

  • lisa9511
    lisa9511 Posts: 5 Member
    I have fallen off the food wagon for the past 3 months and gained back the 15 lbs I lost. Starting over sucks.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Can a confession be a positive one? After 16 years of marriage I divorced. He was emotionally and verbally abusive and I didn't want our kids to think that was a normal or healthy relationship. He refused to even try to change. I asked for eight years for change. Just about a year after the divorce finalized I started dating my SO -a year ago this past February. I have not rushed. We are very similar and very compatible. In this time we have not fought. That is not to say we have not disagreed or gotten on each other's nerves. Just that we've dealt with these issues as adults and while showing each other respect. The "I love you " did not happen from me for 8 -10 months.

    So I just realized today that we have something tender and sweet and wonderful and that I trust him to treat me in a loving and respectful manner no matter what is going on with him or his day. I realized that my SO is someone who I can see being a true life partner. We'll see if it goes there. I'll be ok no matter what. I'm the most healthy on all levels that I've been in many years. I'm in love with mySO and with my life.

    Best of luck! That sounds great.

    Confession - stomach growling. So hungry. But can't think of anything I actually want to eat.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Can a confession be a positive one? After 16 years of marriage I divorced. He was emotionally and verbally abusive and I didn't want our kids to think that was a normal or healthy relationship. He refused to even try to change. I asked for eight years for change. Just about a year after the divorce finalized I started dating my SO -a year ago this past February. I have not rushed. We are very similar and very compatible. In this time we have not fought. That is not to say we have not disagreed or gotten on each other's nerves. Just that we've dealt with these issues as adults and while showing each other respect. The "I love you " did not happen from me for 8 -10 months.

    So I just realized today that we have something tender and sweet and wonderful and that I trust him to treat me in a loving and respectful manner no matter what is going on with him or his day. I realized that my SO is someone who I can see being a true life partner. We'll see if it goes there. I'll be ok no matter what. I'm the most healthy on all levels that I've been in many years. I'm in love with mySO and with my life.

    Best of luck! That sounds great.

    Confession - stomach growling. So hungry. But can't think of anything I actually want to eat.
  • LorraineZinn
    LorraineZinn Posts: 43 Member
    My husband and I got some food last night, and it was just ridiculously salty. He didn't eat his, but me? Hey, it's food, right? I ate it all even though I didn't like it. I knew even as I eating it that I'd be happier if I just went home and had a PB&J, but did that stop me? Today am I up three pounds from all that salt. Why did I eat it? WHY?
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited May 2015
    I confess, I want to STRANGLE and/or SET ON FIRE one particular coworker who was supposed to relieve me but called in sick. Now I have to work a mandatory 8 hours of overtime. So now I am pulling a GLORIOUS 16 hour shift, after which, I get to go home and sleep for exactly(I hope) 6.5 hours before coming back to work my regular shift again.

    His illness you ask? Why it is a mere chronic condition known as DIABETES that he has been told by MULTIPLE doctors and nurses(including the ones we have on staff) how to manage and he just REFUSES to do so.

    Honestly, I don't think he even ACTUALLY had a blood sugar spike. I think he just woke up late and thought "Since I'm late I might as well just call in and not show up altogether."
    Something about the words to our supervisor made me think this. The phrase was: "Oh well my blood sugar is a little high and I just don't feel like coming in today." I almost wish he hadn't had it on speakerphone...
    I can not STAND people who choose to not manage their illnesses or those who chose to use a chronic illness as an excuse.

    My dog had dreams of going for a walk today. Will that happen? Nope. I had plans of a glorious workout before coming in to work tomorrow. Will THAT happen? Nope.

    I knew stuff like this would happen when I took this job. Mandatory overtime. Fine. But the fact that it has happened 4 times in the 3 months I have been here? Not cool. That is just counting the times it has happened to ME and we haven't had doubles going(two people working the same shift, at the same campus, on the same day). This has also happened to the 2 other night shift PSOs.

    Our own sergeant is wondering why he still has a job because he doesn't even meet expectations on his evaluations, but the system wont fire him.

    I would rather work all 12 hour shifts and only get ONE day off a week if it meant his termination. I don't mind working the extra hours as long as I am well informed beforehand and can plan accordingly.

