What do you prefer?
Choose two different options and let the next person decide which one they prefer🤨
When's The Last Time You...
Ok--- I'll start; hopefully there's not too much lag! Answer the above question and post yours for TNP a few lines down When's the last time you drunk text and regretted it?
say someting about your day.
Say 2 words that discribes your day. Go........
Have You Ever Fantasized About The Above?
In any capacity, any way...
Have you ever secretly crushed the person above?
Yes I know this is a stupid topic but every time I see that other thread I think it says this and I'm like "How do you secretly crush someone?" then my brain spends 15 minutes imagining how it would go down. "Psst, over here...yeah, over here, inside this trash compactor. Can you keep a secret?"
Would you vaca with the person above?
Would you vaca with them and where would you go?! I'd take myself to Fiji!
Let's hear your Haiku skillz
Mojo lost to time My gut is gooey and soft Help me fitness pal
Drop a word....add a word...3 Word Edition!
As the title says, lets see if we can make this interesting. Happy Monday Everyone
Fat 💀
Just that.
What song 🎶 would you dedicate to the person above?
Lets count to One Million
Something people wouldn't guess about you from your avatar
I'll start. I'm blonde.
Give the person above you a pet name
Example: Thunder Cheeks
Would you stay in lockdown 🔒🚪🔒 With the person above?
Which Vikings character is the person above you?
"I cannot decide if I want to kill myself, or everyone around me.." Ragnar. lol. Anyway have fun, and Lagerthas the best!
Things that make you irrationally happy
Being able to buy a shamrock shake.
Reply to the person above you with a GIF
No typing/texting any words. I will start by posting a gif, the person below me must comment on my gif with another gif and so on. Try to relate it to the person above you as if you're replying.
🥳 When Is Your Birthday 🎈🎂🎈
March 12 🥳
Say something you like about the person above you
It's always nice to say something kind and it's also nice to hear positives of ourselves. Take a moment and say something nice you see in the person above you :)
Name that logo
What is your favourite Lady Gaga song?
This has *so* nothing to do with health or losing weight. Anywho, mine is Bad Romance, https://youtu.be/qrO4YZeyl0I
What movie/series would you like to watch with the person above?
And go!
job of person above
Name the job you think the person above has
Can you keep it going asking ONLY QUESTIONS II
have you never been mellow? have you never tried to find a comfort from inside you? Have you never been happy just to hear your song? Have you never let someone else be strong?
Post your Funny Gifs & Memes, then the Next Poster ~ Post a Funny response! HAVE SOME FUN, I KNOW YOU ARE ALL CLOSET GOOFBALLS! :tongue:
Favorite Musician/Band Member Who Has Passed Away
It's amazing to think of all the musicians/artists that passed away at a young age. Name ONE artist/musician that has died much too soon, who is your favorite?! Feel free to comment on the posts, because it's hard to pick just ONE! B)
What strange addiction does the person above have?
I’m sure you know the show “My Strange Addiction” now what’s yours? 😈
Ok or not Ok
Bringing stinky food onto a plane respond then add one
Quotes for a Day
Quotes for a day or for a lifetime. There are no rules. There is no box. The sky is not the limit and it never was.
What song for the person above?
What song would you dedicate for the person above?