My daily calorie goal was increased without me making any changes
My daily calorie goal was increased. So the app is allowing me to eat more. Is this a bug? This was not happening last December. Is anybody seeing the same.
Hi Everyone
I am back tracking my calories after 6 months. My goal is to be consistent with my exercise and healthy diet regimen and achieving zero fat physique
What do you enjoy the most about your weight loss and fitness journey? I'm back and grateful
Hi Everyone, I'm back after a long time away and I'm grateful. My fitness pal helps me being impeccably honest in tracking and it always works. My honesty starts to ebb and flow when I don't track. I can rationalize this treat won't matter, again and again. At 68, I'm being forced to be honest and move daily. Fortunately,…
what is the minimum space for a power rack
I cleaned out my basement and made some space in my HVAC room. I have the following dimensions to work with. Ceiling height 85 inches. Width:102 inches (there's a few more feet of space beyond that but you'd have duck underneath an air handler and on the other side is the water heater and boiler.. depth 80ish inches (wall…
Hey, looking forward to a new me in the coming months.
Getting started again
I’ve been on and off the app for two years. I’m ready to make the changes to become the best me. Any advice for sticking with it is always welcome, including healthy eating suggestions. Sending high-fives to everyone on this fitness journey 👍
Hello everyone!!
I’m Maria, I’m so excited to get this journey started!! I’d love some friends to help me out and keep me motivated!! Send a friend request or comment on here!❤️❤️
This community is awesome. I love MyFitnessPal.
Sleep Apnea
Recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and have always been a 'short sleep' gal (6hrs +/-). Cardiologist said the condition can impact afib and asthma (which I have) so am on an improvement program for that in addition to weight loss. Lordy...
Starvation Mode - Adaptive Thermogenesis and Weight Loss
I’ve read many times that Starvation Mode is a myth or that it isn’t - while this irks me, it isn’t sufficient to push me to just add more noise to the debate. I recently read an interesting article that reviewed different aspects of adaptive thermogenesis, thinking it might be of interest to others, I’ve written a…
Hello- I am new here. I am morbidly obese and ready to lose. I am hideous looking and cannot stand myself. I've been ugly and fat my entire life. I know if I lose weight I'll be pretty. I'm just fighting being morbidly obese and don't know how to do all this weight loss.
How can I log just generic 25 mins of Yoga?
I am trying to track the days I do yoga, but I am not interested in listings out each individual pose or exercise. The only way I find to log a workouts it takes me to the workout routines where either I have to pick one or build my own. Is there a way to simply log "I did 25 mins of Yoga" and call it a day?
App integration????
Ive tried a few different apps to integrate my steps and sleep. I'm on an android. I usually use Samsung health. I tried google health etc. Nothing seem to work. I get a message telling me to disconnect from the app I want to use in order to avoid double reporting. Ive tried with no success. Any input is welcome
Back again, but properly this time!
Hi, I’ve had an on/off relationship with MFP since I was 16 and after finally hitting what I’m hoping is rock bottom weight-wise, now aged 28, I’m hoping to actually make the most of this app and reach my 4 stone loss goal. Do you find the forums helpful for support? Also wondering if anyone has any good motivational…
Exercise adjusted calorie goal
Is there a way to see your total calorie burn for the day? I'm curious if the exercise adjusted calorie intake goal maintains a target caloric deficit per day. Thanks.
MFP Implementation of Device Data Makes No Sense
Getting calorie burn data from an app or device shouldn't be so complicated. Today, I had a workout counted twice in my Diary. Once from the Health app and a duplicate from god knows where. After trolling the message boards for a while trying to figure this out, I think it's time MFP admits their scheme doesn't work,…
Successfully Weaning Off GLP-1?
I am about to start a 6-month subscription and looking for feedback and success stories on transitioning from meds and maintaing with lifestyle changes. All respect, I am NOT looking to be scrutinized for this choice vs. diet and exercise alone. There are many threads for that in MFP, including in the Debate section. Has…
Just saying hey. Returning after about 2 years of not counting Macros/calories. Good luck with your goals.
Yep, lets do that.
Been injured for too long, and have something planned (not saying what - public forum) where being smaller than I am now would be beneficial. Note, I'm not quite overweight but preferred to stay on this somewhat higher weight over the past year or so, but it's too much for 'this'. Thus here goes! Start signal ->🔫
Are the circles a target or just the maximum?
Im viewing the Macros pie charts on my home page, and it indicates Carbs, Fat and Protein. Are these targets or recommended maximums?
Wrestling 120
currently a wrestler for 120 any suggestions to keep weight
Where would these excercises be listed?
Hello everyone, I used a pull-up bar today for a few excercises, knee rasies, dead hang leg raises, mountaint climbers, and situps. I looked in cardio and strength and don't see anything w/pull up bars pertaining to that nor would I have an idea what to classify it for calories burned. Generally i'll track calories burned,…
I received a Vivoactive 5 watch for Christmas... Just wondered how many of y'all using Garmin Fitness Watches. I connected mine to MFP..pretty neat!! ✅.
New report on heavy metals in protein powders
Plant-based powders, such as those made from soy, rice, peas and other plants, contained three times more lead than whey-based products, according to the report. “Chocolate-flavored protein powders contained four times more lead and up to 110 times more cadmium than vanilla-flavored powders,” Overall, 47% of the 160…
Bar Code Scanner and IPhone 16 Pro
I just purchased an IPhone 16. I have the premium subscription to MFP. The bar code scanner will not focus, and I am unable to scan barcodes. I saw some posts saying this was an issue with IPhone 15 last year. Can anyone confirm whether or not MFP fixed this? I've been talking with support, but sadly, they have proven…
Weight Loss Rhythm
I have a weird kind of question, I guess it mainly depends on how an individual is goal-orientated. But which method of goal setting works better? "I will lose 50 lbs in one year" or "I will lose 10 lbs in two months"
I'm gaining back everything I'd lost
Hi, I had lost 58 pounds on ozempic and then wegovy. I've been off wegovy since March 2024 and I've gained back almost 10 pounds. I've been using this app since November 2024. I like it. The problem is me. I don't have the motivation and dedication that I had before and I can no longer control my appetite. I feel like I…
Vitamins and supplements.
Hey guys. Should you lock your vitamin and supplements daily?
Not sleeping well
Hello all. I am a newbie here and I saw that there is a discussion board for sleep. I have had trouble with sleep for the last couple of years. I suppose that part of it could be my age. The changes women go through, etc. I have also been going through a lot of pain, which wakes me up. Yesterday I was told that I have…
Down 7 pounds today
Keeping upbeat and staying on task. Feeling better about myself.