If you could erase 1 song from history which would it be and why?
If you could erase 1 song from history which would it be and why? I'll start The Macarena Do I really need to say why?
What is your dream job ??
Every body has dreams.. But what would your dream job be..
Where's everyone from?
Let's see where everyone is from?
Marry, sex, kill!
First person answers than posts 3 more names an so on. Kim kardashian Oprah Lindsay lohan
Story builder
Lets see what kind of story we can build... (should be fun with the lag of this app sometimes.) I'll start with the 1st sentence Wandering through the graveyard it felt like something was watching me.
The person above gets the award for...
(Speaks for itself really) .... The person above gets the award for being invisible
I am.... I'd rather be.... (GO!!!!)
I am at work I'd rather be in bed
you taking to the MFP Ball?
Fame or Fortune
Would u rather be rich or famous??? Really hard decision for me, probably famous B)
Big yourself up
I am beautiful no matter what they say... I am kind.. What is the next person, sum yourself up :)
anything else
Hit me up on everything and anything else, let's the the motivation going
Name your spirit animal! Memes and GIFs welcomed!
Help me understand...
What's up with all these "above you" discussions? Above you? Like, hanging from my ceiling?
I missed going to the gym again today, that's thirty years on the trot now.
What are you lookin forward to?
Lean cuisines = $115 HRM = $89 Workout out D.V.D's = $30 Being able to wear a bikini next summer =Priceless :tongue: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
Create other words from the word posted.
Pick a dance style that describes your personality.
I'll go first, headbanging and tektonic.
Say something you LIKE about the above poster. BE NICE PEOPLE!
Obvious prompt I think
A-Z Three vowels only
I haven't seen this game anywhere, so I though I'd start it up. Just find a word with three vowels, and go in alphabetical order. Alphabet :D
Describe You Love Life With A Film Title
Fast and Furious
Have you ever traveled by yourself?
Have you ever traveled by yourself?
Pick an artist/favorite song by artist
So pick an artist, person below picks a favorite song by artist and then picks a new artist If you don't know the artist put N/A or something Stevie Nicks
Favorite pizza topping
Probably a terrible place for this lol, but I feel like making a pizza tonight one of those home made ones, any suggestions
Post something you wouldn't normally tell others (TMI)
Old School Game: I'm having a party and you're invited. What will you bring?
Sardine Sausages. What will you bring?
Favorite childhood cartoon
Banana split
Looking for Australians
That is all
Answer. Then ask a rhetorical question to the person below.
( ) Can this day go any slower?
She was crazy...and I liked it.
Dad Jokes
I would tell you a joke about pizza.....but it would be cheesy! ;)