

  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I have been busy this week with work and after work activities that I haven't been able to keep up with this thread. Today I had my gall bladder out (currently in the recovery room) and figured now was as good as time as any to get caught up as i am reading posts from monday morning.

    Feel better soon!
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    I eat candy in my sleep at 5 in the morning :(

    @HealthyChicksRulz , are you actually asleep and eating at the same time? My sister lost a whole bunch of weight... like 120 pounds at least and gained most of it, if not all of it, back. She says that she is "sleep eating, like waking up and she's eaten a bunch of food overnight. I wasn't sure what to make of it.

    This scares the hell out of me if it's a real thing. Anyway, she locks food in the trunk of her car to keep herself from eating it overnight

    My sister legitimately eats in her sleep. I was going to the bathroom one night and found her sat at the table eating potato chips. I said, 'Why are you eating chips? They're going to kill you.' and I kid you not, with her mouth full and spitting crumbs everywhere she told me she wasn't eating anything.

    Thanks for sharing that. I had no idea if my sister was being honest or not. just seemed so far out of the norm.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    spamarie wrote: »

    I've stopped logging on MFP. In my defense:

    a) I still log in my paper diary. I keep a note of what I eat and what I weighed this week, although I don't always tot it up. So I'm not utterly clueless and in denial.

    b) I'm trying to accept that I will be needing to gain some weight in the relatively near future, and MFP is very much 'weight loss aid' in my mind (I know it doesn't have to be) so I just don't want to see the numbers creeping up online, as though that makes it more real than just in my paper diary.

    c) I'm knackered all the time and can't be bothered!

    Of course I'm still finding the time to check out this thread. Priorities people, priorities!

    D) you're expecting and should be able to enjoy that time in your life. Don't feel bad about it.
  • Savage_Angel
    Savage_Angel Posts: 12 Member
    I self sabotage. When I start doing well and losing I'll do something stupid like buying a family size bag of ruffles cheddar and sour cream chips and sit down and eat them in one sitting. I binge for days then hate myself. But to be fair to myself I also suffer with severe depression.
  • Bigred2000
    Bigred2000 Posts: 7 Member
    I can't eat any kind of sugary snack in moderation if it's in my house I will eat it. Usually while I'm sleeping and I don't even remember it. I've talked with a therapist and my Dr. The both say eating while sleeping is due to my meds and my over rating of sweets is because I'm addicted to them: )
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Confession: I've recently developed a rather disordered way of viewing food. I've reached my goal weight (and am now underweight) and now I'm terrified of eating too much even though I knows I need to do so to fuel all my running.

    Friends and family are very concerned and scared. I'm trying to eat more this week but today thoughts of going on a cut are popping into my head. :confused:

    Not judging, because I think that happens to a lot of people - however, that is scary, and I think a mental health professional could really help you with this. It seems anxiety driven, like you are afraid to get big again. Getting some help could really turn this around for you. <3

    I actually am terrified to get big again. I can barely enjoy food. The logical part of my brain that is telling me that I need to fuel my runs (I have a half marathon this weekend), but the hysterical part of my brain is outshouting it. :anguished:

    It sucks and it's exhausting. I'm so tired of worrying about food and that's all I do. :frowning:

    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Confession: I've recently developed a rather disordered way of viewing food. I've reached my goal weight (and am now underweight) and now I'm terrified of eating too much even though I knows I need to do so to fuel all my running.

    Friends and family are very concerned and scared. I'm trying to eat more this week but today thoughts of going on a cut are popping into my head. :confused:

    My God you do look amazing...In your before/after. Just figure out what maintenance is and watch it every day. If you see some gains then you restrict for a day or two and get back. Maintenance is the key, not continuous loss. You sure don't look like you want to lose any more weight.

    Thank you, and logically I don't. I'm trying to eat at maintenance, but I can't get over the habit of leaving a safe deficit at the end of every day. :disappointed:

    I thought I'd be excited to finally be able to eat more than 1200 calories (which I learned after the fact that I probably could have done with losing .5lbs a week, but I found the forums too late) but I'm just afraid.

    I know what you're going through. I lost around 150 pounds (went from around 300+ to around 153-159 depending on fluctuations) & constantly find myself worrying about accurately measuring my food & making sure I don't forget anything I eat. I know personally that if I didn't weigh my food that I could easily gain weight by misjudging ice cream or cereal (not that I eat cereal that much any ways) portions alone.

    I did go through a horrible binge/restrict cycle which started when I went out to eat one day & went over my calories & thought I would restrict to make up for it & it turned into a vicious cycle. Luckily I broke free of that & now only binge when I have my period coming up & I cave into ice cream or salt cravings.

