Post a selfie of ur success right now
Just do it
How much steps do your favorite animal walk per day ?
Paradise By The Dashboard Light
I remember every little thing, as if it happened only yesterday...
Date, Marry, One Night Stand or Pass
Reply to the person above! Let's have some fun!
Funniest Thing During a Diet
What is the funniest thing you've said or done while on a diet? It's only appropriate that I go first. Setting the Scene: A quiet night at home with the family. (LOUD, EXTENDED FART) Moi: That had to be worth a pounds at least.
Fun Friday-post something random about yourself that no one knows.
I'm scared of aliens.... Don't laugh!
Make a confession to the person above
To the group: I sometimes carry on a conversation with just me.
Is it just me?
Or do others love to look at peoples food diaries? :p
How Did the Person Above You get FIRED?
We all know where you work. And if we don't know, be assured, we at least picture you working somewhere, most likely as a bathroom attendant at a HoJo's. And we're sure you excel at your job. That is..... until that fateful day when you get fired. We as mfp members have the uncanny ability to know exactly how you will get…
We all need something to lift our spirits once in a while! Post a Funny Gif or short video and give us a chuckle!
SHARE YOUR VOICE! Uplifting Words of Wisdom, Encouragement, etc.🤗💞 Please follow MFP Guidelines 🙊
Thanks to the Vocaroo app we can share our voices in more ways than one! Laughs are always welcome...Please keep it clean!!! NO Politics!!!🤐 https://voca.ro/1h8zxngoyAMS 💓
If you could always teleport to a one place as your spot, where would it be and who would be allowed to come with you?
Mfp app sucks ... never works!!!
Pile of *kitten*
If u could have a super power what would it be
Mine will be to fly
FUN Word Game!
Just put a word. Any word. That's it. I'll go first: Nomenclature
"We're no strangers to love..."
What's up with this?
What's up with this?
If u could have a super power what would it be
Wait, what?
Who is MFPs "it" girl?! (Sexiest woman of the forums award)
@Wildflower0071 @gottachange4me @Spice1973
Paste the last thing you copied
Right click and paste whatever you last copied.. no cheating. Mike:4:20....smokkem if you gottem RT:Oh ffs RT:Last word Mike:4:21 and all is well
What three wishes would you ask a genie🧞♂️
🧞♂️Always healthy. 🧞♂️Always Happy. 🧞♂️No weight gain on anything I eat.
Time Travel
Imagine, if you will, you found a portal for time travel. The portal will take you wherever you wanted to go, in the past. You only have one choice for the time period you choose yet you can travel to that time as often as you want. Which time period would you choose, where would you go, what would you do, and why?
"On A Dark Desert Highway..."
(you know what to do) Song changed...
Your most embarrising moment at the gym
Mine was i though i was doing a squat right until a woman came over and corrected me...
First thought when you see profile pic
51 yrs old. 2 kids a loving hubby. 2001 (32 yrs old) vs 2020 (51 yrs old) ☺️
Movies or tv shows to watch?
We are stuck in isolation. What are some good movies or shows to watch? Does not matter how old.
Reliable Ridiculous Resolutions
Lots of people come up with new years resolutions... Many of them fall short. This is where you can make resolutions that you KNOW you are going to keep. (or, are at least pretty sure you will). They can be absurd, or just so damn easy you won't possibly miss!
Cancel my subscription
Complement of the season to you all. Could someone please help me on how to cancel my fitnesspal plan? This is not a good time for me to join the plan. Thank you!
Christmas Sweater 2020
Let's see your Christmas Sweater for this year!