    You should just be glad you are not the one dealing with the diabetes......for you to call it a 'mere' condition alone tells me how uneducated you are on the matter.....I could write you a novel on all the problems and complications it causes but let's just cut to the chase and say it kills people. DIABETES KILLS PEOPLE.

    And yes, I am well aware that I am judging this post, but seriously, how could you not.....

    I called it a chronic condition and I am fully aware that diabetes kills people.

    My grandmother was diabetic, as was my Aunt Cathy and elevated glucose is not a reason to not get out of bed. It's a reason to adjust insulin and diet and get up and get moving. Lying in bed will not get the circulation to your extremities to help reduce the damage from elevated glucose.

    My father is diabetic and my sister was recently diagnosed with diabetes and is already having kidney problems at the age of 24. I know the damage it can cause if it is not managed properly.

    The difference between he and I is that if I had diabetes, I would DEAL with my diabetes. He is not dealing with it or attempting to manage it. If he were, then maybe he would get some sympathy. As it is, he is a lazy person who doesn't really want to work, complains when he receives feedback about how he doesn't do any work, and refuses to change his habits or adjust his attitude.

    I'm sorry but he will get no sympathy from me just because he has a chronic condition that he refuses to even ATTEMPT to manage.

    ETA: Setting him on fire would also kill him...

    How do you know he is not trying to manage it? It is a lot harder than it looks. How do you know he is not getting out of bed? Personally when my blood sugar is high, I take a shot and try and rest a bit until it goes down enough for me to be able to get up and move. Working on bringing your blood sugar down and trying to work at a job while feeling like that, is two totally different things.

    You called it a MERE chronic condition.


    the smallest or slightest.

    There is NOTHING mere about diabetes, you made it sound like he called in because he had a cold sore....

    You are correct. I did initially refer to it as a 'mere' condition and I apologize for that.

    As a type 1 diabetic I am sure you understand first hand what the symptoms and challenges all feel like. You have also likely been monitoring your diet and managing your illness for a long time. Dealing with a hand you have been dealt and an illness that was not preventable.

    I understand being born with it is different than being diagnosed as an adult. And being 62 years old, almost 200lbs overweight, and being consistently reprimanded for leaving Laffy Taffy wrappers and empty Coke cans in the patrol vehicle doesn't make it any easier. So naturally, that would lead him to smoke, on a tobacco free campus no less, to relieve the stress.

    The main issue I have is that he doesn't try to manage his condition. Doesn't TRY. Even with the pleading of his girlfriend(I have heard her from their car). In addition, saying that 'I just don't feel like coming in today' is what REALLY killed it for me.

    Chronic condition? Fine. But if you just don't feel like coming in today? Don't say that out loud. It REALLY makes it seem like you are just using your illness as an excuse.
    Do I judge him too harshly? Maybe. But if he wants to live he needs to make some changes to his lifestyle.

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    It might just be my sleep deprivation but @Italian_Buju seems to read a large portion of what I post in a negative light. Therefore, I will go ahead and abandon this thread forthwith.
    Maintaining an ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT thread is difficult, but I am glad I was able to participate and glad it at least lasted over 600 pages. :smile:
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Going to the gym for the first time in two weeks :# don't judge me please!

    YAY!!! I am judging that this is GREAT!! Enjoy!

    Good point, thank you! Going to try and make it happen more often and not let such a long time pass again before going!
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Going to the gym for the first time in two weeks :# don't judge me please!

    YAY!!! I am judging that this is GREAT!! Enjoy!

    Good point, thank you! Going to try and make it happen more often and not let such a long time pass again before going!

    Good for you!!
  • pigoon
    pigoon Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2015
    My confession is that I'm a body positive, fat acceptance activist on a reductive calorie counting site. My only reason for being here is personal vanity. I feel the betrayal to my bones.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    pigoon wrote: »
    My confession is that I'm a body positive, fat acceptance activist on a reductive calorie counting site. I feel the betrayal to my bones.
    But when you're a bit lighter, your bones will thank you.
  • wmessenger72
    wmessenger72 Posts: 12 Member
    Kelll12123 wrote: »
    I ate over half a carton of ice cream in one sitting last week

    Sounds like something I'd do. What kind was it?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I confess, I want to STRANGLE and/or SET ON FIRE one particular coworker who was supposed to relieve me but called in sick. Now I have to work a mandatory 8 hours of overtime. So now I am pulling a GLORIOUS 16 hour shift, after which, I get to go home and sleep for exactly(I hope) 6.5 hours before coming back to work my regular shift again.