    I think the biggest thing for us to remember is we didn't gain the weight over night & we won't again by having a few days of bad eating or holidays. I've found that when I've had a few bad binge days that my weight is up a few pounds from water weight or the TOM but usually it's back to normal in a few days.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Move4Abs wrote: »
    Pregnant...feeling sad/blah...the fix? Pop-Tarts. This is one of my few binges and was a binge. 4 poptarts...30 mins....delicious. Donating the rest to the office. Did you know those suckers have 200 cals/37 g of carbs EACH?!?!? I just inhaled 800 cals and obliterated my daily carb goal. Why the hell do they come in a pack of TWO?!?!? All said, feeling better....may need more sleep :)

    I ate four Poptarts for dinner tonight & moved my chicken breast to eat tomorrow night haha.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    edited May 2015
    A lot of times, I am more motivated to work out than I am to shower afterward.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    So we're on page 600, and that is a lot of conversation, all of which has been deep and meaningful, helpful and healing.

    Here's a list of people that I'm going to find in the afterlife and what question I'm going to ask them.

    Bruce Lee - Teach me how to be like water?
    Sir Terry Pratchet - Tell me more about Ank Morpork?
    Douglas Adams - Will you hold my towel?

    Edit: I just responded to a work email to someone getting snippy with me with "Cool Story Bro, except you need to do this like I said in my original request" hahahahaha


    Afterlife questions - I want to know the true story about dinosaurs. I really want to ask my grandpa about being Jack Dempsey's sparring partner (just learned that a couple weeks ago. G'pa never said a word.) I want to know who Jack the Ripper really was. There's more, I've thought on this topic a lot. Of course, now I can't remember any.

    YASSSS me too!! Sorry for the scream but that is a huge deal! I'd also love to know the real story behind the Black Dahlia and who was her killer!

    I would like to know who really killed JFK, did D.B. Cooper live or die after hijacking the plane, & what really happened to Jimmy Hoffa?
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession: I had Chipotle today for first time ever, and... eh. Was fine, nothing to write home about.

    I am not a fan of the cilantro. The chicken and steak seasoning is great though. With that said, I haven't visited them myself in close to a decade. lol (my employer has catered from them a few times)

    I don't like cilantro either which is why I get plain rice for my order.

    I thought I was the ONLY one that did this. I hate cilantro and I think it tastes like feet. I don't want my food to taste like feet.

    Cilantro is always controversial. Some people just don't taste it properly. My sister claims it tastes metallic and won't eat anything with it in there (she also won't eat anything spicy).

    I love cilantro.

    I hate cilantro too. I think you're right about people not being able to taste it properly, though. My husband loves it and the way he describes it is nothing like what my mouth detects.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I ruin songs for my teenage daughter. I sign along in a nasal voice when I feel the song is whiny. I ask too many questions about the meaning of the song or point out how sexist (or whatever it may be) the lyrics are of a particular song. I know he is talented but I change the station when I hear one popular Grammy winning singer whining about someone not being faithful. I don't mean to ruin songs for my daughter, it just happens when I point out something she stops liking the song.

    For example the GDFR song that sounds like it has an oboe in it. Then it does not quite sound like and oboe but a sax. Then I go back and forth pondering what musical instrument is making that sound. It drives her nuts. But, we have a lot of similar musical tastes so when she broke her ipod and I gave her mine she didn't complain. :)

    Then I think about songs I like and I could be called hypocritical. My kids knew the lyrics and sang along to Violent Femmes Blister in the Sun (for example, there are others) in early elementary school.

    Confession #2
    In general I don't like violent movies but I find Grosse Point Blank hilarious.

    I over-analyse song lyrics to the point of hating them. There was an admittedly crap song by a boyband over here a couple of summers ago called 'she walks like Rihanna' and it basically explained that this girl was rubbish at everything, but at least she could strut and was hot. Everyone at work would listen to it and it would wind me up so much. I kept hearing the message, 'young girls, don't worry about putting any effort into anything or developing any talents, you're hot so you'll be fine.'

    Or the one that talks about how their rent is late but they're going out drinking and partying anyway? Way to be responsible, kids. You don't have a place to live, but at least you had fun for a few hours.

    The one that annoys me most is older, but there are still women swooning over it - Lips of an Angel. Song about a guy sneaking around behind his gf's back, while she's home, to sweet talk his ex on the phone. It's not fuzzy and romantic.

    Me too - I hate that song and it is guaranteed to be stuck in my head for days after I hear it.

    The one song I absolutely hate is America's A Horse With No Name. The guy's voice sounds as fun as watching paint dry.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I don't understand how you can all order dresses online.

    The dress in my picture was taken in the Macy's dressing room. I didn't buy it that day, but then went home and decided I loved how it looked on me and ordered the exact same dress in the exact same size. When I put it on this morning, it was about 6-8" shorter than the one I tried on in the store. I'm too old to wear a dress that short to work! Aargh!!

    Pic in the store on the left, same exact dress ordered online on the right. Aargh!!


    (My first MFP picture attempt)
    Edited to say: Please disregard my husband's running clothes that he left laying on the floor. LOL

    Super cute, and I don't think it's too short. I'm 40 and don't do short, but I think that is tasteful.

    Agreed. It's a pretty dress and it looks good on you.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    It's page 600. Time for epic confessions, people! I don't know if I have any really good ones.

    I learned as a kid if I hit my sister before school she would forget to tell on me by the time Mom and Dad got home. If I hit her after school, she would remember and I would get in trouble. So, sometimes, I would save up from the day before... >:)o:)

    I love you.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    So we're on page 600, and that is a lot of conversation, all of which has been deep and meaningful, helpful and healing.

