol useage that's so inspiring!

    Thank you :) It was a tough road but now I have an amazing life, great job, and a beautiful little boy! I was kind of scared to post about this because I keep it very private. Not that I am ashamed but simply because I left my past behind me and that's where I plan to keep it but you have all shared so much of your personal struggles I felt "safe" to do so too
  • Mekatluvr
    Mekatluvr Posts: 34 Member
    I'm an over eater... and an emotional eater.. I sneak food in when I'm under a lot of stress and it's mainly some type of pastry. :(
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    MilicaX wrote: »
    I have a drug problem.

    Seek help sooner rather than later! Trust me. 11 days in detox, 35 days in rehab and a move to a place I didn't know a soul and now 8 years clean!!

    Good for you!