Advice please people..
5ft 7" 140lbs male... ive got these scales that tell you your body fat, I no there not accurate but it does saying im 20% body fat... I have put on some fat around the back of my waist... Due to the gyms being shut and hoping there opening in April do I keep eating alot or should hold back some kcals to lose some fat...…
I'm sure this has been talked about several times over but I can't see to find an actual forum. I am so confused on macros now that I am bulking. I lost 50 pounds of fat but also lost muscle in the process. The app has me taking in 2970 calories, 149 grams of protein, 376 grams of carbs, and 99 grams of fats to maintain.…
Accountability and Friends
Good morning everyone! Add me as a Friend for motivation and accountability! LETS GET THIS!!!
What’s your strength training routine look like?
As the title implies... what’s it look like? Whether you use equipment, body weight only, or a mix. Let’s hear it!
Looking for Information
Just done a full body workout. (Detailed in my journal) Am wondering how many calories roughly I burned. Since I don’t know, it’s throwing off my daily caloric intake and at this point I’m just guessing. Can someone tell me where I can find information regarding how many calories certain presses spend and I can tailor it…
Advice of gaining vs anxiety
Hi, I am underweight male 5ft 6/7inchs and fluxuate between 47/48KG's. I know I need to eat more calorie dense foods and increase the frequency of meals and snacking. In terms of activity I have currently stopped all cardio but still incorporate walks (10,000 steps) a day. No resistance work until the gyms open for me also…
Competitions (Bodybuilding, Marathons, Runs, Obstacle Course Races)
Anybody preparing to do any competitons this year? If so, I wish you guys the best! Its a crazy year, but continue to focus on the goals. Posting my support for all of you. :)
Men's Physique NPC win! (Novice) - July 2020
Returning after a prolonged prep, the comp i've been waiting for since March of this year finally took place.....and excited to say i took Class A 1st place💪 it was DEFINITELY worth the wait, i hope all has been well with everyone!
how much exercise a day to help build lean muscle and tone
hi I am currently 5 ft 5 110 lbs and would like to get to 120 lbs but in toned muscle and so have been working out for about 10 minutes 3 days a week which i know is nothing but ive never consistently worked out in my life so just getting myself to keep up with this is a good start but how long will i have to get to to…
Gaining weight on 1200 cals
I am strictly sticking to 1200 calories a day and trying to lose 8lbs I put on in Dec and Jan. In the first week I lost 3lbs and was really pleased. Since then I put on 2lbs and have then lost 1lb again but have consistently been putting on an eighth of a pound every day for the past 4 days. I'm 41 and used to be able to…
Banter: Favourite Lifts
I love training banter!! What’s your favourite movement for: Legs: - Hamstring isolation - quad isolation - squat type Back: - Thickness - Width Delts - lateral - Rear Pecs - upper - Lower Arms
So I tore my labrum years ago and have issues with my shoulders so chest was never my strong suit. I never over work chest and always take care of my body before anything else. I weigh 220 and am a 33 year old male I bench 135 at 2 sets 10 reps Then 135 at 2 sets 6 reps My two questions are will I eventually Be able to…
Full body vs Split ?
Hi, I’ve been doing a plot routine for 5 months now and I’ve lost 22lbs so far and gained some muscle. I’m around 14-15% BF and felt like it was time to switch things up a little. So I did my first full body workout today and I intend to do it 3 times a week. Squats: 3x10 DL: 3x10 Bench Press: 3x10 Bent Over Row: 3x10…
Eating in a caloric surplus of 500 calories but not gaining weight.
Hello all. I am currently on a lean bulk. I am 5 foot 10 and 154 lbs. My maintenance calories are around 2900 to 3000. I started with a surplus of 250-300 and was around 3200. I gained a couple pounds in the first two weeks but most of that was water weight. By the end of the second week I was at 155. By the end of the…
Whey powder and no gym
Is it okey to drink protien powder without gym or exercising . Or training ? I just want to gain weight
Deducting exercise calories while on a clean bulk?