    Here's a list of people that I'm going to find in the afterlife and what question I'm going to ask them.

    Bruce Lee - Teach me how to be like water?
    Sir Terry Pratchet - Tell me more about Ank Morpork?
    Douglas Adams - Will you hold my towel?

    Edit: I just responded to a work email to someone getting snippy with me with "Cool Story Bro, except you need to do this like I said in my original request" hahahahaha


    Afterlife questions - I want to know the true story about dinosaurs. I really want to ask my grandpa about being Jack Dempsey's sparring partner (just learned that a couple weeks ago. G'pa never said a word.) I want to know who Jack the Ripper really was. There's more, I've thought on this topic a lot. Of course, now I can't remember any.

    They covered this on an episode of Grimm recently.

    I love that show, but wasn't the greatest fan of the Jack the Ripper bit TBO. Also Juliette = WTF?
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    So we're on page 600, and that is a lot of conversation, all of which has been deep and meaningful, helpful and healing.

    Here's a list of people that I'm going to find in the afterlife and what question I'm going to ask them.

    Bruce Lee - Teach me how to be like water?
    Sir Terry Pratchet - Tell me more about Ank Morpork?
    Douglas Adams - Will you hold my towel?

    Edit: I just responded to a work email to someone getting snippy with me with "Cool Story Bro, except you need to do this like I said in my original request" hahahahaha


    Afterlife questions - I want to know the true story about dinosaurs. I really want to ask my grandpa about being Jack Dempsey's sparring partner (just learned that a couple weeks ago. G'pa never said a word.) I want to know who Jack the Ripper really was. There's more, I've thought on this topic a lot. Of course, now I can't remember any.

    They covered this on an episode of Grimm recently.

    I am not very happy with that show since the whole Juliette thing started, and it's a shame because I LOVED it prior to that.

    Are you referring the Hexenbiest thing? Me either! That chick is the mayor, governor and president of city council of Crazy Town. I was never really a HUGE fan of hers (I'm more of a Rosalie person) (SPOILER ALERT) but when she torched Aunt Marie's trailer AND got Nick's mom killed, I was done! There's no redemption for her.

    So much this. Just why????
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Sorry for the number of post, soooooo far behind.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    So we're on page 600, and that is a lot of conversation, all of which has been deep and meaningful, helpful and healing.

    Here's a list of people that I'm going to find in the afterlife and what question I'm going to ask them.

    Bruce Lee - Teach me how to be like water?
    Sir Terry Pratchet - Tell me more about Ank Morpork?
    Douglas Adams - Will you hold my towel?

    Edit: I just responded to a work email to someone getting snippy with me with "Cool Story Bro, except you need to do this like I said in my original request" hahahahaha


    Afterlife questions - I want to know the true story about dinosaurs. I really want to ask my grandpa about being Jack Dempsey's sparring partner (just learned that a couple weeks ago. G'pa never said a word.) I want to know who Jack the Ripper really was. There's more, I've thought on this topic a lot. Of course, now I can't remember any.

    They covered this on an episode of Grimm recently.

    I am not very happy with that show since the whole Juliette thing started, and it's a shame because I LOVED it prior to that.

    Are you referring the Hexenbiest thing? Me either! That chick is the mayor, governor and president of city council of Crazy Town. I was never really a HUGE fan of hers (I'm more of a Rosalie person) (SPOILER ALERT) but when she torched Aunt Marie's trailer AND got Nick's mom killed, I was done! There's no redemption for her.

    Indeed. She almost got Monroe killed. I simply cannot forgive that.

    Agreed! I felt bad for her at first, but then, when she went into full on psycho mode, I was done. No more. Nick should marry Adalind and raise their Grimm/Hexenbiest baby out of Portland.

    I don't really WANT Nick to marry Adalind, I just don't want him back with Juliette.

    I only think I've missed one season of Grimm, but wow. It sounds like a lot has happened. Sheesh.
    I was never a huge fan of Juliette, so I'm not surprised she turned out to be as bad as I thought all along.

    She's worse!

    Confession: I didn't like Rosalie at first because I was protective of Monroe. Then she saved him from death by black mushroom and I changed my tune. I take fiction too seriously sometimes.

    I thought she was annoying too. She seems to have mellowed out a bit. I dislike the way I now like Adalind, though. Juliette was my favorite female but what can you do.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Looks like a lot of us don't want to adult today. I have been wishing I was not at work most of the day. It will be a long weekend for me. We lost my mother in law on Tuesday and not sure how to explain to my 5 yo daughter that her grandmother is gone.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs for you and your little girl.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Rockcity85 wrote: »
    I weighed after sex last night and lost 2.3lbs.

    Jealous and want details
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    edited May 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Not to be a downer bit wanted to let you all know since you have been on this journey with me that To Boldly Go (yes AOJ for Star Trek) "Oberon" passed away this morning. He was 21 and I had him for 16 years. He was my best friend and the love of my life. May he rest in peace. ♡

    I'm sorry for your loss. I know you have been expecting this, but I'm sure you are still devastated. <3