Workout Evaluation (I'm New and need to make sure I'm doing it right)
Hello!, I lift every other day. Monday Wednesday Friday. Male 41 years old 6' tall starting weight 335 lbs current weight 314 lbs Routine: Monday : leg press 3 sets, Bench Press 3 sets, Lat pulldowns 2 sets 25, any push motion with a lighter weight chest press, overhead press etc. 50 reps (2 sets 25 This weight routine…
I prefer home workouts. I would like to start including yoga into my workout routine. It's been several years since I have taken yoga classes. I am sure it will start coming back to me once I start. Right now I am looking for a beginner class. Can anyone recommend a beginner class that can be streamed? Or can anyone…
Cardio Bike Run 🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️🚴🏻♂️
Does anyone have an electric bike and are they worth it??
I have a regular bike but find hills such a struggle that it makes me reluctant to go out for a bike ride (I’m very overweight at the moment) Wondering if an electric bike would make things easier for me and get me outdoors and active again. Please share your thoughts - thank you!
Adding Fit Bit to myfitnsspal
Can anyone tell me if I can add my fit bit to the fitness pal App. I don't have the premium account but is there anyway to do it on the free account. Thank you.
Ppl routine
I am thinking of trying ppl rest ppl routine. Which is push, pull, legs One chest focused push, one shoulder focused Pull is back Leg day will be 1 quad focused and 1 hamstring focused Sets 3-4 per exercise 6-12 reps on compounds. isolation will be 12-15 reps What do you all think?
looking for a fitness app for indoor workouts
i do use a heart rate monitor - either a polar or a wahoo - and i'd like to find an app with all the normal indoor workouts built in (treadmill with incline, exercise bike, step aerobics and stair machine/ walking upstairs). all my workouts are indoors, so an app that focuses on GPS isn't ideal unless it works well for…
Looking for core exercises without arms and little legs
My core has lost pretty much all strength. I'm currently doing physio for my slowly healing shoulder and am not allowed yet to do things like pushups/crawls/any lift or any other weights. I just started running again and don't want to wreck my legs too much. Any ideas? So far I found: Leg raises, dead bugs (need to be…
Low impact workouts
Hi. What are some low impact workouts for me to do. I have Degenerative Disc Disease in my lower back and I need a knee replacement.
Can I add my body measurements free
Hello all. I can’t seem to find where I add my body measurements on the free app. Is this something they don’t allow for free anymore? Is it worth paying for it. Many thanks
Shoes or No Shoes?
Are weight lifting workouts more affective with or without shoes? 🏋🏻♀️
My fitness steps logging
I am new to the app and have set it up today. The only down fall is i dont know how to get it to link my steps as calories burned. Its linked to my samsung fitness app to count my steps and does register in my step counter but doesnt add calories to my excerise. How do i fix?
Help! - Couch to 5km/ Fitbit distance issue
I started using the couch to 5km app and also wear my Fitbit when I run. It’s been a few weeks and I have only been using the app and then just recently started tracking the run with my Fitbit as well and found out that they have a 1km discrepancy between them! Maybe even a bit over… I was shocked and super discouraged. I…
How accurate is strengthlevel.com?
Hi ! Have any experienced weightlifters ever used the strengthlevel.com website? And if so, does it seem accurate in terms of the database they provide? It seems fairly ok overall, but sometimes on certain exercises I get the impression that it's off the mark. Like hip thrust, I'm doing sets at 120kg (~265lbs) and it puts…
STRONG - (workout tracking app)
anyone using this app? I just downloaded it and seems pretty solid for tracking your workouts. you only get 4 free workouts before you have to buy the app. i have used two so far. thinking i will buy it (would be the first time i have ever paid for an app)…
Tips for beginners?
Anyone have any advice or routines for someone looking to build strength at home without equipment?
Lose Muscle vs fat first?
I've been working out and was suddenly forced to stop due to hypertension. I've been losing more rapidly since stopping working out than I had been before. Ideas whether I'm losing muscle or losing fat? The working out I was doing wasn't crazy intense so its not like I was massively muscle building before stopping. I was…
Gym routine?
I know this may seem silly, but whenever I go to the gym I feel a little overwhelmed by all of the machines and such. I don't really know where to start! I tend to do about 15 minutes on the bike for a warmup (about 2 miles) and 30 minutes on the elliptical. My long-term goals are to lower my body fat percentage to 20-25%,…
Exercising without kneeling
Hi Does anyone have any low impact exercise routines that don’t require kneeling down? I have bursa issues and mild cerebral palsy
Gym Routine for Beginner HELP
Good afternoon everyone, I have been searching for a workout routine to do at the gym online but i dont know what to choose or what to do. Please HELP.
You DON'T have to be sore to have had a good workout
I've had the occasional client come to me every now and then and say they aren't getting sore from their workouts and wondering if they need to increase their intensity, resistance or duration. Well totally depending on what their goal is, I will make adjustments. However since 90% of my clients are just looking for good…
Neck Tension After Barbell Exercises?
I **JUST** started working out with a barbell--squats, deadlifts, push press--and I've noticed that the next day after a work out, my neck is really tense. A little stiff, but not like an injury, more like how you feel after driving all day. I was wondering if anyone has experienced this before and whether there is…
How can you get your child to exercise? WILLINGLY
Unsurprisingly with the advent of phone technology, less and less kids are interested in physical fitness. And it's not uncommon that kids that are inactive become adults that are inactive. And of course many on here know that physical inactivity is one of the main reasons for weight gain along with overconsumption of…
Back to running after a big weight gain.
Hello everyone and hope your fitness journeys are going really well? I gained 6 stone after giving up running and I went back to overeating again. I weight 16.5 stone and have an arthritic right knee. Ideally I would like to start running again but am unsure as my weight will be a barrier. I am a keen walker and swimmer…
Intervals for higher calorie burns
When I'm in any gym, I'll always see many cardio enthusiasts just doing steady state cardio. Part of why I hate steady state cardio on a machine is that it gets really boring just doing the same thing for 30 minutes to an hour. Which BTW for any cardio only people here, the "fat burning zone" is a waste of time to stay in.…
Any rock climbers on MyFitnessPal?
Hi! My fitness goals currently are revolving around improving my rock climbing. I'd like to lose some weight as a part of that (~30-40 lbs?) since I'm a bit overweight and obviously weighing less would be an advantage in moving up a rock wall. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to connect with other rock climbers with…
Burn Boot Camp
Hi Everyone! I'm recently back on my health journey and started going to a place called Burn Boot Camp. Essentially it's like a HIIT class that focuses on different areas every day. Just wondering if anyone else is a member and your thoughts!
Garmin, what did you smoke?!?
My physio gave me some rather strenuous exercises for shoulder and upper back today next to some slow lat pulldowns and rows. The most difficult for me were mountain climbers. Yeah, I am deconditioned after 8 months of doing very little. Garmin counted the whole workout as anaerobic capacity (I guess the interval nature of…
Hello im recently looking for simple workout for weight gain im a begginer
Excruciating pain during exercise during ovulation.
Disclaimer: Unless you are the owner of a vagina, the following information will benefit you in no way. I have been keeping precise track of my cycle and how this pain relates to it. I have been having menstrual-like cramps, that occur only during days 14-21 of my cycle. It comes in waves, about two minutes apart. This…