I'm attempting to bulk up a little bit, going from 162 to 165-166ish (5' 10"). Doing a lot of resistance training and some running, jumproping, etc. to keep up my cardio. And walking ~10k steps a day just to keep moving. I've set a modest calorie surplus goal of 10%, which is around 250 calories - so shooting to eat ~2750…
Sudden weight gain- help!
Hey all I have gained almost 10 lbs in just a month. I’ve been adhering to a pretty strict calorie deficit but I’m starting to crave sugar and snacking. I adhere to my calorie deficit but my workouts are starting to feel much more difficult and I’m packing on weight with very little energy. How can I reverse this quickly??
Gain lean muscle any tips welcome
Hi All, Hoping some of you out there can provide some suggestions etc. I work out everyday using a mixture of dumbbells and also weight machine. I have been increasing both reps and weights used. I also do 5km run per day on the treadmill and cycle a couple of times a week for approx 15km per session. I have lost weight…
default macronutrient goal and daily goals don't agree
I set my default protein goal to 35% (189g) but when I access the nutrients in day view (today) from the bottom of the diary screen, it tells me that my protein goal is 249g and that I need to eat 126g more protein (when in fact it should be more like 65)! Can someone tell me what's going on here?
Thoughts on full body splits? Effective?
So I’m a woman, 26, complicated workout history. Off and on for a couple years, but without pushing myself hard enough, or really knowing exactly what I was doing. Started finally hitting it hard beginning of 2020, and then....yeah. Finally got back to it in October, and actually work at my gym as staff and a group fitness…
Replace fat for muscle
Hi there. What are every ones thoughts on how to replace body fat with muscle gain? I'm a tall slender man @ 45 yrs old with a fast metabolism that has started to slow down. I would like to gain some mass but dont want the bulky look. Muscular without huge muscles... What the communities advice be to achieve this?
Theragun Elite on offer at QVC UK For £319
Such a good deal! Just thought you’d all like to know.
DMHA vs DMAA question
Over the past few years I was occasionally taking an ECA stack via Bronkaid to amp out workouts- as I LOVE accelerated cardio/ weight training- I never crashed or had any ill side effects. Since I can’t get my hands on any anymore I switch to DMHA + Caffeine after someone recommended it saying “If you like the ECA try this…
Macros for booty gains!!
I am currently on surplus. I'm 5'5, 142lbs and aiming for 2300 calories a day with 1g of protein per body weight (140lbs daily). My main goal is to gain booty muscle. Any advices?
Who’s the every day workout people in here?
If I miss a day I’m miserable. Any others out there with this same mentality?
Some advice please On what’s next
So some background I am 5ft 6 inches 148lbs down from 220lbs I have a small amount of fat left on my mid section and would call myself skinny fat. I work a warehouse job 3 days a week which is very physical And involves lifting and moving pallets and I lift an upper lower split on the other 4 days. What is my goal to not…
Hello. I’m a mid 30’s male in decent shape. I’m not one to use protein shakes or anything, however I noticed that I am really sore after a workout. Especially after a leg day. Is my soreness caused by a lack of protein after I exercise? What causes soreness and how do you combat it. Hard to sit down sometimes after legs (…
Need to gain weight
Hello. I'm 5'7" 108lbs I've been trying to put on and keep on weight for many years. My problem is #1 lactose intolerant #2 allergic to bananas and fleshy foods make me nauseous (cantaloupe and avocados etc). Evidently I can't stomach protein shakes (throw them up almost immediately) on top of that I'm a very picky eater.…
Same plan- suddenly different results? Help :/
Hello I have been working hard to cut the last 5 lbs down for my first ever competition in March. In the past few months I cut my calories to just a 250 cal deficit and increased training days/ week. 1 rest day. I incorporated in another cardio day as well. However, I’m suddenly noticing a ton of water retention and even…
Show me your home gyms!
I’m putting a small log cabin in my garden to use as a gym for my oly lifts. Won’t have much kit in it as I need the space to throw the bar around, but I’m looking for inspiration. Anyone with a home gym (shed, garage or whatever) I’d love to see your pics to inspire me!