

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. I have to admit that part of the frustration is that I'm really ticked off at myself for getting sick in the first place. I've had this disorder for the better part of three years, and living with a chronic disease long-term means you learn how to manage it well (as I'm sure @Italian_Buju can attest to) or you're doomed. I learned all the little nuances and whispers of my body and when to stop and take it easy. But after a six month respite from any sort of flares, I got overconfident and stopped paying attention.

    In hindsight, as an ill person, I KNEW and still know that I'm not capable of 60 minutes of stationary bike PLUS 36 flights of stairs PLUS a one hour walk, especially not when I'm fasting, which makes me much more prone to weakness. But I did that TWO DAYS IN A ROW without even thinking about it. So this flare up is all my stupid fault, and I'm pretty mad at me. I'm also mad at my body for not being healthy, which is a common resentment I have that always comes to the fore when I get sick. Stupid body, stupid me, stupid everything. :angry:

    Truest statement ever! You try not to let it run your life, but if you forget for a minute it is there, something will happen to remind you!

    Exactly! I was sure you'd be able to relate to that. :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    So, since today is national ice cream day, how are we celebrating? ;)

    Well, I'm currently eating a big pile of caramel speculoos ice cream, does it count? :p
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    My one morning a week to lie on and here I am, bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6.30. I'm not happy!!

    I HATE when that happens!!

    Ok folks, I have made it to 1228 this morning....and now I must go be productive again....

    I have a friend bringing me two big boxes of peaches tonight for canning.....but I won't have time to can them until next Sunday....I am gonna store them in a fridge and hope for the best.....I told him I am gonna need twice the amount as last year, but not all at once, because canning peaches is a full day, two person job! Last year was my first year! And in the fall I did applesauce, which is a ton of work too, but one person can do it, and you get a long break in the middle while the sauce is cooking.....I am excited but a bit worried about them lastly that long in the fridge....wish me luck!

    I am gonna read a couple more dozen pages tonight once I am done 'goal' is to be caught up a week from now, as I know it moves a lot faster in the week, and I am really busy this week!
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    My confession - I complained yesterday because my sister, who knows I am working hard to lose weight asked me to pick her up ice cream or cookies on the way home. But then I used it as an excuse to buy myself a Sonic Blast. I very well wasn't going to buy her and her boyfriend one without getting myself something!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Guys, guys, guess what?! We went to Oakwood Homes today, just to see what they would say about us being able to buy a mobile home. Needless to say, we found a style we fell in love with, and the person we worked with sounded very optimistic that we would be able to get financing for it. I hope so, because we've worked really hard to fix some things on our credit to get to this point! He's sending in our paperwork on Monday and we should know something within 3-4 days of that. Not to mention, a good friend of the family may possibly let us rent a lot on his land (he used to have a mobile home park) for it! I'm excited, but I don't want to get too excited lol. :smile:
    Ooh, sounds promising! I really hope it works out for you!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I just ate a banana and I thought about back when I spent some time in a hospital. There was a girl who sat next to me and started ranting about the proper way to eat a banana. She said that her mom and sister peeled back the banana and ate it while it still sat in the rest of the peel. She claimed to have never seen anyone else do it like that.... and all I could think was ''Wait... you REMOVE the whole banana before eating it???'' I had never seen her way and she had never seen mine.

    Most people eat their bananas like this, right? :lol:

    Raelynn has to have her banana out of the peel, or else she doesn't want to eat it. I always thought it was just her lol! And now I want a banana sandwich like I had growing up (bread, DUKES mayo, and sliced bananas). Oh, I need some more bananas! :laugh:

    In the peel! I haven't had a banana and mayo sandwich in FOREVER! So yummy! Pretty sure it's a southern thing though. My mom is from SC originally but moved to IL when she married my dad. My southern cousins introduced me to it when we were visiting SC on vacation.

    Yay! I'm not the only one lol! My Mama Tucker used to make them for me all the time growing up. That used to be our thing during the summer, a glass of tea, banana sandwich, and me listening to her tell stories from her childhood and young adulthood. Oh I miss those days lol!

    Confession: That sounds gross to me. Bananas and mayo? Ew. :s But then, my husband thinks the idea of bananas sliced up in a peanut butter sandwich is gross/really weird, and I grew up eating those--it's the only way I can stomach bananas, in fact. :p

    Mmm peanut butter, banana, and honey sandwiches!! My dad loves peanut butter and pickle sandwiches YUCK.