    His illness you ask? Why it is a mere chronic condition known as DIABETES that he has been told by MULTIPLE doctors and nurses(including the ones we have on staff) how to manage and he just REFUSES to do so.

    Honestly, I don't think he even ACTUALLY had a blood sugar spike. I think he just woke up late and thought "Since I'm late I might as well just call in and not show up altogether."
    Something about the words to our supervisor made me think this. The phrase was: "Oh well my blood sugar is a little high and I just don't feel like coming in today." I almost wish he hadn't had it on speakerphone...
    I can not STAND people who choose to not manage their illnesses or those who chose to use a chronic illness as an excuse.

    My dog had dreams of going for a walk today. Will that happen? Nope. I had plans of a glorious workout before coming in to work tomorrow. Will THAT happen? Nope.

    I knew stuff like this would happen when I took this job. Mandatory overtime. Fine. But the fact that it has happened 4 times in the 3 months I have been here? Not cool. That is just counting the times it has happened to ME and we haven't had doubles going(two people working the same shift, at the same campus, on the same day). This has also happened to the 2 other night shift PSOs.

    Our own sergeant is wondering why he still has a job because he doesn't even meet expectations on his evaluations, but the system wont fire him.

    I would rather work all 12 hour shifts and only get ONE day off a week if it meant his termination. I don't mind working the extra hours as long as I am well informed beforehand and can plan accordingly.

    You should just be glad you are not the one dealing with the diabetes......for you to call it a 'mere' condition alone tells me how uneducated you are on the matter.....I could write you a novel on all the problems and complications it causes but let's just cut to the chase and say it kills people. DIABETES KILLS PEOPLE.

    And yes, I am well aware that I am judging this post, but seriously, how could you not.....

    I called it a chronic condition and I am fully aware that diabetes kills people.

    My grandmother was diabetic, as was my Aunt Cathy and elevated glucose is not a reason to not get out of bed. It's a reason to adjust insulin and diet and get up and get moving. Lying in bed will not get the circulation to your extremities to help reduce the damage from elevated glucose.

    My father is diabetic and my sister was recently diagnosed with diabetes and is already having kidney problems at the age of 24. I know the damage it can cause if it is not managed properly.

    The difference between he and I is that if I had diabetes, I would DEAL with my diabetes. He is not dealing with it or attempting to manage it. If he were, then maybe he would get some sympathy. As it is, he is a lazy person who doesn't really want to work, complains when he receives feedback about how he doesn't do any work, and refuses to change his habits or adjust his attitude.

    I'm sorry but he will get no sympathy from me just because he has a chronic condition that he refuses to even ATTEMPT to manage.

    ETA: Setting him on fire would also kill him...

    How do you know he is not trying to manage it? It is a lot harder than it looks. How do you know he is not getting out of bed? Personally when my blood sugar is high, I take a shot and try and rest a bit until it goes down enough for me to be able to get up and move. Working on bringing your blood sugar down and trying to work at a job while feeling like that, is two totally different things.

    You called it a MERE chronic condition.


    the smallest or slightest.

    There is NOTHING mere about diabetes, you made it sound like he called in because he had a cold sore....

    You are correct. I did initially refer to it as a 'mere' condition and I apologize for that.

    As a type 1 diabetic I am sure you understand first hand what the symptoms and challenges all feel like. You have also likely been monitoring your diet and managing your illness for a long time. Dealing with a hand you have been dealt and an illness that was not preventable.

    I understand being born with it is different than being diagnosed as an adult. And being 62 years old, almost 200lbs overweight, and being consistently reprimanded for leaving Laffy Taffy wrappers and empty Coke cans in the patrol vehicle doesn't make it any easier. So naturally, that would lead him to smoke, on a tobacco free campus no less, to relieve the stress.

