Where you from?
Hey everyone!👋🏼 I am new here!! I was curious tonsee where everyone is from?! Minnesota, USA here!! 😃
Love Island Fans 🏝
Who’s your favourite ??
My crazy Boston’s
That’s my goal by the end of summer! I want my abs back
2019 what is your workout hit list type
I am huge when it comes to music, I listen to all types but my favorite type especially to workout is 80s music especially Bon Jovi, billy idol, Guns N’ Roses, Journey, Duran Duran, and many more... I grew up in the 90s which has great music to but I have to say the 80s I enjoy the most especially for working out ... what…
father's day present
do I get the father of my children a cool podcasting mic ynm?
What do you do for fun on your rest days?
I've gotten back to the point where working out is fun for me, but know I need to give my body a day to rest here and there. Today has been spent lurking the different threads on here and r/fitness, as well as some reading. I want to (and probably should) practice guitar too. What do you guys like to do when not at work or…
What’s with the scales?
I started using this app 28 days ago, I only checked my weight the day I started then my goal was to check it one time per month. How ever I went to the doctor and they checked, turns out I was only one pound less. I couldn’t believe that because I can tell I loss more than that. Following morning I checked on my scale at…
Unsolicited diet advice from a well-meaning person today 😑 I just want to make a shirt that reads: Yes, I know I'm fat. Yes, I know the things to do to become UN-fat. Yes, I am currently doing those things to the best of my ability. NO, I do not need suggestions. (PS: before you tell me about some new or magical “diet”,…
Family genealogy?
Anyone gotten into the genealogy craze? Found any really interesting things about your ancestors? I found out (through my dad’s research) that I’m related to Meriwether Lewis.... you know, from Lewis and Clark?! Kinda cool 😋
Hi newbie here
Weird food/fitness related rituals
I brush my teeth after working out (besides for showering obvs). I have a strong need to feel 'clean'. What weird rituals have you got?
Your beauty spot
Have you a nearby special place that make you feel happy and peaceful, let's see photos x
Oh myyy
I spent 30 days in tent City in Phoenix. That was another life. They serious about DUI here. I got many freebies before that. It was an eye opening, soul searching experience. So ya... That's me 😳
Liverpool 3 Tottenham 2
Would you help?
If someone bullied you at school, but years later you've moved on and are happy with your life. You are walking through your town and happen to see this person collapsed on the floor semi unconscious, suddenly realising this was the person who made your life hell at school. What do you do?
Celebrity look alike.
Who’s your celebrity look alike? Post a picture and others will tell you your celebrity look alike!
Gym clothes story’s
I brought some shorts they were really thin but I didn’t take any notice hour an a half later I realised my but cheeks were sticking to the almost see through shorts😂type your bad gym experiences 👇🏼
Can’t Sleep... what to do ??
Laying in bed ... and can’t sleep... someone help me lol
Three Things....
This is an oldie, but I liked it. Tell us three things. Can be any three things. Three things about you, three things you need to do, three things you want to do, three things you happen to be thinking about. Whatever you want, just make sure its three things. Or else you will be written up by the mod squad and sent a…
Anybody is there from india or Karnatak
Txt Me
An old dog trying to learn new tricks
I added a message to the blog section, but have no clue what I'm doing there; will now try this section. Totally computer illiterate but will try. Thought that if this is easy enough, maybe I can support others and get some support myself. In the past I always lost weight temporarily for hunting season or for missions…
Gaining not losing weight
Anyone gaining weight? Im so mad ive actually put weight on😡 and im in the gym as often as i can be. I wonder why this is happening.
True Crime junkies
Any other true crime junkies ??? I been binge watching documentaries and listening to podcast. Great to past the time exercising. So many sick folk out there and often a screwed up system to catch and keep them off the streets.
How does it feel to be single?
Simple question. How do you feel about being single? How long have you? how do or did you adjust?
Opinion on dress please
HI, so I bought this dress here: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=3E0E7AEC216E0DA9FDD748B8B52060FEDEA0B600&thid=OIP.vqmbWba6fDDvJR8A2g3fMQHaLH&mediaurl=https://xo.lulus.com/images/product/xlarge/1654898_267634.jpg&exph=840&expw=560&q=winners+shirt+dress+navy+blue&selectedindex=0&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1,6…
Tinkety tonk old fruit and...
........... (I'll wait)
Almost there...
Okay so the first time I tried it wouldnt let me post the picture. So.. I am almost at the 6. The loose skin is probably not going to ever leave. I had 3 beast babies so I have made my peace with it. But at 44 I am happy with where I am so far
Is Chit Chat really dying? How can we save it? DO YOU EVEN CARE!?!?!
I believe the title of this thread speaks for itself. Now then, discuss...
What 5 things CAN you live without
My 15 yr breaking her phone every other week My Ex texting me to tattle on her Folding laundry Cleaning up dog poop after a long winter Hearing a certain someones negativity all day