    My stepdad's uncle put mayonnaise on spaghetti & I thought that was the weirdest thing ever.

    Again with the pasta :'(

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Wow, everyone has been busy!
    I don't have time now to comment on all the posts I would like to, but I'm feeling pretty happy and wanted you to know that today I'm NORMAL! My weight hit 149.6, which puts my BMI at 24.9 = normal range.

    Good Stuff!
    Thanks, but it didn't last :( I've been above 150 every day since.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    peleroja wrote: »

    I spent the whole morning researching and talked to my husband and I think we might get to go to Peru after all in September!

    There are several alternative treks to Machu Picchu other than the classic "Inca Trail" with the crowds and the permits and stuff, and after reading a ton about all of them I decided that the Salkantay trek would probably be an even better option for us. It's quieter, you don't need a permit, it is BEAUTIFUL, and it's higher-altitude (up to 15,900 ft) and more challenging than the usual trail (but they are able to use pack animals so we'd have llamas to carry our backpacks). I've emailed the linked tour company to see if they have space available and I hope so, because we'd still get to trek and see Machu Picchu but would get to do it in a totally different way. I'm so freaking excited and I am hoping so much that we can get on a tour!

    Look at this! I think we have to do it this way even if we have to put it off until May because it looks amazing and so much better than the beaten path....


    I want to live in this photo forever.
    It's stunning! The colours are actually colours I have on my living room couches!
    The water itself looks very cold!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I went on a field trip in the fifth grade and we stopped to get lunch at a restaurant. My friend ordered spaghetti and proceeded to just pour on LOTS of ketchup. I was horrified.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    My one morning a week to lie on and here I am, bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6.30. I'm not happy!!

    I HATE when that happens!!

    Ok folks, I have made it to 1228 this morning....and now I must go be productive again....

    I have a friend bringing me two big boxes of peaches tonight for canning.....but I won't have time to can them until next Sunday....I am gonna store them in a fridge and hope for the best.....I told him I am gonna need twice the amount as last year, but not all at once, because canning peaches is a full day, two person job! Last year was my first year! And in the fall I did applesauce, which is a ton of work too, but one person can do it, and you get a long break in the middle while the sauce is cooking.....I am excited but a bit worried about them lastly that long in the fridge....wish me luck!

    I am gonna read a couple more dozen pages tonight once I am done 'goal' is to be caught up a week from now, as I know it moves a lot faster in the week, and I am really busy this week!
    When you can stuff, do you actually use it? I go through mad phases of making things and then find it never gets used. I just threw away a load of pear and ginger chutney I made last year and literally none of it had been used. :|
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    peleroja wrote: »

    I spent the whole morning researching and talked to my husband and I think we might get to go to Peru after all in September!

    There are several alternative treks to Machu Picchu other than the classic "Inca Trail" with the crowds and the permits and stuff, and after reading a ton about all of them I decided that the Salkantay trek would probably be an even better option for us. It's quieter, you don't need a permit, it is BEAUTIFUL, and it's higher-altitude (up to 15,900 ft) and more challenging than the usual trail (but they are able to use pack animals so we'd have llamas to carry our backpacks). I've emailed the linked tour company to see if they have space available and I hope so, because we'd still get to trek and see Machu Picchu but would get to do it in a totally different way. I'm so freaking excited and I am hoping so much that we can get on a tour!

    Look at this! I think we have to do it this way even if we have to put it off until May because it looks amazing and so much better than the beaten path....


    I want to live in this photo forever.

    I kept looking at it and looking at it and looking at it. It is so beautiful. @peleroja please tell us what it is like in person. SO and I have a bunch of trips planned soon i.e.Tokyo then Italy (or vice versa) but I have a bunch of places I'm determined to go with or without anyone and Peru is one of them. (Although my daughter would be a willing travel partner to almost anywhere.) It looks lovely.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I had the exact thoughts about getting banana gunk on your hands :tongue:

    Also, I grew up in South Carolina and I have never had a banana and mayo sandwich. Not only that, but it sounds disgusting to me! I already don't like mayonnaise that much, but maybe I'd like the sandwich. Who knows? I think it was Italian_Buju who mentioned eating tomato and peanut butter sandwiches. All kinds of combinations you'd never think to try out there.

