Question about isolating muscles and hypertrophy?
Here's a question, strictly in terms of hypertrophy. Take any exercise, we'll say bench press for this example. We put 50kg on the bar, nice slow and controlled eccentrics, perfect form, say we get 90% chest activation doing this. We then put on 60kg, on this we only get 60% chest. 20 shoulders and 20 triceps, we add…
Muscle gain
Hi. I do PHAT workout 5 days a week, and do HIIT cardio 3 times a week, Eat over 4,000. Calories a day. Weigh in at 212lbs and I’m about 6’1 Any ab workouts recommend?
Knee sleeves for lifting
Hey everyone, Any shorter lifters out there? What knee sleeves do you use? I’m using SBD but they’re too tight on my calves and giving me cramp. I need to get a new pair and ideally I’d like shorter ones. I’m in the UK so would rather order from here in case they need to be returned. Having spent a decent amount of money…
Rear delt exorcises
Anyone have any suggestions for exorcises that target your rear delts other than bentover reverse flies?
Cardio before or after?
Should you do cardio before or after you lift weights?
So confused!?!?
Soooo I am cutting because I’m going on a cruise! I’ve dropped my calories from 2,500 to 2,100. I’m doing 30 minutes of cardio 4 days per week plus weight training 4 days a week. Yet my body weight is increasing. What should I do?
Calorie surplus or deficit??
Hi, im wanting to lose body fat whilst gaining or maintaining my current weight.. how do I go about this?
Dieting help
Hey guys! I’m about to start dieting and exercising. I wanna build muscle but I also wanna lose some belly fat I have. I’m confused where I don’t know if I should be dieting to lose weight for my belly or I can just eat to build muscle and as I exercise the belly fat would go away. Any help would be great!
New workout. thoughts?
Was working off an old template from a workout made for me. Was planning on adding some volume to my triceps, chest and biceps. Was running straight 4x12-15 rpe 9 Was thinking of adding some higher rep ranges with slightly lighter weights to increase volume to those areas. incline bp 4x12-15 rpe 9 supinated lat pulls cable…
Read a Bulk to cutting article. Thoughts?
Hi so I read an article the other day claiming bulking should be done 3-6 weeks at a time , then cutting 3-6 weeks at a time to see max results. Thoughts on this? From all other articles they recommend 4-6 months of bulking and then maintaining. Thanks for your time responding and reading
It's so hard to gain weight and muscle
Hello, I have pretty much been skinny all my life. Last year, I was at 118 lbs and currently at 133 lbs just by adding more calories and going to the gym. I'm so happy to see I am not the only one that struggles with this 🤪
What to eat post workout
Hey guys and girls. The title says it all. I know what I eat post workout, my question is, what are you all eating and why do you eat what you do. Post below. Thanks. Aaron
Bench press
I’ve recently added bench press to my chest routine. I tried to lift 60kg...not a chance lol. So started with 25kg for 15 reps but felt easy. Now doing 35kg for 10 reps. I’m not confident increasing my weight at the moment. Just wondered how many people on MFP bench, how much and what difficulties they’ve faced?
Gain weight
I want to know from the dietitian here .. what are the foods that gain weight healthy and safe I was 70k and when I stopped exercising I became 65k .. any advice Iam 20 years old go to gym 5days a week
Forearm pain on non lifting days
Hey there, I have been lifting for about a month now and noticed something very strange. I'd mostly like your feedback on the issue and also like to know how those who are affected by the same issue treat it. During lifting in the gym, I don't feel any pain in my forearm at all. However, on days that I don't go to the gym…
What is everyone training today?
Ok, so post below what you have or will train today
Bulk yet or cut more?
Dear Internet. Firstly, sorry for the pics, but what is seen cannot be unseen. Ok background..... Been lifting on and off for a while. Kind of yo yoing. Basicaly i bulked too quick. Seriously, a lb a week does NOT work for me. So i then decided i shall lose the fat and start again with a smaller surplus and just go aim for…
Not sure where to go. Bulk or Cut? Qardio scale results
Hi all My stats: 6'2'', 185 lbs. I've been trying to slow bulk for the past few months. I've attached a latest photo of myself here as well. I recently bought a Qardio scale. I stepped on for the first time today, and got my results (I attached an image here). It's telling me that I'm 19% BF, which I immediately think is…
Abs and glutes
My body burns 1200 calories a day and I do cardio for about an hour 5 days a week, I don't want to gain or lose weight but I want to have abs and build my glutes so my question is am I supposed to consume 1200 calories a day, less calories a day or more calories?
Macros for Strength Gains
Been lifting weights for about 10 years. I am not a body builder but a power lifter. Two questions but related... Has anyone been able to get stronger and lose a little bit of weight and what are your macros? Is it more important to keep your fat macros higher than your carb macros? I keep my protein around 1g per lean…
No soreness
If I don’t wake up sore the day following starting a new strength training workout does that mean I didn’t go hard enough?
Advice please.
Already posted in another category but not had much i regards to a answers, anyone know why it looks like I'm missing part of my left pec and if I can fix this? Cheers
Skinny Fat: Caloric Surplus OR Caloric Deficit?
New to bodybuilding & fitness goals . I am text book definition “Skinny fat.” I have heard both approaches for “Skinny fat” body type & getting exhausted & overwhelmed with conflicting approaches . I’m 5’4, about 110-113lbs & I’d guess about 20-25% body fat that’s on stomach & hips.. I’m scrawny everywhere else.. I found…
Im back
Who els out there using this app with same goals
Can anyone guesstimate my bf %?
Been training hard since March and want to get to a decent low bf before I start my first bulk.
Cheat Day or Bulimia argument...(Buttermore)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU5fX-5LuuA Thought this was an interesting argument drawing the line between Binge Eating Disorder & "Cheating". I would have to side more with Greg on this one...as time goes by, I find my results have been better/more sustainable the more mild I would allow myself to cheat from prolonged…
How do I switch gears?
Hello! I recently hit my goal weight as far as loosing weight is concerned and now I am wanting to start to put on muscle! I know that I need to up my carbs (I was told by 10 grams a day), and lift heavier. Any other tips? I’m concerned that my 30 minute work out a day won’t be enough, but with two little boys I really…
Gaining Weight Females Group
Hi am 23 year female and my hight is 5'8, i currently weight 138lbs from 119 and my current goal is 145, i will set another goal if i reach there. Will it not be good to support each other? Gaining weight is hard. So i created this group so that we can make things easier for ourselves by benefiting from others opinions,…
Gaining Weight & Overall Advice
I’ve struggled to gain and maintain my entire life. I’m 5’7” 111 lbs currently with a BMI of 17.4%. I take in about 2200-2300 calories a day. If I’m more active like during the summer I lose weight. I don’t exercise and I’m a engineer so I sit at a desk all day. I’ve started doing lunges, squats, donkey kicks and hip…