    The main issue I have is that he doesn't try to manage his condition. Doesn't TRY. Even with the pleading of his girlfriend(I have heard her from their car). In addition, saying that 'I just don't feel like coming in today' is what REALLY killed it for me.

    Chronic condition? Fine. But if you just don't feel like coming in today? Don't say that out loud. It REALLY makes it seem like you are just using your illness as an excuse.
    Do I judge him too harshly? Maybe. But if he wants to live he needs to make some changes to his lifestyle.

    There are differences in type one and type two diabetes that make each difficult in their own ways. Two of the biggest challenges that a type two faces is overcoming a lifetime of bad habits. I have had this conversation with several medical professionals over the years.

    Type ones are generally diagnosed early in life, and therefore can have good habits made easier (although still challenging). Type twos go most of their lives living however they want, and then suddenly find out they have a serious condition and must change a lifetime of bad habits. Also, there is usually a denial aspect.

    On top of all this, a lot of type twos do not take insulin shots, as they use this as a last resort. Therefore, when they do want to eat something sugary, for example, they cannot have that blood sugar corrected in an hour or two like someone who is insulin dependent, it can literally take days to become normal again after eating a candy bar.

    Being on the outside, seeing someone with an illness and thinking you know what to do to control it, and having an illness and trying to control it, are two very different things. I know a guy currently going through chemo right now for lung cancer, and still smokes is easy for people to say he should quit. But being him, a smoker for 40 years, and dealing with the stress of cancer, I have no idea what he is going through, so I cannot judge him.
  • Sch614
    Sch614 Posts: 73 Member
    lisa9511 wrote: »
    I have fallen off the food wagon for the past 3 months and gained back the 15 lbs I lost. Starting over sucks.

    I hate setbacks too, very demoralizing but at least you know what works for you and you can definitely do it again!

  • pigoon
    pigoon Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2015
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pigoon wrote: »
    My confession is that I'm a body positive, fat acceptance activist on a reductive calorie counting site. I feel the betrayal to my bones.
    But when you're a bit lighter, your bones will thank you.

    Thank you for reinforcing the reason why I hate this place. Bone health has nothing to do with weight, by the way.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    pigoon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pigoon wrote: »
    My confession is that I'm a body positive, fat acceptance activist on a reductive calorie counting site. I feel the betrayal to my bones.
    But when you're a bit lighter, your bones will thank you.

    Thank you for reinforcing the reason why I hate this place. My bones are perfectly fine at my current weight, thank you.

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited May 2015
    pigoon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pigoon wrote: »
    My confession is that I'm a body positive, fat acceptance activist on a reductive calorie counting site. I feel the betrayal to my bones.
    But when you're a bit lighter, your bones will thank you.

    Thank you for reinforcing the reason why I hate this place. Bone health has nothing to do with weight, by the way.
    Wow, thanks. I actually was trying to be supportive. Good luck.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    No judgment seems to be flying right out the window for the last few pages.

    My confession: I've started tracking back at sparkpeople again, because the update broke my script, I have no interest in paying $50/yr for something I can do for free on another site, and this thread and my friends list are the only thing keeping me logging in at all.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Let's get back to our old ways of the thread please! I'd be so sad if this thread gets closed :'(
  • jesikalovesyou
    jesikalovesyou Posts: 172 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pigoon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pigoon wrote: »
    My confession is that I'm a body positive, fat acceptance activist on a reductive calorie counting site. I feel the betrayal to my bones.
    But when you're a bit lighter, your bones will thank you.

    Thank you for reinforcing the reason why I hate this place. Bone health has nothing to do with weight, by the way. That's an edit. You're a dick.
    Wow, thanks. I actually was trying to be supportive. Good luck.

    Don't feel bad. I get what you were doing. Some people are just rude.
  • juliebowman4
    juliebowman4 Posts: 784 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    sigh...When I found that I couldn't eat peanut butter in moderation, and had to get it out of my apartment ASAP, I not only threw it away-I drowned the jar in water first so I wouldn't be tempted...

    I can't believe I shared that.

    I no longer keep anything in the house that I might binge on because I can't seem to control myself and moderate.
    Haagen Dazs ice cream, potato chips, peanuts.....
    I'm an all or nothing kinda gal.
    Who wants 17 potato chips?!
    If I can't eat the bag, then I don't want any.