    Oh banana sandwiches are heavenly! I need one in my life here soon I do believe! Try it, it's better when there's not a lot of mayo, and it must be dukes mayo! ;)

    Ok, so I don't understand the obsession with Duke's mayo around here! Also, and please don't kick me out of the thread, but unless it's a PB&J, I'm not a huge peanut butter fan. *runs and hides*

    I like peanut butter on lots of things, but I only eat Skippy. And I use Kraft for baking. Kraft is too bland for eating, but Skippy is too sweet for baking......

    Just like butter.....I keep a large container of cheap margarine in the fridge for things like mashed potatoes etc. I use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter for things like bread and toast. Then I keep real butter in the freezer, non salted for baking, and salted for air popped popcorn.....

    I am kinda specific about things lol. I am also usually brand loyal although I do like to try new things.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @riderfangal I can totally get behind some retail therapy! Better than going home and eating lots of high caloried food! (in my opinion so not trying to offend anyone, I obviously can't stop feeding myself haha)

    I HATE shopping, hate it! I feel like its all I do sometimes. Yesterday I needed new pants for work, so while out running my errands I stopped in my usual clothing store, and was in and out with two pairs of pants in ten minutes. When I have to spend time trying stuff on or looking for something in particular, it drives me mad, I wish everything I needed was just bagged at the counter and I could just go in and pay and get out, lol. Today I have to go grocery shopping, which is the bane of my existence......ugh.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I knew buying flour and sugar a while back was a bad idea! This past week I've made THREE pans of brownies (one batch with peanut butter) and a little over a dozen sugar cookies. All eaten as of now and I am out of flour.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I went on a field trip in the fifth grade and we stopped to get lunch at a restaurant. My friend ordered spaghetti and proceeded to just pour on LOTS of ketchup. I was horrified.
    At that age my nephew was famous for eating anything with ketchup on it. His friends like to remind him of the time he ate a piece of wood with ketchup! He's still an 'anything for a dare' type kid, even now at age 19. :#
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I went on a field trip in the fifth grade and we stopped to get lunch at a restaurant. My friend ordered spaghetti and proceeded to just pour on LOTS of ketchup. I was horrified.
    At that age my nephew was famous for eating anything with ketchup on it. His friends like to remind him of the time he ate a piece of wood with ketchup! He's still an 'anything for a dare' type kid, even now at age 19. :#

    My cousin horrified my husband when he sat there dipping his German chocolate cake into ketchup. He just couldn't believe it.

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I knew buying flour and sugar a while back was a bad idea! This past week I've made THREE pans of brownies (one batch with peanut butter) and a little over a dozen sugar cookies. All eaten as of now and I am out of flour.

    This is my biggest problem. Baking ingredients. Sigh.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I knew buying flour and sugar a while back was a bad idea! This past week I've made THREE pans of brownies (one batch with peanut butter) and a little over a dozen sugar cookies. All eaten as of now and I am out of flour.

    This is my biggest problem. Baking ingredients. Sigh.
    Ooh, you'd have a hard time at my house then. I still buy my sugar in flour in 20lb bags and store them in catering bins like this:

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Some of my relatives and friends of those relatives keep asking me how I'm losing weight. The same people will ask me multiple times. At first I thought it was because they just weren't remembering the information, now I'm starting to think it is because some of them don't believe me. I overheard one of them saying that it isn't that I've finally been correctly diagnosed and medicated no, it is because I've had the surgery. How I've managed to have that surgery and see them once a week without recovery time is a mystery!

    I confess I really want to stop seeing these people and on the way out the door I'd like to slap a few of them. Not with a chair or anything too drastic. I also confess that while I have said I'm using a calorie counting site I have not told them it is this one. This is for me. They can sign up on their own, but I do not want to talk to them here as well. I sort of don't care if that makes me a jerk.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Some of my relatives and friends of those relatives keep asking me how I'm losing weight. The same people will ask me multiple times. At first I thought it was because they just weren't remembering the information, now I'm starting to think it is because some of them don't believe me. I overheard one of them saying that it isn't that I've finally been correctly diagnosed and medicated no, it is because I've had the surgery. How I've managed to have that surgery and see them once a week without recovery time is a mystery!

    I confess I really want to stop seeing these people and on the way out the door I'd like to slap a few of them. Not with a chair or anything too drastic. I also confess that while I have said I'm using a calorie counting site I have not told them it is this one. This is for me. They can sign up on their own, but I do not want to talk to them here as well. I sort of don't care if that makes me a jerk.
    I understand your frustration. Can you just stop answering the questions? It really is none of their business how you're losing the weight. Or just keep repeating that you just eat less than you used to and maybe it will sink in eventually.